HomeMy WebLinkAbout913838 10/17/2005 13;46 F\X 307 bK5 5787 ~ a:: ~ w (L a:: <D w 0 0') ~ N co ~ ~ 00 N W W rn M wZ ~ 00 l{) M <.?<.? ~ 0 ,.... «« ~ 0 en (LS w N --- W -l co ~ U ~ Z --- <.? Z ~ ~ ~ Z « 1.() w Z CI > 0 J :) ill w CD 0 > U ~ 0 W 0 Z ill a:: 0 -l t> (l) 0 IlJ U a::: Z -l (! ~ '?)1 )\.'1 lV",}. l.OIl'ER V.'\LLEY ENEI~Gï MEMBER It 1303790 WORK ORDER if. 61860 SEC29, T32N, II.. 1 J 9W DISTRIBUTION EASEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THl~SE PRESENT: , IiîJ 00:\ .~~ 0 028 9 That the undcf~ign~d, Greell Hills Tl'Ust; Hugh Soesl, Trustee, (Grantor") for a good and va]uEb Ie consideration, the receipt of which i,,, hnehy acknowledged, do hereby grant, convey and warrant Luro Lower VaHcy Encrgy, a Coopemtj"ç; Cnrpomtjun, of Afton :mil Jackson, 'vVyornmg and to icE: SUCCfSSOrs ard assigns, ("Grantees"), a pcrpctucJ ea..<;emétJt and right of way for the construction and continu, d maintenance, repair, aJteration and rep[a.:'cment of the clrctric distribution cir.:uits, Jines and eqmpmcm ¡if the Gmntee to be 'Jonstructed Qnd 1rI?:Ü·!tained under. upon ,;¡nd across the prelni~es of Grantor in Lineol II County, State of "'yoming, a!ong a JlJ~ç; (kscribed as foJlo\\'~:, to wit: BEING a portion (lfthe 1'-TW1/4NEl/4 ofSectil'lJ 29, T32N, RI19W,6']¡ P.:-'l in Lineo]n CGUl1ty ,WyumlTg n-,üre particularJy described as follows: COMJ\ŒNClNG at a poin.t being the NT' 1 116 comer or tne SE <':Ül"iCr 81' th~'.¡"V ] /4NEl/4 of s<Üd SectiC[l 29, The·l:,~ \,I'est 61') I feFt to a point on ÜJt.; south line of the I'TW 1/'1NEl/4 of saId Section 2() arId ,rue poiJlt of bcginlllllg. ll¡enœ N 12C W, 168 feet (0 a tran;fo:mer location, EAS£,\lENT to incìude 10 feet on each side of de.':L:fil:ed line, together with all nc:::essary and reasonab: e nghts of ingres1< and q,TCSS and to excavate and refill ditches and trelJ¡:hes Jè¡r the lücaion and repair of said facilities and to cut, trim, spray hcriJjcid¡~s, or remove trees, shruhbery, Ul1lìcrgr. !WI ¡ or Cllher obstructior s interfering with the repair und maintenance ofthe facilities. The Grantor ackno\.vledges that BJectric cl!lÙ f\'lagneti;: Field:; (EJ\tF) are nht~'rally occurring il1 tJ·,e transmission 01 distribution of electricity, and that the Grantee ¡-'i:lS here not:ficd Gi'antor that EivIF k.~tiIJg and inft)rmation is available upon request from the Grantee. This E3'>crncnt by Gnlntor is nner.ded to include so rnw;h space 8S is necessary or ilppropriate to the presence of EM_F and reasonable opewtion (,f the Granrcc's distribution lines. Grantor agrees that al1 poles, wires and other f¡}ci]¡tj;~." instalkd on or under tbe described landE shilll remain the property of the Grantee removab1e in the sole discretion of ¡he Granic;: ¡d the Gf3ntee's expem<'. The rights, conditions and provisi')J:1s of t1Ùs easemt:nt shall in·Jre to tbe bcndì~. ( ¡. and he hinding UpOC1 tJl e parties, their heirs, executors, administratc.r5, SlleCCSS(;rs and as~igYl6. Grantor EhaH comp:::risate Gnmke fi.'f any dmnages to Grantee's facilities cau;,ed by Gnmtc1J'. includiïJg ¡X1)lT1CI1î of Grante~'s atioTI1t:y fees f action is undertaken by Grantee to enforc~ r.he cornnLLlm~nts desc¡ibed in this easement. Grantol re5erv~ s the right tü improve, occupy and us';: thlS easement for an purpose£: not in'.'(!l1sistent \\ith the:ascm:nt b'ritnl. Each party shaJ] have the remedy of specific perfonnance regarding this easement. The rights and obligations described in this easement shaJ] r'.UJ Ivith the land. This ë~asem~nt is not exclusive, and Gramer re1aiJls all rights 1101 specifically granted by this easement. Thii, is the entire 2gn:emcnt of the partiés regarding tl1i~ easement, except as may be set fonh in writinb ;¡ner the date of this easement and :;iSìled b\: the parties. Grantor 11'::rchy ldeilSCS enå \y~]i\es all rights hy virl11e of the Humestead Exemption Laws (f ¥,Tyoming. ,~~ Ôr--7- WITNESS the Hand of the Grantü\'. this Œ_ day of __~:..:!~~ ___, 2005. Grc.c..n Hil.ls Trmt j ._--r7( I. ¡;f . !~.. ------ 1 ~!(¿/rJ-_J~/!J-?.7Y- /{ç~~ifi:z__. Hugh¡;(7. Snl\st, Trustee STATE OF W~6wY\ ivl1j } COUNTY OF 'TfA1Jv\ } Th<; for<:grrii1g instrument was aCKnI;)\vkdged before mebyJhU~~:__(2._~_?iº-(S±-____ __, ~~~çjng proper âUtl¡í3r.'ItY. ¿~~.~._.lt~..:,lft.!f$~H.-£l ? ~;øæ~!::~.~~~.~,ù 'r.t1:!~1~1 -t ~ZJ:M.. __. day ofL>Ll:1t[i-<K, TGtonW¡,uIIlÌiIO -- . (Seal) r.' .... - , ..'Ç(.' .',.. e.. ). CI<' Wltnes~ my h:1J' d and otllcwJ seal. .ilY \_,U,'II,,",.)"..'I l:.i·l,rl,,,, __._.."_'_"_.'_..._.._..___ -I' ,,' C _"'..,, '71q~/>~'¡~-ì'()~<'-¥_·nv",_,;,o I; ç r~1 _I A. .I,-)lr/~ ¡J ,(l