HomeMy WebLinkAbout913965 , nrt)I\f) \_- t..! \/ U ~-> /... AlVIENDl\1ENT OF NOTE AND REAL ESTATE MORTGl~GE TIns A.lVIEND1\1ENT is made by and between WESLEY A. CU!\Il\llNCS, al1lJl1manied man, hereinafter referred to as "GRANTOR", and BANK OF C01\ll\lERCE as Trustee for LAURENCE B. REINHART, IRA, hereinafterreferred to as" SUCCESSOR BENEFICIAH. Y", WITNESSETH: WH,EREAS, the Grantor did make, execute anci deliver to the SALT RIVER 1-IOrv1ES, LLC a Note secured by that certain Real Estate Mortgage in the amount üfNINETEEN THOUSAND FORTY -Tl-JREE DOLLARS AND 28/1 00th5 ($19,043.28), recorded as Instrument l'<u, 902413,:\ ¡ "~I, , records of Lincoln County, Wyoming, and WHEREAS, Sail River Homes, LLC endorsed the Note and assigned the Re~d LSlate rVlorll.!,aoe which secured said Note to Bank of Commerce as Truslee for Laurence B. Reinhan ]]'(L\, ~ ~ . referred herein as "Successor Beneficiary", and WHEREAS, the panies desire lO amend some of the terms and/or provisions or the Note and\1r Re~d EstalC )\,lortgage, and THEREFORE, in and for good and valuable considerations, the punies [lgree the terms [md conditions of the Note and Real Estate lvlortgage above described shall be and are hereby al1lenckd and modiiìed as follows: 1. The current monthly installment of ONE HUNDRED ElGIn'\'- THREE DOLLARS AND 77il OOTHS ($] 83.77) shall continue unti] /\ugust 19, 2006, whcn the remaining principal balance plus [ìCcrued interest shall be paid in Cull. AU terms and conditions of the Note and Real Estute l'lilortgage shall rcmain the same and unchanged except as amended and/or l110diiied herein. Dated 1(-/ }~O_r I GRAN'fOR:/ / / /~4/ ., / / r/ jii ( /~'7 I.t' / ¿¿""",,1/ , _~7-:;----v-Y"2~,.I"p / t~¡ / ¡V'; "".\/ \~ eSl)V A. Cummings //-;.->' J ~/ SUCCESSOR BENEF1CIA1"(Y: Bank of Commerce as Trustee of Laurence ß, Reinhan II.(A -;.-(\ A Bv', " C (,_,~ l,: ._\ :t .' L'--'''_~ :\ll1endment - 1 \V (slcy !\MD RECEIVED 11/23/2005 at 3: 14 PM RECEIVING # 913965 BOOK: 605 PAGE: 832 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY 'I 'I ;bJ STATE OF IDAHO ) ) SS. ) . , r; C 3 :_; 3 COUNTY or BONNEVILLE , On ,C/-. .' I J, .2-.::;'... , before me, the undersignee!, persullully uppeareJ ':)'11 i.." ( /...,.~ e L: \ l;;._ .-( ·k. , k.llown or ide11lifiecl to me TO be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument as Trustee of Laurence 13. Reinhart nZA and acknowledged LO me that he/she executed the same as Trustee of such IRA, .:~i/ /) J) .7J ('J.;., ( ~ ~1 rP ~ ..... .."~ . . ~ NOTARY FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO ~mmission Expires:-"3 ..// /;,/. çN GUU , ~.:<' ......, "r' 7;~íA~;\ . -...... - \" ~UB \.,..\0./ c' ,~"'" ..,....p... /-4 '......... ~... , r;:::nF'O COUNTY OF BONNEVILLE '".' ) ) SS. ) STATE OF mAl-IO On /;1,,1' l-~2J ",/(-:{'7 ",~ , before me, the undersigned, personal!y ~lppean:cI Wesley A. Cummings, known or identiiìee! to me to be the: person whose name is subscribe:clto the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. '(\tJ'J Cu '~"'''''''''' U:-¡ ~.. .- . . . , /"~~OT AJ::¡ ;.\ : "....... , .,..¿/ ( L' cr-«(/Zc·/c ,": iÍ( NOTf\.RY FOR TI-IE STATE OF IDAHO / ' '~Commission Expires:'~/ ,/,/../(:i(., '. ~ :::: .... (¡auG.... F úJ,·,.··... .···0.... /'" .,' .)., .' 4(: '" .... Ç>-'<' ,.. £' OF \D . ..\J1Icndlllcnt - :2 \V cslcy 1\ M D