HomeMy WebLinkAbout913993 ÿ ý1 /7.3 I v ';/ ( .J 10 (U ::' :~n¡2.;,',,1 SAT 1 S F ACT ION 0 F [\1 0 n T GAG E KNOW ALL I\1LN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Cuunlrywide l'Iome Loan:>, 111e, (tka Cuuntrywide Funding CoqìC1ratiull), the owner and holder of a '~ertain mortgage dec'd e,\eeuted by JERRY II TIIOJ\'1AS. KELL Y M RANDALL THOMAS to A,MERICA'S WHOLESALE LENDER bearing dale 050~~OO~, recorded 05¡09i~OO~ in Ofíïcial Record~ Book NA, Pal!e N'A Document No, 880909 in the office of the County Ckrk of LlNCOLN County, Wyoming, ~ec~ring a certain note in tl;~ principal ~um of $90,000,00 DoÍ1ar~, and certain promises aI~d obligations ~èt forth in said mortgage deed, upon the property situated in said State and County, hereby acknowledge~ full payment and satisfactiun of said note and mortgage deed, and sunenders the same as cancelt'd, and hereby directs the Clerk in the otlìce of Coumy Clerk to cancel the same of record, " , IN WITNESS WHEREOf the ~aid cu;puraliolJ ha~ cau~ed these presents to be executed in Jh name, by its proper onicers thereunto duly authorized, the 1 ó day of N()\'ember, ~005, Counlry\f~de l-Iome L"oans, funding f--'O?ìOrä tion) B 1/ lt/--ß y, Hi]da~eordero As~istant Secretary Ine, (Jla Coumry\vide STA TE OF CAIJFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES On Il!Hí/~005, before me, Shirley Cue~ta, Notary Public, personally appeared Hilda Cordero, personally known to me (ur proved to me on the basis of satistàctory e\idence) tu be tile person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she executed the same in his'her authorized capacity, and that by his,'her signature on the instrument the person, or the entities upon behalf of \vhich the person acted, executed the instrument. /)) / /I / /. r¡ ~~ ~,o M ;:"'-...', /~<{., ~ I " / S,';:j,~'- 0 ',~" '" ± ( \;:< '-" I "I ~"'\ }I I )? SE.,.,l :~ (>-\..J 7 (fJ [[~N'P., ~' - 'r- '\ 969 ::- '/.-' k ,- \ -? ,1It-'W ,JO(¡,Þ-. /j I \:0- / 'Z__!:_// RECEIVED 11/28/2005 at 11 :22 AM RECEIVING # 913993 BOOK: 606 PAGE: 21 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLER~(, KEMMERER, WY MaiJ Recorded Satisfaction To: JERRY II THOMAS. KELLY M RANDALL THOIvlAS 195 FA1RVIEW S COUNTY ROAD 143 fAIRVlEW. WY 83119 Document Prepared By: ReeonTrust Company, N,A. ]330 W, Southern Ave, MS TPSA-88 Tempe, AZ S5~S:2-4545 (SOO) 540-~684 DOCIDn-O()(J I r,()1'i7fPUO'iN