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Recorded at the request of, and After recording return to: Shadow Dancer Estates 1111 So. 3200 West Salt Lake City, Utah 84104 1./1 ,-- !Î. 0 ('\ 8 ¿1 '.' ,) ¡:; i RECEIVED 11/30/2005 at 3:06 PM RECEIVING # 914066 BOOK: 606 PAGE: 284 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMEF<ER, WY RIGHT OF 'VA Y EASEMENT ~ For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Shadow Dancer Estates, a Wyoming Cûll1üration whose address is 699 CloverCrest, Murray, UT 84123, hereby grant to, Shadow Dancer Estates Owners Association, Wyoming Corporation whose address is P.O. Box 3207 Alpine, WY 8312ß, and its successors and assigns, a non-exclusive Pump House Utility Easement within Lot 1 of Shadow Dancer Estates (the "Easement") for velùculm and pedestrian access and for a water pump house and associated utilities under and across the following parcel of real property (the "Burdened Property") that is located in Lincoln County, Wyoming. See attachment for legal descriplion of Pump House Utìlity Easernent within Lot 1 of Shadow Dancer Estates. The burdened property is a parcel located in Shadow Dancer EsLiles, a subdivision that is part of the SE1I4 of Section 10 and lhe NE1I4 of Section 15, T36N Rl19W Lincoln County, Wyoming according to the official plat thereof that was recorded on or about 11 August 2004 in the office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming as plat number 173C and instrument no. 901862. 35 The Easement is subject to the following terrns and conditions: 1. The purpose of this easement is to provide private utility services and ingress/egress to said Pump House pared by Shadow Dancer Estates Owner Association. To allow operation and maintenance of Pump House and it's associated equipment. 2. Character of Easement. The "Easement": (a) shall burden and run with the "Burdened Property"; (b) shall benefit and run with the property that is described above; (c) shall biüd every person having any fee, leasehold or other interest in any portion orthe "Burdened Property" at any time or Ü-om time to time; (d) shall inure to the benefit of and shaH be binding upon the parties hereto, their respective successors and assigns and their respective tenants and subtenants; (e) all costs associated with operation and maintenance of pump house shall be bore by Shadow Dancer Estah;s O\vners Association, and (f) Shadow Dancers Estates Owners Association shall provide continuous maintenance to ensure a clean presentable structure including but not limited to site drainage, weed controL Shadow Dancers 09]14066 ,-. ('0"85 '. .,) t:. Estates Owners Association shall treat said Easement Parcel like a building lot under its recorded DCCR's. -/'1 Dated this..2-~ day of November 2005. State of Utah )ss. County of Salt Lake City .T-re foregoing Right of Way Easement was acknowledged before me this 27 day ofÐe~emºêf 2005 by Meni.ll L. Weight. /\/¿?I¡:;;/t1t:/L. Witness my hand and official seal. ~~~IAitIIiiQ~w.IO::iiI~""""~Iu1~~'1 I tiÐ' Notlioty Public I '@~"-~ii;~ ELlZliaullt GHAIIAM I I ':f¡ 50ô F111~ DlivÐ I 31 ~ Sail Lak<l CII)', Utah 04115 I ~ ,~M)' COllilJiI¡¡¡¡lorl Expires I :ct~. ... ...:q. Octo!'"r 24,2008 ,.., State of Utah ' L ......... ......... ~ ~ ....~ .."...,. IIdoI".U ~ ~ ~ ..J ~&~dl My Commission Expires: In !24~ State of_~1fl )ss. Cowltyof 5/11-;- //'fA/£:--- {}91l~Oi S Prolessionat land Surveyors Paul N Scherbel Wyo. Registration No. 164 Utah Regislralion No. 1670 Idaho Regislrahon No. 3990 Nevada Registration No. 6805 Scali A. Scherbel Wyo, Regislralion No. 3889 Idaho Registration No. 8026 Utah Registration No. 372111 MARLOWE A SCHERBEL W)O Regislralion No, 5368 Surveyor Scherbel, L TO, Altulì, Wyuming Big Piney, Wyoming Jackson, Wyominij Lava Hal Spriny', Idaho Montpelier, Idaho ,', n () ("I 8 (-- .' " , ) DESCIUPTION FOR SHADOW DANCER ESTATES PUMP HOUSE UTILITY EASEMENT WITHIN LOT 1 OF SHADO\V DANCER EST A TES To-wit: - - That pal1 of Lot 1 of Shadow Dancer Estates of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County as Plat No. 173-C, within GLO Lot 5 of Section 10, T36N, R 119W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, described as follows: BEGINNING at the northwest point of said Lot 1 of Shadow Dancer Estates, thence S600-05'-27"E, 248.06 feet, along the southerly right-of-way line of Shiras Drive as depicted on said Shadow Dancer Estates, to a point, and leave said right-of-way; thence S85°-25'-59"W, 114.71 feet, to a point; thence N37°-09'-42"W, 166.67 feet, to the POINT OF BEGINNING; ENCOMP AS SING an area of 0.18 acre, more or less; the BASE BEARING for this survey is the west line of the SWY-t of Section 10, T36N Rl19W, being NOoo-04'-42"E; it is further noted that this tract is to supplant the "utility easement" as shown on the plat for said Shadow Dancer Estates within the bounds of said Lot 1 with its monumentation being removed; each "point" marked by a 5/8" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with a 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFTON WY PLS 5368", with appropriate details; all in accordance with the attacbed exhibit titled, "EXHIBIT TO ACCOMPANY PU~,~P I-lOUSE UTILITY EASEMENT WITI-IrN LOT 1 OF SIIADOW DANCER EST A TES PLAT NO. 173-C NE1j¡SEY-t ßI)CTION 10 T36N R119W LINCOLN COUNTY, ~;YO :[Ncf', d~lted 6 Ja:1/,lf,:~:~T,..:O,?,:("/i,,, ~~ ' "!'¡;¡r~ t ....,.....,j7 \\\ y' .. ~~), ~.:'. tæ , -:t.~~-".:;."",,, ....~-,' "'~ ? ,1i;:?¿ " ~:J~;:' {) .i-:.'" .", -..'~ '(~f. 5 January 2005 .1"(/ ("ir ,',tj,~:¡¡¡",,;,¡fJ ~~~)~.A '~", tJ,. ;;¡¡¡ ,·"tJ ,,~_ gd'( !!. 0, \ ,~<¡\~ (þ J ) ,~" ,..{~¡¡Ifh 1:>-- " ~ '" ~<T;).'L-C& "", ~j> " "<,,,~..,,,,.J..- /' ....... } /) '\ . " :' ,.#' '", t, Iv~\¡'....,1 ,,,'" ''I.~", ~_<J-V "Modification in any way of the description terminates liability of III (or" COn I" IX) ('oj o n ~ r-- 3: ..- N :q. N o o z Gla lot 7 S,10 Gla Lot I S,'5 ôS-î.j ~066 :.: 00287 " ~LWMIÁ ~,,~ ~ ',~\ S6'o. oò.,...... --f!s' s~.>. ...... J'u'\ '¿>'t' Jy & ~ ~'\ " <'/1..... ~~ '1,. .......... 8S" ~ ~~ Utilily"'-- <'-t ~...... '\ <"\ Eas"ment "~O6" .' '6,~,18± Acres "" " ~ <f ó' \ ........."'--. \. "<J ~. .......... 1-- ~ ~.,----~\. '0~~ S85'25'S9"W 114,71 -f,-, 't., \. '&~~~'?';" ¿ \ ~/ '~" ~, 'V'ó'.\. . Lot 30 Lot 29 O' 50 ' fOO ' KJo..cj~~'~ SCALE' 1" = 100' Lot 1 ,/ / /- / / / Point of Beginning Pump House and~ Utility Ea;:¡ement I _ I- I "- \ \ \ ~A\\ nol 10 sco/e \ " / / ./ ...... ~ -~ / N30'33'49"E ./ ___ _30~ ,/ --- Lot 2 ...------ NOS'S2'43"E Gfx/ 30.00' , /.--- "'- / G:/ ~/OGE _ Æ>;; ". " \, I /~v~'\\ \ !/j 7 Lot 4 ;/ ~gll B! 8 I ~ Ò :z !i I I / J I ~ / /' CURVE CI C2 C3 C4 LENGTH 39.92' 51.89' 170,74' 21568 DELTA 22"52'19" 22'52'19" §5'48'5~" 85'48 52 RADIUS 100,00 130,00'- 114.00 144,00 CHORD BEARING tl4tl'OO'Z9"W N48'OO'29"W $n'S¡¡'l7"W 552'58 17 W CHORD 39,65' 51.59' 1:1:1,23' 196,07 TANGENT ZO,23' 26,30' 10:1,96' 133,85' The Base Bearing for this survey is the west line of the SW1 /4 of Section 10, T36N, Rl19W being NOO'04'42"E. LEGEND o Indlcat6S a Corner Rdcord med In the Office of the C«k of Un cain County. . indicates a spike, foond this survey. Indlcat6S a 5/8" x 24" "t....1 rolnforçlng rod with a 2" aluminum çop Inscribed: "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL L TD AFTON WY PlS 5368", with appropriate dotoih., foond. indicates a 5/8" x 2"- steel reinforcing rod with a 2" aluminum cap In.crlb..d: "SURVEYOR SCliERBEL L TD AfTON WY PLS 5368", with appropriate detaU.., Sèt. EXHIBrr TO ACCOlWPAN'Y PUMP HOUSE UTILITY EASElvlENT WITHIN LOTI OF SHADOW DANCER. ESTATES PLA T NO. 173-C NB1I4SEl/4 SECTION 10 T36N R119W LINCOLN COUNTY. WYOMING . o Indkat63 a monument previously placed by SurvOJ'Ol' S<:héfbd, Ltd trom a plat prepared by Sunrl.... Englnearlng. Ine. titled, "SHADOW DANCffi SUBDlI;1S1ON Oll.NER SHADOW DANCER ESTATES, INC, WITHIN SECTION 10 AND 15 TOWNSHIP 36 NORTH RANGE 119 WEST UNCOlN COUNTY, WYOIJING", to be rlllTIovtld. "---- indicates an easement line. Indkates a right-of-way line.. Indloates a rood center1lne. AU.!';Y J.I':' StèL'jh Cuthriell .o7J.r--" 06 ,Ion 7005 =~T.r:""¥r. _£.8FIT81l~, /y~~_...Æ.f.., "-'",,,., ~Þ~T.Lr //.,fJ:- J: :~~!~__ PLOT OATf: 23 September 2005 tfiV SURV;:~~~~M~ TO. ~ '\tn .Æ:J.r /_~6' .æt,:::";:::::':':¿££::J7IZ¡; .Y.tl2 ðJ//.Y-?:JZ .Yil'y-_"?'6'-J.N1' .4k--;t:5~f: ..I"7ll-rJL JV;"--?.?J--,;)-jo¡):::?::~~~':~'~' /£l-J:JZ ....JW-?/o·_-.¡:9..ß;!· klZ"7?~.r4 /.ð--f&.iVS-.i:;',.,'~.,~....'l" ,', Cop}f"i'Jht © 2005 by SIHY'ej'A- S...:J.i::ILd, ltd. All riGI.b Ic:~cf\rcd Ù' ~i