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51196 (01)
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THIS CERTIFIES that a certain Real Estate Mortgage executed
by Zahida Hafeez, a single woman
as Mortgagors
to FCH, LLC, a Wyoming Limited Liability Company
as Mortgagee
Dated June 12, 2002 and recorded in the Office of the County Clerk of Lincoln
County, State of\Vyoming on June 14,2002, Book 491 P.R. at Page 830
thereof, and for the sum of $75,000.00, and mOligaging the following described
real estate in said County to wit:
See Attached Legal Description
has been satistìed by the payment of the debt secured thereby, and is hereby
canceled and discharged.
\VITNESS my hand this .;{ C¡' day of September, 2005
FCH, LLC, a Wyoming Limited Liability
- j..£~,
County of Teton
On the d-0'~L day of September, A.D., 2005 personally appeared
before me, Linda H. Martin, known to me to be the Manager ofFCH, LLC, a
vVyoming Lin:ited Liability Cc-mpany and acknowledged to me that said limited
liability company executed the same.
(/Pl))( ~eC~
Commission expo 'es: LAUR1ECOE.NOTARYPUBLlC
County of \f~'ß..~ State of
Teton ~\1 Wyoming
My CommIssion Expires 9/12/2007
RECEIVED 11/23/2005 at 10:09 AM
RECEIVING # 913948
BOOK: 605 PAGE: 672
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"~URVEYOR SCHRRB'EL L TD APTON wY PLS S3~". with appropriate dttails;
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