HomeMy WebLinkAbout914017 RECEIVED 11/28/2005 at 4:22 PM RECEIVING # 914017 BOOK: 606 PAGE: 107 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ,~''',' , ,,' ~'1' .t 'II Warranty Deed K & L Trust, Sidney Kohl and Ralph E, Loewenberg, Trustees Trust dated the 14th day of January, 1989 Grantors, for and in consideration of TEN ($10.00) DOLLARS and other Good and Valuable Considerations in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, CONVEY AND WARRANT TO: Clarence R. Ahlemeyer and JoAnn G, Ahlemeyer Husband and Wife Grantees, whosemailingaddressispi)f-70Y.. D~r)1Z.k/_.P^-\-\ f-\:'Z'~- ç:c;:35¿L, the following described real estate situate in LÍncoln County and State of VVY9ming" ber~QY releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the ~' ,.,e- .1 . ,.,,~ ì' . '" . ¡ r' i; ,. .'. "hómestëad exemption laws of the State to-wit: :.h"~-":f-/, 5 r'~ _~>/) I"" ,,' 'I ~¡ "I' ~ ~ Lot 17.,.. L- 3 of the Rolling Hills First Addition to the City of Kemmerer, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof Subject to any easements, reservations, restrictions or right-of-ways of record, of sight or in use, WITNESS our hand this IL}- day of XÙ:oU. ,2005. ê,,\ ~ -- . /) ". J / _'__,/ ...----.J (~L"- ~ Si<:jhey Kohl, Trustee State of Ftcvì dc" ) County of POhy\ EeClCh ~ ss. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me, a notary public in and for said County and State, by Sidney Kohl, Trustee of the K & L Trust, dated the 14th day of January, 1989, this ~ day of 1\)C\~\ry1\(X!í, 2005. Witness my hand and official seal. NOTARY PUBUC~Sl-\rr OF FLORIDA 1l~' "Kimberly G, Stocks f~l¡" " i COI~m¡ssio~ # DD36?852 \:;J~ Expires: Dr.C. 03, :¿o08 Don:'.,.' ThrlJ ,\thntic Bonding (0., Inc. ~~···L -'---"-- / ~ ~'. ." c ,6 [,1/\ Notary Public My Commission Expires: I L/03/ o~ (see reverse for additional notary acknowledgment) A.. ~" r: C'\ ·,,1 (': Q ',~ ',' \.1 1. '.; u St t f .,1 ! C J '1 Ý ~ /11/ a e 0 ¡1f L,J C, f._.... County of A/rEa' V/..7 ¡¿l~:" ) ) ss, ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me, a notary public in and for said County and State, by Ralph E, Loewenberg, Trustee of the K & L Trust, dated the 14th day of January, 1989, this /.YU¡ day of Ale (,.(;t}l¡'('I'~ , 2005, Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires: Ilt (!¡ I. :J ¡;, /j ,,-¡, ,,- !.> ~!"I/ (/'.. (, / Ct1/¿,{-'KP1V]¡( . )1(¡,'Jj')(?/'t'-~>-: (0,h--1A:/v'~ . Notary púb!J.c"",,,,,;, '. <, ,\ ~.':' (.. ': ¡' ~.. "(" -,;"; ,I!~t,\):t;,¡ ~.... "(.' " N.v CARME~ M. ~'ff~t6t~" ;(!,¡1i;;j;/!I'f I MI~ry Public. SWa.cr~.:w YArk' '/ " " ./ ~o. 01.ME604;!sL~'''' 'f ' ~uÇ1/ fied In 8rorp"QGur.'· ' Coolmlssion Expir~s ~~~t;11 £S.t~:)i¿'C l -'." ¡ \.,1,-- ....~,:\':~!.;. .i..:,'~' it r,., . .~: ,J '..¡'¡ ~~,.."" .. . -.' ...~~ ~ . "" "!,