HomeMy WebLinkAbout914042 OCT-07-2005 FRI 03:40 PM SHOSHONE 1ST BANK '~' ~~j H "~"I j ü;~ ~J QJ J:, n. b) f~ f1 0 "'~.~ fJ J/:j <1]; ... >.., .... ,r). "', '"2 ~t"~ . '_'\I ,. '~;: t,.., ... ~) t.~ ~1~ E·! P: ~j :J r" .:-..¡. i .c~ þ,;L () .(~... ,./ . ''''''', ,~',1 r:,:ï "'" ()u . ~~ t!~? ('; tP" ~:~¡; '-1 ,....-f ;.A,,¡¡ . t , L(P .;", I L- VJ ( JtuJ .\" jV (/ ( ) \\~ ,,"- -# \~ FAX NO. 13075878637 AI1o:r Rl:çorI1II1ßRelJ¡n¡ To: Shoshone First Bank 1/.01 Sl1eridan Ave" Cody WY 82414 RECEIVED 11/29/2005 at 4:19 PM RECEIVING # 914042 BOOK: 606 PAGE 199 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY 1'rep¡mQ By: Jerí Cooper ISp""..u.... u¡, u... f... Ihunt"" P""'I DOC Ð t: LMORTGAGE J ~ITN 100U104-0202538534-9 "l'HIS MORTGAGE b U\.iQe Ih~ 7 t:h dayucDc t:ob~r 2005 ,betwo:o<JIlhe MOIi&¡}I!Of, Andrew Pleasant: and Gale Pleasant', Husbaud and Wife (h,c:!eL::l "Bonawcr"j, ;md lIIe Moctg1(gl:1:. Mon8iß~ EledlOJ*R~tIon Sy-;¡(emi. !lie. ("1'<ŒRSj. Ç¡olely ~ lIan,mtt for' '-"nd.... iI5 neainafu1r dcfuu:d, ¡}nd Lèbiet's :SU=or:i ..1141 ~~I~):, MERS U o(]pnlud ~lId ~i>lLIB um,k. 1./10: l'iw, o( P.li\wart. ~114' has all ad~ ¡¡;¡¡d I"I'"I'IIOOÐ nUllIbu af 1>,,0, Box 2026, FUIII. ~a 4a501-W26, leL(SII8) 619-MERS. Shosbone First Bank, State .ßaJlli: ("L~ndcr ") Ì5 org~d amI cxlsli.., under Lhc law:; or Wyoming ~ ,', ' 011<1 hI>.> an .....dn:.>.:I ar 1401 Sheridan Ave" . Cody 'WY 82414 . 'W1-ŒREAS. &rrowcr Lslndcbt:d Ióle1)Q.t:J' III lÞÒ\1J1l1ctpat sqm of U,S. $' 24.750.00 , which illdebledn= j.,¡ mde1lcel! by BOITow"f" )loIe dil':œ 10./1/10 :> and ~oJ\.S and n:uc:w~l.s U\efeaf (h",a:Í1\ "Nole'). provloÖllg (Qr momMy ¡¡:;tailmenlS ~( pOJlQpaI. ilI1d InIcn:st¡ wllh the b;¡l:In~ uf bld.bkdncSs, It: noUooller paid. due ¡I,lId pily;1b1.Ct'> 11/112-020, ':, . TO SECURE II.) lellder t ¡e rtlpiI}'U\£:Q1 DC Ù1c !od<:blcdne:.s evldellce\! by Ihe Note, wtth Lnl~re:¡L thereon: !b" p;iymelu of all' t'>lhc:r swæ., wió, ÍJdel-est thc.wå. ali'mlced 'In ~CçaN;UI"'\! heu:wllb to praled the se..'lI"ily o{ dù.:> Mun¡rJge; Z\ld lIIe penc.-milncc of IJI~ cDV~iWl:i ¡¡¡¡d il¡¡:-CCIUl:I1I3 of Borrower herein CUlllallle<1, aarTD\\ er dÓC! bdcby IIWL'lgage. ¡v¡udaod CQIIV"Y 10 MEI<S ('oldy IS nominec'{Qf Lemo:¡- ~lId L:¡¡¡ <!f ~ '1IC~r;s ¡nd =I~) 'and 10 the Sl cccssa.-,; ilnd;l:ulgM of MERS, wiLlI POWI!:: oC SGle. tþe,Ii>UDwinsddc:ri~ prñpaty IOQI~d in Ù¡¡"Collllly of Lincoln , Slll1e ",C Wyoming: ' See Ðc.hibit: "All at:t:ached and JUade a part hereto by this document. .....hld ha:.1b.:a.d<1r= oC 1029 West Messer Drivè LaBarge ICIIJI "W}'omJ~ 8:iH23 ~p Co<lel \.'J1t...;I' Oladll 'PfQl'ei1)' Addr="); TOGE11IER willi all the IIlIpr..vcmenl~ nDW or nc:f4:aflo:r ercç(e<l QII liIe prap"l1;i. ¡¡,l1d illl tasem,:nCi,' dßhlS. appw1c:niU)Ce.:: ilIJd ('CuI.>, all of .....bleb.ball be dc.,med 10 be ii:(ld (C¡;¡liWl Q pilrt of !be prop~l1)' cover"'¡ by 1!1i. M0l1¡:il~C; ~ild all of lilt; fure;:oInß, Ioçèlhe. with said prope:r1)' (0{ thelt.úehold'CòlalJ.: If dili MOI1IP~e Is on ¡ lca:eh\lld) arc hcn::inaf~èr ref~ff',d 10 ;u th.. 'Propeny,' BvfTower un<!ent;l14s anil agreo:: 1t,,,,1 MERS hold> o¡'¡y 1"1f-! lIil" 10 the Inlel'è.:lCi I!,nmlcd by Borrower ill 111~ Manbr¡¡ge: but, If nec~ary to co'1lply' willi low or ~om. MERS, (105 uomj¡¡1:1\ (or I-uudèr ilI\d Li:nJer's !>1¡CCð,>¡OI"1 ilI\c. a.s$iJ:1ls), has !be ":ßhl: 10 exerrue;¡¡¡y Of all ofthm" h \en~sts. indudiJ¡¡;. b"lnúl Ullì.ikd 10. the light 10 forectose and ~elllll. Prorerty;aud 10 I.:i]¡e ~IIY ~cll\1n t\:1fj1re4 of Lellder IAcludhll!,¡l¡IIIIIOlllmll.:d Ie, rde~lu¡;or C"4JlCcUng 1IIi5'Mor!í!"'S'" 'W¡(OMING . SS:;OND /.tOR1'GAû1æ ,1160 - fNMAAì1Ù,\C UNifORM IN~¡KUMENT w;:;:;~ , FE--US 1 MY) (02100 ~1/ij'4 C...FQd.t5k.f¡4£· (aoo;IU:£.4111 ,- p, 04/08 ,,' :ì:", n n , ..' \ " -;;. ~) J OCT-07-2005 FRI 03:41 PM SHOSHONE 1ST BANK FAX NO. 13075878637 p, 05/08 J_~~ ~ <. '~_¡ :ì~~ (' ,-\ () -) ,-, 0 ;._ ~.) \..' :~-~ U J , , . a"rrQWt1' COVI:¡I'òII\!i III¡¡t Bormwl<r is lawfully ~eÎ>c-d of the ",;t¡¡lè,htreby,conveycd and'bOl.'l ¡he rigl\( to fIIO¡1go¡;'I!. gr.u\l 1æI coirVey the ProP<:rl}', 1U\4 Û¡¡¡t'tbe Property Is WlCfIOlIl1L<rl.J, "",Úpt for cm:uIIlLriluct$ of reæ.-d. Burrower COVell:¡¡lt:i th"l B<:rruW";;r W~tt~ntsan;j will defe", iß<'lIerally the IIde to the Property againsl .11 d.ims and demand;¡, SUbJèCllO enc\.Iu]b"'lIc., of ~ord_ " U\UFORM CO-IENANTS, BOfroWÚ;tnd umkrtOvl:1h}nt:uJd agree õi:i folluws' 1, Pio.)'1nent of J>rincipal ¡¡nd Inlcre:H, BottOwt:;( shall promptly, (HIY when due' Ihe prln,11ral and inl"~~( indd)(.;<1J1O:S~ evidtnœd by the Not.<: and late chal-g1:S U lrovidt:dhl UIO:Now:, ' , ' 2. FWllu fur '[axes aml In':lIuomce. Subject 10 a lplle-able I;¡w or a wrhli:n waiver by Lwui<r. Borrowtr ~hall pay 10 L¡:ndcr 011 the day li\o)nthly p¡¡ymen~ uf ¡¡rind¡);¡ :¡¡Id IlIIe:re>t 'lI1"e p'ry¡¡þle uWter Ille Note. UlltJl ille Nolè ¡,,¡ paid III full, a ¡¡um (.1\;òrein 'Fwuls") equal ta oue-llNdfll¡ of the Yè<lriy íL,~ ~ud,ia55=eJI(sOndudln& cUildQlllhlilllil ¡¡-lid V¡;UIII~ unit devtlQpnellt aUt~IDi:I1I:i, if any} which III"'Y a!l;¡J/I priority Qver Ih~MoI1&,~gt and grolJ¡lI ¡tuLS on iI,e Propi:l'ty, If allY, plus ot'e-twelfth or yearly- premlun¡ b¡;¡lal1mI:ßI~ fur ba-~TI.\ Il»ur;¡n<;~, pl~ "1I"'IW"lI\tf of yearly premium 1l1::i\.;llJmenl~ fQT ruultBil¡;e lniuraœ::e. If any, all a, reasan;.bly ~llrmll~ Inltl,, y,ílRd hum lime IQ lime by 1.~lder 01\ Iho Laslo of as.:¡è.:i:Imcnl:t alld \Iii\> ¡wd I19SOD;;oble w!matl:S lhertQf. Borrower ~I~U' nut b,,' oÞngílt~ 'II) (Qakc ~¡¡cn paY¡II""1.s of F uuds Ia Ltnder 10 IIle extenr ttlill S"Il'O'M:t maktS sucb paymelll:5 10 the bol<:ler of íI prior IIIQrt![<lge Qr Jç,,<tot' 1fu>o11f 1il1cn þolder b ..llllstllulJúaallender, If BQlTOwer pa);; FIIIIIV¡ to Len4er, the FIIII4s ~II'4U be h,, ¡ jp ¡¡¡I imdhlllQII the deposits or ilCCOUut:> of whldl ''If!: In>W"ed QI gu.=lr"ed by a flOlter.¡1 or stot" 'lßency (Ùlcludlnß 1."lId"r If l..e"der Is .>I ql an iusl/(ulioll) _ Lemler sb,ill apply lhe F ullds In pë.y ~~ t:Ix~. woe:1mel\l:i, h~-;¡UI;e II'l:lCIlllms 1111.\ I!:tlllUll. ' nmt::¡, I..e '¡~r '\I¡¡¡y II( ( charge for ~o ß,,(JiuH ¡ad appiylng the t:"II¡ S. ",.;¡IY11I1g ~Id accQulII ¡¡r ....erifylng and compll!.1t ~;¡¡d ~3m,mt5 ¡lid bHi!¡, unle:¡:¡ Lellder p~Y" Sonower !nlere:¡t UII u.: FUILd.i alld a¡tpliablc l:iw permIts Lender ta iWke wch a charge. !!oa~wèr aad Lellder nl;¡Y I¡:ree in writ1l1¡: at II"" ILue of exeCIIIb¡n of thi, lvlol1g¡1ß': ¡J¡~t Imere:¡¡ Oil Ihe Fund::¡ shall be l';¡ld \0 Borrower, and lulin:; :;ocll¡¡&T",c:mellt L:¡ m:.de or -,pllc:oLle law n:I'{1I1n= slIcll-lntere:! 10 bl: p¡¡ht l.endo:r shall .Iot be requited \0 pay Borrower auy Inlerl",t nre;U-nlu~ on tÞe F-mds. [..enQer iill;¡ 1 give to lIorrQwer. witnPul cnil4&'" fill anll lJll ai.:I;OQUÚlIß oC IIle 'Puuets shuw!n¡; credit.:! ;¡lId dclJl\!i to the F'1nds iIId the purpœe for wbich oiach dßhlt 10 ¡be Pw..¡'¡ wa.s mad., TI..e fwuLi arc plcde,ed ;u additional 5e'1.Irlty for tbc :rum:t seC1lCe~ by 1IW MOr1i!PgI:. U; lile ,mount lJl the Fl\n~ held by Lemler, 101!"Ulo:f wilh U¡e, '{lIlure monthly ~Whn"lIt5 of FIUIÌ!,s payable prior 10 Uledue d:¡lt$ .f I"""", assESSmellts. insur"¡¡Cl! prc'niulllS ¡¡nd, 'grnuud nOlI"', s¡.../I IUc."d the _mou1I1 IC1{uird to ¡HIY nJd !3XCS. ¡;¡:¡CSU')elll.s, ¡usuraro::e premiuul.:I and gruuud Il!ßU ;u I(¡o,y fall due, 5uc11 ~",.s .ball bu. at Borrower' 5 "pUon, e{¡¡ler promptly ~pa¡d 10 Borrower ... credited 10' BarlOwo:f 0/1 uw.rt!¡ly ¡n5taJ1¡nc¡¡è5 of F \lI1d:i, IJ" lþe JlIIOWI! or Ihe F uuds b~1d by t~1d"r sban ßA be: ~lIflldenl II) EtólY (;¡)(é:!, ;¡j$é:l:QUeJlts. bl~iu-.n1ce 'p.emiulI13 JIId Çíl>UJld rtnl.:! ;u IIlçy fall due. Borrow", sl,all pllY 10 Lè1lo1er uy õllf.Q1ID1 ßeç~:ia1J ID rnw "II the úeficiellCY, In OQe or lI\Qre p~ymenl.'i '" Len¡ er ß\;iY reqlÚfI!- 1:1'011 payment ÎJ1 rull of-at! SWIUi s=u4 by t!its :-'ím1g¡¡ge. uniler, 51...1\ promptly rufund to Borrower an)' F¡¡nds I>dd by L:ndel. If under-,p......¡¡"'pb 17 ),~>ritof 0>,,' Pr"p"rty I. sold or II>" ',Pro!",r!)' I. oO>erwisß acquired by (ender, Lcndd "hall .pllly, Q Lila' lþall IU1met\:.alely prior to tile 54lc of tbe Propel{)' or It.:¡ ;¡~qlll5lt on by Lender, any FllltQs held by Lender al the Urne of ~plic<:tlall os ¡¡ CI1<diI aBainsl the SIWl:!i Si!<:u:roQ by tllls'MOI1ßige. :L Applicat1.:m uf t'¡¡Y¡Peuts, UnI~ appllc;¡ ¡le óf\V provid<=l olherwlse. all paYllleuts receiv.:4 by Lender under tJle Nole ud pilr.lGrapl.s 1 ad Z h(!fl!o( shàU be applied by Lenl\er fjr.¡lIn p¡¡y¡nen( of amQllllts payable ID t.ud... by Borrower unlter paraS''3PQ Z liercuC, Ut"lllo IlIte¡-e:¡t pa~ble on Ihe Nole.. ami then 10 Ibe ptl.ndpal of Lbe Nole. 4.. Prillr MUI't¡¡"I!~J "Ad Dc...b uf Tl'\ISt; C)¡.;¡rg~: W.:fIS. B<Jll'uwer shall perform ;¡,II of 80lTll\ller's ubl4;a1Jon> U¡¡Qo:.· õIIIy JI1( f\g¡¡B'" I\eel.\ of !nISI or other 5c<:IIrlty agr~lUe¡¡t wllh a lien whkb II;¡:¡ priorlty OVer 1M:; )I¡ ( 1gage, indudiuf,; Borrower' ~ Q¡ven,iIUS 10 ¡n.;¡1¡e ?ay¡nell(S w ¡"II due, 1!ull'Qwer 5hoàll payor t:;l\jt tf.l he paid all tax~. õl5:t="'em:; alll! ottler cbaISt:>, IInl:S aod llIIpasll\oll~ aUr.Ullltable I¡:¡ Ule' f'roperty which lU;¡y ,altalll, a ptl¡¡rity over Illt:¡ Mungage. and le.a:¡ehQILi p~Y'II"n~ Or ground ~nl.s.¡hIlY,' i. H=d WunDa. Borrower sÞa\1 ¡eep tbe ImpI'Q...emen~ now t..wtlng Qf hereafter ert1:led OQ the J>roperty in:sure4 again:.; 1= by fill:. han..\,,¡ ,included withi.u the\enn . Qtl!1ld.!d coveras".· an¡ .uel¡ oilIer ha:z;uUs _s Lender may n:qlÚTe aud U¡ , a¡dJ ilIIDOIW~ wd fill' ~..ch pe:r\nœ.' '" Lil!J¡der my require. ' The ÎI1:IUlõlIICC> carrier pr.o~dIß&, IIle WrufiIIU:C sI.<ill be dlOsen Ly Borrower sul¡ject to approval by Ll'llder: prov¡d~d, \.hat s..ch ~prJlvll ~1¡;¡11 1101 be IIllI'ea~ouílbly wiUlhtld. All ÙUUfilllee polidc::l rod Ie~lCWili thtrcol shall be In a [linn ¡¡ccept¡¡Llc to ltude- iUld ¡}jail i¡dude a 5till!<:Ian:f rnal1ß1lge cla\lSe ,IJI :(:¡vQr ¡¡f alld In , form a~œ¡¡¡;¡ble to Lcndl:f, LO::¡¡Qer slwll have the riChl \:) hoH the' pol1dlOS alld mleWòÚS 11....'J!1)C. subjecttn the lern'" bf allY 1l10118a8". d."d of..~ nr n¡ ¡"l' 5"eurlty a¡;n;èIlltlll wit ¡ it. len which has priortty over 1ili1 Mortg.age. ' ~ t1\c: event QC IU:l5, B<JlTOwer sh¡¡JI give promp[ /I011a: 10 the buurallee ClrIier and Lender. under ß);\Y IIlah pruof of 10M I' POIIQade prou>pèy by IkmQwer. ' 'trthe Propcrt:' Is ~baIld¡:¡lIC:d,by'ßoffi)wa-. ,..IfSamrWelI',faits to respond ID LWder Within 3O'do¡y;; from ¡ ¡;: 4;(le nodc. Is ...a,.1i by Leri<Ic~ to ~rrower t ¡at the ~ur;¡;¡ce c:aaltt Qlfers to settle a clalJU for h¡;'¡UIõó(ICC beJ1efiu. Lell<kr Is íllltllQri:t£d to coiled ¡wd ~pply"I\te WsIW.J\lce proce~ a('Lender's QpllQl\o:WIet 10 restor;¡Ùf.I,1 ¡¡r n:p~lr of the Property or IQ ¡he iWlISsecw-ed It}' tIris MOI1I!'1&e, i. Prese\"VIIl1llu and M;ùø(e¡¡aßcc of Propcr1)'; L=boloh; CQnd,)uún.iWlu; P~ute.J Unk DevelQpments. Borrower .hall ...ccp Ihe Prgperty ill good r~palr iIId shall nol ""ousút w.:sIe ar ptrJlliI UlIp-lflllI'ul ur dclL'Iiardùo.1 of the Property and .hilU ;:QllIply wllh rlle provt:¡I¡¡ß:I åf iLIIyk.¡je if this N1c[1lfo1(jC 1.s on ..k.uehold, tf Illis MO[1¡¡aß" is 011 a uult in a c.ondolUÙllun\ ,)r a ¡j;uu¡e4 ,111111 œ....e!i)prnellt. lWrrower ~hall 1'0101'11'1 all at !30ITU\vcr's IIlIllg.lIous under tbe d~c1rr:¡tI[ 1I Dr (ovt!ß;onL:¡ cre;¡ÚJ ß )f gu-eroÙlç the Q)ndorn.iniuUl or, planned IDÙI d~velg\llr.o:n¡, UIe by·Liws ;wd regul¡¡tlûß.:I Qt the condominium or pt.ulJltd unit' jeYe~Jpmen¡. and (Wlsl!lucnl, dOCUIf ~lts_, , 1. P(lJlucûo. uf Len4>r'$ SeCUfÚy. If Borrower blli!o l'crfonn the COV"'1illil.s ¡wd ¡¡Grcement:> L'Umained III tJ¡V. \itgrttlge, or if ID'J' action or proct!ed ¡Iß \5 CrJllllllel\~t;tj which malerl;¡Jly afftcts Lt.nder' ~ ink,e$( ÌJ\ Ule Property, \Ïie11 L.ud~r. it Le:¡l.\er·s option U¡1<)ll natice'tn Borrower, m"y InWe slIch ¡¡ppur.¡¡¡ctS, d.l:¡bursi: such SIIm.i, ¡..eluding r=nubj,¡ .ttomeys' r~~. and Uke S\lci action õl5.1S ne=¡¡ry I¡:¡ protect Lc:¡¡do:r' s Int.f1!~L If Lender re'll\lr"d I\IQrtg:¡ge lusWoIIICC ;os a l'OmJiJlOI1 uf IlUl<lag the loall neJID:d by this Mongage. Borrnwer $1\0111 ).}y tbe prcmium~ required 10 ß1ò1intahl ~ucll 1¡¡'¡1\r.1<lce b1' .ff"cl wWl ¡uen time as Ihe r;qulN:m~1 for :ruch inswancr lennÎJ\alo:5 In ac¡;ordan.e with B¡)rrowt1"~ and Lender's WnU"-IJ :asrucmelll or ~pplkablc law. ' 'Ñ¡y, amoullt~ dLsLulud by Lel\Qer ¡Jtno;uaß! 10 ¡f,i> parilß"IPh 1. ",¡th iuleresl thereulI. .¡ tile Nole ...¡e. siîall become ~dd!tional ¡ß¡ e!¡I~(\~ I)f Borrower ~ccw'ed 'by ¡}ILs MÚl1l!õIQ'"', U¡¡ ~ Borrowcr iIIId Lellder il ;lrec to otQ<r l<1'illii of puym~lIt. ,uch amountS shal be p¡yable upon nu~" fl'Oln Lell4er 10 B<JttOWèr It1 uc>tinB PilYIIICIII UlCrC\Jr. NOlhill1! cOllt..I:\..4 ¡¡¡ Ibis pan€,"aph 1 :;h¡¡1I -eqlltre Lender Ia ÌJ\cu:r 411)' ""pen,e or lake iIIIY ~dlolI hm'CUIlder. ,fi--4~'(WY IQ>JO¡ ~:~t4· -- 't}fJ ~. ~ '" 'ì: ':;¡_;~ OCT-07-2005 FRI 03:42 PM SHOSHONE 1ST BANK FAX NO, 13075878637 p, 06/08 I,~, I-! ~:: ,-, (\ ,~ ''''I -, 1" '.' ',) \, I-M U ' a.Inspecùon, Lend!!! may make or'eaU5e 10 b~ ITIõòde rca:!<:Ißalllt cmrl~ lI¡KIn ¡lnd ill'".p"CÛUil5 of ¡he f'roptriy., provi¡ie¡j Ih;,t Lender ~h:¡1I give Borrower lioUet prior 10 any ~u..:h iru;;pcctioo ~-pèc!!ylng fC:¡~(lIIaLle ,.LIse therdor rel..ted to LQ1dtt'~ interu>t in the Propa¡y. , &. Condo!IlUlaûon. The pro"e1!d~ of any ¡¡w¡¡rd or claim far d:¡'l\aSe>.. dh.cl or a:m:t{¡U<:IIIÞI. 'In com¡¡:¡;úall wllb a1lY cQQdemnation or other laking of Ihe PrDperty. ur p¡¡rt thereof, or COf. CDuVeYilIlcc in lieu of con.lCIUlJaI!QII. ¡u"c häcby :¡~ig¡.cd alld 1\1,,11 be paid to Len.la, )!Iuje.:! \0 Ih" lerm. of '4ny ll1QngÁge, ~e.d Df UU.l 01 QUler ~I:I:Ljrity "¡¡,,,,enlent wllh :¡ lIel' wl~ch ha5 priority oVer Ihis fI'lortlf.gc. ' 10. BOrTOWC1' Nul ReleWled: FOI'bear.lIlcc By Lèl\d.:r Not II Waiver. E;.¡lèl1;1¡'¡¡1 oC II.., lilne for p-.Iymellt or modification of alllOrùz:ölûon of Ihe ~U ßS ."carro by this Mongag" ¡¡-.¡¡fI.\i1d by, lCl\dcf la ¡UIY £IICC"."" In !nlen::¡1 of BOlTUw.:r ~h'd! IIO( oper1llC 10 rek~t, In any l11aßlIoOf.,1ha liability or Ihe orlg1n~1 B.òl'Tow~r....J Borrow<:r', SLlc;;e.s.son In llllt'r~I, J..<",d.r .hall nlll be n:quin:d 10 commènce procued1n¡;s aß\llnsl suçb. £UC"!~SDr or rcC~e 10 e.~t.:¡¡d 11111" fol' P~YJII'i\l 01' olhcr.\IiSe olodlfy ,¡¡¡Qr\!z¡¡ÙQII QC Ihe sulDS secured by thiJ MOrlg;¡g,= by ,leõi5ol1 oC any de~[\d made by Ihe ori¡;wal BOIl1lwer;u¡d Barrower's succe~Qr~ In Imer""t. .tw.y rUlbta.r.lDcc by Lender In cnrdiu¡g .IIY riGht )f fèl1let.ly hEreLllukr, or olh,,¡-w;"e ~tforded by appllc:able \¡¡w, ~I\aU no( be a wiiÌver of or pn:clude the o:xer~e uf "fly sLlcIt right Of femed)', 11. SucclOm..~ i1nd A.üigns BUWld; JllÌnt ¡¡¡..d s.:"er:.1 1.l;¡t.1I1ty; Co·sIUllen. 11", coYell¡¡¡¡~ ¡¡nd agre¡:men!£ hi:1'cin (Dnt¡¡in.d .h,,1I u¡"d, iU,d !hc rl&ß~ ,herclIlI'kr sl¡;.¡U b,ur" lù. the re.>¡!<:<:ÙY\: )1\(C"'"'01) ~Id ôi.:!.S1!:Jl~ (J( lèllder iìI1d B'mOWCl, SUbjèc1 10 Ihe plovi:>iol1:l IIf pal-"gr4ph 16 hereof. All coveuJlI1.$ and ¡¡gn"IIIt:l11:i of Bon'o'rla Sh41l be Joiut il/Id sevt:{-..!,d.JI'j Barrowi:r who CD-sllPl~ th\$ Mortgage, bUI do~ no! "''''C1ltc ùle Nole, (i) ~ c1nißnillß Ihi:: MOrlg~l!.e lIuly 10Illor!g;¡,ge. ¡¡-roillt and convey U'ill Borrower's 1111=1 Iii III.: Pry¡¡cl1)' 10 LenJtr under IIle I.nll:! Qf tills MaiS;\Be, (b) Þ 1101 ¥lmlJ.lally l1:obl. un !he No ¡. Dr IInder I!Ü.. MortGage:, ¡Uld (c) ~gJl:~ Ih.Il.;;¡¡d", and any other B¡;¡rrúwer b.rtnnder may il!;ret: IQ ultnd, lfIo'¡lfy. forbear. Dr makf! OJ1'J' otbc:r ¡t.-¡:ommod:lIlQII$ with r~.l¡¡¡.,j 10 U.. ICIIn~ or thb MDrtr:aa~ 0<' Ihe NOle 'wÌlhoQI tL.a1 Borro",..r's CDIU"nl and without rl!~asins UlalBQffi)wer ¡¡r mQ4lfjhij; I!IÏ-" MOI~~se;lS Lù thaI Burrllwer'~ lilltre:>11n lilt: Plopen)'. : , 12, Notice. ExCc:pl for allY DAile. req\Ùl'ed wldu ¡¡[",lieable bw II) be IItv~1 h¡ 1i4101ha m¡¡¡¡her. (;¡) any ru;lke 10 BarrUlNèr provided [or III wb Murlgage dr.ú! b" aival by ddtvcriúç. II or by uhllUnB ~uch l1ot!cc by ~rllne1.l milll "ddn:~std 10 B¡¡nuwer at Ù1e 1',rupe~ A4dre:ls or al ouw uther ¡¡ddleS$ "" I\Qrr4l>w.r may d",ll]lI<ltc uy notice 10 le::¡4cr..,. p,uviikdh.,,-dJl. iUld (þJ ~II)' _"tice·lu tender :¡}lill1 bcglvCII by cen!tì~'¡ "¡;ill 10 lLIIdel';¡ addt,::¡:¡ slaled bec.ln or 10 such othl:&' add.-""", a~ l"mllOl' may do::;l¡¡n;¡I(' ~y .M(lCI! 10 Bormwer as pro-viòud hC:íeiIl. A~)' ¡¡oUCe pmvided for ill lhi.. Mung:.g.. ..~Il be di:cAlè<! 10 I.ave be,,¡¡- giveQ 10 Borrower or Lender whell given In tbe n¡:;¡n. q Qè>i¡;u..",d herein. 13, CovenulIg Law; Sevel1lbWty. The ~t¡¡le: iU¡d It.cal 14WS 1}J}JI\c'.Ible 10 this Llol1g-.Igc sh.lI 1¡~ Ihe I.i:ws of It." jut!:¡dktioll ill wbich ùle fropl:tt'f is loc"le:d_ the (oregullI£Sl:nl'IIL-e sI"IlI 1101 I[¡¡lil Ih~ ~pplie¡¡bH¡C)', of I'cde....ù ¡¡¡w 10 lhb M¡¡ngage, III' tbe !v..~1 dLilI al'Y pcovÚilon or claojè oftl¡1s M¡¡n8òß" or ¡be Noœ cu'll1le~ w1th1¥~licabl~ law, £uch conflicl ih~!l nul aff<>Ct olher pruvi$IOM of wl:l MQr1¡¡age or tho! 'N01. which COIn be¡¡lvclI effecl ",,¡limul Ille rol\!IIcllng provision, i1J14 10 lids end tho. prov1slon£ of this Mortgage and Ihc:,No'" ~t" d..clarltd to be,scvenLJic. As \l:IèQ I,";'èln. ·CO~t:i,' '¡t:'p.nsL--;¡' mo:l "a110Mey5' ft~· IlIdqq¡: all SUIII. 10 the: ale1l1 nOI prohibited by ap¡>llcablè law 01 bmlled ntti:ln. H. Borrowc:r'¡ Copy. BOITCwer '£h.ill be lun1i:1l"d ~ ,onformed copy oC the No!!: ;tnd of uLisMo¡1Sa&c al Ihe time òf i!:XecutlOn Or afltr tecordatlol\ hereof. . 15, Riilialli1itatign Lo;u1 Agrce:lnettt. BOfl'Qwer sh.all futi11l .III of &rrower's oÞIi¡¡OII-IolIs ullda allY 11onl" IdldbilltalJon. Improvemelll. n:pair. Qr o!htt laatt a¡:re~RI~nt which BocrowlO¡' CIIICJ3 11110 wlù\ Lc:nd~ '. LI:I<IÍè.f. at Lcn.ler'sl.lpdon, may o:qulr£ BorroW>!/" 10 executa iU.d ddlver \D Lender, III ¡ fOl1l1accepl~Þlc to La,der, an i&:!Slgnll~nl of IIIJY rl¡~h j. clioÌlI'" 01- dden:s.:: which;Borrower lUay h"vc agab~t pôlr1le;¡ who :;upply \¡¡;b1ll'."lIlalcrl¡¡[,¡ or servle~ In cullllcctlullWith Inrpr¡¡vemlOl'ß,/Uadè lolh- PropeJ01y. " 1'6. Tn"sfeI' of tlie Properly o\" iI 'Bcllef1ciil¡llIta~t i~ Bunuwer. I! all Of ..ny pijl1 of the Property or auy ¡u!cn:;;lln ~ i£ sold or \¡<¡IlsCerred (or If a bèl\CfidallJ\letèslln I\O/TUWer Is iold or b~úfefl1:.t and BorruwèI' ¡,¡ nat a namr~ pu>ou) w¡¡hou:; Lcndcr's priur _iUtu 'OlUl:llt, Lf: ldet may, ;u 11.5 option. n:,\l1ln: Imr\1l:l1l:1lc p~y¡n'l1l In Cul\ of 'Ill ~Url1S .eclU'td byll¡!. MUr1gage, Hawe""r, tills option' shall nOI be exercised 'by Lemtet IC e;¡erclse Ls pmhibilt:1i by f(.dèr~H"w iI.S of Ihe 'hIe 1][ Ú,.. Monga&e, , If ttl\dèf i:XetcUes this optlol!, t....llder sl¡û!1 Glvc horrower notke of acce¡er4t!op. The llOllct :¡h~U pruviJc a pcrlod of 3L'1 ICS5 l.I!~n 3Q d~ys !fOIl' \tie dale Úie 110ÙC1\ I.s ddlVt:red IIf III~II"Q wtlltiu which Borrow.;r InllSt Fay aU .urn.> sectlred by lhts Mon¡rd!¡C, If Borrower (a¡¡:lIO pay tf¡eot sUíIIsprlor 10 1\1" apintlon of !hi.:! pèr\od. Lcud... \WIY Il\vok~>lIIY fellleilic:¡ }JclmiUl:d by \hI:¡ MOI'lg~ge wl1hl)UI' flß1 ¡u np¡ ç.. or de\lland 011 &11uW't:r, NON·UNIFOW\lt CQVENANtS. Borrower ilnd Lendè! Curther COVellil!II,aud a(lfcc a:l follows: ' }1, Accderuüon; R.:rncdj.~. Exctptu provl4.c4 Q~ parllsruph 16 1..n:l1f, IIponI:kHo\ll.r's'Lrc¡ach of "II)' cuv.now! cr a¡:rt1:lu,cnt of Borrow" in !b¡" Mu'-1gage. Includiug tb. COVél1;'nU I., p..ywll<!tl ,!lIe ..ny ..au ~çCu..,,J uy tlJ1. Mur1~~'" Lom4er lOO , 10 acc"¡erutiun ~u..n ¡;i"" llOtlCC 10 1540'0\1'U 'IS 1'''''''114.4 in pura¡;¡-"1'11 iZ }¡~I'..,f "I'~cif}in!!:; (i) t1.c hraa6:; (2) tbe acti"lI r.quî¡:.d 111 Cute such bíUch; tJ) ¡ d¡¡t~, no l~ \!¡¡ul 10 d¡¡,ys frj)m Ij¡~ da a the: notlet Is Iµ¡¡j¡',,¡ -:0 Bocruwer. L)' wJù<:b .uch breach Jdu.st be cured; ;md ("1 thai (i4iIw'e CD can> such bn:;¡ch on u,' beruI''' \he 4a~ ,pèCÎfi.d :n tlIe ¡¡ulÌeJ! m~y .esutl in ilCI:da¡).h/Jll of \he sunu sccun:d by t11ñ M'¡¡1¡¡a¡;I, 1l.c noÙ':': shall f<u1U1II' W"IlU B!lITI'weI' )( me righl 10 n:llUUt. aft1!t· a"cel~tiQn II1ld dll. rillhl to bring " ~pur1 ;¡CÚUII to þ>",'1 die oOllc:d:slellce uf ¡¡ dtfault or ,<lIY o\her deftnsc of &rrowc;r 10 ¡¡CCdèr.lÚIlIl :utIJ nle. If the huacl, is- "4t Clú't1i III!. lir Lál.ll'e Ulð dalt; specified in th" Jilluœ, L"ruieI'. ill LInd...'.. 0l'tJOI!., m;¡y declare ¡¡II of \he.51UU-ii s¡:a¡.r.<t by tJW; !I.'I )C1ta~t Lo Þe ~1J1:¡wly dllc 411'1 pay,,!:iu ",iÓ¡o\l!' furth.:r de>l1and aud u....y In'Vokc !bt p"wc:r of sale ¡¡nd :illY oUltr rQ".4ia f,ennlued by i1l'plic.aþl. I..w. LC-II¡J"r snatt. ¡.. t:l\title4 Iu cül1ed ...u I1!»OI¡i¡h¡~ co;¡t,¡ and e~ClL1I~ ¡¡I<un-ed III pUNul.ngd..t ""medics pro'lld,,<t Ï¡l tJW; pang,,,,"ù 17, mclQ4ü¡g. but IIot liuûted'to, ""asouabl" a;tIøOlt)'oi' fèt£. tr lender InvQkes \hu powtt' of s"k L.,uW:r ..1..-..11 zivc Jlutlet of intellt III Cor.clu:s. Iü BùITOVl/èr ;lIId lu \he pusòn 1.. ~~~Ion Qf UIC pn¡p.rty. If d¡fferlOliC in accoI'd""t" wi\h apl,ucauk ¡;¡w. Lena~ .Þ11 w<1Îl atopy uf ~ ¡¡utice uf lite: s..!.:: Iø !Sorrower In It'" mwwc:r pruvidcd in PO\r.l¡:lÕl lh 1Z her.:.)f, L"'ld~r ~¡.a 1 p\Ú1lùh the nOUe.: of s;de "I,d Ule P mpc:-ty ¡¡hall be SQld in \he lll:UWC'" prtKrlbc:d by appUc;¡ble l:iw, 1.el\4er Ul' Lend..r', d".i~nte may pllfchas. I.h~ Prop"C\J' ~t """ sale. Th. Pl'octo.ds of Ù'è m<l LUaU bC'lIpplied in 1he tullowing onlç¡~ (..) lu aU rèa5<HlaLlc c...t:¡ ;...4 ..:<11......115 of \he ¡¡"'c:, inchtdittç, but nor linùt"d 'Lo, rt.l:sonablt aUul"nCY:¡' fe~ ;¡n.! Cú'U o¡' ij¡J. cv!dc::ru:e; (II) to¡ :œ -"IUl'S secu.r-td lIy hi! Mortga.:e; :mIJ (e) Ùle exc=. If:wy. (0 ÙI' P""UU QC p"I=I\5 1e¡,'..Uy e"titl.d ti..~I". 111, BOfTower'. ~t to lùinslale. NotwilJdtalUlJn1¡ L:nJer'~ac¡¡ckídlloll of 1I'.'IlIUS ",,~ured by tll~ MO\lHuG'~ due I" , Borrower'. br<:ach, Borrowcr sh¡¡j\ \¡ave !he right 10 have any p( J~"1:..d¡lIgs ¡'..g\lll ""y Lender 10 eufQrce !h¡,. Martg"g-. dlscul~llnUèd ~t ¡ ny lim~ prior to ÙJè árlÌí:r to occur of (i) Ùle new ¡ ¡¡y ~cful'e ~. . oC Uw ':Pmperl)' pU~u:ml 1<>, Lbe paw<::f of ~ " cul} amèd In Ihis Mortga¡¡e or (¡i)emry of a judgment ellfQl'clng llii> M0I1¡ÿ1g! if: (~) Borrower P.Y. Lcudcr all ~U¡¡¡S \!/tidl" ~ wuuld bè 11"," dll" uoder th¡£ Mort¡;ase and the Note biid no ~eccl=r¡¡ûon occurred; ( :¡) BOl'lOWI:f Clln;~ Oll\ breaches of õiIly 041"" C~I /) \~. FE-4351(WY) 1=01 ~~"r. '0"""211:- JI ..... OCT-07-2005 FRI 03:42 PM SHOSHONE 1ST BANK FAX NO. 13075878637 ,i Ý lµ; (' !~: C ~~~ () 2 B.rruwe¡: and 1.ender, requøt \he hoNer or my I1\O{'lI!'lS., deed IIf 10151 or olher eIIcuJllb.-aoeo: witt¡ a liel¡- which biU :;>rioril) O'itf Uti:! M()l1g~ßd ) glve!Nol1ce 10 'LcII4el', ;ot L:tulèr':¡ a4dH~ .C( CIIOII "" pa.¡¡C gne of IhiS Marti"!!", DC ¡my def..ull ~l4er [JIe>l\p..nuf C,CUIUUr.ìIlCB an~ DC aRY sale or od..:r 'rOf'«clo~\lfC,B' ~ <Ii.. ' ' , . ,.. .,'/ ItfWITNESS WHE:REOF. Bonowà"b:ov¡ allcutcdlM:¡ Mo~a.g . / / , ' ',// II 'l~l;;J ¿/ /1 . /r'~ , //)/ / ~«~d~~w p(í, e~"stÁ-.a, 1~/:' -vI ~" _ .. I; ~ Ii.. :. ,) ~ Q ¿LJ nl\..j - Gate Pleasan çD'.tJ\an~ or ~greell1enu of BOlTolVet canl~¡i\td InUtis )\,!iIrI¡µçe; (¡;)Bar1"Ower ¡¡<IY} ~n re¡¡solUble e¡;pelLScS incurred by LeR':er in ~fordng 1M cO'l4!llanLS and ó\greemeuh of Borrllwèr contained in this Mortgage, and 111 enforcing u:Jldcr'~ re:medl~ as prr-;iÙt:d în'paragraph 11 her.or, lnClu4lng. 'bill nOllimiled 10, re¡¡¡rmabh: auom.:)"" rel~:alld (11) I\o\Tower I~¡'e$ sueD ölcÜon ¡¡S bO¡d.. may re¡)JonabJy [eqlllte 10 ","slIre thaI Úle lieu <or till:; Monß4Gu, u:¡\dtr'~ 1¡,¡e.-tiC In 011: J'r0l'crty ,md Borrower'. oI¡llgillJo¡t 10 pay ¡he SIU\1S 5eCllte4 by IbuM~rt8a.GC: shaU CJJIIÙI1ue unîm¡r.¡IHd. Upon such p<>.ymè;ut and c¡¡rO by ì30rrawa, ibis Mlni£a~ and Ole oblib",lion:l sea¡¡edb.:reby shall renloilll ildull' force Imd e{fèCI &5 .If no ilccdc..ùoo IIi1d OCC1nTtt!. 19, A.ssitmnent oC Reuu; Appaintnlent of Rccehu: i-ande.'ln P'Inas>ioo: N. adllH ¡mal security \¡e"'ùllder, 'BOôJ'D.....;r , bl:1eby usi¡;as 10 Lealåer Ih.. reRl~ or the P rapeIT)' , l'AlvÞ1e4 ¡þa.c Borrower ~h~¡I: pour \0 accelw-aUolI \ Iw;\er par;¡¡tr;¡l'b 11 baeùC 0: a!¡al\doomcnt o(me ProptÏ-ty, !lave thtrlghllo ~oUec.t ¡JIll ,,,,,,in &uch ...n~ ¡l!¡'lbc:y keolTle,Que and payable, 1Jpon acctlt~¡ OI1 under pa[agr,¡ph 17 hí:t/:Of or' ..uandOQmelll of the Property, :¡¡Id ,at any 11m. prior 10 ¡t,. """p!r41~oll of iJI)' pciood of r.4"""'PUoll ColIQWÙlg jlldlcl:¡1 sale. l.ald«, in pCT.:IOII, by "ßtlIt Qr by JwUdally aW0l¡"ed rCi..'.:Ivfi, .:shall be t:S:t1tJed 10 e~ler upon. lake p=:I:¡{uu of and manage \he Pro lenYilllt! to coU"ct IIIe renL:l of Ole 'Property Incllldiu~ O,O:;C f'U1 dlOC. All rtnls CQUecterl by ~tl1der or, lbe recelvç .lwU be applied fi~¡-ID P~YIII~IIC of (he CO~ of IIIanagemcnl or Ihc P1DPc:rty aa<l co \;¡,aWn DC tellU, Including. bin \\lit limited ItÌ. ¡e:c:cive¡' s fce.s, prum ulII$ 011 fecd'ia's, bonLha.Dd T"iUOO'4blc ðl\orjlC~' {cèI, iII.t thell tll \hI! 'lintS seew-tlt' hy \lIb MOfÍ ¡.l¡¡e. Lcnder alld the nx:e!vcr sh~1I be· liable III ;¡croWl! Qui)' for UIQS" r':.I1~ act4lillly \1SC~iytd. ',' " ' 20. RtlC<»e, UpÍ1n p~ymellt orall sunu:;eÇ1(f"d bj' Ihb MllrlgõG". lend~, shi\Ü [cl= Ihls MoltCagi: WùhOllt c\lar[;" 10 i!>orrow-:r, BOlTUwct sh",11 P<4Y all =U IICreconiàuoII;lf;¡¡¡y- ' ' 21. Wí&iver Q{'~IIuu:~~d. }1umiWcr h~eÞy WõJiye:¡' 111 tight oC oom,¡,¡le¡d e.1<I:UIpUDn III úu: I'rupcrty. lU'QUEST FO'll NOTICE Of DEFAULT AND fORECWSURE UNDER SurEnlOR MOIaGACES OIL D~DS OF TRUST, STAll 01' WYO)'-fiNG. Linèolu c..11~d¡ ,u: ':ñcrQn:80 ngh\SIrußlCl1IWõò5:¡c q¡Owt"dE~bcCurellJetbis ~th day of OctobtH, 2005 (.w<:J by .AndTell Pleasant" al1d Gale Pleasant: MyCol11l11lssioo Expit'e:s:dC\n~ \1 j J.()Öi) L.I~lt "\ 'f,\ \ì h,,' \,~ L___Q 1-v- ¡.I""""I !'ubi!.: r-r-:ìÉYiišÉ M .'ít1il:¡;';;-N-'OTÜYPUìlliêj' f, COUrH'(ür .'. "STATÉOf .V SWtfYW,~IER WYOIoIIHG i.i'~J2¡,:~~'I~~ ~:~i '?],'I..f~~!~~~ \t~Yl~t' ft-43S1 (W'() o~'.. ~. ..oi4 1$¡;-41) - J~::nW"dr ;Scat) - S'ifTÐwd ($ea.I) , B,,-:u"<f (Seal) - jq¡-¡uwd (S}/I" o,j,p..;J) Oub) P. 07/08 r~~ :.~ /~i ¿ r' (1. ,~ ,;'\ ,..) f) .,' \.. ¡:., U J EXHIBIT A A parcel of property being parallel to the westerly boundary of the NE 1,4 SW 14 of Section 6, T26N R 112W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming and being parallel to the northerly boundary of the NE]4 SW 14 of said Section 6, being more particularly described as follows: .. BegÜming at the northwest corner of the NE14SW],4 of said Section 6, marked bya3.5" Brass Cap stamped T26N R112W, SS, 1/16, S6, RLS 164, '.vith the original stone abng side; thence S 88°56'06" E, along the northerly line of the NE1l:S\\!14 of Section 6, 165.75 fçet to a point; thence S 01 °03'59" W, along a line parallel wilh the westerly line of the NEl,4SW1,4 of Section 6, 351.59 feet to a point; thence N 88°56'06" W, along a line parallel with the northerly line of the NT!I/-ÍSW~4 of section 6, 165.75 feet to a point, said point being on the westerly line of the NE 1,4 SW 1,4; thence N 01 °03 '59" E, along the westerly line of the NE 14SW 14 of Section 6, 351.59 feet to a point, being the point of beginning. Together with a road easement being 50 feet in width, 25 feet on each side of Centerline, being an extension in a westerly direction of First A venue in the Town of LaBarge Wyoming, Said Centerline being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest Corner of the NE J4 SW 1,4, of said Section 6, marked by a 3,5" Brass Cap stamped T26N R112W, SS 1/16, S6, RLS 164 with the original stone along side; thence S 88°56'06" E, along the northerly line of the NE]4SW1;.í of Section 6821.78 feet to a point; thence S 01°17'25" W, 127.70 feet to a point, being the Southwest Corner of Lot 55 in the McGinnis Subdivision; thence SOl ° 17 '25" W, 25.00 feet to a point, being the Centerline of First A venue on the Westerly boundary of the McGinnis Subdivision, also being the True Point of Beginning; thence N 89°09'19" W, 655.43 Feet to the end point of this easement being on the Easterly line of the above said land, from which the Northwest Corner of said NE ~4 SW 14, of said Section 6, bears N 45 ° 48' 52 W, 277.08 feet. OCT-07-2005 FRI 03:43 PM SHOSHONE 1ST BANK FAX NO, 13075878637 P. 08/08 \1 .;~ : ,.. (' .1: 'i~l;¿ ,."\ (...... " t ) ',) t, '~'''¡ \_; £1 SECOND HOME RIDER THIS SECOND HOME RIDER Is made thi& 7 t h day of 0 c t 0 b e r 2 0 0 5 and is incorporated into and shall ba deemed to ami3nd and ¡¡upplementth¡¡¡ Mortgage, Dead of Trust, or SOCljrity Deed (In« 'Security Instrument') of the same dale g V/;I(\ by U\e undersigned (the '!3orrower," whather there are one or mora parsons undarsioned) to secure Borrower's Note to S h 0 S h 0 n e Fir s [ Ban k 1401 Sheridan, p,O, Box 1330, Cody, WY 82414 and covering !he Propõrty de¡¡críb6d In \he Security Instrument (the Property"), wniGh It> locatoo at; (the 'Liilf1der") of the same date 1 029 W est M e sse r D r i v e , LaB a r 9 e , W Y 8 3 1 2 3 [Property Addr6S&] In addition 10 the covenants and agre8ments mada in the Security Instrum8nt, Borrower and Lender further covenant and agrae that Sections 6 and 8 of the Security Instrument are delete<! and are r¡¡placed by tha fallowing: 6. occupancy. !3orrower Shall occupy, and shall only use. the Property as Borrower's s&cond horn"', Borrower shalll<eöp the Property available for BorroWdr's axclw;iva use and tinjoyment at alltim(¡s, and shall not subjðct tha Property to MY timesharing or othór !>har¡¡d owner ¡hlp arrangamònt or 10 any riOnta~ pool or agu;ement thaI r¡¡quires Borrower either to rent the Property or ~IYil a mana\ìemi>nl firm or any other parson any coutrol ovar tlla occupancy or u¡¡a ollhe Property, a. Borrowbr'li Loal'\ Application. Borrower shall be k\ d¡¡fault If, during the Loiiln application procesG, Borrower or any persons or antltleG acting at ú¡¡¡ direction of Borrower or with Borrower's knowl&dge or consent gave materially false. misleading, or Inaccurate Information or statement>; to Lender (or failed to provide Lender with rnaterialloformation) 10 connection witn thð Loan. Material representations include. but are not limited to, repre:¡¡entatiOn ¡ concerning Borrower'6 occupancy of the Property as Borrower':¡¡ soconcJ horne, BY SIGNING BELOW, ßorrower acc8p15 and agreøs to !ha terms ànd provisions conìainoo in this Second Home Rider, () /JJ iÎ /f"" <" · ) :#::(i"J. ,f"- And r e w P 1 e a san t ·Borrower ~, é~----)O Q ..) ," , t -Borrower MUl-llSTATE 6ECO~D HOME RIP¡¡R- Singlo f~fI\lIy -Fám\lo Mao/l'r.ddl. MAç UNIfORM IHiHflU"IENT fQ11TI seeo 1101 (pa¡}8 I of 1)