HomeMy WebLinkAbout914058 RECEIVED 11/30/2005 at 11 :54 AM RECEIVING # 914058 BOOK: 606 PAGE: 266 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY AGREEMENT FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF EASEMENTS r-' !Ì I"', G" ¡" . ',) \! .::,." u TIllS AGREEMENT FOR EST ABLISllMENT OF EASEMENTS is entered into by and between MAnANA THA CHRISTIAN FELLO\VSHIP (formerly known as FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF KEMMERER), a Wyoming Nonprofit Corporation, 619 Pearl Street, Kemmerer, Wyoming 83101 (hereafter "Maranatha"), and XPERT ENT[~RPRISES, INC., a Utah Corporation, 1511 West 870 South, Syracuse, Utah 84075 (hereafter "Xpert"). \VHEREAS, Maranatha is the owner of that portion of the property identified in the Warranty Deed that was recorded in the land records of Lincoln County, Wyoming on )\/Iay 14, 2002 in Book 489 PR at Pages 469 through 470 as Instrument No. 880986 that was not earlier conveyed by the Warranty Deed recorded in the land records of Lincoln County, Wyoming on August 20, 2003 in Book 531 PH. at Page 545 as Instrument No. 892652 (hereafter the "Maranatha Property") (copies of said deeds are attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference); and WHEREAS, Xpert is the O\vner of the property identitìed in the Warranty Deed that was recorded in the land records of Lincoln County, Wyoming on November 16, 2005 in Book 604 PR at Page 876 as Receiving No. 913750 (hereafkr the "Xpert Property") (a copy of said deed is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference); and " /", , i.v/' t '-' L ..3 \VHEREAS, Maranatha and Xpert have agreed to exchange easements benefiting their properties for non-exclusive ingress and egress, and the right to inslall underground utilities. NOW, THEREFORE, Maranatha and Xpert, for themselves, and their successors and assigns, hereby agree as follows: A. EASEMENT BENEFITTING MARANATHA PROPERTY. /\ nonexclusive right of way easement for ingress, egress, and underground utilities 30 feet in width and funning from Sixth Avenue south 178.98 feet on the Xpert Property (along the eastern boundary of the Maranatha Property) is hereby created and granted to, and in favor of, the Maranatha Property. B. EASEMENT BENEFITTING XPERT PROPERTY. A nonexclusive right of way easement for ingress, egress, and underground utilities running across the southern JO feet of the Maranatha Property is hereby created and granted to, and in favor of, the Xpert Property. C. CONSIDERATION. Ì'v1aranatha and Xpert hereby acknowledge that each of them has received consideration, for the easements, including TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, in hand paid, and the easements granted herein. AGR£El\lENT FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF EASEMENTS MAHANATHA CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP / XPERT I~NTERPRISES, INC. PACE I 01"4 ÆJS~\L~iO,~b " 'Ì (', D 1"1 "'. :,) l ~ .:U Ù ~ D. EASEMENTS NOT TO BE OßSTRUCTED. Except for temporary obstructions required for the purposes of maintaining and improving the Easement areas, and installing and maintaining underground utilities within the Easement areas, the Easement areas shall not be obstructed in any manner that \vould impede free ingress and egress. E. IMPROVEMENTS AND MAINTENANCE. Any improvements made within the Easement areas shall be at the sole expense of the person(s) making the improvements unless otherwise agreed to in writing. F. EASEMENTS TO RUN WITH THE LAND. The Easements created herein shall run with the lands identified herein, and shall be binding on and shall inure to the benefit of the parties to this Agreement, and their respective successors and assigns. G. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and any prior understanding or representation of any kind preceding the date of this Agreement shall not be binding except to the extent incorporated in this Agreement. IN 'V[TNESS '''HEREOF, Maranatha and Xpert have caused this Agreement to be executed on this Ze}~~lay of November, 2005. MARANATHA CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP, a Wyoming Nonprofit Corporation LESTER R. FATHEREE, JR. PRESIDENT / PASTOR NELSON SMITH DIRECTOR / TRUSTEE XPERT ENTERPRISES, INC., a Utah Corporation ~~;~, l:1 ~-r~ / (C-'¿ .--/ , --- BLAIR N{;TARYNER PRESIDl'::; ACH.EEMENT FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF EASEMENTS MARANATHA CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP I XPlmT ENTERPRISES, INC. PACE 2 OF 4 i c, {4\I, fl .c~~ ~}, ) "¿V'Ok.j(.:) f-·' ;J {~ 00 '. U0 COUNTY OF DAVIS ) ) SS. ) ST ATE OF UTAH ACKNOWLEDGED before me this ~'8~ day of November, 2005, by BLAIR N. GARDNER, who stated under oath that he signed the foregoing document as President of XPERT ENTERPRISES, INC., a Utah Corporation, pursuant to authority provided to him by said Corporation's Board of Directors. W~~~ES~.my h~!~0_a.D5L2m~iE~ seal. [,-;ii, Y". NOTM-iY PUBLIC :J ...~":':"'" ~y RICK A. CAHTER if.. .~ 4¡¡WfST,9:;o~;uunl ;¡ ,\ ,. ~ KAYSVILl E, II r ü40:}! f i ,'¡1 MY COMMISS~ON.,EXPII'ES ~~,+ Sf PI [MHc n 'J, ¿IIUl ~.. . SlAIE Of- IJlAH ---- . . -. ._-_.......~- &'/''")---' /. ,--'??-;:r---- - --:- ê.:r//",' '. -- ,:/- ¿ .' é~ç-C¿:Ç,::::.~_·_---_/ NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission expires: S.Q{Jf. cj711, 1-007 AGREEMENT FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF EASEMENTS MARANATHA CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP / XPERT ENTERPRISES, INC. PAGE 4 OF" ,',-:"i""':1 _ __1;;~(;~~:1 fì () I' -,- Uo Jq\.!C , .' l, U " .. (\ n ," I~" I; I"]' J' " ,: ',' ;. \. H[('í· 1\1':" I "1'-' ," I ,'''' '- l) - ¡" t,..I t ,II, ,:\~ ;' , f .'. I T' \ .'... , ,'0,1.,/ C'LlI¡:< {;'.. > .., ,: '~- ' I! ¡ -:" 0 ',. ,,: " I I I' / ': . ,-" ,,-r l\\, Ü ~} t:1 ~.~.;¡ "...........-~ .!:~~,! i:.~~.;·.l".",.':,.,!:\,',',I"'..".', ,'.'.:,.,.,..: ."'.) ¡' ¡ _, I ..' . , :,',">:1.:; !¡;\;' ~00K18_9 PR PAGE--AJ3.ll 'VARRANTY DEED JANICE K EARHART Trustee, of the JANICE K. EARHART FAI'v1TLY TTUJST dated September 22, T 9()5, Grantor, of Afton, Lincoln County, Wyoming, fÖr and in consideration of TEN ($ T 0,00) DOLLARS and other valuable considerations in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, CONVEY and WARRANT to: FIRST BAPTIST C1-IURCH OF KEtvD\ŒRER a Wyoming non-protìt corporation, Grantee, of G 19 Pearl Street, Kemmerer, Wyoming 83 J 0 I, the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County, State urWyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under aml by virtue of the Homestead Exemption Laws of the State, the following described property, to-wit: Lot 203 of Ben Nield Second addition to the town of ACton, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described ill the oftìcial plat thereof. TOGETI-ŒR \\lITH and SUBJECT TO: All Easements, Exceptions, Reservations, Restrictions, Rights-Of· Way and Improvements of sight and/or record, DATED this "J~_ day of May, 2002, JANICE K EARHART PAlvfILY TRUST, elated September 22, 1995 n/7-d~X~ ~tE K. EARl-TART, Trustee STATE OF \V\'O!\IING ] ] SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ] The foregoing Warranty Deed was subscribed and acknowledged before me by Jl\.NICE K, EARHART Trustee, of the JANICE K. EARl-fART FAMILY TRUST, elated September 22, 1995 on lhis jJ;.}__ day ofI'vlay, 2002, Ot:3bU~jl'jb , A70 ","' '. ~.,,~~ (j S b , WITNESS my hand and oflìcia! seal. [~:"Z,.K~':1¡i¡P~~:~] , LlI'K:OIJI ~,WYOMING 1Þ'~,#.,-ø-#,:Þ--~6~ I \ ' ", 't ' My Commission Expires: /- J I-À=~ r'. J.... (.... ¡-·'1- t') , ',) (: v J U '-~Ò .!) 11 1 7! .:2,9').5. ~ ,l_5,;~'!.8 13078837;:183 ...... . ,,~no '-.J1"~I'i L,\) l.,L~!'(K LUTHI g \/jJ/LES LlJ P~(~F P.¿ f:;>::-' 1:;':\ hO. :5E·¡ "J..- '~)ð (" !~\ ,~, . 1",1 "j , , "'1 J¡,. ,);' 'c.) , , fìt.c:F.IV£D lUJÿOLN COUNTi CLrJiK, 03 a\llï 20 PM I: S& JEANNE W.4GNER '("·"MijRF.R. :.¡, 'I (r!HH/ì f-- E ilœ~31.pR P^OB~ 8921)52' WARRANTY DEED " ð.' TIn~ U:JDENTUR~, made tbÞ J.ÇJ _ d~Y of Au¡llSt, 2C ()3 by rud oetVJee:n ¡.he FIRST BAPTIBT CHURCH OF KEMMJnH~R, , i1 corporation orpclzðd a..'Jd e;I( ~tini uflda ~ by vitti.!(: of the laws of th.... EPliLl: or Wyoming Wl laving Ît.iI pM;i~l p~ of busi.ness in the County of LinM11I t~ GRANTOR. u\d OATH r.Hj,V~LOPMENT, Ltc, II. Wyomir.¡ Limired llibUiry CO:J'ìP!t!I)', whose ad¡i.reuIs P.O. Box It'i69, Alton, WY 831W as G¡1.nl¡;:c. 'Wl11'ffiSSETH: Tb4t the grwtO!, for &nd iu CO¡¡ti!ful!.tlOD. Qf the sum of Ten Vol!;us ($10,00) Aud UÜ\,,¡ g~)olj ¡¡Ill Vi!uab1c consideration in h'Od pAid, th.e recei-pt whereof t:; :wreby ack!1ím'Jitdge;d,' dO~8. by th~ue p~"ent.s. grr.nt, b~lÙn, sell" CONVEY AND W ARRr\NT UlW) thi: said On.nt¿-e ;r;!1 111J[ ez>rts.!n I1'!!c!,' lot, piece. I!.uð pIU'C.el at laud situated in llJ.e Cow:;.C} of Lincoln. Slat!; <;11: Wyoming, and described :U fOUOM t'o-wit: Lot 10S of Havc:.:n. of Hope First Addition to tlw Town ot lofton, Lirlo?ù1n Count;¡, Wy'o.m.i.n¡ as describe.d au the ClfflciAl p1I11 fí1t:d AUgill~ 7 , 2001 as Inst:rurol.':n! Hi). , 8927.77 of the .racords of the Lintoln COl!.Ilty Clttk, Kemmerer. Wyornin¡. SUBJECT. however, trJ aU ~~U1/ttio[U. re8uir.:tion.~. pm!tcthe cOY¡¡n,~l~. .:,~(:ap£[ons, e.eJ!InebU aDd rignU-;;¡!-way of r/:Cord. in s!.¡ht, or in \!J ~. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, tbe Grmtol hu cal!S¢d thè5t pr:-s~g to 1Iè slgn~:.,j by it;;: duly p.uthori.z.ed officer, l!-¡e d&y and y~ar tWt àbove writttn; , FIRST HAF'TI:H CHURCH OF KEtvThm.R.E..~ /' --L d ~'l f:I '? :~0· .or> úV-~..< I Y ~._._ ._____.:..~._ ç- -'/.;ef;f., ' ~r Fa,tberc:e. preSid.e)!tlP¡:'~l,r.;r I~VJ-----'~-') ~\l ~'/ ,/ ___~ I r By, ,or.. ~=-.-L- _.,/fðef CopeJen, Mis:.icm P{\s\:Or Stll~ of Wyomln¡ ) )ss County of Lincoln ) On. this ~ of. A\.1.gust, 200:~, befM rIle personrlly ap¡~lìn:d Leô~f;r. F¡¡thC::I~~ a.nd TrtCe)' Co~~n [() me p::røontllly bWwtl, who, being by rn: duly !'Wom, did say (}Ußl L1f)l are the Pi~r III d MisdoD PastDr of Fint Baptist C11Uc>::1b of KeUlHìerèT a.nd that Hid im:tJ1¡¡r¡¢o1JI lI'iS. '. .igned Oil 'bfJu.lf of ta!d cof1'oration by authority of iHi lkJlu-d c,f Dir~c:!ofE !ill1.1 50;\1 Prðrident/Puwr a.CÌJlowledged 8Jt\d llistrumet.t to be the frl:t' ¡let 81ld òetd of ~:¡.¡d í;orpoŒûon. ~iv~ und~ m,Y t.wd .mI no,..-I.I ...t thla ifI1:', ".y :11&U, ~t. 2001. (" , 1]ÕJI I(\IU.'~~Mx' iJ1Ú4_è.-·~d () ~i. ttt\ ~ w . . --.-. -:-~. '~;fP;¡"bli2' My Co ~~_. ~Jz.___ ê!,~"'- !:.._" .J ~f¡~ ~?~ ;¡tr{¡n{/) I - -~·:~-,~.l .ì ). ,;1:.._./ :ib nn01"IG ,)\,:01 ' Warranty Deed Oath Development, LLC A Dissolved Wyoming Limited Liability Company Grantor, for and in consideration of TEN ($'10,00) DOLLARS and other Good and Valuable Considerations in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, CONVEY AND WARRANT TO: XPERT ENTERPRISES, INC. A Utah corporation and/or its assigns Grantee, whose mailing address is 5202 S, Freeway Park Drive Suite 101, Riverdale, UT 84405, the following described real estate ¡;ituate in Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by viliue of the homestead exemption laws of the State to-wit: Lot 205 of Haven of Hope First Addition to the Town of Afton, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat tllereof Subject to any easement8, reservations, restrictions or right-of-ways of record, of sight or in use. WITNESS my hand this ~ç tÞday of ~Jìll('lld}t r- , 2005, RECEIVED 11/16/2005 at 2:18 PM RECEIVING # 913750 BOOK 61)4 PAGE: 876 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, f<EMMERER, WY ( ''»:, ." ...¡.g<...t /"' ) / Oath DI~velopment.LLC .j?:>- ,- -) { /( ·'ÞZ\' ----- ,.~ .----- Tracey W. Coplen Managing Member State of _i ¡'I, It1HII- C; ) ) ss, , ) County of U ~.JI& eLL " The foregoing instrument \Nas acknowleclged before me, a notary public in and for said County and State, by Tracey W. Coplen, Managing Member of Oatil Development, LLC, a dissolved Wyoming Limited Liability Company, this Jc,::;ttt day of \-'tClc~1 pd2-,2005. Witness illY hand and official seal. __~¿J2222L.iLL2c_Lt1kJ.xLLc-- / /Notary Public ,,,\\\\', \ \ \ I t II /(///1/1 ß' .,X\~!':¡1íJ\'~q-'l.. ":;,:-" "t·,ì'·.>"c~.."'¡C¡)~~"""'1...;' "'~....~ jj ./ ¡,\Oi'~I,~\jo % ::c t OJ" ' ,\ f.fJ -:: ;:: ("; f [.I'll'c¡. ,.. t ì'" == ., -" , ~lt! w -'. ,_, 'Q ,'- " ~__ fV!y<,~oll1rn~Þiol1f,"'ExplresŒ\L1'E]bJJ, /):- ILl/') \~~'l:::"¡':'¡: ¡,c;:,·":'·,,;lf "/Itj¡ \}i\i\\\\ ,-., (\, ,'·,1'...1 '.: \'0- ¡:.,