HomeMy WebLinkAbout914100 . ¡.~ ¡."".,..,..; ¿ ';:-Z' 3- _7 \, / r. /. l jr/' ';:::;::::::::';". .J J- \!I./v ¡ . ,-1 (:':::;:::::::;:: 00 \A C· \ . ,- C'\RANT OF EASEMENT vîlÙ V\J. 4- KUI)c.)", Jht\..,Ì;r IL'< , grantors of County ofLincoJn , State of Wyoming , hereby acknowledge, CONVEY (S) AND WARRANT (S) to SILVER STAR TELEPHONE COìvIPANY, INC., grantee of Freedom, Wyoming, an easement for the benefit of the Grantee on the 1~)Howing described real estate situate ill the County of Lincoln and State of\Vyoming, for the following purposes and under the following conditions: 1. Purpose of Eascment. This easement shall be for the purpose ofRjght-of- Way for telecommunications lines and construct, operate, repair, maintain, relocate and replace thereon underground telecommunication facilities. The grantee may trim or remove trees or other objects that pose a threat of damage to the utilities. Description of Easement. A 20' utility easement centered on the lim~ described as fol1ows: starting at the Northeast corner of the Northwest Yt of the Southwest ~ of Section 14, T34N, R119W, thence S11025'58"W 307.04' to the True Point of Beginning, thence: N58°04'24"W 53,76', thence: N88°52'24"W 164.02', thence: N62°44'30"\V 56.48', thence: N40025 '06"W 41.59', See Exhibit "A", 2. Binding Effect. The terms and conditions of this easement shaH be binding upon the inure to the benefit of the heirs, successors and assigns or the parties named in this instrument. . , ¡ ;"í, Witness our ha«0}t~:t~_2005 Grantor(s). _ (' . ~/_. '-~,\,J ~ / I) ~QL1lA/~/f- a /12~ &~/(ì -) . (¡ ;; COUNTY OF Lincoln ) ) ss. ) RECEIVED 12/1/2005 at 12:05 PM RECEIVING # 914100 BOOK: 606 PAGE: 400 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY TN THE STATE OF Wyoming The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by L~4/ "') ;4(¿(-¿,¿_ .J' 1./ J) j /,. i¿'·I/....... /' I tl~--D.J1(e'l Il7ð.l:2-í. I è.- , this /J day of ..:x:¥}, 2005 I _3/ð-S/C() My Commission Expires 1'11/:.;) / ¿j!-IO;2 WO# SO# 00514399 CUSTOMER CONTACT /I SCHEDULED STAKING DATE & TIME: ACTUAL STAKING DATE & TIME: ADDIŒSS:98I N MAIN ST SUBDIVISION, PLAT, LOT: BARN ADDITIONAL INFOfUvlATlON: MOVE TO NEW LOCATION - TF PER MR- MOVE INTO NEW LOCATION (lIAS NOT HAD PHONE SERVICE BEFORE) STAKING SEPT 14 @ 9:00 AM (OLD BARN TURNED INTO OffICES) CONTACT NUMBER 690-4381 (MOVE ALL LINES AND DSL) ** PLEASE TAKE PERI\f FOR CUST TO SIGN SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES: ",.,.; ,.., ' '-"0 \~ :~''''''''., II l. \'.' ,11 :Ur, -J<'_J4',:_,. -.¡J::-J.. . i~11 5Ö; -¿:;'~ì[) j/3B! /j ~_L é~¿"'1 11'.5 ,0 /Ì. (ì 4. (11 I" ,) ) E:A,b/l 'All SILVER STAR COIVIMUNICA nONS CUSTOMER NAME: WIND RIVER HERBS DATE: 9/12/2005 9/lct/200S 9:00:00 AM STAKING TECH: ASSIGNED /I 8837070 CITY & STATE: THAYNE WY EXCHANGE: CREATE BY: ÐASIITON /) I"'=r I /J / ROOTE(S) APPROVED BY CUSTOMER X: --( 71, j]Ü..(.(I,/'/L.. DOES CUSTOt'v1ER WISH TO BE PRESENT FOR CONSTRUCTION? YES NO NOTE: Cuslomer 10 provide access 10 Ihe electrical Jyslem ground or a #6 copper wire connected 10 Ihe electrical gl'OlInd . DRA WING N £ C<!)01èF Aw 'I<¡ c,tj/K,~ w0/.. .. ,.. ~I-;Dn. /t¿ -í3i/~ RI/qw EŒ,;;fe:;~~L ~5 I /0 ~_._,_, ,...._________ , . c0:J1- ~7. -=:. . ,,'58'/¡,., / ,.0</- v ----;).t --~ ',¡/~'" ð I A!J¡J\l,ll- ;;, --''::;?''''':-D-''~;' ."., ¡-"'¡' " /",..'~ "'..,-,..---- .,....-- 1.-. R.. ~,~ ,¿-~ I r I : I' I l' ¡ l?(,N¿, I I , I t, II t I i , k II t -'l,.----.----~-¡(.-. OJ _.....H _"__ 4/",j __,/ìL -....-....----....--...-.... iÓJ,¡:l .-..---] Crt,:,! 1/c"'L ----- .f"C] -=-:~l':d ...,..,.,..- U / I o::¡ .) ,L ,vy 0', '\ '1__ 1;!~¿.' i/ pl;..~ .' '"'rl 1,0) ,Lh6¿ .::1 971 -- --.---..-....- --- ..---.,.- , )! I" I J ( . Cllr I... ,'()~./ -_.._--~- /1 ¡ _'JiÎ,!! ¿' \ ø:....~..___ p, ['>1 '[-'-"71 ¡:~~~ ¡ //,,/ ~ Y ~"" /~ ''',¡)f{jç ,~::\'(I)! !//) ""'_"'_'_'_"L'''_I_I_=_]~/ fP /~'\,..: 1\ -l-'-'--~ - l/¡Dt·:jJ ~' . ',- ~ ' 'f/ 01 í Iì , \ \ "'r ') \, j{j)j I¡'(¡ \' j ¡/) , ,...':" _....,._-----~._-------- .;; I'":"~ ')'.' /':1') í:'~;~j;:ii¡¡~?;;::;',