HomeMy WebLinkAbout914035 I:" ï'::' . :ì, r; ~ ('. (\ ('. ~ t:. t'''1 .\) ~..' ~l.. ,) .. "',\. ~ l L.;. ..'.,.:1.: ~ l :. \ ,. , ., , .\ ~ '..i .' "t Af¡er Recording Return To: Home Loan Center, Inc., dba LendingTree Loans 163 Technology Drive Irvine. CA 92618 RECEiVED 11/29/2005 a11:40 PM RECEIVING # 914035 BOOK: 606 PAGE: 157 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK. KEMMERER. WY Loan No.: 3040049 -----_..~~----- ---~-- _..._-----~.._------- ,.. [Sl'u('~ Abol'C This Lin~ For l{cl'l)rdin~ DutuJ -.. -- ------------ .:J oß( 60371- . l\lIN: 100196800030400498 lYIORTG1\GE DEFINITIONS I~ ! \Vords used in multiple sections of this doclIlncnt are defined below aud 01 her words are dàined in Sections 3, 11, 13,18, ~o and 21. Certaiu ru\cs regarding the usage of words used in lhis document are alsu provided in Seclion 16. (A) "Security Instrument" means this document, which is dated November 14. 2005 Riders to this document. . tugdha wilh all \ (B) "Borrower" is Martin S. Gagnon and Judith Lynne Matthews, Husband and Wife as Joint Tenants With Right of Survivorship l , . } W.~~ L Borrower is the mortgagor under Ihis Security Instrument. (C) "MERS" is Mortgage Electronic Registratiou Systems. Inc. IvIERS is a separate corporatiou thaI is actiug solely as a nominee for Lender aud Lemler's successors and assigns, l\IERS is the mortgagee under this Securily Instrument. !'IilERS is orgauizèd and èxiSliug under thè laws of Delall'arè, and has au address ami kkphonè Iln lIbt~r of PO. Bo\ ~()~6, Flint, MI 48501-2026, tel (888) 679-MERS. (D) "Lender" is Home Loan Center, Inc., dba LendingTree Loans LenLIèr is a a California Corporation the laws of California 163 Technology Drive, Irvine, CA 92618 nrganiled and è,¡sling lIndèr , Lender's address is (E) "Note" lIleans the promissory note signed by Borrower and dated November 14, 2005 , Thc Note stales ¡hat Borrower owes Lendèr Two Hundred Forty Thousand and no/100 Dollars (US. $ 240,000.00 ) plus illteresL Borrower has IHolllised to pay this debt in regular Periodic Payments and 10 pay Lhe dcbt ill fllllnol lakr Ihan December 01, 2035 (F) "Property" means the properly that is describèd below umkr the heading "Transfer of Rights in lhe Properly." WYOI\IING-SingJe f¡' lIily---Funnic I\lu~/Fr~¡(¡{ic I\\ac UNIFORI\I INSTHUI\1ENT ITEfJ 2769L 1 (OOI1)-MERS (Page J '1'1'1 ¡hlge» Furm .\U~ 1 1/0 I GkEATLAtm . fo OrO" Call, ),800530·9393 II r" 616,791 ~ 1131 '~:.J.' '0' (j~j"., -1, ·l~;..) ,", n I'~! t: 0 . '.,J \. J.. 0 Ù (G) "Loan" means the debt evidenced by the Note, pills interest, any prepay men I charges and late charges dlle 1III(Ier lhe' N01e, and all snms due under this Security Instnnnent, pIlls illteresL (II) "Riders" means all Riders to this Security Instrumenl that are execnted by Burrower Tile fullowing Riders are tu be execllted by Borrower [check box as applicable I: D Adjustabh~ Rate Rider D Condominiunl Rider [~] Second lIonle R ¡der D Balloon Rider D Planned Unit Devdopment Rider [XJ Qthcr(s) [specify] Prepayment Rider D 14 Family Rider [J Biweàly Payment Rider (I) "Applicahle Law" means all controlling applicable feekral, state and Jocal statutes, regulati()n~;, ordinances and . administralive rules and orders (that have Lhe effect of law) as wdl as all applicable final, non-appealabk judi,:ial opinions. ,(J) "Community Association Dues, Fees, and Assessments" nleans all dues, fees, assessments and olher charges that are imposcd on Borrower or the Property by a condominium association, homeowners association or sirnilar organization. (K) "Electronic Funds Transfer" means any transfer uf funds, ulher than a transaction originakd by check, draft, or similar papcr instnlnlent, which is initiated throngh an electronic terminal, teleplwnic inslnnllcnl, COll1pllkr, or nlagndic tape so as to order, instruct, or anthorize a financial institntion to debit or credit an acconn!. Sndl term indudes, but is Ilot 1¡lllikd to, point-of-sale lransfers, automated teller Inachine transactions, transfers initiated by klephl) IC, wire transfers, and antoma\ed cleari nghouse transfe:rs. (L) "Escrow Items" means those items that are described in Sectiun 3. 0\1) "l\liscellaneolls Proceeds" means any compensation, selllem':lIt, awald ,, ' damages, or pnkc'cds paid hy 'ill)' third party (other than insurance proceeds paid under the coverages de:scribed in Section 5) for' (i) d'lIl1agc to, UI dcstJïlcliol1 uf, Ihe Properly; (ii) condell1llalion or other taking of all or any part of the Property; (iii) cunveyance ill licu of cOllllemn,ttiulI; or (iv) misrepresentations of, or omissions as to. tile vallie and/or condition of the Property, (N) "J\lortgage Insurance" means insurance protecting Lender against the nonpayment of, or ckfault on, the Loan, (0) "Periudic Payment" means the regularly schcdllled anlollnt due for (i) principal and interest nnder the Noll:, plus (ii) any amounts nnder Se:ction 3 of this Security InSLnnllent. (P) "RESPA" means the Real Estal<: Settleme:nt Proœdures Act (12 Us.e. §2601 et seq.) and ils implcmellling regulation. Regulation X (24 e.F.R. Part 35(0). as the:y might be amenckd from time to time, or any additional or SIlCCèssor kgislalion or regulation that governs the same subject maller. As used iu this Security Instrunlenl, "1~ESPA" ref.:rs to all requiremcnls and re:strictions that are imposed in re:gard 10 a "federally rdated nlortgage loan" cven if the: Loau dues 1101 qualify as a "federally related mortgage: loan" under RESP A. (Q) "Successor in Intcrcst of Borrower" means any parly Illat has lakell till.: 10 Ih.: Propcrly, whcthcl olnott)lal party has assumed Borrower's obligations nnder the Note and/or tllis Security Instrument. WYOI\IING-Sillgle Fa,"il)' Fannie I\laefFreddie I\lac lJNtFOUl\llNSTUlJl\lENT lurm JOS\ I/OJ GHEATI All;; II !u 01 dt¡/ Cü J:IBüO-~30-':Ì39J I J ~,ji G 16- /91·11 j 1 ITEM 276912 (0011)-MEAS (P"g" 2 '1'/2 [hi!:"') ~. j .~~-~j <- ' ~~ ¡j .,j,.j (" i-I (.',': ~. n '. ',1 l ; .i \.) J TRANSFER OF RIGHTS IN THE PROPERTY This Security Instrument secures to Lender: (i) Ille repayment of the Loan, and all renewals, extensions and nlodifications of the Note; and (ii) the performance of Borrower's covenants and agreements under this Securily Instnnnellt alld ¡he Note, For this purpose, Borrower does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to MERS (soldy as nominee fur Lemler and Lender's successors and assigns) and to the successors and assigns of t\IERS, with power of sak, Ihe foHowing described property located in the County of Lincoln [Type 01 Recording Jílrisdiclioll] [Nalllc of Rccolllillg .Jllrisdiclioll] LOT 1 OF HAYSTACK NO.2 SUBDIVISION, ACCORDING TO THAT PLAT RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF COUNTY CLERK, LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING. .. APN: 12-3418-17-220 which cnrreutly has the address of 1244 Country Road 120 ISlrcdl Thayne [Cllyl , Wyoming 83127 IZil' codcl ("Properly Address"): TOGETHER WITH all the improvements now or here¡tfter erected on the properly, ami ¡tll eas.:menls, applllknancc's, and fïxtures now or hereafter a part of the property. All n:placements alld additions shaH .tlsu be covelül by this Secnrity Instrurllent. All of the foregoing is referred to in Ihis Security Inslnlluellt as tile "Property," Borrower ulHkrs ¡lIltb ami agrees that MERS holds only kgal ¡itle to the interests granted by Borrower in this Securily InSlrtim.:nl, buI, if nCCl;ssary to com[)ly wilh law or custom, ¡VIERS (as nominee for Lender and Lemler's successors and assigns) has lhe righl: IIJ exercise any or all of those interests, including, bllt IIOt limited to, the right to foreclose and sell the Prolh::rty; and 10 lake any action required of Lender including, but nOllimited I(), releasing and cancelillg this SecnriLy Instrument. BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower is lawflllly seised of th.: lOS(¡Ii>: hereby cOllveycd alld has Ihe right 10 mortgage, grant and convey the Properly ami thai the Properly is IIlIelllulllbered, e>;c<:pt for enlOlllllbranL'':S of IÙ'ord, Borrower warrants and will defend generally Ihe title to Ihe Propèfly against all L'!alnls allll d'~III¡ul"S, suhjc·,'1 10 auy encumbrances of record. THIS SECUR ITY INSTR UMENT combines uniform covenants for nalional use and 11011 uni fOrlll Cl1venants wilh linlited variations by jurisdiction 10 constitute a IIniform security instrunlènt covering real pruperty. UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowèr and Lender C\lVènant ami agrèe as follows: 1. Payment of Principal, Interest, Esl'roW Items, Prepaymcnt Chargcs, awl Latc Ch:u·gcs. Born>lVer sl¡all pay whèn due the principal of, alld inleresl on, the debt evidenèed b)' the Note and allY prc'paYlllell1 charges alllllak ,'llarges due under the Note. Borrower shall also pay fllnds for Escrow Items pursualll to Seclion 3. Pa)'nl<:llls due IInder lhe Nute dnd Ihis Securily Instrument shall be made in U,S, èurrency. However, if any check or other instrulllent r<:cèived by Lemler as payment under the Note or this Security Instrument is retnrned to Lender nnpaid, I.ender may reqnire thaI any or all subsequent payments dne under the Note and Ihis SecnriLy Inslrumènt be madè in one or more of the following f\lllllS, as select.ed by Lender: (a) eash; (b) money order; (c) certified chèck, bank check, treasurer's ched: or cashier's chelk, pnJ\ided any such check is drawn upon an inslitnlion whose deposits arè insured by a kck-ral agellcy, instnllllentalily, UI entity; or (d) Eledronic Funds Transfer. Payments are deemed recc.ived by Lellllcr when received at Ihe location designated in Ihè Note or al such other location as may be designated by Lender in accordanèe wilh the notice pro\'isions in Sed ion 15, Lender Ina)' rctllru any p.¡ynlenl or WYOl\HNG-Singlc Falnily- F';lIIlIie l\laeiFreltdic l\htC \lNIFORl\IINSTHlIl\IENT Fill'''' .\I)~ 1 t/l) I CI-H-:¡~Il hlltl. rl)Ord(;¡C~1! lè!Üli-~J3[)~n:/jl:LiA tilb dl-jlJ1 '! j ;, , >, ,-' ,",' ," .J'''','' , ,;(..dh J , ' /-\ "', , ") J' , .' :"1·10" ..' \! .. partial payment if the payment or partial p<lyments are insnllil'iell( lu hring the I,.u<ln ClIlTènl LCII,k! nl"Y acccpt <lny )aYllh::nl or parlial paymènt insllfficienl to bring Lhc 1,0<111 currenl, \lillllHII waiver "f any rights hcrelllllkr ur Iile:judlle: Ie) ils righls \I) refuse such payruent or partial paYIIJenls in (he I'll I lIrè, hllt Lelldèr is nol ubligakd to apply sllch p<lymcllls <II 1)le tillle such paynJèllts are accepkd, If each Pèriodic Payulènt is applied as of its schedllkd dllè dale, Ihell LCllder Ilè",IIIOl P<lY inlLrèsl on IInapplied fllnds, Lender ¡Hay hold sllch lInapplied fllnds nnlil Borrowcr makes paymcllt 10 bring thè LO<ln l·UIT<:nt. If BOI1'O'.ver does nol do so wilhin a reasonable period of timè, Lender shall eithèl' apply such fUllds ()r rdllm II¡em to ßorn)wer. If not appliëd ëarlieJ, such fnnds will be applied tu the olltslanding. principal balance lIndër Ihe NOk illìlnedialdy prior to forëclosllJ'e. No offset or claim which Borrower might hal'è now ()r in Ih.: flltnr.: againsl Lènd.:r shall rdièvc Borruwer from making paynlenls ,llIè under the Note and this Secllnly Inslnnllellt or performillg the COl'ell<lIllS and agreellle¡lts SèCllr<:d h) this SeclIriLy IlIstrllment. 2. Application of Payments 01' Proceeds. Exc<:pl as olherwise (kscribed in this Sectioll 2, all paymellh a""q)kd and applied by Le,m\er shall be appliècl in the following order of priority: (a) interesl dlle under Ihe Nole; (b) prill':lpal dllè under the Note; (c) amounts due umler Section 3. SlIch pa)'ments shall be applie:d to each Periodic PaY1l1è1l1 in the: order in which it became dlle, An)' remaining amounls shall be applied first to lale charge:s, second to an)' olhe:r allllHlnts dlle: IlIllkr Ihis Security Instntmenl, and then to rc:ducc the priuclpal balallL'e of Ihe No1e. If Lender reccil'es a payme:nl from Borrowèl' for a ddillquenl Periodic Payulenl which includes a suJlicie:nl amoulIl 10 pay allY late chargc due, the paymelltma)' be: applie:d 10 Ihe: delillquenl paYIIIe:nt and Ihe late charge, If Inlire lhall Ollè Penmlic Payment is outstanding, Lender may apply any paymellt rccei I'e:d fro II I Borrower 10 the repa)'menl of the: Periudic Paymellts if, alld to the extent that, each payment can be: paid in full To Ihe: e\lênl thai any c\cess e\ists afkr thc paYIIle:nl is applied to the full payment of one or more Periodic Paymenls, such e\cess ma)' be al;jJlied to allY late charges dll'~, \lollllllary prepaymenls shall be applied firsl to any prepayment charges ami thell ,IS described In Ihe: Note, Any applicalion of payme:nts, insurance procce:ds, or Mis,'ellaneous Procèeds 10 pnll"ipal dlle ullde:r Ihe NOk sll;1I1 lIut e\lend or postpolle the due dale, or change Ihe amount, of the Periodic PaYIlIe:lIls. 3. Funds for Escrow Items. Borrower shall pay 10 Lellder UII the: day Periudi,' P;IYllle:lils arc dlle Ull<kl the Nok, ulltilthe Null' is paid in full, a slim (Ihe "Funds") to provide fur paymellt uf ,lIlHHlIlls dlle few (a ta\es a III I aSSC,'iSlllellls alld other items which can altain priorily over this SecuriLy lllSlnlnlcnt as a liell or encunlbralleè ')11 the Pruperly; UJ) lèasdwld payments or gronnd rents on Ihe Property, if any; (c) premillnls fur any and all insllnlncè reqnired by Lènder 1IIIIkr Se:,'lioll 5; and (d) Mortgage Iusurance premiums, if any, or any sums payable by Borruwer Lo Lender in lieu of Ihe: paYlllent of Mortgage Insurance premiums in accordallcë with Lhe provisions of Sedion 1o, These items arè called "[SCIOli IkIl1S," Al origination or at any tinle: durillg Ihe term of Ihe Loan, Lellder may re:quire thai CommullilY Associatioll DuèS, Fees, and Assessments, if any, be escrowe:d by BorrolVer, and sneh dlle:s, fees and assessments shall be ,III Escrow Ikm, Borrower sltall promptly furnish In Lèmler all notices of amounb LU be paid IIlIder Ihis Section. Borrower sllall pay Lèlldèr Ihe: l'lllllls fur Escrow Items unless Lender waives Borrower's obligation to pay the Fnllds fur any or all Esc:rolV 1lelllS, Lèllda IlIay waive Borrower's obligatiulI to pay to Lender Fnnds for any ()r all Escrow Items al any lime, An)' such wail'a IlIay nllly be in writillg. In the event of such waiver, Borrower slwll pay diredly, whell and where payable, the amnullls due fur any Escrow Items for which payment of Funds has been wai ved by Lender and, it Le:mler requires, shall funnsl] 10 Lcnder receipts evidencing such paymenlwithin such time periud as Lender may reqllire Bnrrnwer's ubligalion 10 make such paymellls alld to provide receipts shall for all purpOSês be deenll"d In be a CUl'ellant and agrèl"llll"lll conlaill<::d ill this Sl"Clllily IlIslllnllelll, as the phrase "cnvenant and agreement" is IIs.::d ill Sl"clion 0. If Burrower is ubligakd 10 pay Escruw hcms dirèdly, IHlrsllall1 to a waiver, ami BorrolVêr fails to pay Ihl" amonllt due: for all Fscww hem, LC J(kr ilia)' eXèrcise: its rights IIlIde:r Sl"cliun lJ ami pay such amount aud Burrower shall thell be: obligated umkr Section 9 lu rcpaY to I clHkr ,lilY slll'll anKH1I11 ¡,e:iIller lIIay revoke the waiver as to any or all Escrow Items al any lime by a IlOliœ givell ill accurdallce willi Sèl'lioll IS ¡II HI, ul,un such revocation, Borrower shall pay to Lender all Funds, a J(1 in sud1 aUlounlS, lhal arc lhen rèquirèd under tliis Seclion 3. Le:nder may, al any time, culkcr and hold funds in ¡III an1uunl (a) sullicienllo permit lL'llder 10 apl>!) Ille Fnlhts al thè time specified unde:r RESPA, and (b) nolto exceed the lIIa\ill1um alllOllnl a lelllkr can rcqlllre nllller ¡<I. SPA, Le:llder shilll estil11i1le: the amount of Funds due on Ihe basis of curre:llt data and reasollable: eslinlaks ut' C\pelldilllres ur fUlure Escrow Ikms or olhe:rwise in accordallce with Applicabk Law. The Funds shall bc hdd iu an insliwtion whosè deposils are inslll'e:d by a kde:r,¡\ agcnc)', insllïllllèlllalilY, ur "llliIY (inclnding Ll"ndcr, if Lender is an illstiluliun whosc deposits are so inslll'èd) or in any Fcderal J IUlnè Loall Bank. Lcndl"r shall apply the Funds to pay the Escrow Items no latèr Ihall the time specified IIlIdèr RESPA Lè J(kr shallllot charge Burrower for holding and applying the Funds, aunually analYLing lhc èSL'lUW accouut, or verifying Ihl" Escrow IlêIlJS, IInkss Lellll,~r pays BorrowëJ' inleresl on the Fnnds alld Applicable Law permits Lende:r 10 makè such a charge:, LJlllèSS all agre:elllenl is IlIade in writing or Applicablè Law rèquires interesllo bl" paid on thè Funds, Ll"lllkr shallllul hè rcquired In pay BnrnJller an)' illlerëSL \\'YO!\IINC-S¡IIgtè f¡IIHiIJ ·--Fannie l\Iae/Freddie !\lac IINIFOR!\IINSTRlI!\IENT ITEI,! 27691.4 (0011)--MER6 (P'¡g"", ,I ¡2¡hlii"') FormJO"IIIOI GfiEMLAf 10 . (I, Ord(.: C~jl. 1·800 -53()-íj39J I HJk 616-/91-1131 "5,'> ,;\'. .,r¡. ~'.* (::' : '':' -..i ,j,-"~ (" I~\ n , G..) " '..' \ '._. . J... or earnings on the Funds. Borrower and Lemler can agree in wntmg, however, thaI inkrest shall be paid on lh.; FlInds, Lender shall give to Borrower, withollL charge, an annllal accollnting of th.; r;'nnds as reqllired by RESPA. If Ihere is a surpllls of Fnnds held in escrow, as delïned lIlllkr RESP A, Lender shall accollnt Iu Born)\\'er for Ihe ,~xcess fllnds in accordance wiLh RESPA, If Ihere is a shortage of FlIlIds hdd in escrow, as defined lInder RESPA, Lemler shall notify Borrower as reqllired by RESPA, and Borrower shall pay to Lender the amonnt necessary to Illake lip Ihe shorlag.; in accordance wilh RESPA, but ill no more Ihan 12 monthly payments, If there is a delïcienc:y of FlIlIlls hdd in escrow, as defined limier RESPA, Lenlkr shall nOlify Borrower as reqllir.;d by RESPA, and ßorn)Wèr shall pay to Lendcr the anWllnl necessary to make up the delïciency ill accordance wilh RESPA, bnl in no more 111'lII J'2 mOllthly payments. Upon paYlIlenl in full of all sums secured by ¡his Secllrily IlISlrlllllent, Lènder shall prolilplly rcòhlJld 1<> H<>rrowl.:'r ,IllY FlInds hdd by Lemler. 4, Charges; Liens, Borrower shall pay all taxes, aSSèSSlllcnts, charges, fines, allll Inlposilions ;tlllihutahk to the Properly which can altain priority ova Ihis Security Jnslrumenl, kasdwld paynlenls or grulInd rents on the 1'101'';1'1)', If any, and Community Assucialion Dues, Fees, and Assessmenls, if any Tu Ihe extent thal lhese iklllS are EsCl'<>w (kms, BUJTuwer , shall pay Lhem in Ihe manner provided in Section 3. Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument lInless Burrower: (a) agrees . in wriling to the payment of Ihe obligation secured by Ihe lien in a manner acceptable 10 Lemkr, but only so lung as Borrower is perfurming such agreemenl; (b) conksls Ihe lien in gnod failh by, or defènds against enforœment of Ih.; lien in, legal proceedings which in Lender's opinion opèrak to prev..-nt ¡he ellforcenlenl of Ih.; lien while thosè proceedillgs Me pellding, bllt onl)' until such proccedings are concluded; or (c) secures from Ihe holder of thè li.;n all agrc:ellleul sali"fadory 10 Lender subordillating the lien to this Security IlIstrument. If Lend.;r ddcrmilles Ihat any par! of the Prop.;ny IS sllbjed 10 a liell which can altain prioriLY Iwer this Securily InstrlJlnenl, Lender may give Borrower a lIotice identifyillg Ihe lien, Within 10 days of the date on which that notice is given, Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or more of Ihe aClions sd forth above in this Section 4. Lender may require Bnrrower to pay a one-lime charg..- for a real eslate tax \'èrificaliun and/or replH'lÏng sèJvice IIs.;d by Lender in connedion wilh this Loan, S, Property Insurance. Borrower shall keep Ihe inlprovemenls now existing or hereafkr erected on Ih.; Property insured againsl loss by fire, hazards included wilhin the lenn "exknded coverage," allll any other hazards including, but not limited 10, eanhc¡uakes and floods, for which Lender requires insurance. 'j'llÍs insurance shall bè maintained in Ihe amounls (including dedUL'lible levels) and for the periods thai Lender requires. What Lender reqllires pursuanl to the preceding senlences can change during the term of the Loau. The insurance carrier providing the insurance shall be chosen by Borrower snbjeL'l (0 Lemkr's right to disapprove Borrnwer's choice, which righl shall uol be excrl'ised umeasnuably, L..-lIder lIIay require BOITowèr 10 pay, in connection wilh this Loan, either: (a) a nnc-lime charge fnr tlnod LOlle (klerlllillation, certificalion ami tracking services; or (b) a onc~lime charge fnr tlond zone delènllin,tlinn and c'.;nilïcalion seni,'ö ,lIld subsequ.;nt charges each tim.: remappings or silllilar c·hang.:s ()L'cur which reasollably Illighl idled sllc'h delenlllnatioll or œrlificalion, Borrower shall also be responsible fnr Ihe I)a)'menl of any fêes imposed by lh.: Federal Elllergeuc)' tl1:lIlag':lIlent Agency in conneclion with Ihe review of any flood zone dekrmination resuliing from all objection b)' Bnrrower. If Borrower fails 10 main Lain any of Ihe coverages descnbed above, Lènder may obtaill insllrance coverage, al Lend.:r's option and Borrower's expense. Lender is nnder no obligation to purchase any parlic'ular Iyp.: or allllHlnt of cnvaage, Therefore, such coverage shall cover Lender, but lIIighl or Inightnnt prokd Bnrroll'er, Borrower's equily ill the Propc~rl)', or the cUlllents of the Properly, against any risk, haLard or liability and might provide grealèr or lesser covènlge thau was previously iu effecl. Borrower ackllowledges that the cost of thc' iusurance covcrag.: so oblaillèd might siguific,ullly ,:xC:èèd the cost of insurance Ihal Borrower could have obtained, Any amounts disburs..:d by Lelllkr limier this Sedloll :') shall becoule addiliollal debl of Borrower secured by this Security Instrument. These amouIILs shall bear interest aL ¡he Nolè rak fro II I the elale of disbursemenl ami shall be payable, with such interest, upon notice from Lênder to Borrower requesting pa)'ment. All insurance policies required by Lender and renewals of such policies shall be sllbjèd Lo Lender's right In disapprnve such policies, shall inclnde a standard morLgage clanse, and shall name Lender as morlgagee and/or as au addilional loss payee, Lender shallll<tl'e the right Lo hold the policies allll renewalcerlifïcates, If Leud..-r r.;quires, Bormw.:r shall prulliptly give to Lender all receipts of paid premiums ami renewal notices, If Borrower obtains auy forlll of iIISlll<iIlC''; c'Ol'èr,¡ge, nuL otherwise required by Lender, for damage 10, or deslructioll of, the Pmperty, snch polic:y shall incllldè <i stalldard IIlorlgage clause and shall name l.ènder as IlIl)rtgagee amI/or as an additional loss payee. In ¡he evenl of loss, Borrower shall give prol1lpl notice to the insurallce canier aJ (1 Lender, Lender llIay IlIake prouf of loss if lIot made promptly by Borrower. Unless Lemler alld Borrower otherwise agrèe ill writing, any inSUr<illc'e prnœeds. WYOI\IING-Sillgl" hllllily---Fannic I\lac/Fnlldíc I\la,' IIN1FOltl\l tNSTlt III\1ENT (J.J.lg,-'" Funn .\O~ t IIU 1 C1HE,!..11 :"In). ruOrderCall 1·800 ~jO ~J9JIHJA616l91 1131 ~' t: t.:~' LJ".~ :" /"\ I~ : G t) '. ~,~. ~-~. ) /~ whether or nol Ihe underlying insurance was required by Lemler, shall be applied to reslnrallou or repair nf tile Properly, If Ihe resloralion or repair is economically feasible aud Lender's security is nnt kssened, Duriug sueh rqJHir aud restoratiuu period, Leuder shall have Ihe right 10 hold such iusun\uce proceeds uutil Lenckr has had an opportunity 10 iuspeel SUell Property 10 ensure Ihe work has been compleled to Lender's satisfaction, provided thai such inspection shaIJ be umlerlaken promplly, Lender may disburse proceeds for Ihe repairs and restoralion in a single payment or in a series of progress payments as Ihe work is cOlllpklcd lJuless all agreement is made in wriling or Applicahle Law reqllires inkresl tll he paid on such insurauce proceeds, Leucler shaIJ Ilot be !'I:quirecl to pay Burrower auy illlcrest or call1ings \)U such proceeds, f.:es for public adjusters, or othcr third parties, rdained by Borrower shall uot be paid nul nf the iusurance proceeds aud shall be thc sole obligatioll of Borro\\·er. If the resloration or repair is IIOt el'ouollliealJy feasible or Lellder's security \\'\)llId bc lessened, Ihe insurance proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by Lllis Securily Inslnullent, wl¡dher or not then dlle, with t,he excess, if any, paid Lo Borrower. SlIch iusurance proceeds shall be applied in the order provided for in Sèclion 2, If Borrower abandons the Property, Leuder may fik, negotiale and setlle any available insurance elaim and related malkrs, If Borrower does not respond wilhill 30 days to a notice from I.euder that the iusllram'c l'il!ri..:r has offerc~d 10 scttk a .elailll, tllell Lender may negotiate and setlle the claim. Th..: 30·day p..:riod will begiu \\'hC11 the I!olice is givell, III cither evelll, or if Lender acquires Ihe Property under Section 22 or otherwise, ßorrower bcreby assigns 10 L.c~nder (a) Borrower's righls to .any insurauce proceeds in all amOIUlt not 10 exceed the al110uuls uupaid um!.:r the NOk or this Security luslrulll..:ut, aud (h) any other of Borrower's rights (other than Ihe right 10 any ¡eflllld of unearned preminms p,1Il1 by Borrower) uuder all insurance policies coveriug tile Properly, illsofar as such rights are applicable Il) the coverage of Ihe Properly, Lellder may use Ihe insurance proceeds either to repair or restor..: the Property ur 10 pay ,\JIj(>UUIS ullpaid IIllder the Note or Ihis SC'curity Instrument, whether or not then due. 6, OCCLJlJUncy, Borrower shall occupy, establish, aud IIse ¡he Propcrly as BorrUl'. cr's Jlillcip.¡J IC'sidem:e \\ìtlllll 60 days after tlie execution of this Security lustrulllent aud shall Clllllilwe to OCl'UP) tllc· I\opcrty as BorrUl\'cr's plîuLI )al rèsidence for alleast oue year aner the date of occupancy, unkss LClldèr olhèrwise agrces Ul writing, wliidl l'ouseul sllalluot be unreasonably withhdd, or unless exteuuatiug circuulslallces exisl which .¡re beyollll BorrUl\er's cüutrul. 7. Preservation, IVlaintenance and Proleclion of lhe Properly; Inspcclions. Borruwer sliall uot destroy, damage or impair the Properly, allow the Property to deteriurate or commil wasle 011 Ihe Properly. \Vhdher or not 130rruwer is residing in the Properly, Borrower shall maintain the Properly in order 10 prevent lhè Properly from deteriorating or dèCf..:asiug in vallie due to its condilion. Unless it is ddenllillèd pursuanl to SecLioll 5 Ihat repair IIr rest(Jr;¡LiOII is 1101 ccolHHuically feasible, ßorrowèr shall promptly repair the PrupèrlY if damaged I,) ¡Ivoid further dderiüraliüu or danlage, If insurallce or condemnation proceeds arè paid iu connecliou with ( ¡ullage tu, or Ihe takiug of, the Properly, BorlOwer shall b..: responsible for repairing or restoriug Ihe Property ouly if Leuder lias rdeasèd proceeds for SUdl purposes, Lender lIIay disbnrse pruceeds for tlie repairs ami restoraLiün in a singk payment or in a series of progress paymenls as tlie work is cOlllpleted, If the insurance or condenlllation proccèds are uot sufficient to repair or rèstor..: the ProperLy, Borrnwer is not relièved of Borrower's obligation for Ihc complèlion of sllch repair or restoration. Lendèr or ils agent may make rèasonahle entries upon and inspections of the PlOperty, If it has reasouahlc cause, Lcnder may inspect the iuterior of Ihe improl'enleuts ou the Property, Lemler shall gi\'e BOllower lIolice at lilt: lillle III' or prillI' to such an inlerior inspeclion specifyiug such reasonable cause. 8, Borrower's Loan Application. Borrower shall be in default if, dllring Illc Loan applic;¡tion prol'css, BOlluwer or any persons or ènlitiès acling at the dirèLliol1 of Borrower or will¡ Borrowa's kUUl\'I,:dgc> or COnsenl gave materially false', misleading, or inaccnrate inform¡¡tiou or statements to Lènder (or failed 10 provide Lcmler wilh material informaliull) iu cOI1lJeclion with the Loan, Material n:presènlalious include, bllt are lIol limited to, repré'sentatinus ..:oucelÏliug Bnrrower's occllpancy of Ihe Property as Borrower's priucipal residellce, I). Prolcclioll of Lcndcr's Inlcrest in thc Propcl"ly and l¿ighls Under this SCClI/'ily InstrulllclIL If ta) HUITOWèr fails 10 perforll1lhe COVèlHlI1tS and agreeuleuts Clllllain..:d in this Securily IlIstrunleul, (b) Iliac is a kg¡d 1>!'I¡ceedillò' Illal IIllghl significantly afkct Lender's iuleresl in lhe Prnperly audioI' rights lIuder tl¡is Security lustrllllleut (such as a IHul'eeding in bankruptcy, pro bale, for coudcll1uation or fod·.:iture, for ..:uforccmenl of a lieu \\llich may allain priorily over Ihls Sccnnly Instrument or to enforce laws or règnlations), or (c) Borrower has abaudoned tlie Properly, thell Lcuder may do alld pay for whaLe\'er is reasonable or appropriate to prolècl Lender's interest in Ihe Properly and riglils nnder tills Sccurity InstluUh?'ll, inclnding prolecting and/or assessing thè value of Lhe Properly, awl securiug aud/or repairing thè Property, L":lIdcr's aetious can include, bnl are nol limikd to: (a) paying any sums secured by a lieu which has priority OI'cr this SlTllrily Instlulnenl; (b) appearing in court; and (c) payiug reasouable altorllèYs' fees to protect its interesl in Ihe Prupèrly ,lIId/,)r rigllls uuder this Seeurity nstnJIIlènl, including its securèd posilion in a baukrupley proceediug, Sectlriug th..: Propeily ineltldes, bul is not liulited 10, enterillg thè Propcrty to nlake repairs, chauge locks, replace ur hoard up duols aud wlJ1dows, draill water frull1 \\'YOl\llNG-Single Family· F..nllie l\bclFrcdilie l\llIc LlNIFOHl\IINSTHlJl\IENT ITEM 276916 (0011)---MERS (I'dgc (¡ "f 12 1"'!:eI) Ji"flII .ìll~ 1 1/(11 GHEA:I[f:.¡J!) iii Tu O'U¡;I LiIJ: 1-I:JOO-S30-9393 j] F;p; E 16·181-1131 -:~ ~~ ,..1\ ...( " ' . :~ r· I~\ (~ : G:~ , .J . .'1 \ .~,. pipes, elirninate building or olher code violations or dangerous conditions, and have uLilities lurned 'HI ()r olT. Allh(lIlgh Lender may take action nnder this Section 9, Lcnder docs not havc to do so and is not umler any dnly or obligaLion Lo do so, It is agreed thai Lender incurs no liability for nol laking any or all actions authorizcd ulllh:r this Scctiun '). Any amounls disbursed by Lender under this Secli(HI 9 shall become additional del)t of Borrower secnrcd by this SecuriLy Instrnment. These amonnts shall bear interesl at Ihe Note rate fronl Ihe date of dishursement and shall be payable, wilh such interest, upon nOlice from Lender to BorrowèI" requesting payment. If this Security IlIstrumenl is 011 a leasdwld, Borrower shall comply wiLli all the pruvisions of Ihe le,lse, If BlIlTuwer acqnires fee litle to the Property, Ihc lensehold and Ihe fee litk shall nOI nlerge nnlc:ss I.cnder agrc:es 10 Ihc Illc'rgc:r ill writing, 10. 1\Iortgage Insuralll'C. If Lender required MUrlgage Insurance as a cOllltilil)J1 uf Inaking thc I.oan, BUIT\Jwer shall pay Ihe premiullls required 10 maiutain tll': Murtgage Insln,ulcc in .:ffee!. If. f,)r any rcasun, Ihc f\1urlgagc: Insur;uIC'e: covcrage: required by Lender c'cases to be available from Ihe nlOrtgag.: insurcr Lhat previously pn)\'i(kd sUc'l1 IIISln,lnC'C and Borrower was required to l}jake scparately designated payments toward tile premiums for tvlortgage Insurallce, Borrowcr sll;¡ 1 pay Ihe prcmiullls required to obtain coverage substantially eqnivalenL to the Murlgage Insuranclè previously in crfccI, al a clISl substantially equivalent to the cosl 10 Borrower of the rv10rlgaglè Insurance prcviously in dTeLl, frum all alkrnale nlOrtgage insurer selected by Lender. If substanlially equivalenl Murlgagc Insnrance coverage is not a\'ailable, Borro\Vcr shall c'ontilllle 10 pay 10 Lender the amount of (hc separately designated paymcnts that \Vere: dlle wllcn Ihc insnrance covcrage ccased to bc in elfec!. Lender will accept, use and retain Ihese paymenls as a non-refundable loss rcservc ill ljell of J\Jur(gag': lllsmallcc. Such loss reserve shall be Iwn--refundable, notwithslanding Ihe fact that the Loan is ultimaLely paid in full, alld lenl!.:r shall not be required to pay Borrower any iMerest or earnings on such loss reserve. Lender can no longer require loss re~cfl'e payulenls if Mortgage Insurance coverage (iu the amount and for the period thaI Lemler reqnires) providcd by an iusurer selected by Lender again becomes available, is obtained, and Lender requircs separately designated paynlents loward the: prcluiuulS for Mortgage Insurance. If Lender required Morlgage Insurance as a condition of making the Loan and Borrowcr was required to make separately designalèd paymenls toward the premiums for Mortgage: Insnrance, Borrower shall pay Ihc' prc:llliums reqnired 10 mainlain Mortgage Insurauce in effect, or to provide a lIOn-refundable luss rcservc, uuljl Lemler's rcqlliremenL fur Morlgage Insurance ends in accordance with any wrj((en agreenlcnl bet wecn Borrower and Lende:r providillg fur such lermination or uulil lelll1ination is required by Applicable Law, Nothing in this S~'ctioll 10 affects Borruwcr's ob] igation tu pay interesl at the rale provided ill the NOle. Morlgage Insurance reimbmses Lender (or any entity thai purchases the Note:) for cCrlain oSSc'S il may inCllr iI Borrower does lIl)t repay the Loau as agreed. Borrmv'cr is IlOt a parly 10 Ihe Morlgage Insuraucc. Mortgage insurers evaluate their total risk on all such insuranclè ill forc'c fmlll lilllC to time, and IWIY enLer into agreemcnls with other parties Ihal share or modify Iheir risk, or r,~duce losses, Thlèse: agreclllellts arc on LeIIIIS and cUlllhlions Ihat are satisfactory to thc morlgage insurer and thc uther parLy (ur panics) to IhèSc agreclllcnts, These agrec:nlcuts may require Lhe mortgage insmer Lo makc payulenls nsing any source of fllnds IhaL Ihe 1IJ0ngage insnler nla)' h,lve available (which may include fnnds obLained /'rOIlI Mortgage Insurance premiums), As a resnlt of these agreements, Lender, any purchas.::r of the Note, anotller illsurer, any reillsurcr, an)' olhcr entity, or any affiliate of any of the foregoing, may rcceive (directly or indirectly) anlDunts ¡ iat derive from (or mighl hc cll,ual'kri¡ed as) a porlion of Borrower's paymenls for Mortgagc Insurance, in exchange for sharing or Illudifying Ihe mortgage insnrcr's risk, or reducing losses. If such agreerncnt provides that au aniliale of Lende:r takes a shar.:: of the insurcr's risk in cxchauge for a share of Ihe premiums paid to the jnsmer, the arrangement is often lermed "captive rcinsurancc." FUrlher: (u) Any such agreements will not art'ect the amounts thut Borrower hus agreed to Jay for 1\Jodgage Insurance, or any other terms of the Loan. Such agreemcnts will not increase the amount Borrower will owc for 1\lortgage Insurance, and they will not entitle Borrower to uny refund. (IJ) Any such agreements will not alrect thc rights Borrower has-if anY---II'ith I'csped tu the Mortgage Insurance under the Homeow'~ers Protection Act of 1998 or any other law. These rights may include the dght to receive certain disclosures, to )tI~quest and olJtain canccll:ltion of the Mortgage Insurancc, to have thc 1\[Ol'lgage Insurance ¡ermill,lted automaticully, and/or to receive a refund of any 1\lortgugc Insurancc premiullls thai \\,el'e unearned .11 the time or such cancellation or termination, 11, Assignment of Miscellaneous Proceeds; Forfeiture. AI! Miscellaneons Proceeds are hcrehy assigned 10 and shal! be paid In Lender. If the Properly is damaged, such Miscellancous Proceeds shall be applied 10 resLonilÎ,) ] or rcpair of tllc' Pruperly, if the resloralion or repair is econolllically feasible ,Ind Lender's secnrity is not lessencd, During such repair alld restoratiun period, Lender shall have Ihe right 10 hold such Mise:ellaneous Proceeds unlil Lcnder has had an opporulnìly Lo illsped Sllc:h Prupcrly tn ensurc the work has bee II completed tn Lender's salisLIL'lioll, providcd thai sudl inspCl'lilJl1 shall be nllderlakCII proll1plly WYOl\lING-Siugk FanaH) FUlluic I\laC!Frc<l<lic I\lac IINIFORl\llNSTRlIl\lENT Furlll JUSI Iml CHEATl.Atlù. foOrUer(;Jlll-éiûOS30-8:59:jl 616/91·1131 ITEM 276917 (OOII)--MEAS ) ÿ ,~J '~'1 ~_,.;(! r ,ì ,'\ . () ,r . '" ¡. ,.. U '1 Lelllkr may pay for Ihè repairs and restoration in a singk disblJlseJllent or in a serics of pwgress paymenls ;IS the work is complelèd, lJnkss an agreL'ment is made in writing or Applicablc Law rcquircs inl<:rest to he paid on slIch fvlisL'eJlal,',,"s Procecds, Lcnder shall not be rCl)uin:d to pay Borrower any inh:resl or e¡llllillgs on such f\liscdlaneolls PWl:eeds If Ihe rcstoration or repair is no! economically feasible or Lendcr's security would be kssened, the IVlisceJlalleolls Pn)L'ceds sllall be applicd to the snms securcd by this Security Instillment, whdllcr or not thcn due, with thè excess, if ¡lny, paid to Borrower. Such Miscdlanwus Proœeds shall be applied in the order provided for in Section 2, In the èvent of a total taking, destruction, or loss in value of Ihe Properly, the Miscellaneous Procceds shall be applicd 10 the sums securcd by this Security Instrumèllt, whetller or not IIICII due, with the exœss, if allY, paid 10 Borrower. In the even! of a partial laking, destruction, or Joss in valuc of Ihe Pruperty in wllich Ihc fair market valllL' "I' the ProperLy immediately before the partial taking, dcstrnction, ur loss in value is equal to or greakr than Ihe anlOunl of thc sunlS secured by this Security Instrument immediately before II Ie partial taking, destruction, or loss in v¡due, IInkss Borrower and Lender otherwise agrèe in writing, the snms secured by this Security Instnnnent shall hc rcducL'd by Ihe alllount of II Ie tv1isœllaneous Proceeds multiplied by thc fullowing fraction: (a) thc lolal alllounl of the sums secnred innlledialdy hd'orc the partial taking, deslruction, or loss in valnè divided by (b) the fair In¡lIkc:t valuc of the Properly imnlcdiatdy before Ihe partial laking, destrllction, or loss in value, Any balance shall be paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking, destruction, or loss in valuè of the Prnperty in wllich the fair Illarkd valllc of Ihe Property inllllediatdy before the partial laking, destructioll, ,)r loss in valuc is less than ¡hc alnOllll1 uf the SIlIlIS sL'L'lIrcd immcdiately beforc Ihe partial laking, dcslruction, or loss in \'¡dIlC, IInlcss Borruwcr awl LL'Ildcr olherwise agrec in \1 riling, the Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied 10 ilIL' SIIlIlS sccllrcd by this Sccurity Inslllnllcnl whelher or Ilul Ille SII¡IIS are then due. If thc Property is aballdoned by Borrower, or if, after notice by LellLler 10 Borruwer thai the (1) Josill¡!. Party (as ,le-Illled in the next selltcllL'è) offers to make an award to scllle a daim fnr d¡llllages, Borrowcr fails 10 rcspond I" Lender withill _\0 days after Lhe date the notice is given, Lender is authorized to collect and apply the Miscellaneons Prucceds either 10 restoration or repair of the Property or to the slims sccurcd by this Secllrily Inslnlmenl, whethcr or nnt Ihcn tille, "Oppusing Party" means tlte third party Ihal owcs Borruwer I\1isccllanculls Proceeds ur Ille parly agaillsl Ilholll ß"rruIIl' I"IS a nglll uf action in regard to Miscellaneous Proceeds, Borrower shall be in default if any action or proceeding, whethcr civil or l'rimillal, is begllll 111011, ill Lelllkr's jlldgmcnt, could result ill forfeilure of the Property or otltcr IlIalerial impainllelll of Lender's Îllkresl ill lltc' Prupcrty ur rigllls IIlhkr Ihis Security Inslnllllent. Borrower can cure suclt a defalllt and, if accc!eration has occurred, reinstate as providcd in SL'l'liun 19, by cansing tlte action or proceeding to be disn1Ìsscd with a ruling Lhat, in Lcndcr's judglllent, predudcs forfeitllrc of the Property or other nHltc:rial illlpairment of Lcuder's inlaest in thc Propcrty or rights under this Security IlIstrument. Tllc proceeds of any award or daim for damages lhat arc allribntable to the impainnent of Lcndcr's inlcrcsl in Iltc Propcrly are hereby assigncd amI shall bc paid to Lender. All Miscellaneous Procecds Ihat are uul applied to resloralion or repair of the Properly shall bc applied in thc order provided for in Section 2. 12. Borrower Not Rcleased; Forbcarance By Lcnder Not a \Vai\'er, Extension of lhe time for paymcnt or modification of amortization of the sums secured by tbis Security Instrument granted by Lender to Borrower or any Succcssor in Intercst of BI)rrower shall not operate to release tbc liability of Borrower or any Succcssors in Inkn.:st of Borrower, Lender shall not be required to comlllcnce proceedings agaillsl any Successur in InkrL'sl nf Borrowcr nr t,) rcfllsc to extcnd timè for payment or otherwisc modify ¡IIIIUrlllaliulI of lhe: olllllS sccllrcd by this Sccurity IIISIIIIIIICIII by rcasnn uf any dcmand made by the original Borrower ur any SlIccessors in Inlercst "I Borrnwc:r Any fnrhc¡U,llll'e by IL'lldcr in exercising any right or remedy incllldillg, withOlI! lilllilillion, Lcnder's acccpt¡¡nL'e nf l)aYlllellls In>lll 1IIIId pcrsons, cnliliL's 01 Successors in Interest of Borrower or ill allHHnlts less than Ihe amollnt lhen dllc, shall IIOt be a w¡liver uf or preclllde: 111e: exercisc of any right or remedy, 13. Joint and Se\'eral Liability; Co-signers; Successors and Assigns Bound, Borrower l'UVc'llalllS ¡Ind agrL'c'S thaI Borrower's obligalions and liabiliLy shall bc joint and several. Howcver, any Borrowcr who co-siglls this Sccurity Illslnmlcnt bul does 1101 exccule the Note (a "co-sigller"): (a) is co-signing this Security Instrumenl ullly to nlurtgage, grant ¡¡nd conI cy thè co-signcr's intcrest ill the Properly ullder Ihe knllS of Ihis Sccllrity IlIstrllnlclll; (b) is lIot pcrson¡¡Jly obligaled to pay the sums sccurcd by this Security IlIslnlnlcnt; alld (c) agrces thai Lender and all)' ulher BOllo\\'"r can agrec to c\tcnd, modify, forbear or make any acconnllodalions with regard to the terms of Ihis Security InslnmlclIl or thc Note Wllhullt the co-signer's consellt. Subject to the provisiolls of Section 18, any Successor in Inkrèst of Borrower wllO assllmes Borrower's obligations undcr this Security InsLrumcnl in wriling, and is approved by Lender, shall obtain all of Borrower's rights and bencJïls ulldcr WYOl\tING-Sill~1è FöllliIY--.·\lIIlIic I\lac/Frcddic I\lac IINIFOI{l\t INSTHlIJ\JENT ITE"I 276918 (UU11)-MERS (PC/lie 8 of 12 !'-'lie,) Furm JO~ 1 I/O t (¡HFMIMI[) . T(J O¡Jc! (JI! 1-8üO-:530-93'jjIJtd' 616 l\jl In! , ~ ¡'..' ~]; 'l J; (" (~~ (: . r:~ ;~". ,·\,..:..UJ this Security InstnllHènt. Borrower shall not be released from Borrower's obligations and liability under this Security Instrument lInless Lend.:r agrees to such release ill writing, The covenants and agreements of Lhis Securitylnstrllll¡enl shall hind (except as provided in Sectioll 20) and benefit the sllccessors and assigns of Lender. 14. Loan Charges. Lender may charge Borrower fees for services perfonned in conned ion wilh Borrower's (kLudt, for Ihe pl¡rpose of prolecling Lender's interest in the Properly and righls lIn,kr this Security Inslnnnent, illclndiug, but not ¡intiled to, attorneys' fees, property iuspection and valuation fees, In regard to any other fees, the abs.:nce lif expr,'s~ alllhurily in this Security Instnllnen( to charge a specific fee to Borrower shallllo[ be constnled ¡IS a prohibition un [he ,Ililrglllg of sn,h fee, Lender may not charge fees that are expressly prohibiled by Ihis Secnrity Instrumellt or by Applicabk Law If the Loan is subject to a law which sets IIIaximull1 luan charges, and that law is fin¡dly inteq>reled so [hat Ih..: interest or other loan charges l'ollecled or to be colk"ted in COllneClion wi[h the Loan exceed III,' permitted lilllils, ¡h,,!. (a) any su,'h loan ,'harge shall be reduced by the amonnt Ilecessary to reduce the charge tu Ihe penllilted lilllit, and (b) any snms alrcady collected from Borrower which exceeded permitled limits will be refunded to Borrower Lend..:r may clluuse lu Inake Ihis refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a direct payment lu Borrower. If " refnnd r..:dnces principal, the rednction will be treated as a partial prepayment wiLhout any prepayment charge (wllether or not a prep"yment charge is provided for ulJlkr the Note), Borrower's acce-ptance of any such refulld made by direct payment to Borrower will constitute a wai vel' of any righl of action Borrower might have arising out of sllch overcharge. 15. Notices. All uutices give-n by Borrower or Le-nder in cOllileclion with this Sel'llrit)' Inslrulllenl IllUSt b..: in writing Any notice 10 Borrower in connectioll with this Security Instrument shall be lk'elued to have been gIV,,1 lu Borrower when mailed by first class Inail or when actually delivered 10 Borrower's notice address if sent hy ()ther weilllS, Noli,'e III anyone Borrower shall constitute notice to all Borrowers unless Applicable Law expressly rcquires olherwise, The nlllice address shall be the Property Address unless Borrower has designated a substitute notice address by notice to Len,k:r. Borruwer shall prllmptly notify Lender of Borrow\':r's change of address, If Lender specifies a procedure for rep,)rting Borrower's cllallge of address, then Borrower shall (HIll' report a change of address through that specified procednre, 'I'1I"re 111<11' hl:~ unly one designakd notice address under this Secllfity Instrument at anyone time, Any notice tu Lelllkr sllall be gill,!1 hy delivcring it or by mailing it by first dass mail 10 Lender's address staled Iln..:inunless Lenda has designakd illl,)llin addr..:ss by nlltice to Borrower Any notice in cunne-clion with this Security lnstnlnlenl shall nlll be deemed lu havc hcell gil''':u to 1":II,kr untt! actually received by Lender. If auy nutiCl~ required by this Securily luslnllllenl is ¡dsu rcquircd IUlder Applicabk Law, Ille Applicable Law reqllirement will satisfy the corresponding requllellleuluiIlkr tllis S"clllily IlIstnlulelll. 16. Governing Lawj Severabililyj Hules ur Construction, This Security lustrnment shall be gUI'elllnl by kderill lilli' and the law of the jurisdiction in which the Property is locakd, All rights a lilt oblig¡lliulIS cüut¡tillcd in II¡is S''l'urity Instrument are subject to any requiremellts and limitatiuns ur Applicable Law, Applicable Law might explicitly lIr illlplicitly allow the parties to agree by contract or it might be silent, but such silellce sll;1I1 not be l'ouslrued as a pruluIJlI u¡1 against agreenlent by conLracl. In the event thai au)' provision ur dause of Ihis Sccnrity lustrullh:nl ur the Nute cunlîids wilh Apphcable Law, such conflict shall not af'fect other provisions nf this Securlly lustrlllllellt or the Note whil'll can b..: given dIect without the cOllllicting provision, As used in this Security Instrument: (a) words of the masculine gellda shall mean aud indude correspumling nenler words or words of the feminine gender; (b) words in Ihe singular shall mean and include Ihe plural and vice versa; and (c) Ihe word "may" gives sole discretion without any obligation to take any action, 17. Borrower's Copy. BOITower shall be given one copy of the Note and of Ihis Securily Instrulllcnt. 18. Transfer ur the Property or a Belleticial Interest in Borrower. As uscd in IIIIS S~'dlou I R, "Inlerest in Ihe Property" m..:ans any legal or beneficial inlerest in the Property, in,'ludlng, bnt not limited to, those bC:lleficial inkresls transferred in a bond for deed, contract for deed, inslallwent sales contra~'1 or escrow agrec:menl, the in lent of whi,:h is Ihe Iransfer of title by Borrower at a future date to a purchaser. If all or any part of the Property or any Interest in the Pruperty is sold or tr¡\Ilst'erred (or if Burrower is nul a natural person and a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred) w ithont Lender's prior written cunsènt, Lender may æquire immediate paymenL in full of all slnns secured by this Securily Instnlwelll. Howcver, this oplion shall not be exercised by Lender if such exercise is prohibited by Applicable Law, If Lender exercises this option, Lender shall gl\'e Borruwer nutice of accekration, The notice shall pf(JI'ide a pc:riod of 1101 less than 30 days from Ihe dal\': Ihe notice is given in accurdallCè wilh SC'dioll IS \\¡(hin \\ hll'h Borrower mllst pay all sums secured by this Secllnl)' Inslruwenl. If Borrower fails 10 pay Ihese SlnllS prior [0 the e\piralioll <If this ¡",iod, Lender lliay invoke any rewedies pêl'mitted by this Se,'urily IlIStrllment wilhunl further Ilotice or delll,lIld on Borrower. 19. Borrower's Hight to Reinstate Al'ler Acceleration. If Borrower weds certain conditions, Borro\\ er sh¡¡ 1 have the right to have enforcement of this Secllrity Instnnllenl discontinne'll al any tiwe prlur to Ihe earliest ur- (a) III" d"ys bct'ore \\'YOl\tlNG-Sillgk Falllily--Fallnie I\bc/Frc¡ ¡lic I\Jac lINIHml\t tNSTHUl\lENT 10 UrJel C...tII1 Fllrlll .ìO;; I titH ()HE:AII A/H) .. 616 /91 11 JI ¡¡EM 2rS9L9¡OOll)-MERS .~ ~.. .~. i ~~1 r-' (\ !"i " ~ I'~ t'~ ,,' ;, ~ tJ U sale of the Property pursuant to any power of salc contailll::d iu this Security fnSlnlll1c~lIt; (b) slldl olhcr pcriod as Applic'able Law might specify for the termination of Borrowcr's right tn rcillstalè; or (c) clllr)' of a jlldglllelll cuforc'illg Ihis Security Instnltnenl. Those conditions are Ihat Bnrro\\'èr: (a) pays Lcndcr all slims which Ihèn \\'wild bc dlle IIlIder this Sccllrity JnstJllment and the Note as if no acceleration had occurrcd; (b) curcs an)' ddauh of all)' ulhèr Co\'cllanls or agreelnellts; (c) pays all expellses incurrcd in enforcing this Security Instrunlellt, illduding, but lIot lilllikd to, rcasouahlc all¡HîlcyS' fccs, property insPèctiou aud valuatiou fces, and other fecs illcurred for the purpose of prokctiug Lelldcr's intcrLSI ill Ihc Prupeily and rights under this Sccurity Instrument; and (d) takes such action as L~nder may reasollably rcquire to assure Ihat Lc~lJ(kr' s iulerest in the Pmperty and rights uudcr Lhis Sccurity fnstlTlmcnl, alld Borrowcr's obligation 10 pay thc snms sccllJed by this Security Instrumellt, shall continuc unchangcd, Lcnder may reqnirc Ihat Borrower pay SlJdl reillslakulcllt Sill lIS aud C\PCIISèS in one or morc of the following forms, as sdeclcd by Lcndcr: (a) cash; (b) Hloncy order; (c) Cèrtified dIeck, bauk check, treasurer's check or cashicr's check, provided any SUell chcck is drawn upon au inslitution whosc dcposits are insun.:d by a fcdcral agency, inslrunlenlality or entity; or (d) Ekctronic Fuuds Transfer. Upuu reiustateulelJl by Borrower, this Sec'lJlïty Instrument and obligations secured hereby shall remain fully effective as if no accclcratiolJ had occurred, "(¡we lei, this righl - to reinstate shall nol apply in the c:ase of aceelcration under SecliolJ 18, 20. Sale or Note; Change or Loan Senicer; NotÍl"e or Grievance. The Nok or a panial illlL:rest ill Ille N,,1c (Iogether .' wilh this Seelllity IlIstrument) can be sold one or more times withollt prior ¡Iotice 10 Rorrowc~r, A sale- ¡lIight reslIlt in a change in ¡he entity (klluwn as the "Loan Servicer") Ih,11 colleds Periodic Paymcllts dlle Illhlc,r ¡he Nulc alld ¡Ills Scc'llrity Instrumèllt alld performs olher llIortgage loan servicing oblig,ltiulls lindeI' Ihe Note, Ihis SC~C'llllty Illstllllllellt, alld :\pplicabk Law, There also might be one or more ehangcs of Ihe Loan Serviecr lIllrdaled 10 a sale of thè NOk, If tllcre is a challge uf the Loall Scrvicer, Borrowcr will bc given \\Titlen lIotice of the dlange which will stale Ihe name alld address ,)1' Illc~ lieII' 1.'><111 Servicer, the address tu which paymellts shollld bc llIade allll allY other informatil)1I RESPA reqllires ill cOlnleclioll lIith a notice of transfer of scrvicing, If the Note is suld and thereaJ"¡cr the loan is scrviced by a Loan Snvicer olher thall ¡hc pllrchaser of tlJe Note, thc mortgage loan servicillg obligations 10 Burrower will remain wilh [he Loan Sc'rvic'er or be transferred to a sllccessor Loan Scrvicer and are not assnmed by the Nule lHlrdJaser lInkss utherwisc prmided by Ihe Nute pllrchaser. Nt.:ither Borrowcr nor Lcnder may commcnce, join, or be joined to any jlldicial action (as either all llldi\idllalliligalll or the member of a class) Ihat ariscs from [he other party's ac:tiolls pursllant to this Sc,curity lnstrumenl lJr Ihat allegc's that the other party has breached any provision of, or any duty owed by r'::,lsun uf, this Security Inslnllllellt, lInlil sllch ßurruwcr or Lellder has lIoLified Ihe other paily (wilh sllch ¡¡utiee givclI in cOllll'liance with the reljllircnlcnls of Sec:liulI 15) of such allcgc'd brcaeh alld afforded tile uther party hereto a reasollable period afkr the giving of Sllell notice to lake c'uITccti\'e aClion, If Applicable Law provides a limc period which must elapse before certain action c'all be laken, Ihat tilllC period will be deemed to be reasollabk for purposes of this paragraph TIlc lIotic'e of acc.::lcration alld Opportllllity tu cure givell to Bonu\Vèr pursuant to Sectioll 22 and the lIotice of acceleration given to Burrower pllrsllant 10 Sectioll I~ shall be dcemed to sallsfy the lIotice and opportunity to take corrective action pnwisions of this Section 20, 21. Hazardous Substances. As uscd in this Section 21: (a) '·IJazanlons SubstanCès" arc those substances defined as Loxic or hazardous substances, pollutants, or wastes by En\'ironmcntal Law and the following substances gasolinc, kerosellc, other tlammable or toxic peirokum products, toxic pcstieides allllllerbicides, volatile solvents, materials cOllLlilling asbestos or formaldehydc, and radioactive materials; (b) "¡;nvironmcnlal Law" mealls federal laws and laws of the jllrisdlction where thc Property is localed that relate to health, safely or en\ ironmental protectiou; (c) "1:11\'ilUlllIlL'lltal C'le,lIllIp" iucllldc's any rcsponse action, remedial action, or reulOval act iou, as defiued iu EuvirnnuJeulal Law; aud (d) all "EuvilUlluleutal ('uuditiu I" uleans a cOlldition that ean calise, contribllle to, or otherwise Irigger an EII\'irunulelllal C'lcallllP' Borrower shall not cause or pellllit Ille preSCIKc\ use, disposal, sloragc', or release of illlY Ila/'lIdulIs Suhstallces, or threaten 10 release any Hazardous Subslances, on or in Ihe Pmperty, ßorrow.:r shall nol do, nur allow allyone clse 10 do, anything affecting the Property (a) Ihat is in violation of any Envirunll1enlal Law, (bi whicll creaks iUI LtI\IIt)IIIIl':lltal Condition, or (c) which, due to Ihe prescnce, lise, or release of a Hazarduus Substance, creaks a L'illldiliulI that <td\'ersely affects the value of Ihe Property, The preceding two senteuces shallnOI apply tu Ih.:: presellCC, Use, ur slurage uu tile Prnpcrty of small quantities of Hazardous Substances Lhat are geuèrally rec'oguiLcd to b.: appmprialc 10 uOrlllal residelllial IISc'S aud to maintenance of thc Property (including, but not limited to, Ilazardous substances in consumcr pruducts), Borrower shall prampLly give Lender wrillen notice nf (a) allY investigalion, claim, deIJJalld, lawsuit or olher aclioll by any governllleutal or regulatory agency or privaLc party invulving the Property aud auy I Jazardous Suhslauc:e or Environmental Law of which Borrower has adual knowledge, (b) auy Enviruuulental Condiliuu, illeludiug but uot Ilullled to, any spilling, leaking, discharge, release or threat of rdeas.:: of any I [aLilnlous Substallce, aud (c) auy coudili, '11 l'aused by the WYOl\llNG-Sillgl" F¡lIlIily --Fanuie Mae/Freddie l\lac UNLFOHI\11NST/{UI\1EN't' ITEM 2769[10 (00111--MEAS (Pclg,' 10 "J 12 ¡hl¡;",') >'..rm .\USI I/Ut GHEATlAllU ii 1u Oldel Call. 1 ödl)-5:ilJ ,,~':{j I JfJA 616-791-1131 ; ;: -- ~¡l~:j ,', "'''' , C'I"1 ';, ~,; t.: _~ . J ¡môSenCè, nse or release of a Hazardous Substance which adl'ersely affects tile value of tile Pruperty, If Borrower !carlls, ur IS notified by any govelîHnelltal or regulaLory authority, or allY pril;¡1e parly, that allY removal or other relnediatiull uf auy Hazardous Substallce affecting the Properly is necessary, Borrower sha]) pnmlptly take all necessary relnedial actiulls 111 accordallCè with Enviroull1ental Law, Nothing herein shall creak allY uhligatioll 011 Lender for all EIlI'inHlnlclItal Cleanup, NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS Borrower alld Lcnder further covellallt and agree as folluws: 22. Acceleratiouj Remedies. Lender shall give lIotie¡> to Borrower prior to aecc1cralÎon 1'0 I hJ\\ ing Borroll'l'r's breach of any covenant or :Igreement in this Security Iustrulill'nt (hut nol prior to accderation under Sedioll II) unless Applicahle Law provides otherwise). The notie¡> shall specify: (a) the dcl'aullj (h) the adion rel¡uil"ed 10 (:lire the defaultj (c) a date, not less th:1I1 30 dnys from the date the notice is given to BIHTolI'l'r, by whkh thl' dcfaull must he curedj nnd (d) that failure to cure the default on or hefore the date specifierl in the notice mny rcsull ill acœlcration of the sums secured by this Security Instrument and sale of the Property. The notice shall further inform Borrower of the right to reinstate after acceleration nnd the right to hring a court nction to assert the non-existencc of a dcfallll or nny other defense of Borrower to acceleration and sale. If' the default is not cured on or hcl'ol'e the date spedtied in the notice, Lender at its option may require immediate payment in full of :dl sums secured by this SI:cllrity Instrument without further demand and mny invoke the power of sale :md any other rl'lIll'dies permitted hy .\pplkahle Law, Lender shnll he entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the rl'merlies provided iu this Sedion 22, including, hut not limited to, reasonahle attorneys' fees and costs of title e\'Ídence, If Lender invokes the power of sale, Lender shall give notice of intent to foreclose to Borrowel' nnd to the pl'rson in possession of thl' Property, if different, in accordance with Applicable Law. Lender shnll gin notice of the sale to Borrower in the manner provided in Section 15. Lender shall publish the notke of sale, and the Property shall Ill' sold in the manner prescribed by Applic:lbll' Law. Lcnder 01' its designee may purchnse the Property at any sail'. The proceeds of the sale shall bc applied in the following order: (a) to all expenscs of till' sail', illchulillg, hut not limited to, reasonahle attorneys' feesj (b) to all sums secured hy this Security Instrumelltj and (c) any excess to the Jl'rson or persons Icgally entitled to it. 23. Hclease. Upon payment of all sums secured by ¡his Secnrity 11lstnllll':III, Lemler shall release [his Seclllìty Instrument. Burrower shall pay any recordation costs, Lender )jay charge \3nrrower a fee fur ¡eleasing Ihis ScculIty InstrullIent, but only if the fee is paid Lo a third pari)' for services rendered and the dlar~ing or the fec is [h.'rmitled under Applicable Law, 24. \Vai\'crs. Borrower releases and waives all righls nnder and hy I'irlue or the humeslead exell1lHioll Ltws of Wyoming, WYOI\IING-Sillgk fallJily Falluie I\lac/Frcd,lic I\lac llNIFORl\llNSTIUll\lENT Fill'''' J( ~ t 1/IJI GHfAlIAl1l) . To Order Call1-8[¡OSJO 939J!lf" 61b7911131 ITEM 2769L11 (0011)--MER6 "', 'I b ',,' ;, ~,; ...J.¡ 'c ~J r"' !"~, '1 . -' [\ ;'-) '·;'J.u0 BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agreès [0 the terms and covenants contained in Lhis Security Instrument and in any Rider executed by Borrower ami recorded with it. ._r ì /··/~¥cC~/· ~artin S. Gagnon pages] through 12 of ~:> . (S"I).~~Jr)~~V\ V\ Q llcLHlt~J)(~:,:r; ·Ho".,,,, Cf'th Lynne McrWS .¡¡""""" -----~-~- - "--..--...-------.------. --- ____ (Seal) - Borrow"r ~.._----- ----~-------------_._.- - -- -------.--...----.-.-- ___(Seal) -13nnu\\'~r ..., ____ (Seal) - B OITO wer _._-----~------_.- -------.- .-.---------. _____(Seal) -Bonuwel WitnèSS: Witnèss: ----------~._------------ ----.---------.------- -.'.--.-.-.--- . -----------.-.----..-- --.....-------....- Slate of Wyoming ) ) ss ) County of Lincoln The forègoing jnstrnment was acknowledged before nle by Martin S, Gagnon, Judith Lynne Matthews [his ((IHI. day of L \Olh) lULC(.\ \VitnèsS 111)' hand and official seal. '),cor) \ tU_'l'ic)' '[" . ')'i. ) 'L' LCIJ~ -, ----- NÜl<u)' Public I'.j.-.i'';':':' ~ J G¡~CÞ\:',: ~!:=....~ Ccumy 01 L ¡,wln I:.ì;;,,~\'>t Ut(,i";1'V \;irl( .~ ,I ' \ ',', ,,'dolt,; My CUllIlllission expires: ( /',) j ) ( () (¡ hil C'ÛH¡:nh;~k;;ì E.;<&J¡f~~:ï, "·-:!S·l{iu:) "'- ~ "~~:":: . . :~ ,.... , .'. ... W\'Ol\lING-Sillgle Family - F,,"uic l\lac/Frcddic l\l"c lINIFORl\llNSTIUIl\lENT ITEM 2769L12 (0011),--MEAS (I'dge 12 ,I 12 I",gn) F..,," .\O~ [ I/O I l:if"1!-::AlLAI D .. lu ()¡dtJf Ci.l1I -Bi)i)530-9393Iir<ix 616·791·11Jl r-; 0 ," -~- .1.~ -_~ (0, ,..., ('!. . I' :') I f, ,~ 1\ : ~~. U '- Loan Number: 3040049 PREPA YMENT RIDER (Multi-state) This Prepayment Rider is made this14th day of November , 2005 _and is incorporated to and shall be deemed to amend and supplement Ihe Mortgage, Deed of Trust or Security Deed (the "Security Instrument") of the same date given by the undersigned (Ihe "BorTOwer") to secure Borrower's Note (the "Note") to Home Loan Center, Inc., dba LendingTree Loans, a California Corporation (the "Lender") of the same date and covering Ihe property described in the Security Instrument and located at 1244 Country Road120 Thayne, Wy.omj,llg 83127 (the "Property") Additional Covenants. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth in the Note or Security Instrument, Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: Borrower has the right to make paymenls of principal al any time before they are due, A payment of principal only is known as a "prepayment" A "full prepayment" is the prepayment of the entire unpaid principal due under the Note, A payment of only part of the unpaid principal is known as a "partial prepayment" If, within the 3 -year period beginning with the date Borrower executes the Note (the "Penalty Period"), Borrower makes a full prepayment, or par1ial prepayment in any twelve (12)-month period that exceeds 20% of the original principal loan amount, Borrower will pay a prepayment charge as consideration for the Note Holder's acceptance of such prepayment. The prepayment charge will equal the amount of interest that would accrue during a six (G)-month period on the amount prepaid that exceeds 20% of the original principal balance of the Note, calculated at the rate of interest in effect under the terms of the Note at the time of the prepayment, unless otherwise prohibited by applicable law or regulation. No prepayment charge will be assessed for any prepayment occurring after the Penalty Period. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event of a full prepaymenl concurrent with a bona fide sale of the Property to an unrelated third party after the first ___.!!.__ year(s) of the term of the Note, no prepayment penalty will be assessed In that event, Borrower agrees to provide the Note Holder with evidence acceptable to Ihe Nole Holder of such sale, By signing below, Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms and covenants contained in this Prepayment Rider. /--.. "/ /'~/ ~} , /~/-:b;/k.:'- -''--. .CZ-oß;r'Martin s. Gagnon ,...-- ;. (Seal) c \ () .'".. n (I(J r;;./-/---- '\. ) ~jr(tLx (Seal) / (Seal) Borrower (Seal) Borrower (Seal) (Seal) Borrower Borrower 60382 Multi-Slate Rider Form 50058L 1 Rev 10103 page 1 of 1 '11/15/89