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RECEIVING # 913968
BOOK: 605 PAGE: 838
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(I v\ '0111 ing)
THis MORTGAGE is grwlled b.1,ALPEN llAUS INVEST.MENTS Il, LLC, a 1J)'OlJ1il/g Lilllilí!d Liability Compal/Y as
Mortgagor, for good and mlllable considerations, the receipt of1l'hich is herebv acknml'!edged, does hereby GR.J.\'T, BA JlG.-US, SELL, (,0.\' I 'ET ..1\'D
II'.~RR.·JNT, andfi,r/her releases and \l'iÚVeS all rights lindeI' and by virtlle o/Ih¿ homestead nemplion Ill\I's 0/ II )'oliÚng. IInto ¡he ,\/ol'/gagee, his
successors and assigm, all of the following described real property, to 1I'it:
Beginning at the Southeaster~1' comer of Lot] of.4IpendorlSul){IÏI'ision, Phase] record"d liS Instmll/ellt .\'0. 70U391,
Lincoln COIIl1Zj', W)'oll/ing .Iaid point being /\'6°48'38" 11' 93 O. I] jeet.fìïlll/ th e South Quarter Climer IIlSeClÙJn 20,
Township 37 ,North, Range 118 West (~lthe 61" P.:\1. (II/d rllI/nillg them'" N15°18'57"W 12.5{}/eet; theilL'e .\'74°32'36"1:'
8.71 feet; thence !V15°2 7'24" 11' 23.81 feet; thence 874°32 '36" 11' 8.65 jeet; th ell ce /V15° 18'57" 11' 19. 52/eet; thence
S74°51'28" 11' 31. 5 7 jeet; thence N15°08 '32" 11' 12,88 feL!l; thence S74°51'28" 11' 31. 90/eet; thence SI 5°08 '32"1:' 12.88
jeet; thence S74°51 '28" 11' 32.42 jeet,' thence S15°]{}'04"E 1 9.53 jeet; thence 874"39 '56" 11' 8, 80. ji.:er; them'e S15ù20 '()4"E
23.81 feet; thence !V74°39'56"E 8. 8U jeer; thence S] 5°20 '04"E 12.52 jeet; rhence N74°50 '54"E 95.86 .feettll the puint (~l
TOGETHER WiTH any and all illlprovements, \I'I/Ier and ditch rigllls, nglus O(\I'I/YS, eosements, fm\'ileges, \'enlllallng, h'nelil,'IIIS,
heredilllml!nlS und ilppurtenwnes Iherellnto belonging or in wlY\l'lse apperlaining, nOli or hereafler IIsee! un sl/id lund or 1,,'longing 10
said ,\/ortgagor, illld any rt'wrsion, remuinder, rellls, issues Wle! pro/ils Ihereol, here/nL/(ìa I'eferred tu as Ihe "Pruf/err)'''
This grant is intel/ded liS a Murtgage, a Fix/lire Filing (/lId Secllrizl' II/teresr fur the Pllrpose of SeCllrillg:
1. PeljÒrmance olei/ch agreement of:\iortgagor herein cOllluinec!, each agreement und coveni/n/ contained in the luun docilmellls assocluled \I'ilh tills
morlgage, und any eXlension, relle\l'al, modijìcation alld'or amelldmelltthereo( "Loan documents" sholl illclude Ihe ubul'e descnbed IIOle, ¡Iii,;'
murtgage, and an)' other documellts or instrumellts signed ill cOllllecrion \l'i/h this 10i/1/.
], Payment of the indebtedlless e¡'idellced by u promissol)' nOle evell dale here\iith. and uny extensioll or ITlle\I'al Illereo;: IlIlhe principal sum or
NINETY-FIVE THOUSAND AND OO/lOOTHS DOLLARS (S95,OOOO.OO), the/ìllal pa]'ment o(lmnclpul und illlert'sll/lereo/l/ not
sooner paid, to be fillull)' ,llIe alld puyuble June J 5, 2007.
3, Payment orull slIchjÌtl'lher sums as IIWY hereajier be lowled or udl'ance,1 b)' tile .\/ol'lgagee/Òr all]' purpuSt', IInd an)' II OIL'S, dmfio alldor o[ller
illstrumellls represi:lllillg suchjÎII'Iher 10(/IIs, adVllllces or expellditllres sitall be opliollul \¡,ilh [lie .\fongagee, alld sh,,/I beL'lime due UIhl p"n/b/e II,) lweI'
than thejìllal/nillurily dwe orsaid nore secl/red hereby; and providedjÍtrther, thut il Is ¡Ii<' e,\prt'ss IlIIelllion lI(iIle pllrtles lu [i¡i.1 .\/lIngtlge 1/1U11I sllcdl
stolid us cOlltillllillg secllri[]' ulltil ull such loalls, advallces or expelldilures tlig"i!h'r \Iitll intaes[ Ih,'reun, ure p"id illjid/
A. To protect the semrity of/his åIortgage, iUortgagor warrants, CUI'eJ/all/S alii! agrees:
1. The property isjì'eeji'om all encllmbrances, except as may be described herein. wid Ihut .\Iortgugur sllullllurranl tlnd dej,'nd [he SUIII['
againstlhe 1c1\1'j'id cluims and demunds of all persons \('humsoever, alld litis Ctll'ellullt Shllllllo[ be e.\tlllgllished b]'jÌJreelosllre ur olher
], To kt'ep ill/ bllildillgs und otiter impro\'emellls 110\1' or hcrealler existing ill good cUlldi¡iOIl IIlId repair: III IllI/ renlO\'e OJ' demullsh 1In¡ or
o[her illlprovelllelllll¡ereoll: /0 complele ur resture promplly and ill a goud \1'orkllwnsllljJlik,' mallller UIl)' illlf'/'()I'emelll \i)lIeh II/U\' 10,' UJliSlI¡ICh',/'
damaged or deslroyed thereoll: to pU)' \ihell dlle (/11 elaimslor labor per/Òrmed alld IIIwerialsjl//'IIlshLd [herelo or Illae/en': tu cump/\' ""tll u/II(I\I S
i(1jécling suid propt'rt)' or reiflÚrlllg illlY alteratiuns or illlprol'emellls I{) be made Ihereoll, to IIUt COII/1ll1t ur pel"/lIlt 11'<ls/e 01' ¡hereoll, lu m<lilll,IIi/,
cllltivute, irrigule, j'ertili::e, .JÍilnigille. prune, <III ill II good IIml /llIshlllldrylike ml/J/ller, the lalld alld Illljil,()I'emellls tI¡aêIO, /011"1 iJr permll dlClllgê
In the me o(the prOper(1'; to 1101 do an\'lhillg \i'luch \i'ould redllce the mille o/th¿ properly, a/Jd do idl ulher uus \I'll/ell ¡¡'I)/} I Ille cllUmel"r or IIse of suld
property may be reasollubl\' lIeCeSS<lr)', Ihe specific ellllmeril/iollS hereill /Jot exci:llilllg tilt' gel/('rlll.
3, 1'" prOl'Ùle, mailltaill "lid deli\'ajir¿ illsurallce sutisjèlclOrv ulld \l'i[h loss pu)'uble tu :\Jurigugee, tu /)willlaill liobilil1' II/\I/rallce, 10 pm' ,dl
premiums ulld chllrges Oil 1111 such iIlSI/l'(IlICt' \l'hell due: wid 10 pru\'ide .\/ortgagt'e slltls/¿ICIOIY e\'idellce /lfsl/dl IIISIll'iIIlCe 1/1'011 reqllesl ni¿ al7/Ol/lIl
collected Imder ully.Jìre or other IIISII/"(/lIce policy may, at ,\Jol'/gagee's uptiulI alld delermillation, be applied UpOIl an¡' Imlebledlles\ seclIl'ed Ilereh\' ill
sllch order as ,\Iortgagee determilles, he released 10 :lJortgagor ill \l'llOle or I'urt. or WIY combillLlllolI IhereoJ. SlIeh upplicallulI or ri'/ease .1'1/(/11 nOI cure
or \i'aive WI)' defillllt or IIOIIL'': of del Gull hereullder or i/Jvulidure UIIY act dOlle pU/'SI/Ulllto sl/ch /Jolh'e,
-/, To pu\' berure de/illquellcy alllCl.yeS, IISSêssmellls, or rems a¡rectlllg said properly: lopa)' \i'hell due all ¿IICl/lllbrUllces, ciwrg,'" 0':) II'itll
iJllereSI, lyjéc/ing suiLI pru/-h:rl)' which ore or lJlay uppear lu be prior or .superior }¡t!}'t:/o, und 10 pay {[II c.:OSls, J~es uud t'Xjh!IJSCS (~({¡lis '\Jurtgu¿;t' und
Jú:u! J.;.'.\IU¡¡: J\jU/"I¿!/I,:!.'-
J-'. (~ 'J t ~ (....~
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associaled loan documen(s,
5, To pu)' immedialely and \!'ilhoul demand illl sums expe¡¡jed b\' .\Iorlgugee pursuunllU Ille prOl'isions haeol, I!'ilh il1leresllì'olll dil/,' u(npl'ndltlire,
ill a role equal (0 Ihe illleres( rare payable under ¡fie prollÚssolY !Jole desc'ribed above or 111'"l1e percenl (j :!%¡ per W/lllllII, \I'lucllewr IS greweI'
6, To appear in and def¿nd an)' ac(ioil or proceeding purporling 10 ajJec( Ihe securi()' hereufur Ih¿ rigllf.\' Or pO\l'ers u(,\forlgagee: [(! Pd)', un delllund,
all CUils and expel/Sf's. ine/uding \I'illwlII lillÚIMion, cuSI of Ii ill' e\'id¿nce, reasonable IllIolïley's(,'es, alil'dilces, and Or cosIO', pdid Or lllcul'lùl b)'
:\fOrfgdgf'e 10 prO(eCI ur el!/orc¿ ils righ(s under bankruplcy, appel/Me proceedings or olherwise, and ull sllch cusls und e.¡pense.\' shull becollle il pdrt
Ihe indeblt:dness secured by Ihis morlgage,
7 Should .\for(gagorjì¡jl Iu Illilk" anypaymenl or 10 do on.\' OeT os herein provided, .\forlgugee, bUI \I,IIIOUI o/J/igmioli so to do alid Ililhuut nOlice or
demand upon .\furfgagor and wilhuu( releasing JfurtgngorjÏ"om any obligalion hereolmoy: make or do Ille sUlue in SlIdl 1l1Ll1i1it:r wd t[) jllch I!.ïlelll os
Morlgagee may deem necessar\' 10 prolecllhe securi(\' hereo( .\forlgugee being aUlhuri:::ed lu enler IIpon SUld properl1-Jor suclllJilrjJoses, apJNur in und
deji.md (/In' auion or proceeding purponing (0 ajJecllhe securily hereo(ur Ihe rights i¡r p,!II'er" .\fongagee: puv, JllIrd/Uw, conleSI or cumJ.JrulIllse om'
enclIlnbrwlce, charge or lien \I'hich in Ihejlldgmelll uf,\ful'lgugee appeol's (0 be prior Or SlIp..:rior Ilerelo, und in nercisUlg un)' such pUllers or in
enforcing this .\for(gage by judicial j;JI'eclos!lre or 0Iher1l'isi!, pay the necesswy expenses, cosls and I'easonob/e aIIOme\"s j~ò'
S. Tn comply wilh all 1011'S, ordul,mccs, regulations, covenonls, condi(ions ond reslriclions ofjècling Ihe Propeny oli.1 ilS !lse, including 1I1I1IOUl
limilalion all envirollmelllal IUJl's, 110110 !lse or permit the IIse oflhe Proper/vi;)r any IUz!(I\I'/1I1 01' objeclionuble pllrpose; 10 l'emed1' iIIl)' ell\'iI lilllllelilul
COl1lwIÚllalioi/ or violalioll o(ell,i/ïJnmelllal /ems Ihal lIIay OCCIlI' or be dlsco1'el'e1Í in thelÎilure; 10 (i/low .\furlgagee uccess 10 Ilu.' Prupertv 10 iilspecl ils
condi(ioll and 10 tesl al/d IIwlÚlorjor cumpliance 1I'il/¡ applicable I{[ws (any illspeCliulIs or I.:sls Illude Ln' MOl'igugee sholl he' I,ll' ,\Iurlguge,"s j!lllposes
o!Jly and shall no( be conslrued 10 cre{[(e uny responsibility or liohi/i(1' 011 III": jlWI (tf,\Jurtgage,¡ [Ii Aful'tgagol' ()I' ru WIY IJl/ler person); lojol"\lUnj copies
of WI)' nolices receivedfi-um any envil'onmenlal agencies 10 .\Jorlgag.:e; and lu Jndemnijr und hold .\Jol'igagee, his employees, ugellls ulld his s;¡ccessors
and ussigns, harmlessji'om ond against all)' environmenwl claims o{allY kind, und all COSIS and npenses illcul'red in cunlleelivlI 111,'1\'\1 i[1i. inc!udmg,
WIIJIOIII limilalion, altome\"sjèes,
9, '+;1)' {J11'al'd of damages in conneclion ]!'ifh any condellllw(iolljor public IIse of or iiljul"\' 10 suid propenv or um' pUrllher.,,}, i,>, Ilereby assigned and
shall be p;Úd to :lforlgagee 1I'/¡0 muy apply or release sllch monies received by 111m in Ihe sume manner und wilh Ihe sal!le e7Ì~cl us ubu1'L provÚledjul'
disposifion o{proceeds ul./ìre or olher illSurance,
J 0, nil' failllre of.\fortgagee 10 exercise any right Or oplion pl'O\'icled herein at (my lime, 0'11011 nOI preellal,' .\f()l'lgugee Fum e.úc!n,sillg ollr o(SlIcll
righls 0( any OIher lime, by occepting paymeni of any sum secured hereby ajia ils due dole, .\JorlgClgee dues nOI 1I'O[\'e Ills right either [0 reqllire pi'lJlllpl
paymenl \\'hen dill' ojull o(her Slims so secured 01' to declare dejoull jorjillJure S,) to poy, ull riglus cOI~/,'rr,'d 011 ,\J,mgug,'e ure IIlItlU!'II/\'e und
addilional 10 allr righls cOlljÚred by 101\'; and ifwlY provision isjound 10 he IIlI'olid ur lillen/'Jrceuhle, SUL)I illvulnlnr ur unL'lIfur,eubilu\' slwll 1101
any ulher pl'iJ\'lsion herea(and Ihe mOrlgage shall be conslrued as IllOugh such provisiullllUd been al/Úlled
f 1. As w!dJ¡ional securilY, ,\forlgagor Ilereby giw:s 10 and conFers liJ'<i1l .lfongogee Ille right, piMer wid illllhulity, durillg the cunlillllOllce u!rlJis
marlgage. to culleCllhe renls, issues and prajÎls ùfsaidproperlv CIS Ihe)' becum,' dill' dlld pdYClble; JleselTillg h¡)1I'ever IllltO ,\1urlgug()r, J"'/or tll WI)
de/illlll by .Iforlgagor in paymenl orallY indebledness secllred hereby or in pelj;mnollce of (my ugreemelll haeullda, the righl 10 culleCI Cllld relillll such
rems, isslles dnd projìls, Upon any slich defa II II, .Ifortgdgee may 0( WlY lime 1I'i1J101lI nOlice, eilher ill pcrsoll, b)' ugelll or COllrl appuillled receil'er, ulld
,,'ilhulI( regard 10 (he adequacy a/any secllril)'/¡)r IIIe iudebledness haeby secured ellll'/" upon und lake POSSl'.II/UII o/.I'di¡{ propeny or WI)' pUr! rllereu(
in his O\I'n numl' Sill' {or or olhenl'ise col/ecl su, ¡Irellls, isslles and projìls, ine/lldwg those pust due and IiIlpeli.i. ond uppl)' Ihe SWill', less cosls ulld
expenses ofoperalio;, and colleclioll, ille/udillg reasOlwble urtomey'sj~es, IIpOIl UIlY IlIdebledll,'.\s secllred hereb)', ulld in slIch /Jrda us ,l/orlgugee !llell
delermilll' The enlering upon and /ukillg possession ofsaid propaly. Ihe collection ofslich rellls, isslles alld pro/ìls und [he aIJpli['(iI!uil I}¡er,'o/as
aforesaid. shall nol cure ur \laive allY ,1,12/111[ Ilerellllder or illl'ulidule all)' uCI done pllrSUelilllo WlY such dejullllllolice
J], DUL ON SALE The wdebredne.ls ami obligw!olls secured by Ihis morlgage is personal 10 tIle MUr!gugor {Jlld is lIot as,\ignabh' hI .\Jur!gugor
;\jungagee has relied upon (he credil oj:\forlgagor, Ihe illleresl ofMorlg.lgor illlhe f'/'Operl)' and /hejillullciClI !IIddel cUllcliliulIS IIII'il",\istillg 1I'hen
makillg Ihis loan fl·\fungagor IranslÚs or conll'Clcls 10 trum,/e1', (itle 10 or possession uf all or pun o{ tht' Properly, or OilY eljlllluN,' i¡¡terest Iherein
1I'he/her b)' deed. conlraCI j;lr deed. ussigmllelll, lease for a term in excess olone rear, leClse 1I'llh UII op/iulI to Pllrdwse, uptiulI 10 pllrcllUse, or similur
agreemenl; or i(lhe 0\\'n2rsllll) o(dn)' corpomrioll or parlnersllll), 01l'lzillg ull ur allY porlioll ulthe Propeny sholl be chulIged t:i/her bv \'Ollllllwy or
invollllllary sale or lI'dnsll'l' or by operaliun uf Iml'. ;\jorlgagee may declarc (dl slims du¿ lindeI' any nOll', secllrily agreement, olld 'or IUUlI ,Ioclllllents
associaled here\l'lIh, imm"i/ia(e/\' dlle and pa)'oh/¿, XOllcompliclllce "i,h Ihis cO\'enwlI shull conslilllle and he 0 d4,¡¡¡11 ollllis obligulioll \I/Udl sholl
elllille ;\forlgog¿e (0 ef(ecllwle any and ull remedies pro\'ided
J 3, Tillie is oflhe esse lice und OlllUlerlul pOri ufl/¡is agreemelll, fn (he ewnl uf defì¡¡¡ II, Ihe enllr¿ illdebredlless s¿cllred 1!L'I'c'II]' sllOlljlll'llmil/¡ becollle
dill' ond payoble and bear inter¿sl us described and set!'lrth inlhe :\'ole Ihis Mortgage secur¿s, .\forlgoge¿ shollllUl'e [Ill' riglli IUJor.:cluse Ihe lien o(
Ihis morlguge, 10 hal'e a r¿ceiver uppuinled in any CUllrl proceedillg, tli col/ec( ony rellls, isslles ond projìlsjì'(!lIì [Ill' Properly ulld uPI)ly 111,'111 ug,Jinst rll,
indebledness hereby secllr,'d, 10 sell Ihe Properly atforee/osllre en mass..:, or (/\ olle 101 ur porce! Olllle oplioll u{.\fortgug¿e, olld 10 nl'l'cise WI)' lIght,\'
and remedl¿s available lindeI' Ihe L!¡¡¡j'Jr!n Comm¿rcial Codejl)r {he SIOIe ill 1Ihic-llthe properly is lucuted: ulld reusonublc 1I01i,e i{reiJllired suc/¡
Code shall be jive (5) days,
J-I TlIC MOrlgagee may at Clny lime, wilholll nOlice, releose porlions of said morlguged premisesjì'ollllhe Ii¿n o[lhis mar/goge, 1I'it/¡Ollt oj/"eclillg tll,'
personol liub/Ii(y of OIlY personj;)r Ihe poymenl o{lhe saul indebledness or Ihe liell ofllJls lIuJ/'lgoge upon I/¡e rellloimll'r orl/¡e murtgaged pn'llIisesjor
Ihe(idl amoulIl a{ suid indebledness Ihen remaining ullpaid
J 5, ¡\furlgogur and each oflhem join inlhis ilJS(nllllelll for Ihe purpose ufsllbjeL'ling euell u( tlleir righi, lide and imeresl, i[OIlI', in Ille 1'/"(JI!l'I'IV,
1I'hel/¡er of record or olherwise ond in eluding ony righllo possessioll, 10 tll,' 1i¿1I O(IJI!S mortguge,
J 6. This morlgage, all loan docllments wul Ihl' nOle(s) sl'cllred h('l'l'by sholl be governed Cllld ,'ollslrlled occordil/¿ I(! Ihe la\l's uf/hl' SIUIe o{ 11)'omillg
In (he ewnl o(defuul/, MOrlgagor grants to .\furlgogee 0 1'011'<'1" o{Sole IOforec/ose 011 und .Idl soid property [11 public uUCliul/ PUrsll.lIlt 10 If)omillg
SWlule Section 3-1·-I·10J el.seq,
f 7, This mor(goge applies 10, illures 10 IhL' benejìl of om I binds aI/ pilrlies her, to, their IIL'irs. devisees, persollul repreSeIllUli\'c'S, successOrs und
assigns, The (eml ¡\Jorlgugee shull meon Ille hojder ami 01l'lIer ollhe IlUle secured herehy; ur i{lhe IlOle hilS bl'l'1I pl,·dg"It. the jlledgee 11i,'ri!u/ JII Illis
Morlgoge, ¡¡)lerever the con(ext so requires, Ihe IIwsc¡¡line gene/a ille/udes I/¡ej"eminille CllldiÒr nellieI', olld Ihl' sing 11101' nl/mber inc!udes 1112 plllm/.
R¡;uJ t.SI~II': Aill/"fgug¡; (/ :)1)) - hlgi..']
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C UN . OF Bonneville. )
'71 rru (c> 7--0 D r
On ), before me, Ihe undersigned, personall)' appeared
Lan)' Reinhar/ and Care MCC!¡¡¡llck
..... \.
known or idemU/ed 10 me 10 he Ihe Managers oflhe Limiled Lwhilll)' Company Ihaf
execllled Ihe \I'llh¡n ins/rumenl and acknowledged 10 me I¡WI sOld Company
exeçuœd the sume.
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