HomeMy WebLinkAbout914018 RECEIVED 11/28/2005 at 4:25 PM RECEIVING # 914018 BOOK: 606 PAGE: 109 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY r. !ì ... '/ . 9 ' , (, '" " ;.-, '...~ \.! J.. ~j ~ AGREEMENT FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF EASEl\1ENTS THIS AGREEMENT FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF EASEMENTS is entered into by and between MARANATHA CHRISTIAN FELLO\VSHIP (formerly known as FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF KEMMERER), a Wyoming Nonprofit Corporation, 619 Pearl Street, Kemmerer, Wyoming 83101 (hereafter "Maranatha"), and XPERT ENTERPRISES, INC., a Utah Corporation, 1511 West 870 South, Syracuse, Utah 84075 (hereafter "Xpert"), <" , \VHEREAS, Maranatha is the owner of that portion of the property identified in the Warranty Deed that was recorded in the land records of Lincoln County, Wyoming on T'v1ay 14, 2002 in Book 489 PR at Pages 469 through 470 as Instrument No, 880986 that was not earlier conveyed by the Warranty Deed recorded in the land records of Lincoln County, Wyoming on August 20, 2003 in Book 531 PR at Page 545 as Instrument No, 892652 (hereafter the "Maranatha Property") (copies of said deeds are attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference); and --.J 10'5 f;('1 \VHEREAS, Xpert is the owner of the property identified in thc Warranty Deed that was recorded in the land records of Lincoln County, Wyoming on Novcmber 16, 2005 in Book 604 PR at Page 876 as Receiving No. 913750 (hereafter the "Xpert Properly") (a copy of said deed is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference); and \VHEREAS, Maranatha and Xpert have agreed to exchange l'asements beneíìting their properties for non-exclusive ingress and egress, and the right to install underground utilities, NO\V, THEREFORE, Maranatha and Xpert, for themselves, and their successors and assigns, hereby agree as follows: A, EASEMENT BENEFITTING MARAN A THA PROPERTY, A nonexclusive right of way easement for ingress, egress, and underground utilities 30 feet in width and running from Sixth Avenue south 178.98 feet on the Xpert Property (along the eastern boundary of the Maranatha Property) is hereby created and granted to, and in t~1Vor of, the Maranatha Property, B. EASEMENT BENEFITTING XPERT PROPERTY, A nonexclusive right of way easement for ingress, egress, and underground utilities running across the southern] 0 feet of the 1\'1aranatha Property is hereby created and granted to, and in favor of, the Xpert Property, C, CONSIDERA TION, Maranatha and Xpeli hereby acknowledge that each of them has received consideration, for the easements, including TEN DOTJjd~S ($] 0,00) and other valuable consideration, in hand paid, and the easements granted herein. AGREEI\1ENT FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF EASEMENTS MARANATHA CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP / XPERT ENTERPRISES, INC. PAGE 1 OF '-I t~018 ,", n (', '!": 0 '.' . " .1 ~.......L D, EASEMENTS NOT TO BE OBSTRUCTED. Except for temporary obstructions required for the purposes of maintdining and improving the Edsement areas, and installing and maintaining underground utilities within the Easement areas, the Easement areas shall not be obstructed in any manner that would impede free ingress and egress, E. IMPROVEMENTS AND MAINTENANCE. Any improvements made within the Easement areas shall be at the sole expense of the person(s) making the improvements unless otherwise agreed to in writing. F. EASEMENTS TO RUN \\lITH THE LAND, The Easements created herein shall run with the lands identified herein, and shall be binding on and shall inure to the benefit of the parties to this Agreement, and their respective successors and assigns, G, ENTIRE AGREEMENT, This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and any prior understanding or representation of any kind preceding the date of this Agreement shall not be binding except to the ex tent incorporated in this Agreement. IN \VITNESS WHEREOF, Maranatha and Xpert have caused this Agreement to be executed on this ~73.\?£ day of November, 2005. MARANATHA CHRISTIAN FELLO\VSIlIP, a Wyoming Nonprofit Corporation ~¡ft~4Ibu¿)1t LESTER ll. FATHEREE, .Ill. PRESIDENT / PASTOR _.--_ ~~,~:o::=- -.::--::~~ 1'\1':LSON SMITH DIRECTOR / TRUSTEE XPERT ENTERPRISES, INC., a Utah Corporation BLAIR N, GARDNER PRESIDENT AGREEJ\'I ENT FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF EASEMENTS MARANATHA CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP / XPERT ENTERPRISES, INC. PACE 2 OF 4 ':9 ~' -ù~,å C' 0 C .L 11 STATE OF \VYOMING ) ) SS, COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) ACKNOWLEDGED before me this J':b~~ day of November, 2005, by LESTER l{, FATHEREE, JR., who stated under oath that he signcd the foregoing document as President / Pastor of MARANATHA CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP, a Wyoming Nonprofit Corporation, pursuant to authority provided to him by said Corporation's Board ofDjrectors, \VITNESS my hand and official seal. \\ \ \ \ \11111111 III/ \\\ , . - . 111/ ~, .,'~\1i:';¡-il'\l ;0 [ "" ~ 't·Y· ",,"....... "~ ~ ":::::0 ' , I ,,' "'" I ~ ..... Î'\ 0 t "...., ;~. ~ /">:2'7;///9 /j'~) ('('{rX< :>7«11/1 ~ .' th -1" \ 0 -::: N91'A'l'\' I')Ußl lé :...~ ú) f ""Gi¡'h, ) ."I.~ u) ::: '- ' .~" :: ~- : 'YC t.o, t)-::: ~ ):- ~..() 14<"lt.. J (j) ::: ~ .~,\ (,;bl.My ~jjmn~sion expires:nt~";:BGt2 fq iä~y;jp ~, /~..., ì·6 ..~JÞ.. ~ 'l 0,1'.. .........., ,0 .:-; ./.' "'! \\":-" ""Í' , .'~, \,' 0·" \.'\ ~,::::;. '/;/¡ I \\\ ï/I/j /I II 111\\\\\' STATE OF \VYOMING ) ) SS, COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) ACKNOWLEDGED before me this a;;~,l.~ day of November, 2005, by NELSON SMITH, who stated under oath that he signed the foregoing document as Director / Trustee of MARANATHA CHRISTIAN FELLO\VSIHP, a Wyoming Nonprotìt Corporation, pursuant to authority provided to him by said Corporation's Board of Directors, WITNESS my hand and official seal. ,.,~,( (' -"" ~~',:, " "'t ,7//)/ if //)t'('r; /?'.) 7;}./1. NÇ> rARY PUBLIC AGREEMENT FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF EASEMENTS MARANATJ-IA CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP / XPERT ENTEIH'RISES, INC. PAGE 3 OF 4 ~~'= .~. ';::~:~:;¡¡~J i'j! ()¡ ['J' (" () r- l L ) U U ("" .J-" I~ :~ .,1 ,) , .', ,', ,I:: [ C I: I \lJ (),~l ¿ l-II'!i..u! :,' !I!II\"" ,rl t J C.L_ll~·>; ~j "~~ :Ji~ð 13ooK189 YRPAGE~,9 'VARHANTY DEED C? ":" J!, /; I ¡: ~'i: ,.1 E' /\ :\i ¡'-.' ," I "C.; i'I,' i~. ¡'I' ;\¡I /~. i,::> (: j~-'". !. .', ,":':¡"'YIC JANICE K EARHART Trustee, of the JAN1CE K EARHART FAtvlJLY TRUST dated Septcmber 22, 1995, Grantor, of Anon, Lillco!n COllnty, Wyoming, for and in consideration ofTEN ($10,00) DOLLARS and other valuable considerations in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, CONVEY and WARRANT to: FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF KElvLMER,ER a Wyoming Ilun'prufit corporation, Grantee, of 61<) Pearl Street, Kemmerer, Wyoming 83] 01, the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the Homestead Exemption Laws of the State, the follO\villg described property, to-wit: Lot 203 of Ben Nield Second addition to the town of Anon, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described in the oílìcia! pJat thereof TOGET1-IErz. WITH and SUBJECT TO: A!l Easements, E:'(ceptions, Reservations, Restrictions, Rights-Of-Way and Improvements of sight and/or record, DATED this /0 day ofT\'fay, 2002, JANICE K, EARl-JART FAMILY TRUST, dated September 22, 1995 a~7'&2{~p~~~L-W~:3 ¡/:r;'(NICE j(, EARlJART, Trustee STATE OF WYOl\JING ] ] SS, COUNTY OF LINCOLN ] The foregoing Warranty Deed was subscribed and acknowledged before mc by JANICE K. EARHART Tnlstec, oCthe JANICE K EA!tHART FAlvl1L Y TKUSe, dated September 22, J 995 on this l!2...... day of May, 2002, '"i"¡ (~~__i 4U ;. , ~ I.. 'f.' Ut-:}C3U.:'('j b ~ Jf.7Q , \VITNESS my hand and ot1ìcial seaL [~~ìfi,~tl;;KEÊ"MÔT1f¡ìrÙ BLIC~ ' COUN1l0f, Þf{5 ~Ρ STATE OF . L~IGOLI ~,Ø, \'NaMING ~~-tÞ-~';-.:7-~:?-..ø.-4"-o~ ,( ~ I " I,' 'f ' My Commission ExpiresJ=.l!-A-::'0j (, (\ (';: . ¡~ ~;~ ,") '. .. ,J \. I _l J,,, J / .,- tð' 11 1 -: / ?!:1.Q.~ "" .1_5.;..:~8 13l178E:37E:S3 '-.. . ~."-tno' L..J. l'_Uì..I'ì 1..-1..1 I....Lt../·a". LUThI g \ifJ'iL.ES LL(~ Pi:(1E ';'.2 CéJ/ US hG. ~E·l , ' fit.G~!VEO UlJÿOLN OOUNTy' r.U:t¡¡{, (\ !~, ',~ ":. :'~ , .~ t ,i .1... .1. 1.1 ~;;K~31fR?AGE~~ Ð92652' WARRANTY DEED OH\fl; 20 PH I: % JEANNE W,4GNU\ 't"\'!JÛRF.R ~"!(':'Hr~. . ,', ¿., TH1~ INDENTUltE" ItI1Idë the J-~.. day of Au¡lWt, 2(03 by &nd bet\\'~t:U the FIRST BA1"l'ŒTCJ.ilDRCB OF >r.E:MIVŒ.RER, , a cQq)/.}raticlu crpnized a1Id éXjltlÍDJ u~ /1M by ....¡nue cf Ih~ la\V~ óf th~: Bw,tt of Wyomtn¡ !1M havlng if.:! DrlnciÇl1l1 plu;¢ ¡If bl1Sioó% ÎH the CooJrty of LinMln !~ GRANTOR, u\d OATff D'li,V1:LOPMENT, U.C, a Wyomk'i Limited llibiJiry Comp¡û.\)', whoiS-C address1.s p,O, Bo);; 1669. AftOD, h'Y 83110 aó G'1.nti:~. 'Wl'DŒSSE"fH: ThAt the grurtor, for Cl!l ill cov.s1di;ratiûc. of ÙJt: 9Uï!1 of Ten. J;.:;Uítrs C$lO,OO} ana /JLhêi' gN¡¡j awl vtluabk r.:oWlld::ration in hl1d pAid, th~ recè~pt whe.reof 15 'It.rCby ilck1lJ.'1\\,J¿dg~d,' doe$, by !btz;ð p~r.:ul.s, gr:.rJ, bUU/i.În. ~¡¡.. CONVEY AND W Allilr'\.NT lU,IlJ) thi: said Grruf¿-e ,d1 thar UlrWn Q'!!ct, lat, píw:, Ill1d ~-.:l 01 ]and sitwlted tn the CC;UIlt, of Lincoln, SLar~ vi 'lVyom(ng-. !i.rI.d d.e:sc:ribeJ :L8 foUaM to-wit: Lot W5 of Havé1l of Hí)pð First Add!Hau to t1~ Town 01 Al1on, Lir...~CJln C0LJ'!li:y. Wý'omin¡ flS describ~ on ¡htc ç,fficiltl p1at ti1èd Au~t 'ï, 2003 a, In:;lrillnt,nt Hi], , 8íj2').77 of !hI! x~còrd:; of ili¢ Lincoln County Clerk, Ke~¡'ér, WyoiIlil1j¡, , ',' /Ì -·v ..!/ St1'BJECT, bD'(V~VI:':1:, t;J a.ll re-!U\!!tt1C)n:>, reB\:r)1;tiO!t~. pro!~cU'¡e CO'~M"t!¡, ~1(('¿pt¡ODS, ~œe!m iDð rlg1u-ot-way Gf I'f,COrd, in sl¡ht, or in \~~, IN WITÑF..5S WlH?-IŒOF. t~ G!'antot bÄs C.'!lÍstd th~ pr:se:.llts to bè 3!gr¡".1.J by it>: duly authorized officer, the d£>.y IillL! YI!.ar fwl &bov/: writtt:n: , FIRST BAVI'!:n CHURCH OF KEty[MEH..E.R / ;¡f ~~Z-~ /- - , B - &?/0 - -t>lltJ.-"\."<: \ y ~ -.--,,-..-. --.-.,---.:..-,-- Q_.~..:¡~':r Fatb~(c;c. ?n:shlè)!tíPE.<;t(',r ~ /') ..---...-"'''' , \( ~V)t; /J B . "--- ~,).I .--/ ~ --~~, -, «~~~.-".-~~ I ~e.y Copet"", !--.hS';lOll P:',HDt St~ 01' Wyomln¡ ) ~ )U County of Lincüw ) Ou Ihl£ a~ of, AtlgU3t, 2003. befÖr-~ W.cI P8J'$,:¡ 'j¡:l1y ai>Pðl1.r!:<J Lel!ttj, Falj¡é¡~~ and Tacey Co~~n to rot: p:;n¡onIlHy tpo't\o"CI, who, being by tm, duly $Worn, djd u}' tÍliat L'1ey are the P~~r IU)d Miedo¡;¡ hstor of Ptr~t Bäptist Cbur..::b of K¡;Œm¡;rer 8.00 that Sli\d ¡rJ$j¡,\uf)~lJi ¡(I~S $ig11ed M btJalf of &aid corpo1iltlon' by authC!ity or ns kIwi of Dirc:t'/on iDd 5u,irt Pf<~rid£;C1rJPuwr Ilcb:lOwkdged 8J¡id w.!iD.l1D1er;t to ~ ti',e frl:è: d(;t B11d öètd of to.id C'.QtporalÌo11., . (;1 '.. ~nd: my ~ and ",,,,,h' ,.,~. "<i, j?t1-. d,y o f("1R" " . '''''. ¡ , 1, W~" ~,. /t )VII'i~", ___._,--J~LfJf.~' ·-''::J:~~'..jl,f) ~d tWI.' ,~J,\rV P'I"-'J¡~ IJ4j , ~ öJ'~J ...:..' .:J,.. My Co lm4d,~ri _ 'iZ9JJ!..______ . "r- ~'..." .J ~~ I ~'?i.~;,,'.~,.ìl !-; l~ n "'J r: ',,) '~, () , u ~¡ I);' "JL '--> Warranty Deed Oath Development, LLC A Dissolved Wyoming Limited Liability Company Grantor, for and ;n consideration of TEN ($10.00) DOLLARS and other Good and Valuable Considerations in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, CONVEY AND WARRANT TO: XPERT ENTERPRISES, INC. A Utah corporation and/or its assigns (;rantee, whose mailing address is 5202 S Freeway Park Drive Suite 101, F(iverciale, UT 84405, the following described ¡'eal estate situate in Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State to-wit: " Lot 205 of Haven of Hope First Addition to the Town of Afton, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof Subject to any easements, reservations, restdctions or right-of-ways of record, of sight or in use. WITNESS my hand this / S~ '~Jay of f·JLlll('t/¡(if i , 2005. RECEIVED 11/16/2005 at 2:18 PM RECEIVING # 913750 BOOK 604 PAGE: 876 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, Wi ----'~ (' "\g(;", ) / Oath D)eveloPIT1enLL!,.C ;¡,// ) 6 ( ,/ / .' ~/,.'- (,..::.----/'j\ , // I -- Tracey W, Coplen Managing Member --.- State of J ~ 'I. li~O,il L:C~ County of [,1 ~¡f::t.l " ) ) ss. ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me, a notalY public in and for said County and State, by Tracey W Coplen, Managing Member of Oatil Development, LLC, a dissolved Wyoming Limited Liability Company, this r::::;çl( day of l:tli::l¡ f:Ct2,2005, Witness my hand and official seal. ~ .\\\\,\',\1111/111//11/ ,\\ ,..\. C Ñ ' I''Í'¡ ...,,~~'.~:;,~·\i.h JI\t~(:- .~~, $'- "~_,,t ->"_o~"'\~:!...;,,,; ~..... "9 '~. ..~. if' '\,\ 0 "t,;;1 ~'\¡ 0 ~ ::: ! CJ. '. '1' \ (j') :.:: ~, (",' ¡ V!,7Yq, '/'\;¡.v::: ~.'i~'Y"ç oll~rRts..lig)~~xpi res :~ ä t;lj?:C/2... L:t /b/Y'a___ \~<~::,,:,..;~:,I, '~'(::"'~':\,;\~sf "iJIJ¡¡¡¡¡\'IW'~\ ( , , ",S<}". . , , ., " ,}"" _~Q2//?/ J //_)(''.~.(i2'1/ --4-d-2.=.L-- ,/ /~Jotary PLlblic {" /-\ (ì .: \ '~,~ ". .j ~ ~. J