HomeMy WebLinkAbout914067 Recorded at the request of, and after recording return to: Merrill L. Weight Shadow Dancer Estates 699 Clovercrest Drive Munay, UT 84123 nnQt"\8 "',) ~ B RECEIVED 11/30/2005 at 3:07 PM RECEIVING # 914067 BOOK: 606 PAGE: 288 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY SPECIAL \V ARRANTY DEED ~ -II, THIS SPECIAL \V ARRANTY DEED is made effective the /!J.-" day of /\Ir:7V;:JI'1t3£.£2.., 2005 by SIL\.DO\V DANCER ESTATES, a Wyoming corporation whose address is c/o 699 Clovercrest Drive, Murray, Utah 84123, the "GRANTOR," in favor of STEVEN R. WISCOl\JB TRUST, DATED JUNE 8, 1989, STEVEN R. \VISCOMB, TRUSTEE, whose address is 8277 St. Tropez Cove, Sandy, UT 84093, the "GRANTEE." For and in consideration of the sum of TEN AND NOll 00 DOLLARS ($ 1 0.00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, Grantor does hereby grant, bargain, convey and warrant unto Grantee, against all claiming by, through or under Grantors, al1 that certain tract, lot, piece, and parcel of land (the "Property") situated in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, and described as follows: < 5 v Lot 1 of Shadow Dancer Estates Subdivision, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof. TOGETHER \VITH any and all improvements, easements (including easemenls set forth in the Subdivision plat and access easements across the Trail Ridge Subdivision that is adjacent to the Property), tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and any reversion, reminder, rents, issue, and profits thereof; SUBJECT TO: (1) reservations, restrictions, matters, righls of way and easements of record, of sight or vision or in use; (2) without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the terms and conditions of: (a) a Sale and Development Agreement between Grantor and Spurlock Properties, LLC, (b) matters (including, without limitation, plat warnings and easements) set forth in the Subdivision plat and (c) restrictive covenants recorded against the Subdivision; and (3) the cunent year's real property taxes ane! assessments; and RELEASING AND \V AIVING all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of tile state of Wyoming. 0!ìO('\89 '-' ',) t:., û9:fLtft067 -Ih \VITNESS its hand effective the /~ day of -.!J!L/.J![fllZP£/.!. 2005. SIIADO\V DANCER ESTATES j/.." j' ./ ~/ /PJ, <j I /' .,. j~7 . By: #¿e;y)V'/ ~:t.·'¿¿(Y1Þ:í //Men.-iJ! Weight '----;:7 ,PresIdent F ST A TE OF ---..fÁ í A If _) COUNTY OF 5AtT 1-1;0: ) "f) The foregoing Special Warranty Deed was acknowJcdged before me this /-)' day of /ý!N£)I/jJ£J?.. 2005 by Merri11 Weight, as the president of, and on beha]f o( Shadow Dancer Estates, a Wyoming corporation. ) ss. \VITNESS my hand and oftìcia] sea!. //] /./ b/) )1 ~ / / /t :,/ ,/ -c(;::<;>/L~ --,-·-·---.....---:7 _ 'Notary Public . My Commission Expires: 7- d <}-o).¡ __ RHT\D\6625-00 1 It'II,.,.alll)' Deed CUllsislillg uJ7ì.,u (1) Pages