HomeMy WebLinkAbout913973 Ii ----,--+-- -.------t-1 II ¡ ! rì) j I i\ F;ELEi\SE G " ,,--;, ~'! !-"1 t.: C" .. : II ! I ; ¡ i I li- , I , I i I I, i i i i STillE ¡'ìORTGAGE (By Corpor~llol1) rüwW'\LL i\lEl'l BY THESE PHESENTS, That First National Bank West -~_._. ,., (',¡f H/r,Hlun, of (h" C'uun(y uf Lincoln , and State of Hyoming Ll'rLily thdt ;j ct"rcajIJ mongage, bearing dhte the rr¡¡ide and executed by Angela Behrman , doe:; hereby ?nd day of September , A, D, 2004, ä~ mortgagor~, t u Fir~t NRtinnRl RRnk West as rnortgage"" conveying certain real estate therein mentioned as security for the payment of S "3?, 000.00 thrJ8ìn stated, which murtgage was recorded in the office of the County Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Dc:ed:; uf Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, un the 9th day of September 2004 ilL è-¡uul( --'i..6iL._O! ;\!ongages, at page 7 ()O , and mortgaging the following described real t:!staLe in saiJ Cuunty, to'lI'iL: , as All Lands Described in Said Mortgage. \ ,(\ "-.¥ ~-J' RECEIVED 11/23/2005 at 4:03 PM RECEIVING # 913973 BOOK: 605 PAGE: 877 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY '" "..,II, '-' ,"uk ~CLLH",d th",,.,,,b:(, tind the ,ÜurerlJen[joned debt, fully paid, sutisfied, released, ilnd disLllarged and in t:onsideri.lliun th2T£'l'¡ the suid. moreg;:¡gee does hereby release and quitclaim unto the said mortgagor the µremises thereby t:onveyed ilnd mort. su,~(ëJ . II': \\,]'I'i<E:-;S WHEIƒOF, the First National Bank West . -_.~._------- lu C~U5ed thl¡St~ Pte~ìf"nts (u Le signed by ils Branch Presldent HIli.! _'oJ" It,C('-qJr,!oratc Sl"ClI tu bt' affixed, this : 11. ,..j,~ .., ,'::;¿61~(i and Delivt'red in the preseme of -,r) (j.., -·~E~·~ \'" ~·\;tle5t Seal:. First NRtinnRl RRnk Wpst ~~ .r--, (" r B }{5... ,j .-~.f? ,/ C, (', ,:/I<:L.--" (-7~ì /7 Its Branch Prekldent .2./ c' /).I't) / ii¥= .:~. -) I day of ,-\, D, ,.:)..(! () ') '.../' ¡-,. ""1 " -~",~_.~~~ ( ì'Jutt', Ir í( lCi lIot cJesired to describe lands in sµace therefor, inserL the following: "Alllallds de5nioed in said mortgage," THE ~3'r."..TE OF \VYO!\l[NG, I, ss, J /) ~Ã-' /. V., ?' /-C')Î} j(. c:t----- C"lJ:1ty ul Linc 0] n .-2/ Penny Jones tu me [wrson;:¡lly known, whu, being by mt' duly sworn, did suy that he is the Branch Pn"sident First National Bank West On this diJyof , 19_, oefore 111[' personally appeared uf JIlt! [ lU[ the Si-:Jl uffixed to said instrument is the curporate seal uf saId corpuration, ¡¡nd lhat said instruíUent was signed and "-dj[_¡)u.::J.d!~i~g~~~L::'JJ!Pur,at,¡~n._o~' au t~lUflLY of lt~ B uard ~f Directors and 5:.Jid C.,as hi e r d' I.! 1,~H,tJr~ hiPl,1f'Ni 1.~,,!.rÜm"r1t' 1 D be the In!f' ad un.1 df'f',4 01 saId 'orporat¡¡'n,._ ".' Co~nt., f d'<1¡ ~C'r, - ." ) ~ /) / . L/V-)1 -,i.-' " , _ ' 1\ <'tUlJdrtec;r 1l%,~,:;:,~å ¡]!Ùi t,ota~ral se;:¡! tlm (;7'- day 01; //: . /) I j, (:,....,~-;) ,t\ / Dj (;0 S '<.t:;¡¡¡:.>)\ , _, ,;..-- / J _ ./ , " .--:?c ¿...- L. My Commission EXP"b r;- I:', ;' ~ _ b )_ ===~.~,.~,',-::-::,.'.. ,., tIle ' .-2. ;? d"'y uf .!t'¡ ¡(~,i¿'L/ ~i¡jlúr)' PlJulÚ:, i\ly cumrnissiun expires un u. _, t\. D, f) r;, TILE STi\TE or WYOl\llNG, } 55 [tJunt}' ur Tld'; in';l.111Il>'nt was ii1"d for recorJ aL.-_o'clock_IvL, on the :\ [I l ',--_.__, :.lnJ July recorded in Book 011 Page day of COlJnty Cjerk unJ Ex-Officio Hegí'ltf ui fj,;eJ5 :-',,! u By_ FEes, :j) .---- Deputy Clerk