HomeMy WebLinkAbout914099 /\£$ 0"9" 0 -..; j.J 0 ,I-. Gr~.ANT OF EA~:;I,=:\n'!<T jÐ ,'/~ /'-t'. - ./ " gl,IIII\)I' 'i) of County of ~). "'C~/¿-l,'\ tate of _JL¿'tYa , hereby êlcknowkdgc, C'ON \ I, \ (S) AND WARRANT (S) to SILVER SrMZ TELEPHONE COIvfPA.NY, INC., grêI11k\' of Freedom, Wyoming, an easement Cor thc benefit of the Grantee OJ: llk fol]()wi '\k'sLJihècl rcal estate situate in the County (¡fLincoln and Stê'lte of\\Tyoming, Iì.)r the l'ull",\ill~ purposes ;lI1d under the 1'0 II 0\\ i I1g cOl1d i tions: .Pl~POSC ol~J~\S(::.!llClll· This eêISCIJ1I,Il\ ,;11.111 j Iì.JI' the purpose of Right- 01'- \Vay fÖr IItililies êllld CI,Hlstrucl, 011',':II,· I , III, mainUìil1, relocate and replace thereon Ltnclcrgrl)Llnd utililil·S. Iii [!I<Iing Cibove ground pedestals .llld/or halld h01cs the gl':llltc:é' I1Lt)' trim "1 ¡ïtlO\ e trees or other objects Ihê1t pose ,I thl'l-,,¡t ofcLtmage to t]H 1¡[llill," (;1:111101' reserves the right to use the propedy subject to th¿' eaSl..'111':'tl 1;)1 :Iny purpose whatsoever \\'hich cloes not interfé:I'C with lhe opcï':tliIJI\ :md I1wintenance of the ullderground telecommunication lillCS ,111<1 '11lìdllit. As a condition of this casement Grantee sh,¡ 1 be required tll :111,j '11,¡ ] repair or replace items, specifically including survey mOlllllltCtil>:, i'l1cil1g, ditches and natural :I 'cas which it shall remuv,-" (hllêl~:l' (,! l:l",1 I'uy llpon (he property subject II) the easement within thirty days ul'["",\ill1plction of construction. Description o!J?ascment: A ]~' '.vide C:ISClllenl (1cscrihcd l111llic f-"dloWII ~'\"\;,'11111\.':, Starting at the North West cornel' l1 I'lllc N ¡:] 4 S L-: I/:¡ 01" c::lid';CIIIOII :W ! ,',', ',; I( !: \1 all,! running S 5d6'6" E 113.32 !'eel to Ilue point orbegilll1ing: Thl'ncc, :-~ 11 di' :;' E ¡;S.Ö5 feet; thence, N 74d54''::, " [ 25 78 red; Thence, N :\:1d:2':20" E 1 ,¡('!!' i hl'lKC, S S9d49'29" E 1190.00 feet; TI1C'IlCC. N 49d39'36" E 77.89 fel:! to el1d PC)III!.("',· ',\hibit A") ') .l5il1din~ EIJect The tenns and cOIIi!ili\ Ii upon the inure to [he belle lit oftl1\.: ¡kil p~lrties named in this instrumcnt. ! lhi;; C~lsemcnt shall be binding l:,'ces':urs ,lI1d assigns of the ?-z ') .J ..J \y '~Û' J Witnec;s our han0>-~jis _J2__.cIay or_C)c:/-__?J)(~..45 :þ/ ~ .... . ,u, / c~'~~?œZZ¿·'~-·-··l~·:~ i:¿:f-¿<-é),'/' (;1:111:\11 '. ---_..._--~ ..---..---..-.- IN TilL: STAT!: OF I.N"I()('{\\ \\.~ COU']\.JTY OF L'''\ f\ (() \ \\ ) ) ) ~::; ~ . [ANGIE PUTNAM, NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF . STATE OF LINCOlN WYOMING ....~!~~M;::ION ~PIRES SEPT. 9, 2009 The forl.:going instrumcllt was ,ld::no\\'1ed,:~\'d i'i r"l . Ill\' by _~___ L -:-J \ I )t~:J ." \ \ . -.' __~S\ <S' \~C'\ ~E' L______, tillS _ :,J ::_cJ:¡yof C)C -(j\)5:"\~ 2005 \\'itncs~ illY hand (lnd onìci,11 Sl',11. C4~_~_'?L(tjV'-~L~ :<OTARY ~~UB! IC Oq-º~t=.}OO~ \..i COillmission Expires RECEIVED 12/1/2005 at 12:04 PM RECEIVING # 914099 BOOK: 606 PAGE: 398 JEAt'-JNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, I<EMMERER, WY i ~/ / !Z~ /, // / i~~ ~/ / /// :~ §/://;/ // ,/ '.þ. -i / i-';~R'i' // /' .........~ '/ / \. " , /// / ~;/ //' / /' / '\'\ ' / .......\. // /// /'\\./ / / . // / / / ;?' / /' / / // // / // / \ /: /.// // /)/)"" ./ /'~ " / /, , ".. / / / //:/\ ". / /// / ,/ / /'/ / /:/ /~ // ~ \i )'C'/:,: -"¡I ,'1,0,0 ~ "-.J >~'--':':':"\.)J...J to É D / / / / / / / / ..... C? I "" '1) < n n o z t:: c -j OJ " o "" ;!? o f\J f\J U1 ) I, \ \ ------ -------- -- ---------- \ \ '/' / / / ./ / / / -~ ) f I I ( -\ f' 'ì 0 ,... 9 9 '. ',) ) 0 ' . I 'r'¡