HomeMy WebLinkAbout914084 é. . ~...) 0¿¡ \ L ,'\) .) ~/ t:lV ......; 15") í :ì 0 ,." 5· r; '.J J v RECORDING REOUESTED BY I RETURN TO: Peelle Management Corporation P.O. Box 30014, Reno, NV 89520·9827 RECEIVED 12/1/2005 at 10:46 AM RECEIVING # 914084 BOOK: 606 PAGE: 355 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, f<EMMERER, WY Release Of Real Estate Mortgage WHEREAS the indebtedness secured by the mortgage described below has been fully paio and satisfied, MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS INC, as nominee for MAJOR MORTGAGE owner and holder of the debt, hereby declares that the lien of said mortgage is forever discharged and satisfied. Original Mortgagee: MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRA TION SYSTEMS INC Original Mortgagor: CLA nON H MERRITT AKA CLA nON H MERRITT JR Recorded in Lincoln County, Wyoming, on 08/01/03 on Book 529 on Page 290 Tax 10: 35192530018600 Date of mortgage: 07/25/03 Amount of mortgage: $147000.00 DATE OF SATISFACTION: 11/15/05 NOW THEREFORE, the recorder or clerk of said county is hereby instructed to record this instrument and to cancel, release, and discharge the mortgage in accordance with the regulations of said state and county. DATED: 11/23/2005 MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS INC as nominee for MAJOR MORTGAGE By: L~ Nann~e Thomas vje'ê Pres ident ,.,..,.1/1. . (j 1\£CI.s:;~··." -'~ .'....., -t,,'·, /i...'::J.-." ~\) Of(.q :,::-.'1:>..... ;...; . r \J "_ _,.. . CJ ' "-' .... ........ ':. ~.: SEAL ~~'~ ~u.;~ ,999 .::::~ '. ,,,..¡ " () A ,Cv: "'J .: :'" c:.t2;··'~ (.£.. 'Ii \>:;:-: c.::-" ....:- State of Nevada '... :.(. .-........~\\ ......., '. ó',)", >f '~/ç' .' County of Washoe ""',:.:~."...,.~.""" On 11/23/2005, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public for said County and State, personally appeared Nannette Thomas, personally known to me to be the person that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that she is Vice President of MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRA TION SYSTEMS INC as nominee for MAJOR MORTGAGE and that she executed the foregoing instrument and affixed it corporate seal pursuant to a resolution of its board of directors and that such execution was done as the free act and deed of MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS INC as nominee for MAJOR MORTGAGE. /;¿/¿~/{~ I\fótary: W. Wallace My Commission Expires: 01/21/08 r..·.." ¡: ¡ IIII'/! l,j·.'·,. I. ;·1.,. ~..¡ ¡ ,¡ ¡; 0 I ;., H,i;' Ii "" 1\ Ii II 1,111>' II.', I" ¡ "1011111 "': ¡ ~<~@1I;'4;' . W,WALLACE i ¡ ~'fr,'\~:,~:\;>'f, Nol:,,) Public - ;";t,-,to of N8vada i ~ ~~:(i~?:~,:~i . Ap¡;ointrocnl Fiaco/ded in Washoe County ¡ ª "::':-', ,,' rh.: l!4·(¡G::6:.j.;~ . E):pl 'e~ JiJ ,Ui..UY 21. ~~OUü S .,"'·"··..,·,··",·,;""·""..,··"",·,,,"."·1,',;"',-''',"/-',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,",; Prepared by: E. N. Harrison, Peelle Management Corporation, 4690 Longley Lane, Suite //8, Reno, NV 89502 LN// 1704132 Investor LN// 1793285238 P .I.F.: 11/15/05 90844 RECON.m 49·023 WY Lincoln 7081:7123 (SEAL] MIN//: 1000492·0001587592·2 MERS T el.//: 1·888679·6377 111111111111111111111111111 11111111 11111111111111111111111111111111 11/11 11111111