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Recording requested by:
Wells Fargo Bank N.A.
Wells Fargo Equity Direct
526 Chapel Hills Drive
Colorado Springs. CO 80920
RECEIVED 11/23/2005 at 10:51 AM
RECEIVING # 913952
BOOK: 605 PAGE: 713
\Vhen recorded return to:
Wells Fargo Bank N.A,
Wells Fargo Services
Consumer Loan Servicing
P.O. Box 31557
Billings. MT 59107
Stat¡' III' \\'Ylllllillg
Space AIJtI\'l' this Liul' For H.elïHì.liug J)¡¡(e ~__
(With flllUre Advance Clause)
1. DATE AND PARTIES. The date of this Deed of Trust ("Security Jnstrumem") is
31 October 2005 and the panies, their addn;sses and (ax idemitïcatjoJl !lumbers,
if required, are as follows:
D [1' checked, refer to rhe attached Addendum incorporared herein, for aclclj¡jollJ] Ivl()rrgaglJrs their
signawres and acknow ]edgrnems.
LENDER: Wells Fargo Bank N.A.
420 Montgomery Street
San Francisco. CA 94104
1. CONVEYA.NCE. For good and valuabk considerarjoJl, the receipr amI sllf1ïciellcy () which is
acklluwledgecL and to secure dIe Secured Debt (ddïl1ecl below) and ^longagor's per1(JIîIW1Ce under
this Security Jnsrnnnem, Mongagor grams, bargains. conveys, murlgages ami warrams t() Lellcler.
widI puwer of sale, dIe followinµ describec! propeny:
See attached Exhibit A
The propeny is ]ocated in L i nco 1,O
, WY!J1l1ing 83127 - 0000
(Ci!y) (Zip C:(lcki
LEWY1 (0403) \:¡'.'1F r'.~ongagt Solutions (é:OO)5:21-729l
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Together with all rights, easemel1lS, appurtenances, wyalLies, mineral rights, oil amI gas rights, all
water amI riparian rights, ditches, and water SLOC!.: and all existing amI future imprnve1l1ems.
strucmres, fixtures, and replacements that may now or at any time in the future be pan oj the rea]
estare described above (all refelTedw as "Propeny ").
3. J\IAXl1\lUM OBLIGATION LIMIT. The tOla] principal amOUlH secured by this Security InStrumelll
at anyone time shall not exceed $ 25 .300.00 . This limitation of ,l1lliHlllt does not
include imerest and other Jees and charges valid]y made pursuam w tllis Security ]nstrullJem. Also,
this limjration does ¡¡ot apply to advances made uuder llle tenus of tiJis Security ]nSlrlllnelH [0 prOleCl
Lender's security and to perform allY of tIle covel4lms cO!l[ained in this Security lustrull1cnt.
4. SECURED DEBT AND FUTUHE ADV ANCES. The terln "Secured Debt" is ddined as foUows:
A. Dcbt incurred under the terms of the promissory note, revo]ving line of credit. cOJllraCl.
guaramy or other evidence of debt dated 10/31/2005Xlgetller wiùl aU :Illlclldmems, extensions,
nwdifications or renewals. The maturity date of Ùlc Secured Debt is JO/26/2045
B. AlJ future advances from Lender to Ivlortgagor under such evidence of debt. All fUlllrl: ,luvallL:es
are secured as if made OJl ll¡e date of ùJÎs Security ]nstfllmelll. Nothing in this Security
AgreelllelH shall constitute a COll1lllÌ¡¡nelll to make additional or futllle loans or advances which
exceed tlle amOUlll shown in Section 3. Any such conullÌtulelll must be agreed LO in a separate
C. AU sums advanced and expellSes incurred by Lender for illsllling, preserviJlg or otherwise
protecting the Property and its value and any oùler SUllIS advanced and expellSes illcuned bJ
Lcmler under Ùle tams of tiÚs Security Instrumem.
5. PAYMENTS. Jvlongagor agrees that aJl paYlIIelHs under the Secured Debt wiJl be paid when due and
in accordance willl ùle terms of tile Secured Debt and this Security Instrument.
6. PRJOH SECURITY INTERESTS. With regard [() any other mortgage, eked of trust, security
agreemem or other lien doculllent that cre:lled a prior security imerest or ellcunllJUlllce on the
Propeny, J\'longagor agrees:
A, To make all paymellls when dlle and [() perform or cOlllply with all covenams.
B. To promptly deliver to Lender any notices Ùlat Mortgagor receives from the holder.
C. Not to a]]ow any lIIodiJïcation or extension of. nor to request any fllture advances under any
Ilote or agreement secured by the lien documem without Lender's priur wrirteu COlJSelll.
7. CLAll\JS AGAINST TITLE. J\longagor wi]] pay all taxes, aSSeSSJlleUlS, liellS, encumbrances, lease
payments, ground relllS, utilities, and otber charges reLiting [() thc Property when due, Lender may
require Mortgagor to provide (() Lender copies of allllotices that such amuuUlS are due and the receipts
evidencing Mortgagor's paymelll. Mongagor wi]] defend titk to the Propeny against any claims that
wouJd impair dIe lien of dIe Security InstrullIent. Mortgagor agrees to assign to Lcnder. as reqllested
by Lender. any rights, claims or defenses Mortgagor may have against parries wllo supply labor or
ma¡erials to maintain or improve the Propeny.
8. DUE ON SALE OR ENrUl\JBRANCE. Upon s:de, transfer. hypothecatioll, assigJllllem ur
encumbrance, whether volulllary, involulllary, ()' by operation of law, of all ur any pan of llle
Property or any interest therein, ùlen at its soJe option. Lender may, by wrirren Jjotice [() J'vlongagol.
declare al1 obligations secured hereby illullediately due and payabJe, except to the exte]J[ tll:lt such
aL:ce]eration for and in such particular ciJulIllstanL'es where cxercise of such a rig]1l by Lellder is
prohibited by law.
Property in good condition and make al1 repairs that are reasonably nècessary. lVlortgagur shall JHH
commit or allow any waste. impairment. or deterioration of Ùle Propeny, !vlongagor II ill keep [he
Property free of noxious weeds and grasses, !vlortgagor agrees that dIe nature of t]¡e occupancy ami liSt
wi]] not subsLallliaIly change without Lender's prior written COllSelll. Mortgagor wi]] not permit allY
change in any license, restricri ve coVella][ ()' e~lselllcllt witll(Jut Lender's prior IV ri tlell consem.
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IVlongagor ",ill notify Lender of all dellleullb. proceedings, claims, ami auiuns agaiust lvJongagllr. am!
of auy loss or damage [() ¡he Propeny. Lemler or Lender's agents IIlLIY, at Leuder's uptiulL eWer the
Properry a[ allY reasonable time for ¡he purpuse uf inspectillg [he: Pmpeny. Lender shall gil'e
lvlongagor notice a[ tile time of or before all inspection specifying a reasonable purpose I(¡r thc
inspection. Any inspe:ction of tbe: Pruperry shall be emirdy fur Lender's benetÏl and tvlungagur will in
uo way rdy on Le:ndeJ'S inspe:ction.
10. AUTHORITY TO PERFORAl. If lvJonge¡gor fails [u pnform any dULY or an)' uf tbe cUl'enams
cUl1lailled in this Se:curity InstrLunelU, Lender way, \\itlloul nUlice, pe:rl'orm or cause: tlJelu [0 be
pc:rfonned, Jvlongagor appoints Lender as a[romey in bct [() sign lv]ongagor's name or pay auy
amOUJl( necessar)' for performance:. Lemler's rig]( lO perform for tvlungagur sbalJ uot Cl'e:ate an
obIigariu1J [() perform, and Lender's failure to pe:rfllnu \l'ill JlOt predude Le:1ICkr from exen:ising auy of
Lender's other rights under the law or tlJis Securiry lus[rumel1l. If any C()JlS[ruction on LIlt" Pruperty is
discominued or not carried 011 in a reasonable m;l1lner. Lende:r me¡Y rake: all Sle:pS necessary (0 prute:ct
Lender's security imerest in ¡he Prupeny, including t:(Jll1pktiulJ lIf the Cl)¡structio1J.
]]. ASSJGI\MENT OF LEASES AND RENTS. I'vJongagor irrevucably grams, bargail1S. conve:ys.
J]1ungage:s and warrants to Lende:r as additional security all the: right, title and ro alJY amI all existiug
or fumre leasès, subleases, and any otÜèr writtèu or I'èrbal agre:emems for tile: use aJld uccupaucy of
any porrilln of ¡he l'wpeny, including any extensions, n:newals, 11Iliditica[ions m sub~titlJ[ions uf such
agreel11e1l!s (all referred to as "Leases") amI rems, issues and prutits (all referred !CI as "Rellts").
!vlung:.tgur will promptly providè Le:mkr with true and currect copies iì i ~dl existing and future Lease:s.
tvlongagor m:.ty culltct, receive. enjoy ancluse tile Rellts so long as !vlongagor is JJot ill ckLiujt ullcler
llie terms uf this Sècuriry IlJstrullleJ][. !\'Iortgagor agrees that ù¡is elssignJ\Jem is i1nlllediately effective
berween the paniès to [his Sècuriry ]nsLnu]]e:I1l. I\'lorrgagm agrees tllat tlJis e¡Ssiglllllem is effective as to
[hird parries \Vbè]] LelJder wkes affirmative acriolJ pre:scribed by law, ane! tlJat this assignmem wjlJ
remain in dlect during any reclèmptio]] period ulltil (he Secured Debt is salis1Ïed, Î\'lortgagoragrees
that Lenckr may take actual possessiolJ of tile propeny witlwu( tbe uecessi[y of cOJ]une:ncing legal
actiou and Ùl~¡[ actual possessiun is deemed [() occur whe:]] Lende:L or its agent. uotifiest\'longagor oj
defaulr and ckmmds tllat any te:n;¡J][ p:.ty all furLUe Rèms dirc:crly (0 Lender. On rèceiving IJo[ice of
default. !vlongagor will èndorse and c!èliver [() LeJJdèr any pdymem of Rel1ls in 1\ ongagm' s
possèssiou amI will receivè any RèJHS in trust for Lender and will not commingle tbe ReJJls \\ill] any
oLlJèr funds. Any amounts collected will bè applie:d as provided in û¡js Security lnstrumem. I\I(Jngagor
warrants tbal uu default exists uuder the Le:ases ur any applicablè landlordltenal1l law. Mungagur also
agre:e:s [() nlLliutain and re:quire any temlJlt tl) comply wiLll LlJe tc:rms of ¡]Je Leases auel applicable Jaw.
cumply wiùI LItè provisions of any lèase: if LIJis Security [ustrumem is un a ltaseli(JlcI. jf tlle JlUpeny is
a llnir in a Condonúniul1J Project or is parr uf a PlanJJecl Unj¡ DevelopmellL ("PUD"!. !'vlortgagm
agrèes to the following:
A. Obligations. l'viongagor shall pe:rform all of tvlurtgagor's oblig:llions under ¡jlè COlJstiwem
DOCUl1JèI1lS, The "CulNilllem DocullJents" are Lhe: (i) Declaratiun ur any other clucuJlJeJl! which
creates ûle CUllllonúniull1 Projects or PUD and any Ij()me:o\\îJèrS associaliun or e:c¡uivalel1l emity
("Owners Association"); (ii) by-laws; (iii) cock of regulaliolls; and (iv) OÙlèr ec¡uivakl1l
dOCUJue:l1ls. Mqngagor shal1 promptly pay, when due, aJl dues and aSSèssmems imposed
pursuant to Ùle Consti!llènt Documems.
B. Hazard Insurance. So long as thè Owners Associel[jon ll1aimains. with a geJlereilJy acce:p[ed
inSllJ'allCè carrier, a "masrer" or "blanket" puliey un the ConclulniuÍlun f'roje:ct ur PU [) whiclJ is
satisfactory !O Lender and \\l¡ich provides inslllance cove:rage in rhe aIJjOUllLS. for tile pe!iocls.
and against the: hazards Le:lIdèr req uires. including tire and hazards ind uded with i u ¡he: term
"extende:d coverage," then lvlongagor's obligation under Secrjun 19 [I) maimain hazard
iusurance coverage on the Property is deemed satistied [() ¡he eX(e:IJ! [har tile require:d coverage: is
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provided by tbe Owner's AssOl.:iatiol1 policy. ¡\Jongagor sllall give l.e;llCler prompt Ij()[ice or any
Llpse in required hazard insurallce coverage, In dIe evelJl of a distribution ur 11:lz:lrcl insurance
proceeds in Jieu or restoration or repair following a loss [() Property_ w]¡elkr [II l]¡e; UUil or [II
COllllllOIJ ele:mems, any pmceeds payable: [() !\'lortgagur arè IJereby assigned amI sllalJ be p:licJ tl)
Lender for :Ipplicalion [0 the sums secured b}' this Security lnsmllnem, witll any eXCè';S p:lid [lJ
tvtongagor .
C. Flood Insurance. Mortgagor agrees ([) llwimain t]ood insurance for Ille life of the Secured Debt
which is acc:eprable, as to form, amoum and extem of coverage [lJ Lemler.
O. Public Liability Insurance. ìvloI[gagor shall take such auions as JJlay be reasonable to illsure
t[¡at the Owners Asso<.:ialiun maimains a public liability iusurau<.:e policy acceptable ill ¡(¡rJJl.
amount, and exrc:m of <.:overage to Lender.
E. Condemnation. The proceeds of auy award or claim for damages, direct or consequemiaL
payable to lVloI[gagor iu uJlUle<.:tion with auy condemnation or other taking of all or a 11\' p:llt or
dIe Property, whedler of the unit or of dIe commoll elemems. or for any conveyance in lieu or
condenlllation, are hereby :lssigned and shall be paid (¡ I Lender. Such proceeds shall be :Ipplied
by Lender to d]e sums secured by the Security Insmlll1eJ1l as pmvicled in Secrion 18.
f. Lender's Prior Consent. !\'lortgagor shall nm except after n()[ice to Lender and with Lender's
prior written consent, either partition or subdivide t]¡e Pmperty or COJlSe1Jl to: (i) l]¡e
ab:JJldonmem or rermination of (lle Condominium Project or PUD, except for abandl)J}jlJem or
rennination required by law in the case of substamia] destruction by hre or other c:lsua]ty or jn
the case of a taking by condemnaLÌon or tmineJ1( dormlÍn; (ii) any amtnclmtJJt to allY Plllvisioll
of the Coustituelll Documems if r]¡e provisio11 is for the ex.press bendït 01' Lender; (iii)
tenninatioJ1 of professional managemem and assumption uj- self.m:lllagemem by lbe Owners
Association; or (iv) any aclÎun whicl¡ would have the effèct of rendering the public liability
insufClI1ce coverage maintainecl by the Owners Association unacceptabJe to Lender.
G. Remedies. If Mortgagor does 110t pay cumouuuillm or PUD dues ~mcl assesslllems wilen clue.
rI]en Lender 111;;IY pay them. Any amOUJ1[S disbursed by Lender under this section shall bècowe
additional debt of J'vlongagor secured by this Security lusrrumem. Ulùess !vlungagor and Lender
agree to other terms of paymem, rhese amOU1JlS shalJ bear interest ÜOU] the da[C uf disbllrseJJlem
at the Secured Debt rate and shalJ be payable, wiù] imerest. upon uorice from LeJJder to
ivlortgagor requesting payment.
13. DEFAULT. tvlortgagor will be ill default if any pany obligated on the Secured Debt LliJs III make:
paymem when due, IVlongagor will be in defaulr if a breach occurs under the terms of this Security
lnsrnnnem ur any oÙler document ex.ecuted for tlie purpose of nearjng, securing or gu~n:lJ[ying the
Secm-ed Debt. A good faiù] belief by Lender that Lender at any rime is insecure witl! respect to any
person or emity obJigated on die Secured Debt or d¡at ù]e prospect of any paymem or the value 01' the
Propeny is impaired shall also conslitute an event oj" default,
H. REMEDIES ON DEFAULT. In s()ne instances, federal ami stale Ltw will require Lender [0 pJl)\'ide
!vlortgagor wirh notice 01' the righr to cure or other notices and may establish lime scl¡eclules tllr
foreclosure actiuJJs. Subject to tIJese limitations, if any, Lender may acceJerare the Secured Debt ~lIld
¡llreclose this Security InsrrumeJ]( in a manner proviclc:d by law if IVlongagor is in default. At the
option of Lender. all or any part of ù]e agreed fees and charges, accrued imerest amI principal shali
becume inunediately due and payable, after giving notice if required by LIW, upon the OlUJrreUCC of a
defaulr or anytime ùlereaftc:r. In addition, Lender shall be emitlecl to all the remedies pHi\'icled by Jaw,
the tenlls uf ùle Se<.:ured Debt, ù1Ís Security lllsrrumem and any related documems_ including wiùluur
Jinùtatiun, the puwer !O sell tlJe Property. AU remedies are distillct, cumularive and not exclusive, and
(be Lender is entitled to all remedies provided at law or equity, whether or nor expressly set turd]. Tl1e
acceptance by Lender of any sum in payment or partial payment on the Secured Debt after the balance
is clue or is accelerated or after foreclosure proceedings are Ii led shaU not Cllnstitllle a waiver of or
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Lender's right to require cOlnpleœ cure of any exisllng ddau]¡. By !l0( exerClsmg allY rewedy on
IVlungagur's default, Lender does not waive Lender's riglll [() later coIIsidèr t]¡e e\'èl1l ,\ deLlld t if it
cominuès ur happem again.
Except when prolJibiteel by Jaw, fvJongagur agrees lU pay a]j of LeJlder's expenses if :vlongagor
bre,¡dleS allY COvellam in t]¡is Security Imtrulllem, rVlongagur will ,tlso pay OIl ckmand any anHJUlll
incurred by Lender for insuring, inspecting, preserving or ot]¡erwise prCJtectillg the Property and
Lellder's security imerest. These expenSes wi]] bear imerest frCJJ1l the date of t]¡e paymej}[ uJ][il paid ill
full at the highest ¡merest rate in effect as pmv ideel in the terms of the Secured Debt. tvlortgagor
agrees [( pay all COStS ami expenses incurred by Lellder ill collecting, enforcing (ir prllleeriug LemlerS
rights and remedies under tl¡js Security Instrumelll. lllis anHIUlH may ÍJ¡L'luck, but is nOl liutited w.
attomeys' fees, court costs, and other kgal expellses. This amOUlll does IIllt include a[[orJ}eys' fees for
a salaried employee of the Lender. This Security InstrullleJ][ s!Jall rewaiu ill etleer until rele'lsed.
JvIortgagor agrees to pay for any recordation cuStS of suclJ release.
Envin)lJllJelllal LI\I' meaI15. WitllOlll lillliratioll. tlle ClJ1l1prehellsjl'e Envin1lunelllal Rcspollse,
Compensation alld Liability Act (CERCLA. 42 U.s. c. 9601 et see¡.), a III I all other feclc:raL State amI
local laws, regulations, urelinallces, coun mders, attomey general upiniolls or illlerpre[ive klters
concerning [he public healtlL s~lkty, welfare. ellvirolllnelll m ,I klzardous subsrallce: ,IUe! (2\
Hazardous Substance means any toxic, r~ldioaerive or hazardous JlJaterial, waSte. pollutam or
UJI¡lantiuam which has characteristics which reuder the subs lance clange](Jus m plJtelllialJ y daugerous
[() tile public healtlL safelY. welfare m eJJ\'irOlunem. The tenn inducles, without limitation. any
substances cleiinecl as "hazardous mmeriaL" "ulx.ic substances," "hazarduus waSte." or "h;lzardous
substance" under any EnvirolUnental Lall,
JVJongagor represellls, warrants and agrees []¡at:
A. Except as previously disclosed ami ackuuwledged in writing to Lender, JIl) ILtzaruous Subslance
is or wi]] be ]ucared, s[()red or rele~lsed on or ill tile Propeny, TIÙs restriction does not apply to
smalJ qualllities of Hazardous Subsrances tllat are genera1Jy rl~L'ugnizee! lO he appl(JjJri~l!l: for [lie
llorllJal use and maintenance of tlle Property.
B. Excepl as previously disclosed and ackJlowledged in writing to LeJlCler, !'v[ortgagor and every
lenalll have been, are, and shaU remain in full compliallce with any applicah1e [mi](JllJnelHai
C. tvlortgagur shall immediately uoti1)' Lender if ,I release or ¡[¡[eateHed release oj a llazardollS
Substance occurs OU, under or about tile Prupeny or there is a violation of allY Em'jroJlII¡ental
Law concerning the Propeny. In such an nelll. fvIongagor shall take aJl ueces:;ar) relnedial
aujon iu accordance with any EnvirmunelUal Law.
D, !vlongagor shall i l1unediatel y uotit)' Lender ill writi ng as SOO]] as JvJortgago r lias reaso n [()
believe t[¡ere is any peuding or threatened investigation. dai1Jl, m proceeding reLt¡jng [I) tile
release or threatened release of any Hazardous Substauce or tll': viol~l¡iou of an) EnvirulU]]elllal
17. CONDEI\INA TION. !,,]ortgagoT will give Lt~nder prompt notice of all) penuing or threatened aerjon,
by private or public emities to purcltase or rake any or all 01' Lile Property tijf()ug]¡ cOlldeml1;tliolJ,
eminem dumain, or any other means. JV[ongagor autlj(¡rizes Lender [(I imenelle in J'vJongagor"s nall1e
in auy uf the above desLTibed actiollS or claims. IvJongagor assigns [0 Lellckr ¡]¡e proceeds oj allY
award ur claim for damages cOlUlected witl! a cOllCknuraLÍol1 or other ¡¿¡king ()f all or ~IIIY pan of t]¡e
Propeny. Such proCèeds shal1 be cunsidered paymems and will be applied as IJrovic.led ill tiÙs Security
InstrullIem. This as:;iglJJnem of proceeds is subject (() [he terms uf any prillr IIlongage. deed uf trust.
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Securiry Instrument directly coullicts widl any section of the: rc:voJvj¡¡g line of credit agreemeJ1l or
promissory j]()[e refc:rellced in SeclÌon 4. dle terms ;ind conditions of the revolving lint of credit
agreemem or promissory note (as applicahk), d¡e arhirralÌon agreemelH ami tile agreelllem to provide
auree11lenl or promissory note (as applicable), the arbÌlration agreelllellt and the agreelllell[ to provide
tJc)()d/property insurance:, all of which] agree to by signing this Securicy Instrument. the lel1nS and
coudicious of said doculllentS and nOt the Se:curity InstrUllle:llt shall COJ1[ro] ,
NOTICE. Dnkss odlerwise: rc:quired by law, any notice: shall be given by de]jve¡ing it or by ¡nailing
it by 1irst class mail (() the appropriate: party's addre:ss on page: I of ¡liis Security lnStrulllent., or as
shown in Lender's records, or to any odle:r address designaIe:d in wrilÌng,
\\1 AIVERS. Except (() the êXœJ1[ prohibiœd by law. Mortgagor waives ami right rc'L'arlli ng dIe
lllarshal!inu of hellS and assets. and !Jereby rdeasinL' and \\'aivinu all rluhts unda aull b\ vinue of the
11lIInestead-e:xemplÌon laws of tilis staœ.' - - - .
OTHER TERMS. If checked, die following are applicable (() this Security luStrUlJlèJ1[:
ŒJ Line of Credit. The Se:cured Deb[' includes a revolviug jine: of cre:dil provision. Althoug]l
the Secure:d De:bt Ulay be re:ducc:d (() a zero balance, d]is Se:curicy 1l1Strullle:J1l will rèmaiu in
e:ffe:ct until rdease:d.
D Construction Loan. This Securiry Instrurne:nt stcures an obligation incurred for tilt
cOl1Structiml of an improve:me:JH on the' Prope'rty.
D Fixture Filing. !vIortgagor grams to Le:uder a se:curity illte:rest in all goods lllat fvlongagor
owns now or in the: futme and lllat are or will become: fixtures ¡dated [() tIJe Property. This
Security IIlStrume:m suttices as a tin:mcing state:nJent aud auy carbon, pllOlOgr;¡phic ()r o[IJer
re:production Illay be: tiled of rc:cord fur purpuse:s of Article 9 of tlie Uniform Comme:rcial
D Additional Terms.
SIGNA TURES: By SiL'llÎll!.' beluw. J'v!ortL'a!.'or aL're:es to ùle terms and cove:n:UllS L'Ol1tailled in [IJis Security
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Ex'hibit "A"
Lot 32 of Southbrook Ranches Subdivision, Lincoln County, Wyoming, according to that
plat filed September 5, 1990 as Plat Nos.335-1 and 335-2 in the Office of the Lincoln
County Clerk.
This Real Estate Mortgage is second and subject ONLY to a First Real
Estate Mortgage recording concurrently herewith in favor of Wells
Fargo Bank, N.A., dated Octboer 31, 2005, in the original amount of