HomeMy WebLinkAbout913897 .",,,. OCT-24-2005 15:16 I , ~.~. .1 SOUTHWEST TITLE CO 307 877 9602 P.04 RECEIVED 11/21/2005 at 4:05 PM RECEIVING # 913897 BOOK: 605 PAGE: 477 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY (\ 01 ~J !"1 U ,:.... t , W AURANTY DEED W. KEITH GOODY AND MARY C. GOODY, TRUSTEES OF THE W, KErTH GOODY AND MARY C. GOODY UYING TRUST datred April 27, 2005, grantors of Lincoln Caunry I State of Wyoming, for consideration of Ten and 00/ lOa's ($10.00) and oth~ good and valuable consideration in hand, receipt whereof is hcclSby acknowledged CONVEY AND WARRANT TO PNK lNVESrMENTS, LLC, Wi Idabo Lil:nited Liablllty CompuQY" grantees, whos~ address is 15215 S,W, Hedlund Lane, Be.aveIton, OR 97007 the following described real !:state, siroate in Lincoln County and State of Wyomjng, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by vinuc: of thf homestead exemption Jaws of the srate to wit; Lot 1Z2 of Star Valley Ranch Plat 18. Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official piat thereof. SUBJECT, however, to all n:sCI'Vßtions, restrictions, protective covec¡aot.'J, èxceprions, easements and rights-of-way of rewrd, in sight, or in use. \q WITNESS our hands this .) ,'- ~.f 'l.- ) ) LA.- " 1\ ( "j I,-·I.t,_ . day of C.J c.~ ¡) 'rc"-.. / 12005. . . - ¿ / '1 . '- I ..'- . r-~r' J . i.. '/1. / ? '1 {f, / 1(~(~.t~.~~~./t. :-_p._7J!9~:~' j) lCIG\ C. /{/1 ]/ }~L-"\ FLL()·lL(~/ /J Maiy C, Goody, Trtí~~e--- L ("-" State of Wyouúng ) )ss ) '\ .., County of Lin~In The foregoing instru~nt was acknOWIc:flßed befpre m~ by W, Keith Goody and Mary C. Goody this ....,7,..r 'J" day of ((/('/:;5/...£..1-j . 2005. - Witness my hand and official seal. QVY' u' C¡;::nn / ú/ èJr Notary Public My Commission E~"pires: 9-/.rd 7 ....~-g~¡~;~"'~ilfo1'Ãi'0UBLlc COUNl":.ìi S1'ATË Of' UI'JeOUI WYöMING M( éOMfiHS'';;UN EXPIRES SEPIËMBER 18, 1.001 -"'-·-~~""'-""'~"';"'~-~·"-·-~'X..:::;i:~~~