HomeMy WebLinkAbout913849 \.II C\ \ n:: ~ W 0.. n:: w ~ r--. ~ ~O)gffi~ .....-.::t..z~ C1J ~ ~ In ,; L() '" v ';;. ->- o-r-<{::;;n:: OO)o..>w N ...J ro=tt Wü ..- Z >- ;:: <.9 Z f- ..- ~ L() <{ Z ""'>O~:J ......-<J:J 0 . ~ ~ ~ ü -Wo Z Wn::O ...J U (J) 0 W ü a: Z :J .< 3,) 19 '3 ,... " . n 0 t:) C"· 7' '-' ,J _. V J WARRANTY DEED Keith H. Jenkins aka Keith Jenkins and Cheryl Dee Jenkins aka Cheryl Jenkins, husband and wife, of P.O. Box 133, Freedom, WY 83120, grantors, for and in consideration of Ten and No/100 Dollars ($10.00), and other valuable considerations, in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, CONVEY AND WARRANT to Robert K. Jenkins and Charlotte K. Jenkins, husband and wife, as tenants by the entireties, of P.O. Box 111, Freedom, WY 83120, grantees, the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County, and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to-wit: ~ Lincoln County, Wyoming 1Q.;§..ªg..êJ[?Çl.ê~~.Q!LQg. C9flY..~Ð.Qê§.19_E~1êm9_n..éill9. /.;l11bl Beginning at a point 16 rods North of the Southwest corner of Lot 2 and running thence East 20 rods; thence South 8 rods; thence East 20 rods; thence North 52 rods; thence West 40 rods; thence South 44 rods to the Point of Beginning, all in Section 33, T35N, Range 119 West, 6th P. M., Lincoln County, Wyoming_ EXCEPTING THEREFROM, the following described two tracts of land: That certain tract of land conveyed in that certain warranty deed recorded by the Lincoln County Clerk in Book 168 P.R., page 104: Beginning at a point 38 rods north of the southwest corner of Lot 2 in Section 33, T35N, R 119W, 6th P.M., Wyoming, and running thence east 16 rods; thence North 10 rods; thence west 16 rods; thence south 10 rods to the place of beginning. That certain tract of land conveyed in that certain warranty deed recorded by the Lincoln County Clerk in Book 192 P.R., page 390: That part of Lot 2 of Section 33, Township 35 Nor~h, Range 119 West, Lincoln County, Wyoming being part of that tract of record in the Office of the Glefk of Lincoln County in Book 170 of Photostatic Records on page 241 described as follows: BEGINNING at a point, N 40°06' W, 4534_74 feet from the s'outheast corner of said Section 33; thence N 89°26.5' W, 245.00 feet in part, along an existing east-west fence line identical with the north line of that tract of record in Book 168 of Photostatic Records on page 104 to an intersection point with the east right-of-way line of the Thayne-Freedom County Road no. 12-125, N 00°02' E, 1134.68 feet and S 89°26.5' E, 30.00 feet from center line Station P.I. 224+67.34 of said Road No. 12-125; thence N 00°02' E, 89.0 feet along said east right-of-way line to a point; thence S 89°26.5' E, 245.0 feet parallel to the said east-west fence line to a point; thence S 00°02' W, 89.0 feet parallel to said east right-of-way line to the POINT OF BEGINNING; ENCOMPASSING an area of 0.50 acre, more or less; each point marked by a steel T -shaped stake 24" long with metal cap --~-~---_.__.~-~-- · ,,-., "-'-'-'49 q ~"---;ni c ;:Y'i" . ...;;1 'J ~ .~ '-JJ '---'-'0 ,. {! f'"\(, 8 '.. ',--) ~ 0 i inscribed "PAUL N. SCHER BEL RLS164 SURVEY POINT"; the base bearing for this survey is the centerline of the said Thayne-Freedom County Road No. 12-125 lying between said Station P.I. 224+67.32 and Station 254+25.21, the bearing being N 00°02' E; all in accordance with the plat prepared and filed for record in the said Office titled "KEITH JENKINS CODY LUTHI PLAT OF TRACT WITHIN LOT 2 SECTION 33 T35N R119W LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING" dated 11 August 1982. Lª.Qfª-J.r-ª-ºLwi1b ~l1 Beginning at a point 8 rods North of the Southwest Corner of Lot Two (2) in Section 33, T35N, R119W of the 6th P.M. in Wyoming. Thence running East twenty rods; thence North eight rods; thence West 20 rods; thence South eight rods to the place of beginning, containing one (1) acre of land, more or less. 4Q.ªçr~1rªº! NE1/4NE1/4 of Section 35, T35N, R119W, 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming. SUBJECT TO all easements, exceptions, restrictions, reservations and rights of way of sight or record. WITNESS our hands as of this 1 st day of February, 1994. ;Y~ckJ./ fé ~-~/( /Aþr~~' Keith H. Jenkinif (I ~),11!ðd;t&~~ cne~ Uee Jer¿)'lns STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN : ss. The foregoing Warranty Deed was acknowledged before me by Keith H. Jenkins and Cheryl Dee Jenkins, husband and wife, thisd?+-h day of _/l/! c~, 1994. r----~ ~ìNitrîÄ~s :ñi\ÌJ;â~rr.<òöffJè1a seal. (~(" "'\::Jo.;t'ir-LD'L. U u'JU! I:, Notary PubflC. State 01 WyorrJoa ( \:... Ur:ccln County, WyorrJng I L . ~ '. ... . ~ Ex¡:ir~ May 2, 1~9:1 My Commission Expires: ÆuÚc/ ~_1/t2¿dc:t(ff01 J Q NOTARY PUBLIC r- J~d-7!) . ------~-------~- -- --- 2