HomeMy WebLinkAbout913844 08:2~ 2U05 09:17 FA! 307 685 5787 LUliL!< \'.\LLI:J F,'\[l<GY @UO;) . ,n 0 r'! 9 t~ \.1 \ t:.. v MErvlHER 11 92040 WORK ORDER # 61530 SEC.30. 1'3ïN, R 118\V DISTPJB CTWN EASErHENT KNO\:V ALL ~ŒN BY THESE PRESENT That the U!1Ckrs1gncd, Town of Alpine c/o nuve Lloyd, l\Iayor, ("Grantor") for a good and ,(;i¡lJ¡¡h¡~ consideratiülJ, thc teceipt of '-V I 11\... 1! i~ hereby acbiowJedgtd, dll I".ere!)'! gm:lt, CODVey and W3miDt unt) Lower VaHey Energy, a Cnoperatill: Corpon,liDIJ, of Aft,)}] and hcbon,WyomiDg and to its :,.u,:c:essors aI,j 3ssigm, ("Grantees"), ,¡ perpetual é3SC!1ìI:nt and ¡ieh¡ of 1.\:<'1y for thè Cl)mtfllctJOI1 and ccmtinl1C.] maÍl1tensm.'e, H:p:m, rdteration Hnd !cp1aC('ii1I:!H (¡ftii¡; c)::cTric distribution circuiTs, Jines ¡md cquipment of the Grantee to bt construckd slid nbLntÜlr\cd under, UP')1ï and 80,,3:, the ¡m:nJisi;s of GnmtOl in Unfo! ¡ County, State of'\.Vyoming, along a Eœ d~s('nbl'd as fo!bw:i, to wit: BFfl\fG a portion of Lot 9 in the Alpir!c \V¢·~;t First ¡\òdition to (h~ Town of i\Jp;í1ê '.\itè1in ¡he Nll2 [)f th~ SEJi4 or Section 30, T37N, RII8W, in Lmcob¡ County, Wj\xning mor~ particuJarJy lk:scribtd as follow;;: CO!vf\1ENClNG AT A POfr'lT being the NVl CÜJ1ìt¡' of s::i;J Jot 9 on the south R-O-']I line c.f BHfli¡J,¡ RW1. Thence: S (I(J~ 02'Sél"E, IS5 Í(:er to a poìnt. Etsem:;;nt to IncJudt;: a ~Jirip of bnd 20 tI::'.:t in \yidth flJ:lilifig paralJd with \Vêst hoe of ,.,id IOl 9_ EASILlVŒl\'T iLS d';>.i",rib..::d above together with an nè'·:t'ss3ry and reasomJbl,,? rights of mgTCSs ¡ind egk~.S :mc to excavate and ¡diD di1chçs aDd trtnchts f;)r th·; JnC(ÒUi~ and rep:'.ir ofs::;id fa(;i1itiës and t() C'cll, ,¡-1m, ~ifwa~' heïbiGides, or remove trets. ~:hrubt,~\)', und(~rif()v..th or uther ObSl¡íJctions :uler[Úing with Ü¡:; Tl:txâr am maintènanc¿: of the fiw¡lilies. The CJnmtor âcIG\o,vkdges !Ìut f'kctnc flnd '\!¡¡gndi: Flcld~: (EMF) :l:e TJ21uruJ!y ücc:urring in tht l:('an5mis~¡on or dj~tr¡lmtjon of ¡~!fctJ:jc¡ty, and lhi,! tfK GI"iìJ1t:c hijS here notiJieJ GranlOr th,'d E!\'F tt:~:iÌnr, :mLl in[.xínaìiot1 is :,.,vi.'ihbJe Uf'O;l :·f.:qu,~si; 11'0rr. thi; Grant:,:. This LaSèt11,;nt by Gmnloï is iTl~,:uded I( include so mu<:;h space as iE. r,¿,Cf$S[:l)' or ,,:pproµrÍ;'¡!¿; to Uk p,esencc of EMT and ,-edsonab1e operalic;n o' the {]¡ an lee'" distributWI1 lines. Gmntor è:!f¡ces that an poJles, wire,~ lInd oltel f2citin.;s, insía!1cd on (Jr und~T the de~cri':>e;j laLÓ shal remain the: property of the Gr",nte¿ rerrlo\iable in tb,: Sl)!e dj~(;l-Cfion ':if tj¡" Gr;mt~(:' at HI'.: Gllintcc"s l~.\pçnse The ngh¡-s, ';onditions and provisions of this e,tsem:-nc SITil]] jll'.ll"~ 10 the bt::nd"it of and be biudmg IIpon ¡j¡¡ pfn1ics. their hClrs, c:>;.<:'Gutoß, admillislr¡:(;\rs, ,:ucce,¡ôo,'" end as~;jgl)s. GTa:!1f(Jr shan I.:ompecsate (J[¡IIHee fOJ any lÌillTWgCS to Gri.\JJt·.~(~'S faciliTies c"l1seJ by Grantor, inc!udÌ11g payment of Gîanke's a\tDme~' fees it ;,.:1i()í1 i:~ undenakt:n hy Ceanle,; to tnfoTcc the VJamJjlTn:~nt~, descrihed in thj~ eaStmt'n1. Grantor [<':Sfrvei tr.e right to irnprúve, o.:eupy and use thj~ e.â.s:.:n,,:nt j(II ,,1] r,!IpOSê~ not iÏJ~;œ1sisu:nt wj¡}¡ the- çé!SeT11¡:nt grant £a'.:11 party shall have the rcrü"dy of sFeci fie per1Òrm311Cé reganJi::g [his casement. TIle rit~hts ant obiigati')!1S described in 1his casement ~:}¡aJ1 run with the !aDd. 'D1is tJ.5,::r;¡'~nt is not e<:c!tJ:,ive, and GranrOl n:t;tÍ!1s all Tights not specific-aiJy gnuMd by this eitstment This is the nllire agreê!T¡cnt of tb: I)¡uie; Ttg:;crding this easement, except us may be set forth jr, wding after Ih;:: dille oi'th¡; <'<lsemcnt i1nd signed ]y} the parties. Grantor hereby noleilseõ. andlv;;;Í':cs a.ll right:: by v;rtue of the Home:<!ê¡¡d SxemptÎnl) L¡;ws 01' \;Vyomìng. \VTTlTESS LtK Hand of the Grantor, l:hbz:'L(lay of _âc;kb?Lw05. r ~_\\._ (,.-k-:;;:\f(~>\.. _~__________ n~l\¡e [10'~a)',~ STATE OF ('mINT!' OF I Th fo~=~~¡~WJ~f~~ lot ore ¡m' by __D(I_~_~¡l2icL____~__:___.__, Af mintJ({eJn\IIJautl1(~ thWÿófflhtf All ì'; t1m ---2--':::-I_____d'dY utc;J.t;¡dbc~ ¿(JOE f.4vÇolwniUlOtl Expit. M!iy t5. 200t I)'" hand ~md o(fjcial sf;'::d. ~ cr: :?: ill 0... cr: (j) ill a It') ~ C"\J 01 cr: :?: .- '<:t N W ill cu '<t wZ ~ CO l[) <") c.9c.9 ~ a ..- <{~ cr: a 01 o...s ill ~ W ....J co : ;j: U .- Z --- c.9 Z >- .- .- Z <{ I- > It') ill Z 0 0 J ::) W W ~ 0 >u ~ u -w 0 Z Wcr: 0 0 ....J W Q) 0 U ~ Z ....J