HomeMy WebLinkAbout914020 II JI__ ··t I -.. -..-.__.~,._--_.- f;i:Lf'.i':ô[ 01 fiLM t5Tf\lt hlORTGAGE (By COlporBllun) 50870 I { ------.- ." I~ .n:4 ,; t', . ···.t .1. J ¡<NOW ALL !\l£J'l BY THESE rHESENTS. That ___________________________ First National Bank West -.----------------- --..-- ----------- --------------------~-- ------ :1 C'IJ IJOr,di"n. uf (h" Cuunty uL_-_Linc.ol~ . and SLate oL-__J1yomin&-_________. dL:\.!~ hereby ""ï¡dy Lh;¡t " Ct'rtaìn murtgage, bearing d!'.le the__~ day oi------..Aprj ]_____, A. D. 2ùD.5_. ¡IIlIdl, ailt:1 l:Xecl1(êd by .TRrnes Al df'rs ---.arW---BDnni eRA 1 dprS-. H~ lúortgH¡;Dl-__Eì tU---Jirst_NationaLliank West ______. ¡j,; In( rtgag¡~¡'. eonveying certain real estate therein mentioned liS security for the payment of $__L5.0. n{)Q~J1(L__ . as tlh'i"in stated. which murtgage was recorded in the office of the County Clerk and Ex-Officio Hegi5ter of DeeJ~ of_____ --------------- Lincoln County. State of Wyoming. un the__,-1~day uf_HdX-_________ 2lliL'i..... II, cluuk _58.i..___uf !\h.. tgages. at page_~__, and IIlortgaging the following dt:snibl'd [,,¡II estate in said County. tu-wit: -_.._~-----------._- ---------------------. All Lands Described in Said Mortgage. vi 't LA ~r~JOI RECEIVED 11/29/2005 at 9:11 AM RECEIVING # 914020 BOOK: 606 PAGE: 117 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER. WY " I"~. ,·..iLh " nút", Sè"u¡-"d lh"¡-,,b:/. I'I.nd tt." c¡fort:r¡¡"ntiun"ù debt, fully paid. satisfied. released. ancl discharged and in consideratiuu tl1i'¡~()f the said mortgagee does hereby release and quitchlim unto the said mortgagor the ¡Jremises thereby conveyed and murL- gh.~ed. II'! V\'ITI\JFSS \VHEHEOF. the____fJrst NéiLiolldl bankJIgst ________ ha; GJlbl'dtl}",;[. PresL'ILts to be signed by Its Branch President . ______________~-, ' \l.'¡ 1/ f; ". .,/)\/,( . . AI, '/" /'Ii/-- t'). ., :.,') ;.111.1 Il\; ll!ìPUr[ll"il:'.iI t¡¡ IJt, affixed. thIS------=-.::~-'.._,..____ day uf---___..L1."--Ll.....LL.~~. A. -2..,~_ ,'. '('1 ___ ),.(~.,:'?\:¡J ¡"d <ifl} Ddi \'<,red in the presence of u \', i, _____~ ._ (-j ,. ,,¡ /) (/ Y. ',,/ ,/ _./ ,/ ' . ;'~--L-__ '- .J....::..... - . .' í ..... Fi. rs t-!,@t.iil--l1iÙ_ßankn~SL_______ By {;7":~¥1"" 1 b Branc{í~;Þr~\s {aen t :jeID);¡t·axy. cas hie ¡---------------________ ------ .. y... . -',' ,\ t Lt",,'( ::;eal: '.' {) ··~<}bL_'~~'_~ '-: )'-,~.~:::::<~~;A/" ,I' ",..-' ._-.._----_.-.~-- Î\j,'Ce: II it is !lot desired to dest:ribe lands in space therefor. insert the following: .. All lands desnibed in said mortgage." ~~-~-------------~-----~~,~----_._---~~..........,.- ..------.- - - _.._._-----~-~- TH F >;'J'ATE: CH' WYO]V1ING. I /1, 55. . C'IUllty uf_____Linc~ . I 011 this---_..:.::.22LÛL__Jay of-A¡( 1./ " /1 (.C I' . Penny Jones -. ----------~-~------~-.. /( t··'... I 1 \I~':'_____. before me personally appeürt!¡j to Ilk ¡H'lsunully \mlJwn. who. being by me duly sworn, did say that he is the Branch President First National Bank West . .._~_.._---~._--_.~_.- of dlld L/JlJI. tlil' ~í'L¡ affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal uf said corporation. und that said in~trulllent. wa~ sign~d ~L\Ù , -, ,tI, di·l--.¡:~Vt~í:.1f-"M-r::~r.í-iF'.¡þ:r:F<tu:¡¡UCC_!;y ..l~thJf:ly ,,[ ¡to Dua¡J or Dire.:tof~ and :i<1id_______~.:ashi.e~_ _______ [ N t. PUGH .,.... Nutary Pul>v. }) I· L ""\ .1t:d.gÙilrL \~lIj 1 . leqt 1.0 be fhe trel: .!l't und dt!ed uf said curporal'?" (P\Ml'ylll,~¡'fM~\- ¡¡IE~ ul\~(~~~t~rill~ Si:¡¡! th¡:i_____ '2 I _____ day GL_; ~ ~"'1)1 (i ';£,. / ,) . I) D lL~~~_II'~~I~,:i~~~ _--f~ :r;~.~~:~J!~~(_ ~b~ :'~~o C ' r " . , c C . < - - ~ - -~-~ c· , ) . I ~:2 S' day U· f (.//), '..¡lIIL.I..rl: ,,/ ~.ly cl}!nmissiiln expires 011 t ìe ~I _ _. ) {:"'(!.J.j- - TilE: ~3TATE Of WYOf\11NG, } 5S. ['"unty or .___ _________~__ Thi" ¡Il~trllllil'ut wus filed for record at--___u'dock__M.. on then________uay 01._______________. II 1 :1--. ;jlld duty rt'corded in Büok___.__on Page________. --~ Notary Public __. A.D. j {ll.{li. ~ - -._~--_._- ..~..._-..__._,--- F\'es. $_______ 13 y _________ --- - County- CI"¡:¡;~E-:~uiflciufu~~t~J~-- ¡··Iu .---------_.~.. -_.------------_.,_.~._. l~puly CI"1 II