HomeMy WebLinkAbout913958 RECEIVED 11/23/2005 at 11 :24 AM RECEIVING # 913958 BOOK: 605 PAGE: 772 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ~ '1.0:' ~ ' I '.' f~.,i t.: , , I... MINERAL ASSIGNMENT AFFIDAVIT WHEREAS, by that certain "ASSIGNrvIENT OF INTERESTS" dated June 3, 2004, Stanley M. ßdwards and Carolyn S. Edwards, 2025 Mulligan Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80920, individually, husband and wife and in any manner or form that they may own any interest, as Assignor (whether it be one or more parties), assigned Stanley M. Edwards and Carolyn S. Edwards, Trustees of the Stan & Carolyn Edwards Trust dated January 8, 2003, 2025 Mulligan Dr., Colorado Springs, CO, 80920, hereinafter referred to as Assignee all of Assignor's right, title and interest in and to all mineral properties owned by Assignors within the States of Wyoming, Montana, Colorado, Oklahoma, New Mexico and any other State in which Assignor's are determined to own any type of mineral interest. A certified copy of said Assignment is attached hereto with the portions of the Exhibits that apply to the County in which this Affidavit is being recorded. On September 28, 2004, Stanley M. Edwards died leaving Carolyn S. Edwards as sole remaining Trustee of the Stan and Carolyn Edwards Trust dated January 8,2003. The leases and lands to which said Assignment applies have been further delineated to 3pecifìc descriptions, which include the fÖlIowing: LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING INTERESTS FONTENELLE IT UNIT & VICINITY PROPERTIES OVERRIDING ROYALTY INTERESTS (insofar as the listed leases cover the lands described below) LESSOR: United States of America RECORDED: SERJAL NO: W-0310655 LEASE DATE: DEscrUPTION: Township 26 North - Range 112 W~;?t, óú¡ P ~IYL Section 31: Lots 1,2,3,4, E/2, E/2W/2 Section 32: NW, N/2SW, SWSW Containing 8 I 9.88 acres more or less Lincoln County, WY (Believed to be 0.50~ô of 8/8ths, whether more or less) LESSOR: United States of America RECORDED: SERIAL NO: W-03I4961 LEASE DA TE: DESCRIPTION: Townshig25 North - Range 112 West. 6ùI P.M. Section 4: Lots 1,2,3, NE, E/2NW, SW, W/2SE, NESE Containing 592.26 acres more or less Lincoln County, WY (Believed to be 0.50% of 8/8ths, whether more or less) -I ~,- -., , ;'-·.,'ft.4 LESSOR: United States of America RECORDED: SERIAL NO: W-0321761 LEASE DATE: DESCRIPTION: Township ')5 North - Ranee I P West, 6' ¡ P.M. Section 4: SESE Section 6: SE Containing 200.00 acres more or less Lincoln County, WY (Believed to be 0.50~{¡ of 8/8ths, whether more or less) LESSOR: United States of America RECORDED: SERIAL NO: W-0322068 LEASE DATE: DESCRIPTION: Township ')5 North - Range 112 ,^'est 6th P.M. That portion of the bed of the Green River riparian to: Section 4: Lots I, 2, 3 Section 5: Lots 1,6,7,8,12 Section 8: Lot 2 Section 17: Lots 4,5, 7, 8 Section 20: Lots 1,3,4,6,7,8, I I Section 2 j : Lot 2 Section 26: Lots], 2, 3, 4 Section 27: Lots 1, 2, 6, 7, 8 Section 28: Lots 1,2, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 Section 29: Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 Containing 286.96 acres more or less Lincoln County, WY (Believed to be 0.50% of 8/8ths, whether more or Jess) LESSOR: United States of America RECORDED: SERIAL NO: W-0322069 LEASE DATE: DESCRIPTION: Township ')5 North - Range 11') West 61h P.M. Section 5: S/2SE Containing 80.00 acres more or Jess Lincoln County, WY (Believed to be 0.50% of 8/8ths, whether more or less) LESSOR: United States of America RECORDED: SERIAL NO: W-31O LEASE DATE: DESCRIPTION: Township ')6 North - Range I 1') West 6'h P.M. Section 33: Lots 1,2,3,6,7,10, II, SENE, SE Containing 378.88 acres more or less Lincoln County, WY (Believed to be 0.50% of 8/8ths, whether more or less) ;-. t\ r~ r '; ~'1 "ì . " i L' t 4 J .~~b LESSOR: RECORDED: SERlAL NO: LEASE DATE: ;-', ,¡ r~ t ~'; ,"', 1: , :¡. f {C,,:, United States of America Book 228PR - Page 224 W-8754 November], ]967 DESCRIPTION: Township ì6 North - Range]]2 West, 6th P.M. Section 28: That portion of the bed of the Green River riparian to Lots 1,5,6,7,10 Section 33: That portion of the bed of the Green River riparian to Lots 1,2,3,6,7, ]0, ]],9 More particularly described by metes in bounds as recorded in said Book 228PR, Page 224 on July 15, ] 985 in Lincoln County, WY. LESSOR: RECORDED: SERIAL NO: LEASE DATE: Containing 83.] 6 acres more or Jess Lincoln COllnty, WY (Believed to be 0.50% of 8/8ths, whether more or less) United States of America W-]28]6 August], 1968 DESCRIPTION: Township ì6 North - Range 112 West, 61h P.M. Secti on 33: Lot 9 LESSOR: RECORDED: SERlAL NO: LEASE DATE: Containing 7.22 acres more or less Lincoln County, WY (Believed to be 0.50% of 8/8ths, whether more or less) State of Wyoming Book ]5IPR- Page 212 67-4689 May 2, ] 967 DESCRlPTION: Township ì5 North - Range II ì West. 6tll P.M. Section ] 6: ALL Containing 640.00 acres more or Jess Lincoln County, WY (Believed to be 0.50% of 8/8ths, whether more Of less) 1- f'. l·u ""', ~.- ': ;,; " ( J -'-. '-..,;,. The undersigned Affiant, Carolyn S. Edwards, has executed this Affidavit for the purpose of providing a more specific description of the interests assigned by the aforementioned "ASSJGNMENT OF INTERESTS" to which Amant is one of the Assignors therein and to provide notice of the termination of Stan]ey M. Edwards, deceased, as Co-Trustee of the Stan & Carolyn Edwards Trust dated January g, 2003. Further, Affiant saith not. //'1"( /,' /.:' . ,{' / ¡' { ~(, ... -Ii (' ¡ ¡-'-",_1;' . j .,{......., .,(,....,./¡...",,>.>; ..,',.r'X,~;I. ....-' ·''--·''-:'1 ¡ c.· ~:.'-'. l ,::c,.. /.' Carolyn S/Edwards 2025 Mulligan Dr. Colorado Springs, CO 80920 ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF COLORADO ) ss COUNTY OF EL PASO On this .~i I <;.1 day of (i (.¡ '- L ('i ..,2005, before me personally appeared Carolyn S. Edwards, to me known to be the person described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument of writing and acknowledged to me that she duly executed the same as her free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein set forth. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and afÎÏxed my notarial seal this day of 'u(1i.. r¡·:'¡ ,2005. My Commission Expires: r . Ii ~ I 'i' ¡ (,.," ". 1': . '-" - AFF-Lincoln, WY ìty Cal1ìHÜssion ExpiJï.:S 0311 Q.l2009 ~~D STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF NATRONA } SS r-·#..... f'. ¡.~) ~'. r -;, ,. ,(1 V, " \.,' THE STATE OF COLORADO do hereby ce~i,fy that the within and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy o~ the original document which is on file ?r 3>.f rf'cord in my office. Witness my hand and SEAL this / cifIJ d \":' . ay ASSIGNMENT OJò(NTI~RESTS i ( J-) 20" ~ . MAI<Y ANN COLLINS, Natrona County Clerk in and for N"lrona County, Wyoming. " , ' By 'J0e /y{.U""'---- - Deputy COUNTY OF EL PASO .. . KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: My term of office expires J'';:'' I", i ') ')onl' , .~IIL(J} "'j" J, "'.}" " THAT, Stanley M. Edwards and Carolyn S. Edwards, 2025 Mulligan Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80920, individually, husband and wife and in any manner or form that we may own any interest, as Assignor (whether it be one or more parties), in consideration of the sLIm ofTen and nollOO Dollars ($10,0), cash in hand paid, and other valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which is acknowledged, do hereby ASSIGN, TRANSFER SET OVER and DELIVER unto Stanley M. Edwards and Carolyn S. Edwards, Trustees of the Stan & Carolyn Edwards Trust dated January 8, 2003, 2025 Mulligan Dr., Colorado Springs, CO, 80920, hereinafter referred to as Assignee, all of Assignor's right, title and interest in and to all overriding royalties, working interests, mineral interest and any other type of interest Assignor may own in any mineral rights including but not limited to, oil, gas, casinghead gas and any other hydrocarbon substances under any real property or oil and gas leases in which Assignor may own any type of interest both producing and non-producing that may be under the description of the wells attached hereto as well as any other lands and properties that Assignor own interest which are "held by production" by said wells but not described within the spacing units listed on the check stubs and other documents attached herewith. Thisconveyance covers all such interests that Assignor may own within the States of Wyoming, Montana> Colorado, Oklahoma, New Mexjco or any other State in which it may be determined that Assignor owns any type of mùleral interest. Assignor further agrees to execute future instruments of conveyance to Assignee as a more particular descriptions of the interests owned by Assignor are determined. Dated this 3'ù day of lime, 2004 é~~ /~/' scl~~fctwards / I ,¡', 'i:'l ' / / /1 . , . ,.'. ~ ~". . .:' I ,/ " / /..'!... ."'~' ;·/-··..x· ,"- .. ',/ C tZl" .¿,' / I /-,?" T'.??;';: /¿ ¿/;(/ Carolyn &' Edwards SEE ATTACHED EXH1BITS THAT ARE INITIALED AND MADE A PART OF THIS CONVEYANCE STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF WYOMING This instrument was acknowledged before me this 3'ù day of June, 2004, by Sta¡¡]ey M. Edwards and Carolyn S, Edwards, to me known to be the persons described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument of writing and acknowledged to me that they duly executed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein set forth, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have herewlto set my hand and affixed my notarial seal this 31<1 day ofJlIne, 2004. n/::>// ~ /-:,~'~ ' My Commission Expires:, 7/cf> d (; Óo __ ./ ~ Not :;;y'--~"..-¡;;,--".-,--",:....-.., 1111[11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111/11111111111111111111111 RECORDED 1 0/31 /2005 AT 09: 00 AM REC~ 1456419 BK# 1042 PCIt 0759 LORETTA BAILIFF, CLERK of SWEETWATER COUNTY, WY PQ~. 3 of 6 NRTRONR COUNTY CLERK, WYOMING Mary Ann Collins Recorded: AJ Feb 10, 2005 02:40 PM Pages: 43 Fee: $134.00 WLR INC ----.:.-"-...;;.. ,-\ (...._ f -...; ~., "'~'} ',)i_' , ( . "EXllillIT" Altached lo and maJe a parI of "AssigJllllenl ofluleresls" daled Jw¡e 3, 2UO'1 from Slflillcy M. EJw,uJs auJ CarolYIl ~;. EJ\\'anls lo SlaJùcy M. ÉJwarJs aud Carolyn S. Edwards. Truslees of tile Slilll & CarOl)11 Edwwds Trust Jated Janwuj' 8. 2Um , , , I YO~R :~,:ALS"O"O""^" PRODUCT 0 . GAS p. PLANT PRODUCT R . RESIDUE L· LIQUIDS SEE A' 'TACllED STANLEY H. EDí'lARDS 2025 HULLIGAN DJUVE COLOHADO SPRIIIGS, CO 80920 üVVtl[f'IJUt.mEn CHECK DAlE 0040697 4/20/04 OWNER TYPE: W· WORKltW R . ROYAL TY O· OVERRIDE XTO ENERGY INC, 810 HOUSTON ST.· FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76102·6298 866·886·2613 I : I ; I ~; I * I ; \ ~; ~{1.(, .. * G * * G I * I ; I ~; \ * \ ~ I ~; \ * \ ; \ ~; ~ I * I ; I ~; I * I ~ I ~; .\ * I ; I ~; * G'* 1** 12 '* * G * * G I ~ ~"l* * G '* G '* I ; '* I ; I * I ~ I ~; r I; I~; .. I ; I ~; I '* I ; I ~; 1 * I ~ I ~; '* * G * * G I '* ; I ~; I * I ; I ~; * '* '- * G * G 12 03 ~:--",,*>'IG'*I*'*:** 12 : 03 * I G* I ** : ** 12 : 03 * ; I ~; : ~; '* ì 1*2*' ** G : 03 /// j(' CHECI<. NO. 2701162 öWfJEFfNÃM~ *'* 12 DE IACH AIm HE rAil. ¡HIS SIAl EMEIJI fOR lAX PURPOSES, UUPlICAfES CAI IlIül BE FURt~ISHED 00650091 FOI-IT FED lhllT 11-24 I I LHICOLH I \'1'1' 4,85 4944.001 24000.12 1.0957 1141.91- 21881.40 00650nl F01lT FED IhnT 11-36 I I LI11COLII I vrJ 4,82 1961.001 9469,37 1.0882 449.73- 8642.83 I 0065012 1 FOI1T FED UIHT 1l-'1D L111COLI1 I' .. \'1'1- 4.85 3049,001 14814.93 1.0977 705.76- 132bb.82 0065015\ FOWl' FED IlInT 12-1 L111C:OLH I WI' 4.84 3141.001 15223.52 1.0949 725.12- 13868.24 0065017\ FONT FED ¡hilT 12-11 I L1lKOLH I vr\' 4.83 646.001 3121.99 1.0898 148.38- 2431.45 \~ 0065018 FONT FED linT 12-19 \ L11KOL11 \ ,,_ vr\' 4.87 3048.00 14866.56 1.1014 707,83- 13310.17 \'/ 0065019 FOI1T fED 1 HIT 12-3 \ LHICOLI¡ \ "0 ,vr\- 03 4.83 3788.00 18315.04 1.0911 871.25- Ib.J12.84 ** I \'J 0065020 1 FOWl' FED I~HIT 12-31 I L111COLlI \ \'1" 03 4.82 7205.001 34756,35 1,0897 1655.27- 31713.79 *'* I 0065021 I FOHT FED 11111' 12-33 LIIICOLll \'i' 03w 4,86 1419.00 6904.05 1.0973 328.21- 6314.10 I \ vi'- H \'/ 0065022 FOIIT FED HIT 12-6 LI!lCOLII 03 4.87 641.00 3122.13 1.0983 148.40- 2732.16 * * lV/ 0065023 rOllT FED 1 NIT 12-7 LIIICOLJI vI' 01 4,84 3188.00 15457.41 1,0950 736.05- 13899.85 '** I 0065024 rOUT fED l NIT 13-10 LIIICOLI'1 vrl' 03 w 4.78 10011.00 47933.81 1.0809 2280.96- 44339.27 ** 1\./ 00650251 rONT FED IhlIT 13-11 LIIICOLII wi 03 4.80 1174.001 5642.77 1.0852 268,57- 5243.391 v/ 00650261FOIJ'I' FED ¡IIHT 13-13 \ L1IJCOL!I vrj- 4.82 837.001 4035.77 1.0872 191.79- 3646,43 ~/. 0065027 \ FOHT FED· tPlIIT 13-24 1\'ROUT1EF Ll!ICOLJI \'rl' 03 4.82 5473.491 26418.38 1.u90U 1257.82- 24101.82 *'* 1\'1 0065028 1 FOllT FED ¡hUT 13-341 LIJICOLlI 1,'1'\. 03 . 4.82' 3326.001 16059.05 1.0908 764.94- 14703.92 ;; I ¡'J 006~~~~IFO~'~2~~gOI¡NIL~~Õ~1011.0957 L~~§~t~i_ 12207.5/1'1 ** I\'/ 006.503211"011'1' FED \11'11'1' ]tJ-2 I LItICOLII 1t}'1' 03 4.82 4222.001 20366.57 1.0898 970.07- 18691.84 v'J 0065033 1"011'1' FED thaT 14-23 ROllTIEH LHICOLlI Vl"\' 4,95 184.141 912,12 1.11B3 43.43- 6B4.41 \'/ 0065036 FONT FED 1~J I'l' 14-27 LlNC:OLIJ wi· 4.83 2175.001 10526.20 1,0933 501.40- 9540.26 1 vi 0065037\ FOWl' FED l~N1T 14-3 LIIICOLII \'1'1' 4.82 5139.001 24605.47 1.0699 1180,81- 22393.16] 0065038 I FONT FED l~]nT 14-30 LIIICOLN vd· 4.7Q 7hl.ool 3647.891.0802 173.21- 3313.50 I 00650391FOIIT FED ¡~I'¡IT 14-31A LHJCOLII I w'¡' 4.69 3130.001 14689,79 1.0591 698.53- 13398.55 1 00~~~~~IFoIJ14~~g014-3l1~~~~~1 1.1053 L1~~~t~_ I lU28.S9wt 00650'13 FOII'l' FED ¡haT 14-4 L1lICOLll I Vi'I' 4.84 2609.001 12632.92 1.0939 GUl.77- 11410.44 \'1 0065044 FOII'I' FED lfHIT 14-6 1'1' J~O I \'i'j' , IC. LlI 4.81 2680.00 12913,84 1.0881 614.74- 11762,62 \./ 0065045 FONT FED ¡ NIT 21-1 LH¡COLIJ I WI' 4.83 5811.00 28118.28 1.0933 1339.55- 25646.39 vi 0065046 FONT FLD I NIT 21-10 LIJJCOLIJ I I'd 4.78 3924,00 18770.38 1.0795 892.84- 16995.37 I 00650491FOIIT FED UHI'l' 21-31 I 11I1C0111 I \11 4.80 5780.001 27782,18 1,0851 1322.15- 25357,71 1 00650531 FOIIT FED I~NIT 22-23 H-P,ONTTEH LH¡COLfI I \'1'1 4,88 1787,001 8724.961 1,1024 415.38- 7819.00 1 I \'/ 00650541 FOHT FED ¡~NIT 22-24 I LJI¡C:OLlJ I \'1'1' 4.88 4101.001 20031.95 1,1039 954.70- 18149.03 r \'1 00650551 FOHT FED lrUn_' 22-25 I L1'1,IC'01,¡'1 I I 4.84 3191.00 15457.8"' . \'1" ~ 1,0940 736.04- 14094,52 ** : * * I \./ : 03 '* '* I i'l 03 '* * I \'i 03 '* * I\'/ 03 '* * I \'1 03 12 ** 03 '* * '** 12 ** 12 ** * * 12 03 ** * * 12 ** 12 ** 12 ** 03 ** 03 ** *'* 12 03 * * I \'J 03· ;; I \'1 * * I i~ 03 * * w ** 12 03 * * 03 ** '* * I 03 HI w w 12 * * "- ~.'),~ )"', ;~ ~ (,: ¡'""', ",~-"¡ " \.' , l u "EXIIlDlr' Attached to and made a part of"Assig.¡UHCllt ofllltclcsls" datcd J1UIC 3, 200,1 froIl~ St¡Ullcy.~_ EdwaIUS ¡u¡U Carolyn S_ EuwilJds to Stanley M. Edwards anu CarOI}l\ S. Edwards, Trustees of [hc St!U1 & Carolyn Euwmus ¡ JUst ualed JWlUary 8,2003 ....11..'....·· P MO yn * * G '" * * G -{ ~ ¡~ I * I; ~; '1 ~ I ¡~ I * I ; I ~; 1 * I ; I ~; I * I ; I ~; * I ; I ~; '" I * * ** G 12 '* I ; ~~ * I ;-1 ~; * I ; I :; * * G * * G I * ; ~; I * I ; I ~; I * I ; ~~ I * I ; I ~; i:t I ; I ~; I * I ~ ~; p ; I~; I * I; ~; I * I ~ I :; * * * G 01 I * I ; I ~; f I; I~; I * I ; I ~; 51/ VI 0065056 FOHT FED \\1111' 22-36 I 4.88 481,001 2349.48 1.0956 W 0065057 FOHT fED ItH1T 22-4 I 4.86 8401,00 40868.21 1.0989 ** I \'1 0065060 I FOHT FED Illl¡T 23-23 I T\OHTIER 03 5.02 6350.771 31908.89 1.1712 .¡,* 1\'1 00650611 fOHT' FED ¡hUIT 23-25 I 03 4.82 3748.001 1AOR4.41 1.0896 * * I vi 00650621 FO/J'r FED ¡I¡IIT 23-3 4.83 5349.00[ 25037.30 1.0910 ** 1\'1 0065069 FONT FED 1~IIIT 23-7f 03 4.81 1655,001 7963,99 1.0870 ** 1\·/ 0065064 FOHT FED I JilT 23-33 03 4.85 1257.00 6099.00 1.0923 ** 1\'1 - 0065Ô74 FOHT FED 1 lilT 31-11 03 4.85 3588.00 17407.61 1.0959 ** I \'1 0065075/FONT FED l~H1T 3~-12') I 03 4.80 3586.00i 172L4.3¿ 1.0848 ** I vi 00650761FO!lTfED llHI'l' 31-13 03 4.82 574,OO[ 2766,95 1.0819 ** I W 0065078 FOWr fED 1\¡IIT 31-4 I 03 4.81 6477.001 31214.53 1.0885 0065079 fOHT FED JNIT 31-5 I 4,90 1851,001 9086.80 1.1097 0065080 I FONT FED \¡IJIlT 31-6F I .00 .00 .00 00650811 FO/1T FED \~jIlT 31-7 I 4.90 2058.001 10095.56 1.1074 00650831 FO/1T FED ltHIT 31-9 I 4.81 9146.00 44015,94 1.0868 0065085 I FOHT FED It!lIT 32-10 I I 4.80 675,00 3245.37 1.0800 0065090 I FONT fED lhaT 32-36 I 4.03 5949.001.28766.08 1.0923 0065093 1 FO/1T fED II/1IT 33-1 I 4.82 4827.001 23295.80 1.0901 Oå65094 Foi'IT FED \~l!IT 33-12 I I 4.80 3500.00f 16807.30 1.0840 0065095 FONT fED \IHIT 33-13 I I .00 .001 .00 00650~71FONT fED \¡NIT 33-24 I I 4,79 4102.00 19673.06 1_0831 00650981 fONT FED 1 HIT 33~4E I I 4.82 214.00 1031.84 1.0088 0065099 fONT fED JHIT 33-6 I I 4.7R ~1/5.00[ 24508.56 1.0798 00651021 FOHT FED lfl lilT 34 -23 J TW1JTIEH 4.92 5089.93 25058,10 1.1125 00651031 FOWl' FED ¡1/1IT 34-25 I 4.82 2978_001 14362.41 1.0890 0065104\ FONT FED llInT 34-28 I I 4.90 1423.001 6974.47 1.1061 vi 0065105 Fowr f'EU ¡linT 34-3 I I 4.84 2250.001 10895.88 1.0933 W 00651061FOHT FED dNIT 34-33 I 4.81 4354.001 209'19.46 1.0882 vi 0065108\ FOHT- FED ¡VIIIT 34-9 I .00 .001 .00 ** 1\'1 0065109 I FOIJ'I' fE~-ltNIT 41-1 I I 03 4,85 2816,00 13684.57 1.0980 ** Iw 0065110 FOH'I' FED 11]IIT 41-10 I I 03 4.80 3022.001 14512.26 1.0841 ** I vi 0065112 fOJJT FED IIN1'I' 41-23 J 'HOHTIEE I 03 4,82 3437,291 16592.32 1.090U .¡, * 12 : 03 ·-I-~~--- * * * * I 12 : 03 * .¡, 12 ".¡, lV/ 03 * * I \~ 04 *> I vi 03 ~; I \'1 *" I \'1 03 .¡, * I vi 03 * * I W 03 * * I\'/ 03 * * ./ \./ 04 * * I \'1 03 ,,- * I \'1 03 *.. I VI 03 * * I W 03 * * I \~ 03 "" I vi 03 * * I 03 ** 12 ** 12 * *- 12 >* 03 ** ** 03 ** 04 COUIIIY ~ STAlE ,;EVII'RüD1AX _ 11[1 VALUE YO') ¡ SE'I/PIWLJ 1 AY, YOUf< 0 I IIEH Will WI' 2136.66 ¡'I'j- 37244.27 \'1'1- 28863.29 WI- J6503.83 , ¡'r1- 23430.24 \'1'1- 7243.99 \'1'1- 5501.76 wj" 15818,55 I ¡FI- 15Sli4.65- 2472,36vr W - 28554.10 vr/· 8312.59 \'1'1' 103,21- \'rj- 9218.53 1 4015-6.9/l vrJ 2916,16 I vl-j- 26267.13 \'1'1' 21246.33 \'1'1- 15301.62 wi· 23.98-1 \'1'1- 18017.17 \'1-'- 807.21 vr ' 22379.97 \'fl' 22873.44 vrl- 13065.48 wi 6 3 IfJ . 4 2 1 \'1"1- 9918.29 WI' 19132_rn \il'l q:1_28-1 1'1'\. 12482.03 \'1'1- 13076.77 WI' 15135.37 pnOrEnTY IJUMBEn UI [ pnlCE BBLS on MCF YOun DECIMAL (')UH GBLS on Mer PROPERTY IIAME GROSS VALUE YOUH GI<OSS BIUFAClor¡ 1111,0111 I 11U.98- 1111C01N I 1946_67- I I \ I I I 1HICOLl-1 1578.20- L111COL11 861.01- LHICOLH 1230.45- 1IIIC01]1 379.28- LIIICGLH 289.31- LI11C0111 829.06- LIIIC011! 820.07 1IIICOL11 130.77- LII1C0111 I 1486.33- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LHICOLlJ 433.22- LIIICOUI ,00 1I1ICOLJI 480.54- 1HIC0111 209<:1,54- LINCOLN 153.53- L11ICOLI-I 137U.06- LHIC01N 1109.42- LHIC01N 799.76- LIHC0111 .00 LHICOLr·1 936.63- 1111COLJI 49. ]2- LH¡COLI¡ 1166.54- LIIIC0111 1194.30- LI]]COLI-I 683,69- LHIC0111 331.87- 1IIJCOUI 518.63- LHICOLN 998.80- 1111COLI-I nn 1IIICOLlJ 652.UO- LIJJC01H 690.57- 1HICOLN 789.08- BPI 20/19 8S!3 ., your, I JET t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \ I I I , "~.~,û /-, """" r ~._~ t'1 0 ',:',-,ctJ "EXllllllT" Atlachcd to aud llIade a part of "AssiglUlIcllt oflutcresls" daled JllHe 3, 2004 from StaHley M_ Edwards wId Carulyn S_ Edwards 10 SlllllJCY M, Edwarus wid Curolyn S, EÚWIIHls, Trustees uCtile Sum & Cwulyu EJwwds Trust Jaled January 8,2003 . . . . . . . . . . . . ., PHOPER I t IIUMBER T P MO, tR UIII! PRICE , YOUR DECIMAL SOLS OR MCF ,OUR OOLS Of! Mcr Pf!OPEHIY tJM-IE GROSS VALUE YOUR GllOSS BlU,FACTOR I " I; ~; 1* I ; I ~; \* I ; \ :; t ~ ~~ " , ** G 12 * * .. G 12 . . .* G 01 * * * * G " G * \'1 ~ " * G ~ . G I · I ~ I ~; {* G G . G * * G 12 --=r-: I ; I :; , ; \ ~; * ; I ;; A'* I ~ ~; ~ I * I ; I ~; d * I ; I ~; /~I;,I~; /f I ; I ~; ~1 I ; I ~; /f' I ; I ~; ~;I~; I * I ; I ~; 0/·- '/1' .,.-- , , * * : 03 12 vi 0065113 FOHT FED ¡hUT 41-24E I 4.92 4970.001 24481,49 1.1131 *'\ \'1 0065114 I FOHT FED ¡tIJIT 41-26 I 03 4.89 2582.00 12651.56 1.1050 ** I vi 0065117 FONT FELi IIJI'1' 41-36 03 4.81 1191.00 5728,87 1.0856 ** I W 0065119 FOHT FED ¡ HIT 41-9 03 4.82 1681.00 8112.81 1,0892 *. I \'1 00651211 FOWl' FED \ lilT 42~~-~-II'H0I1TIEH I 03 4,82 3766.69 10181,3U 1.0900 *. I \'1 00~5123IFO¡'¡T FE;--' 2-33 I I 03 4,88 1034,00 5055,33 1.1035 **\ \'1 0065124 I FONT FE-~¡ ~-llT 34-36 \ \ 03 4.81 2332,00 11217.19 ,1.0862 * * \ \'1 0065127 \ FONT FED ¡II/IT 43-22 \ \ 04 ,00 .OO! .00 **\ \'1 0065128 \ FO¡¡1' FED'\HIT 43-2.5 \ \ 03 4.76 1645,00 '7837.36 1.0748 +* I vi 0065129 1 FOI/'1' FED \ llIT 43~-32 \ \ 03 4.83 2317,00 11192,93 1.0911 ** 1\'1 0065130 ¡rOUT FED \blII1' 43-36 I I 03 4.78 3226.00] 15426.35 1,0787 **1 \'1 0065131 1 FOI1T FED lblnT 43-5 \ I 03 4,99 5759.001 28744.33 1.1283 ** w 006513211"011'1' FED \~HIT 44-13 \ I 03 4.79 U257.00[ 39583.27 1.0826 **1 W 0065193 1 FOll1' FED Ü¡'¡IT 43-23 \ I 03 4.86 6880.001 33440.92 1.0980 **1 \'1 0065194 FO¡¡T FED ¡\HIT 32--C~~~1 03 4.89 5222.001 25545.72 1.1051 .. I vi 0065197 fOIIT FED ,IIHT 24-2 DI 03 3.87 2808.001 l~RRR_GG .8689 I\'I 0065198 \ FONT FED \lmT 12-10 1\, \ 4,78 4849,001 23206.75 1.0000 ** \\'1 0065199\FONT FED 1~'HI'1' 22-:-9 DI \ 03 4.85 7136.001 3466U.93 1.0975 .* \\'1 0065200 I FONT FED ,IIHT 24-33 1\' \ 03 4,80 4010.001 19277.64 1.0858 1\'1 006520111"011'1' FED IhUIT 41-8 \ \ 4.96 5315,001 26398.99 1,1230 ** I W 0065207!FONT FED \tIHT 44-3 \ \ 03 4,83 5744.00 27751.55 1.0914 ** I \'1 00652081 FONT FED JIHT 24-11 \ \ 03 4.81 3062.001 14739,64 1.0872 .. 1\'1 0065210 ¡fOIIT FED ¡¡IIHT 32-1 I I 03 4.92 2611.00 12858.66 1.1130 *. I \'1 00652111 FOWl' FED \IIHT 41-11 I I 03 4.83 7395.001 35731.14 1.0918 **\. vi 0065212 FOHT FED I\NIT 23-1 I I 03 4.82 3135.001 15124.11 1,0896 ** \ W 0065214 FONT FED I\UIT 42-13 I I 03 4.79 6646.00] 31868.54 1.0831 .*, \'1 0065215 FONT FED \þNIT 21-9 R I 03 4.95 2222.001 11003.43 1.1193 **1 W 0065216 FOIlT FED lhlIT 41-4 0\ I 03 4,86 2817.001 1369'1.15 1.0987 I 0065217 FOWl' FED \JIlT 44-4 D\ \ 4,81 3385.00 16314.83 1.0886 W 0065220 FONT FED \111'1' 24-13 I I 4.76 6669.00 31781.85 1,0762 \'1 00652221 FONT FED 111111' 11-12 I I 4,82 4016,001 19377.20 1.0899 . * 12 ** 12 ** 12 ** 12 * . 12 .* 12 - ,.."* * * 12 : 03 ** 12 ** , , *. : 03 *. I vi 03 * * I 03 * * I 03 COLJIIIY SEVIPI<UUI^X YOUII ~[VII'I<O(j1 AX LIIICOLII I 11 66. '15- LIIJCOLII I 601.45- I I I I I \ \ \ \ \ I I I \ I \ \ \ I \ I I \ I I \ \ I I LI!/COLII 272.56- L1 HCOLI! 385.98- LlllCOLH 865.50- LIIICOL11 238,35- LHICOLN 533.99- LHlCOLll .00 LHJCOUI 372.60- LIIICOLll 532.99- LIIICOLII '733.44- LI!ICOLN 1370.83- LHICOLll 1884.41- LIHCOLlI 1592.82- L111COLN 1216.98- LIIICOLH 511.94- LHICOLH 1104,83- LI]ICOLll 1651.52- LHICOLII 917.91- LI l¡COLH 1259.20- LHICOLJI 1321.77- LIIICOLII 70J..EJ3- LIIICOLH 612.92- LHICOLJ.I 1702.39- LHICOLIJ 720,2U- LI ¡ICOLI-I 1517.44- LHICOL!1 5 2 tl . 5 9 - LIIICOUl (j52.6~- LHICOLII 776.91- LHICOLI¡ 1512,83- LIJ¡COLlI :122.83- SIAI[ liEf VMLJIC your, Olfl[11 WIH BP) )8119 BSBG5 YOUR tlU 1'1'- 22361.29 í'l' 11561.64 VI'\' 5162.46 í"'\- 7175.40 1'1-\- 16~23.27 I'r¡- 4606.60 \'I'J 10186.24 I 1'1'\- 82.45- 1'1'1- 7080.86 ¡ I'd 10193.07 I 1'1'\- 14064.99 1,11'\' 26129.es 1'1'1- 36091.72 1'1'1' 30202.23 1 v1'\- 2334~1.47 9 8 0 9 . 4 ß 1'1'\. vii 21060.77 I 1'1'1- 31264.70 17568,32wt WI- 23951.64 vrj· 25226.031 \'1.\- 13479.92 VI'I- 1173'l.?CJ . \'1'\ 32787.62 1 vi! 13803.22 I \'1"1- 28773.64 VJ\ 9832.14 1'1'\' 12460.56 WI' 15057.11 \'1'1 28894.63 1 , \'~ ./- 17591.75 /l L' ¡ \ I \ I I I I \ \ \ \ I I I \ I \ \ I \ I \ I I I I I \ \ I I :; k: ".4 '-J (~; C t?:J G: "EXllllJlT" AtlllcheJ to amlllladc a part of"AssiglUnellt of lHlcrcsts" datcd JUHe 3,200'1 from Slanley M, Euwwds will Camlyu S. Edwards to Slwlley M. EdwllIds and Carolyn S, Edwards, Trustees of Ute Slwl & Carulyn Edwmds Trusl ualeu J,uruary 8,2003 ............... P 1.10 ¡, .¡, .¡, G . . "/,;p G 12 ~~ .¡, I; ~; A;P ' ~ I :; I.¡, I ~ I ~; ~I~I~; ~ \.¡, \ ~ I~; ~'I~I:; ~\;\:; ~;\:; ~.¡,I;\~; q~ I ~ I :; ~\; ~; ~Î .¡, I; î; ~~; ~-;\ ~; ~\;\~; \ .¡, \ ; \ î; ~[I ~ I :; ~:~ ~I ': I; 112 _.6~~t-; I ~ I .¡,. I.¡, I; I ~I.¡,I;I~; /\.¡,\;\~; - ---- I.¡, I ~ I ~; 1;+.¡, ~ î; ¡, .¡,.¡, /~ G 12 -----1~ I ~ I ~; ~< I ;, I ;; ~.¡,I;!~; (~2 >(, ,'-' \ 12 P¡WPE/HV IIUt.\[JER PfWPERfi IJAME UIIII P¡¡ICE UBLS OR IACF=! Gf10SS VALUE l'OUt¡ l1EC/MAL ;our¡ OBlS or~ r~I~.~~~!H)SS .¡" \ W 0065,223 IFONT FED llInT 23-6 03 4.82 4298.00\ 20723.09 1.0891 ~~ 00652241 FOIIT FED l~NIT 44-1 I I 4,81 6466.001 31134.05 1.0877 W 0065225 1 FONT FED ¡¡NIT 42-36 I I 4.80 3967.001 19044.94 1,0844 vi 0065226 FOl1T FED \~lnT 34-2 I I 4.87 7200.001 35128.10 1.1026 \'J 006,5_,)2,,9 FOIIT FED lhnT 32-23 tl-ROIJ'l'IEH I 5.12 7939.661 40696,071 1,1598 vJ 0065;-30IFONT FED \II~IT 21-7 \ I' 4.83 11459.001 55420.86 1.0928 .¡,'¡' \VI 0065232 \ FOJ 'r FED lLHT 22-12.\ \ 03 4.81 2124.001 10229.59 1.0876 ,¡,'I vi 00652331FONT FEO- '\4-7 \ \ 03 4.80 1872.00 8999.38 1.0855 .¡,.¡, I ~'I 0065240 I FOIIT FED \~1II1."33-36 I I 03 4.80 7947.001 38165.77 1.0848 .¡,* I\'I 0065243 \ FONT FED \\III;-¡~~13 \ \ 03 4.76 8528.001 40bO~.68 1.0752 W 0065244 FONT FED JNIT 42-10 I \ 4.78 1603.001 7677.30 1.0811 vi 0065245 FOWl' FED lllnT 32-11 \ \ 4.81 5876.00\ 28299.95 1.0875 .¡,.¡, \ vi 0065249 IFONT FED \\111'1' 11-23ß\FF,OIITIEF\ 03 5.01 4279.111 21472.24 1.1352 .¡,.¡, I \'1 0065253 \ FONT FED \\tHT 21-260:1 FHO!'ITIEh 03 4.99 2136,001 10676.50[ 1,1287 r .¡,.¡, I ~v 0065258 FONT FED \ltHT 24-24DI 03 4,79 4112,001 19721.73 1,0832 *.¡, \ vi 0065262!FONT FED \IInT 32-3 I 03 4.82 4542.001 21926.09 1.0905 ,.¡, \ VI 0065263\FOWl' FED 14-24 \ 03 4.78 3528.00[ 16876.83 1.0802 .¡,.¡, \ W 0065266\ FOI'IT FED \~IJIT 12-12 I 03 . 4,84 '2681.00\ 12993.43 1.0947 .¡,.¡, I vi 0065272\ FOHT FED ¡\tHT 22-11 \ 03 4.82 6436.001 31063.19 1,0903 W 0065276 FOIIT FED JNIT 34-6 \ 4,90 8134,OOr 39892.29 1.1086 vi 0065278 FOWl' FED ¡\IIIIT 13-7 \ 4.79 6921.00 33217.69 1,0800 .¡,.¡, IVJ 006:)28011"011'1' ~E~ \11,11'1' 21-23 ,1'R0I1TIEH 4.80 8509.251 40927.181 1.1210 I vi 00652811 FOWl' FED \1111'1' 42-22 jl'HO!~TIER I 4.Q7 7597.92[ 37793.97 1.1249 \ vi 0065,282 I FONT ,FE,',O lltHT 13-31 \ ' \ 4.82 4879.00\ 23524.66 1.0892 \"1 0;65286\FOI'JT ~·¿~\lNIT 13-23 J\'RowrIER \ 03 4,95 2390.98! 11836.17 1,1190 .¡,.¡, I \'J 0065287 1 FOIIT FED \~NIT 33-2 I I 03 4.86 8744.001 42517.96 1.0988 \v 00652921 FOIIT FED \IIHT 24-6 I \ 4.86 6648.001 32319.29 1.0985 I~ - ~;~~~9~ ¡FOIIT FED lhllT 4~-6 \, \ __ 4.9:) 3659.001 181<.3,16 1..1197 W 0065295 FONT FED \ HIT 32-22 ~'RONTIEH \ 5.01 2087.35 10465.331 1.1338 \'1 Oû65298 fONT fED l NIT 13-03 I I 4,86 8829.00 4?Ql??O 1.0983 W 00652~91FONT FED JNIT 41-12 I I 4.79 6417.001 30744,69 1.0820 YR B rurAClOl< , .¡, 03 .¡" 03 .¡,.¡, 03 . . 03 .¡,.¡, 03 .¡,.¡, 03 .¡,.¡, 03 .¡,.¡, 03 .¡,.¡, 03 17 03 ~ "* -Â- I 1..2í/ Ó 3 , : * * : 03 , , , .¡,.¡, .¡, . 03 .¡,.¡, 03 *.¡, 03 -*- + 03 .¡, .¡, 0< r:OUI¡IV SEV¡pnO[J 1 ^^ YOUIl ~EvlI 'HO{) lAX LIllCOLll 986.91- LIllCOUI 1482.78- LINCOLll 906.96- LHICOLl! 16"; ,1 . 24- LHICOLII 1943.60- L111COLII 2640.30- LIIJCÖLII 486.99- LHICOUI 426.33- LIIICOLH 1817.~)0- LIIICOLlI 1932.70- LIIICOLII 365.29- LIIICOLlI 134"1.11- LHICOLII 1024.97- LItICOLII 508.54- LHICOLH 9lf1. Qri- LIIICOLH 1044.29- LHICOL11 806.92- LHICOLJI 618.84- LIIICOLIJ '\ 1479.45- LIIICOLI'I 1901.76- LIIICOLII 1581,7"1- LItlCOLlI 2022.911- LIIICOLH 1803.04- LIIICOLH 1120.38- LItlCOLlI 564.39- LHICOLI~ 2026.08- LHICOLlI 1539,99- LIIICOLH 860.13- LHICOLH 499.32- LIJICOLlI 2(144,83- LIIICOLH 1463.62- SIAIG /1[1 VAllJ[ '('(.Iun OlllEr~ VVf1 ~ Vfl' 18830.52 I'JI 20822.~15 1 WI' 17268,85 "F\' 31050.23 vrl' 36%5.22 VJ'\' 51393.18 \~'I' 9183.17 vr\ 8136.09 IV'1 344 ,',q. c.,q 1 VJ-} 36989.66 I vr\' 6977.44 wi 25639.23 1 WI" 194"75.30 vfl' 9686.92 vr ' 1781 n. (17 1 1{1' 19964,41 !trl' 15325.91 \'I'j' 11820. Q/ "fl' 28622.90 3 61 7 3 . 7 8 ¡'J 'j "d' 30159.13 I vr\' 36819.99 WI' 34303.21 "1'\. 215'70,43 wj 1064/.17 \'1'1 ,Hr.]? )7 1 vd 29266.57 ¡ vrj' 16400.32 vA 9436.41 1 v'I"I' 38C5G,21 v·rI- 27762.09 ¡ E-P:l J!V}9 BSßß5 YOUf( flET 1 \ I I I I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I I \ I \ I \ \ I \ \ \ \ \ "EXIIl1JIT" Altached lu illlÙ llIaJe a pall of "Assig.¡llIlcnl uf Inlcresls" llalcJ JUJlC 3, 2UU·1/ìUlII SlUJdcy M. EJIVUJds llnJ CalulYIl S. EJwwJs lo SlillÙCY M. EJII"illJs ¡OIJ CwulYII S. EJII"illÙS. TJUslces of lIlC Slilll & CarolYII EJwwJs Trusl Jalcù JaJlualY B, 2UU3 f'IIOf'EHTl' I/UMUEII PHOPEHTY IJI\ME Ulllf PHICE UULS Oil MCF I GIWSS VALUE YOLII¡ L\EClh'^L .oun [JULS on ¡,IO \ Qun c;rwss ~ 1* I ,,* "" \\'1 0065303 ¡FOWl' FED ¡tInT 12-24[I:t - I G 12.03 4.79 4185.00 20uG2.2U 1.0820 ~I " 1;Þ;~ *" \ \'1 00653371 FOW~ FED lh!I'r~ 4~;10 I . ~>,:;12 : 0 3 4 . 8 5 4 b 6 9 . 0 0 I 2 ¿ 6 b:J . 3 1 1 . 0 96 6 I . I \'1 0065338 I FOIIT FED 12-2 \ ; ~ ; ; ~; 4 . 8 5 64 3 4 . 0 01 3 12 4 5 . 0 0 1. 0 9 7 3 '~_" I G 1"* ,,* 11,~ 0065347 FONT FED 11-31 FEOIl'rlER ~-I. 12 03 4.82 388.27] 1871,94 I 1.0863 /1 * I G" I *" * * I\'I 0065368 I FONT FED ~ IIT 13- 4 I I 12 03 4.79 17971.00 06089.51 1.0820 I Jrl' \ * G" \ "" * * I \'1 0065369 \ FOWl' fED NIT 41-22 \ 12 03 4.79 21915.32 105175.97 1.0840 ~ G* \*12* ** \ vi 0065371 \ FONT FED \\UIT 42-9 \ : 03 4.71 31227.001 147180,83 1.0640 , : I - - I í PYROODUUCTR :G .'~GAI:sALSc ·cmmENSAlE L P . PLANT PRODUCT R . RESIDUE L· LIQUIDS !JIU F^CIOII 160S.DS\ I STNJLEY 1'1, EOVIARDS 2025 ·1U LLI Gl\ll DIUVE COLORADO SPfU IGS, CO '- OWNER TYPE: w· WORKING R· ROYALTY o· OVERRIDE XTO ENERGY INC. 810 HOUSTON ST, . FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76102·6298 866·886·2613 ")wt~ErrNAME- DETACH AND RE1AIIJ 1 HIS 51 A TEMEtJT FOf< TAX PUHPOSES, DUI'LlCAI ES CN ¡¡,¡OT BE FUHIJISHED CHECK 1m. 2701162 (/- . /Ý COUUTl' SEV/I'I1U!J IM( yuun SEV/ lIiUU I AX L111COLII 954.43- L1IICOLII 1079.58- LIlICOLlI 1488.72- LHICOLIJ 8B.BU- L1IICOLII 4099. ?:c'- LI!ICOLI! 5008.25- L1IICOLI' 7002.19- 91. 63- t 80920 ------ B-P2 Jß/7Q lil:1 Vt,L\Jl esuu\ youn U IIIEII 'Nil 1__ -YOÜ~:r-1 \1"1 \ 1B714.93 ] \1'1' I 20405.13 vrj' I 20041.CJ4 1'1'\. I 1707.28 \~I' I nOlll?94 \~ .\. I 98106.29 \1372 95. 52\~r \ SIAIE 44.51- 1549.71 UWIII" I ¡ IIUMULOH CHECK DATE ----_.._._~. uU40G97 4/20/04