HomeMy WebLinkAbout914059 ,--.,. r' ' ~ , ¡ \ ! r' (ì, " ." ¡'-'J ') ...... \..' t j ~.:. t ...J ,;,;{ 1(' jl(; IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT TINA STOKER, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF LINCOLN, STATE OF WYOMING';-;~';~~;-" /; -¡ " .. "\-'"' / '., T ,",1' /" /, fEB 20M '~Ù~~~uWf lINCOUt. tG. \;('/0 Plaintiff, vs. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Civil No. 10,851 i::, Defendant. RECEIVED 11/30/2005 at 12:04 PM RECEIVING # 914059 BOOK: 606 PAGE: 273 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY JIM W. STOKER, FINAL DECREE OF DISTRIBUTION OF MARITAL PROPERTY \ ~ (i. '¡ to THIS MATTER having come before this Court for a hearing on the 18th day of December, 2003 concerning the final disposition of real propeliy known as the Dry Fam1. The J 0 parties were present and represented by counsel. The Court and Parties acknowledged that a Decree of Divorce in this matter had been entered into on or about the 9th Day of December, 2002. The Court and the parties acknowledged that the disposition of the remainder of the property, other than the Dry Farm, both marital and otherwise, hadheen dispersed to the Parties through an agreement or settlement of another action referred to as Jim W. Stoker v. Kirk Luthi and Genell Luthi. The testimony of witnesses and evidence were introduced to the Court. The Court, having reviewed the file, evidence, testimony and the briefs submitted to the Court, finds the following: 1. That the Parties were married on July 27, 1995. 2. That on or about January and February of 1996, the Parties sold approximately 20 acres of land owned by the Defendant prior to the marriage. That the Stoker Divorce Decree Page I of 4 ")" 'ns.:::;Il~; \~-.j ~:~) "_\.\,.., '--~ '\.-.b ~_iI ('. 1\, n ',t·, J '.. t.,) ~ ! ,:':" í .l. Defendant had negotiated this sale of the land prior to and after the marriage of the Parties. 3. That the proceeds from this sale were used, through a 1031 exchange, to acquire approximately 48.8 acres of property, in two separate deeds, known as the Dry Fann in February of 1996. 4. That the deeds to the Dry Farm were put in the names of Jim W. Stoker and Tina Stoker, husband and wife, as tenants by the entireties. 5. That the Plaintiff contributed to the marriage through payment of household expenses, utilities and arranging for payment of other debts during the course of the marnage. 6. That the Defendant contributed to the marriage through payment of some marital expenses and providing a home for the Plaintiff and her children. 7. That by deeding the Dry Farm Property in both of the Parties' names, as Husband and Wife, as tenants by the entireties, there is a presumption that the Defendant intended to give the Plaintiff a fifty percent interest in the propeli)'. Tyler v. Tyler, 624 p. 2d 784 (Wyo. 1981). 8. That there was not a preponderance of evidence produced to overcome the presumption that the Defendant intended to give a fifty percent interest to the Plaintiff of the Dry Farm Property. IT IS THEREFORE ADJUDGED, DECREED AND ORDERED: I. That the Plaintif( TINA LUTHI (previously known as TINA, STOKER) is awarded the value of one-half of the Dry Fann property. 2. That, based upon the stipulated value of the Dry Farm Property, that the Plaintiff, Stoker DÍI'orce Decree Page 2 of 4 , ).., ,f ' '~.Y ,.'~'j. - ':c-:., (.'~, t...":- U,.,)¡iJ r- (\ (\ r', !7 '. \) \.j hI'" ¿ J in lieu of the actual property, is awarded a judgment in her favor in the amount of one hundred seventy thousand dollars ($170,000.00). 3. That the judgment in the amount of one hundred seventy thousand dollars ($170,000.00) will receive interest at the rate often percent from the December 18,2003, until paid. 4. That the Defendant, JIM W. STOKER, will have two years from December 18, 2003, (December 18,2005), to pay the Plaintiff the one hundred seventy thousand dollãrs, ($170,000.00) plus any accmed interest. 5. That if the Plaintiff has not been paid the full amount of this judgment on or before 18 months from the December 18,2003, ( that date being June 18, 2005) the Parties will have the entire Dry Farn1 property appraised by an agreed upon appraiser and listed on the market through an agreed upon real estate agent. Neither party will unreasonably withhold agreement concerning the appraiser or the real estate agent. The Parties will make every good faith effort to sell the property as soon as practical and to sell the property for no less than the appraised value. The Parties will share equally the cost of the appraisal. If the property appraises and sells for less than three hundred forty thousand dollars ($340,000.00) (deducting the costs of the appraisal the selling fees), the Plaintiff will receive one-half of the proceeds of the sale. If the property sells for more than three hundred forty thousand dollars, ($340,000.00) the Plaintiff will receive the judgment amount of $170,000.00 plus any accrued inkrest up to one half of the value of the property. 6. If the propeliy fails to sell within eight months of listing, the Plaintiff may seek a Writ of Execution for the sale of the property. Stoker Divorce Decree Page 3 of 4 í i:' '-c, (', IÌ n ,~',' ,., '. / , ! ~ i D ft. .c:"; {~ \..J~'~...t'~ 7. Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties., the Plaintiff will convey her interest in the Dry Farm property to the Defendant upon her receípt of the payment of the judgment in full under the terms of this decree. 8. Neither party will harass or threaten, either orally or physically, each other Or the immediate members of the other Party's Ül1nily. Immediate family members include children and parents. The Defendant may not contact, other than incidental contact, the Plaintiffs children without the Plaintiffs permission. DA TED this s-it0 -; f ¡" " ., .. ,,~ '"" -"". t'-.... ~ {~) Approved as to Forn1: S3.~'" ",\ ",' JOHN D. BOWERS Attorney for the Defendant /¡¡n/~ p~ . RANDALL B. LUTHI Attorney for the Plaintiff Copies To: Randall B. Luthi Attorney for the Plaintiff P,O. Box 820 Thayne, WY 83127 John D. Bowers Attorney for the Defendant P.O. Box 1550 Afton, WY 83110 Stoker Divorce Decree Page 4 of 4 /----- \ ¡;,i --- "_ <:~.J; :~13 ,'_\ ~~I r", ~.:~, ~ .\ \ ! ,: ¡ 61 ~ ~ 1; § "' EXIJIBIT c4 \1_/ ~!' \VAJRI{l~N1ìY DEED RAY L JOIINS10N, a single man gralltor of Chula Vis ta CONVEY ano WAltltANT to . Counly uf California , State uCW\iJ§Ì'Í¡.N1g', hereby .111'1 \~. S'¡OIŒR and TINA S'lDIŒg, husband and ¡vHe, as tenants by the entireth~s I gralllee~; of Box 322, Thayne, \1\' 1\3127 for the sum uf Ten Oøllars and 0 llle~' good and valuable cOllsidera tion-------------- the fullowing described tract of lallo 1a: Lincoln Cuullly, Slale uf Wyoming, liereby releasing ano walvlllg all rights IIn~('r HlIlI by virtue of the IlollleElùad U)tGll1pllOlllaVls of tlle Stale, lo-wll: Lot 1, Rayco Ranch Estates, Uneoln County, ¡'¡y0111 ing, according to that plat filed Septeluber 7, 1995 as I!I~3t::nllnent No. 807879 in the Office of County Clerk, Lincoln County, ¡'lyoming. Subj ec t to reserva tions andre<: trictions con tained in the and to easeruen ts and rights-¡Of-j¡'13Y of l-econj. or in use. Together ¡vith all improvenu"11ts 'and appurtenances thereon. United States Patent ~~~~ L l{eCCJrûed~uj~,\..\.~,I\.<:!':j,(I?.., at.,..\.~..:..~~.~",ß M In B )1 "" '8 Do .- . ' ...., oc 1."¡'F~'''?IDPa8e...;¿30...I\elllnlCrer Wìl N J -\j ¡-::,> 3 ' ' O.............,...L~j::h)b\. Mal'sllA M CI I . ,. ............. "oe" er \ Signed in ¡he presence of /?lIayof January" A.D.199G ,'I ,,/' /( ,,_~ LL!g_;¿.L-~.4i~I:iL~-~__ }!(äy ¡.'., Jo(mston C' WITNESS, tile hanù of said gran lOr . Ihis ~_. --.----.--- ~~ -------.---- .-.------ ------ -----~----- -------~~~--~---- STATE 01' CALIFORNIA) J' ss. , Coutuyof San Diego Onlhe 19th day of J~mwry A.D. l~ 96 personalty appeared befo;,~ enl, Enl! y No. 1U:C:UllIJIHG DATA fee :j) Ha y 1". Johns ton HECOIUJED 0 PLA'I"nD (] COìAJ'AltEU 0 IIIDEXED [J [J AßSTHACTED [J UH1VEIŒD [J ¡he signer of (he wilhlr: inS[fUlllellr. r,ll<) duly aclcllowlellgell (0 me Iha( he execule,j the sallie. '-::::=\~)Ð____"--- ~\. ::). Ii, ) I ~_ 1~~(~~~',"LJd~~=:----- COlllllli;sloll expires: ","'",. VLHC..-_" ".ì:' 1\/ 'l8 Iksldil~I,\ in 3nìN \y\ù':.,~,:S~ 1\":\_4~~L:,.JI"Jl~.!::...._..r,;;,,'::¡)::J LL...________, ~\',' ,"' : ,,: , !.~' ,<: :::::;: ~;::¡;::: . : : ¡ 't'::,::),:L,) r,rh e II!! lC(::?¡¡':¡~::'''i;'j[ lì p t1 n y r . . .~. . . ~ 'B~; f~I; ~~ ;E'HM .. A'I . @'COMM'NI01f11e3 ~ ~.' lIor~~:.r,~:J~~~ H I. lAY COWJJSSK) £)(PIMI ... ~~I~U~21.1~~ .J ·.1 j .--.-. @ ¡-'" I -..[,0[1 .". ,I f- ':.J .l'_~': lS"~ (-, (\ :~! f-Þ' Q '.,.' \' ,'.- í U \Xl IUIAN'I'Y IJEED· --'k RAï F. .JaJNS'[ON, a single ilia I hralltOI' of Cllll1a Vista CONVEY awl IV ¡\ ¡WANT to .. Coullty of San Diego Caljforilia , Slale of~NX!)¡~NX l,el dlY JIH H. S'10lŒ[{ and TINA STOKI¡~¡, husband and wHe, as tenants by the enUrl'ties grantees uf Box 322, Thayne, \~~ 83127 for the slim of T~n dollars and (tI~~'I' good and valuable consideraUon---------:;---------------_ tile futlowlllg:esc,fllJeù tract of lallll t I incoln CUUllly, state uf Wyumlng, hereby l'eleasll1g auù waiving alt rlghls U ,d ( aÌ1ù by vlrtlle oj the IJlIllIesteaù eXeIIl Jtlun laws of [he Slate, to-wit: See Attached Exhibit "A" ~ Subject to reservations and t ¡¡trictions contained in the United States Patent and to easeJl\ents and rights' (¡J-¡.¡ay of lecord or in LIse, Together Uit;l all Üllprovelllel I and appurtellances thereon. ,H ßCP ({ecorded..~.~.,:\.~!"~5~!tf,.,()t..\..\.:.~,4,ß"..,,Jvl In Boolt.J.~,f.R.Paqe....2,a1...I<ermnerer, \NY, . [' ',' r:: r:: "" 11 No ..............l.1.~.1.....).,b,~.L.............I" larslw Moe, Clerlt WITNE.';S, IhE: hand of said gra [or . ¡hi' / ?öay of /)~January /" t\. D. j 9 96 /. ,/' ..- ! ./ - / ,. ./---- /5 (I.e.)' /.=.~>:, ,\. ,-~l',v ~ [l~y í? J~rts/ton 5lgued ill rile presence of i I. --, -- -. - -~-_. -- ST/\TE OF CALIF'ORNI./\ I .I 55. Entry No, IŒCOI!DING DATA Fee $ ! Couutyof San I, Diego Uu IhE 19th ùayof J¡jll iaioy A. O. J 9 96 pJrsonally appealed lJdul: lie I, Ray F, JohnþtoI1 I ¡¡KO¡¡DED [] PLATTEn .[J Coi,jPAIŒD [J lllDEXED 0 0 AUST¡¡ACfED 0 OELlVEiŒO 0 I. [he sig,ller of flte within illstrullleIH, w ,lg dilly aclmo\Vle,Jged [Dime thaI he exec I {(Jill(: same, r@"" .., 'B~~'~;;~~EIt~" """1 ,- , COMM,1I'101äli13 NOTAIIY poalJO<:AI.Ii'OI't«A ... BAli UWQO COOIHY ~ 'I, MY COI.U,1I1iBIO/j fXl'lhtt B L.., . .,.~, u~~~ a.\~~~~ «~:=t.'"'\ , - ~~~t1J,~¡~\~=-L COlIlllJissioll expires: F~bruary 21 'j 199~ ¡¡esldlng ill 30°14 MalI1 St., buta Vlsta, a 91911 r -- -T~1Ie 1u1d l1tlo U1mpnny I , /-"'. ,. :( 'I' IÎ I~ ~'.f ['ì '>}: í 0 ø -,,--, --Î\ ßXllIIHT "A" :;~Jz A portion of the Wl/2NW1/4 of Section 25,'r34N,R119W, 6th P.M. locatt¡:d Southeast¡ fe-om the: rl'OVIH of 1'hayne, Lincoln County, vlyoming and being: ~'It)I'e par!ticularly described as follo\-ls: BE.GIN~ING at the Northeastj corner of Lot 1, RAYCO RANCH ES'l'A'I'ES SUBDIVISION fileð No. 807B79 on Sep. 7 1995 at 8:50 AM, in the Offic~ of the Lin~:oLn cou~ty Clerk, said corner being a point in the Epst line of ~~Iid W1/~NW1/4 and also being 960.00 feet 1'10° 22" 48!'W from theSÇ)utheast¡ corner of said H1 /2NW1/4, thence Hest,:along the Nprth lin~ o~ said Lot 1, 530.00 feet; thence S31012/30"W, alon:g a NorU¡west line of said Lot 1,191.47 feet, radially, to a CUrVE, con9ave to the sou~h and having a radius of 120.00 feet; th¡=u~e WeEjterly along sald curve and the North line of Lot 2 ofsald HAYC¡O RANCHES ES'l'ATE8, through a central angle~'of 49°51'34( ê.f1 arc!distance of 104.425 feet; thence 8710 20'56"W,tangent to last séjid curve and continuing along the No~th' line of sai:d Lot 2, 25.19 feet to th~ North corner common to Lots 2 and 3,theflce cdntinuing 57,\020'56"1'1, a10ng the NocthfH'ly line of 13ë.id Lot¡ 3, 187.95 feet; thence 884° 06'33"Vl, continuing along !tllE:: Nort!} line of said Lot 3, 69.91 feet; thsncb North 190~.5? feet ,to a point in the North line of said W1/2NW1/4; thenc~ :3E;)028'~ì8"E, along last said N01"thline, 990.22 feet to tile H::>rtheé}st corner of said W1 /21'1'1'11/4, thence SO° 22'48"E, along th,e Eõ\st nne of said W1/211\'11/4, 1668.58 feet to the Point of Begijnnil1g. ,. 'l'OGET,tlER ¡ WITH ANq ~:qBJECT TO Right-of-Way for Ingress and Egress and U¡tìlities on R::lln;:O Dr:~ve situated vlithin Rayco Ranch Estat:es, Lincoln ¡C!cunty, ~yoming I