HomeMy WebLinkAbout914101 RECEIVED 12/1/2005 at 12:05 PM RECEIVING # 914101 BOOK: 606 PAGE: 402 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY w¡:;d< ðtde.-r ~ .s.s-Z09 (, /Ì 0, 4 (') f) I,. ',) ) ,_, (.; CH.ANT OF EASEMENT Rolf A & Nora 1\) FlinK, as tenants by the entirelies, grantor(s) of County of lincoln. State of~yoll1in\!, I¡crcby acknowledge, CONVEY (S) AND WARRANT (S) to SIL \fER STAR TELEPHONE COl'vIPANY, INC., grantee of Freedom, Wyoming, an easemcnt for the betJetlt of the (;rantee on ¡he following described real estate situak in the County of Lincoln and State of Wyoming, for the followlJ1g purposes and undcr the following conditions: ]. Purpose of Easement. This easement shall be for the purpose of Right-of-Way for utilities and construct, operate, repair, maintain, relocate and replace thereon underground utilities. Including above ground pedestals and hand holes The grantee may trim or remol'L' trees or other objccts that pose a threat of damage to the utilities, Grantor reserves the right to usc (he property snbject to the easement for any pnrpose whatsoever which docs not interfcre with the operation and maintenance of the underground telecommunication lines and conduit. As a condition lIf this casement Grantee shall be required to and shall repair or replace items, specifically including survey monuments, fencing, ditches and natural areas which it shall remove, damage or destroy upon the property subject to the easement within thirty days of the completion of construct ion. '. Description of Easement: Being a portion of the SE 114SWII4 of Section 4, T36N, R 119Vv', Lincoln County, Wyoming more particularly described as follows: Starting at the South West Corner of the SE 1/4 SW1/4 of said Section 4 Township3óNorth Range] 19West and running, N 24d8'43" W 719.28 feet to true point of beginning; Thence N 4°56'54" E 80.23 feet; Thcncc N 1 °0'29" W 233.71 feet to a end point. Easement is to include a 40 foot wide right of way, centered upon the above describeclline, together with all necessary and reasonable rights of ingress and egress and to excavate and retlll ditches and trenches for the location a III I Ie pairs of said facilities ane! to cut, trim, spray herbicides, or rel1love trees, shrubbery, undergrollth or other obstructions interfering with the repairs and maintenance of the t~lcj ìty. v~ 2. Bindinl.! Effect. The terms and conditions of this easement shall be binding upon the inure to the benetìt of the heirs, successors and assigns of the parties named in this instrument. it{ L\ Witness our hands this _cf?S- day of 4J¡:.G. 2005 Gi?~P/~/ Grantor r / IN TIlE STATE OF wý¿;J-..·^'j L-t';...1!..¿) I", ) ) ss. ) COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by ~R{)!r_AL£ðk' , this 2.S"TAday of At;jL&S.L2005 Witn?;JJ..,l'a."d ",d "~';¡;- -~~êrÐ / N~_UBLlC $ 34p5Jc¿ My COl1lmission f'2¢pires .....v----------- .' -' .'J ~ ROR'I COATES - t¡OTAHY PUBLIC OUtHYOf ".~~t~~~·" STATE OF c~ "C.er, .,\ ~.)">'.'1:','I.; .WYOMlnG lid ,ve." '. '>c' #"" "':}':4' .- . /"//1- " ......".. . ,.. ,', ;1'J !~.' f \\\"Oó\,,"'''''K,,"'ES.3!0-.~V t'~'~''''''''H'''''''''''''''''''~'~' ......._.........J'_._.~- \~ ',' Æ 4J "1'1 ,"'-.. .." ,,I ~ ~ ¡','. tJ \~j <.! ~" """-l.' ~ '-JI 66 -______J3!..:::E!?__ ---~ S543001 \þ.> MCOY -0053 a a Q œ srC25-24(02) MCOY,76-90.. A.16-25 5430~ e MCOY-0079 54)Ó04 MCOY-OOBO (' I I I I I I I t~¡'" ~(02) MCOY,76-90+ A,16-25 >- W çq çq <[ ex:: G f- <I > ex:: CL TV,!,p: Cr>.>)"/, DC srC25-24(02) MCOY,51-6B.. A,19-25 a 5\F)\~-=l·1 1·-r~·1 'r:l{ì\ì.J a a' ·-nnLIf.03 ,) \ J '1 _ I'-J !¡ t,., ¡ -".'(~\~J),;\ ¡,Jf,.t srC25-24(02) MCOY,51-68+ 19-25dd 83 64-68 œ f- BrC25-24(02) MCOY,51-68+ A,19-25 Z I--i <[ f- Z =:) o ¿: ~ U <[ -1 çq 231 - ~59-63 ...... - -' 225 6547710 [] MCOY-0059 BrC25-24(02) HCOY,51-68+ A.19-25 '/ Y 261 / NO CALLOUT / ¡ / / '" '" / / / / / / /