HomeMy WebLinkAbout913994 ~, I\; ~~ ( ) r ~;,. ~ \j c~ c .~; ;'.: 2 SATISFACTION OF MORTGAGE KNO\V AL] J\.1EN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Mortgage Electronic Regi~tratioIl Sy~tem~. Inc" the owner and holder of a certain mortgage deed eXécLlted by JLHER\' DUPONT to The Jackson state Bank 8: bearing date OR/U9/~Ú05, recorded OR'¡6/~0(J5 in Official Record~ Book 594, Page 500, Ducument No, 9] 096] in the of1ïce of the County Clerk of LINCOLN County, Wyoming, securing a certain note in the principal sum of ~~50,400,00 Do]]ars, and certain prumises and obligations set forth in said mortgage deed, upon the property situated in said State and County. hereby acknowledges fu]] payment and satistàction of said note and mortgage deed, and sunenders the same as cancekd, and hereby directs the Clerk in the of1ìce of County Clerk to cancel the same of record, \:' , \~ J IN WITNESS WHEREOf the said corporation has caused these presents to be executed 111 its name, by its proper oJlÌcers thereunto duly authj'ized, the] 6 day of November. 1005, B"MO'lg't~Jooi' Regi.",.,'i,,,, S,,""'I>, Jo, Hi]~a Cordero ' A~si~lant Secretary STATE Of CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES On ] 1116/1005, before me, Shirley Cuesta. Notary Public, per~ona]]y appeared Hilda Cordero, persona]]y known to me (or pJl\ved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) 10 be the person whose llame is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged tu me that he/she executed the same in his/her authorized capacity. and that by his/her signature on the instrument the person, or the entities upon behalf of II]Hch the person acted, executed the 1I1strumenL \IJ-'¿~ ~ " //Shirley Cu .' a. Notary Public , My commission Expires: 05i:28/2009 "~~ .'~ ~,' "{:~E, ..~~~j'::" :y' " "L~~0;:~c¿?,i~~[,!!'¡~4 ~ ) ~i"":~'.)'" Mil CUÏIlrf¡ ["0 t1"Y'I;' ';i'/,', I> r-v-v-~ylç---.:.-;;.~~~~~~~:.z RECEIVED 11/28/2005 at 11 :26 AM RECEIVING # 913994 BOOK: 606 PAGE: 22 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ~C'r::~:S5:S~S~S:j: \; 'r L ,--c' ,J \ '\ (' t';¡ ¡:- :'-\"\{' '- jJ ('- "'1. v \...~ ~ h .\.1,0 :,n'n.... Giro, ì-¡ g -,..~...\-...:r;f)~.z..;:r< I.,; ."', \'ì ,') , i.¡\.) ,qr' " r ·{(c:'?¡ í) }') ;~. ./(~ C.()RPOF&\ìl~? ~,Il" §I--- -../ . ~"'_ ,-' Ó' I' ) ill '-'1C"þ' ,- ' Ç!, 9 tj, -'ì <....~H' P L '), S 1J.L.r U-, B Û) :.) l., ""'-'~ '¡9"'\ ,~, 13, lr,') ðO" '~::. (1,1':',:": (¡,). ,/ ,,' ~?. '0.,,' c? J lU 'd-. ¡fA W f'-. (,'i J-r ~l OJ" '-"zça:;¡::· .N....' )::f(' r _ " _ ....)... ~1:\-' "Av ...~-rç.r ~ \~'(',~" --, "-::'-T '......~_..:;._::>...;r~ Mail Recorded Satisfaction To: JEFFERY DUPONT PO Box 3039 Jackson, WY 8300] Document Prepared By: RtconTrust Company, N,A. ]330 W, Southem Ave. t-.1S: TPSA-88 Tempe, AZ 852R2-4545 (ROO) 540-16R4 DOCID#000937] 03) ] '005N