HomeMy WebLinkAbout914037 'i ,( r' n t '! .,." 0 '. ',.! \ '..L . N ROADWAY ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT ROY D, WARREN AND HEATHER WARREN, HUSBAND AND WIPE, GRANTORS, of Linculn County, Wyoming, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10,00) and other good and valuable consideration, intland paid. receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CONY EY AND WARRANT to KENDALL G, BROUGH AND CORRIE H. BROUGH, HUSBAND AND WIFE, their successors and assigns, GRANTEES, whose address is Box 400, Afton\~~ iptt¡1Jfual non-exclusive thirty-two foot wide roadway to be used for ingress, egress and utility purposes over, under and across the following described property, namely: The southerly 32 feet of the following described land: A Tract of land lying within and being a pari of the sl/lSm~ of Section 14, T31N R1l9W of the 6th P,M., Lincoln County, Wyoming (also being a part of "Parcel E-2" as described on [he survey plat entitled "Plat 10 Accompany Parcel Division Application for Kendall G. Brough and Corrie H. Brough Parcel E", prepared by Surveyor Scherbel, LTD" and dated 29 June 1998), with boundaries more particularly described as follows: ? I ùt q I \q, BEGINNING on the south boundary line of said Section 14 al a point which is located S 89°38'44" W, a distance of 1143.37 feet from the southeast corner of Section 14, said point also being the southeast corner of said Parcel E-2 and running thence S 89 ° 38' 44" W, along section line, a distance of 460,00 feet; thence N 0°04'22" E, a distance of 473.48 feet; thence N 89°38'44" E, a distance of 460,00 feet; thence S 0°04'22" W, along the east boundary of said Parcel B-2, a distance of 473.48 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Together with the fight to construct, maintain, improve and repair U1e said roadway and utilities, Said easement shall be appurtenant to grantees land in Section 14, T31N R119W, WITNESS our hands this I? C) day of /\/ C\ V/ ! ì ;1.1(' I~- , 2005, /"","--7 ,/' ~)/'". /) ..' /j,.// ./' /L/<.../ C (/¡ / / c. '¿_-:'_/} ~~ (". -Ll (Cl U1Q\ It'J(Ì)IJ¡ f>rJ _ RECEIVED 11/29/2005 at 4:11 PM RECEIVING # 914037 BOOK: 606 PAGE: 172 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY STATE OF WYOMING ) )ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) The foregoing instnunent was acknowledged before me by Roy D. Harren and Hea ther Warren Ihis .26 day of A 1'1l'( "t J,e ",- , 2005, Witness my hand and official seal. I~'-;"-·_'- "'~ J"'~~."'~ TRiiiAJ.J iMITH NOI'ARY PUBLIC èÓUNTY OF' ~ STATE Of LINCOLN ~ WYOMING . M MISSION EXPIRES APRil 22 ~ My Conmussion Expires: ~J ~?2 -") I ,,:~~:~=::,.:-~~j~,-~¿,.);,<;~:~"r;~?~__ ___ Notary Public ·2{cyr , ' ", ,n. '-'.. i-~ , " "-.') .:'¡ J..j¡ u U <J...:... Ii'- STATE of Utah ) )ss. County of Salt Lake ) ("' :',\ n' 1'1 .,1 , ,';'.1 t 1. On the I g J--t-... day of )1 t>lJ 'E'-n1 her- , 2005, personally appeared before me ...Jiè. e./ L, ¡,~ r r i 6 ñ-r\ , who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to this instrurnent, and that he executed the same in my presence. STATE of UTAH ) )ss. County of Salt Lake ) //-');) J (~~{: ~/I ß/¿11lt~L----' /~t.___~___._.____._,_____ lNOTAR Y PUBLJC, residing in $t\~- LJ,ke.____County, Utah. tWïAft't' ¡:'Uuuc STATf tJf [HAil M)' COlllmi,¡$IUII F,,µhCS M.y 1 U, "DOl! JOHN J,j WiLlIiuri¡¡ON 349 SOUUI 200 [¡¡ôl, 510 100 Sail L.akt: City, Ut4h 114111 On the f ~h- ___day ofJ1~,,,-w\ I:?~~~__, 2005, personally appeared before me ~4 \ s e.. p, \\ c" (' Î i ~ t"5Y\. , who proved to me on the basis of satisflH:tory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to this instrument, anù that she executed the same in my presence. // /) J ~) J., ~~j¿ )n ß¿¡//1 ~/L------~ '}{OTARY PUBLIC, resiùing in ~;C'-~\-_~~\ V~~__J'ounty, Utah t,WTA.ììY I'Lmuc STAlf Of lJ fAIi 1II'j CUiI\l\Iisôiuli F,,¡¡i ~s M.y HI iOO!! JOHt4 Í'II Wlllll\itl~OW 349 SUUUI "00 [¡¡Sl, SI.; 100 Sail I ~h. CIIY, Wail U41 \ I