HomeMy WebLinkAbout914104 "'."'1'.':'.'. _v 05 04:16p Tom Newman Vb: k ¿?J¿I ,~)52ils{j (307) 883-5005 p.1 ('. (\ 0 ,if () () '. ',) ) if !J ö GRANT OF EASEMENT Richard W. & Linda O. Newman Trll3tee~, 33 tcnanTs by the entireties, gr:.ontor(s} oïCo\Jnly of Lincoln, STate of Wyoming, hereby acknowledge, CONVEY (S) AND ~V:\RRANT (S) to SIL VEI( STAt<. TELliPHONE CO,\1PAt':Y, INC., granlee of freedom, Wyoming, an easemçnt for the bene/it of ¡he Grantee en Ih,~ following des¡;ribed rcat eslate situate inlhe County of Lincoln lInd Swte of Wyoming, for the following purposes and Linder the fullowing comlnions: I. PUIl1Q§.e o[ߪ5ement. This easement shall be for the purpose of Right-of-Way for utililic$ lInd cons1ruct, operate, repair, mainlöin, n:loc,¡tc and replace thereon undergmund utilities In;:;luJing above ground pedestals and hand holes Tht' ~l'anrl'e may tri 111 or remove trees or other obj ec!s that pCise a lhrc¡¡1 of damage to the utilities. (;'cmtor I ¡;;serves Ihe right to U)L; ¡he property subJcct tu the e¡Jscmem for any purpose whatsoever which does not interfere with [he operation .md J1laillICll~iI1CC ofthc underground telecommunication lines önc! conduit. As a c:mdilion of this casement Grantee shall be required to mid shall repair or rcplace items, specific311y jocluding survey rnOllllnlCnts, fencing, ditches and natLlr:Jl areas which it shall removl.:, damage or destroy upon t1]c properry subject to The easement with in thiny days of the completion or construction. ¡¿escrlPtion of Easement: Being a pOt1ion of the NW1!4NFlf4 of Section 5, t34'J, R 118W, Lincoln Cou:1ty, Wyoming I1ìDrC p<lnicula:ly described liS rol1o\\'s: Beginning at a point being the CN 1/16 corner of s"id Section 5; Thence North 87 feet to tTue point ofbegln/ling; Th.::1Cc N 64" E, 46 fed; ll1ence N 9° E, 44 feet; Thence N 7° E 37 feet; Thi.:n~e N ]()O E, 56 feet; 'f'hencc N 12" Ii, 1] 7 (''et; Thence N 7° 'vV, 113 fet.:t; Thence N IG" E, 103 feet; Thence 00 N, 89 feet; Thellce N 14° W, 69 e~l; Thence n M E, 23 feet; Thence N 13° E, 63 feet to a point. '7 L¡ ,.j Easement to ¡nc]udc 10 fect on each side of described lilk, together with all necessary and reCisonablc rights ufingress and egress and to excavate and refill ditcheô and trenches fur the location and n~pair5 of S3id faciJjtics and to cut, trim, spray herbicides, or remove tree5, shrubbery, undergrowlli or other ubstructions inlerfering I'.i¡h IJ1e r~pails and maintenance of the facility, ( I /' 2. ßinding Effect. The terms and conditions orchis easemcnt shall be binding upon tl',~int,rc to the henefit oflhe heirs, suCct550rs ~Ild assigns of the panies named in this instrument. ...-1' "7(/ Q /1 :2co:;- Witness our han~l~is __. 4LL-day o( ~¿. ~ _200¥ A~~ut l/U ill ~[;ù-W =--------- Gmlltor:.,\--:z7':~" /·7t20- (þ""':i:1...c¿'í' (':/, / (/,/L.{}-;11i'¿tt.:l1. fN T¡,IE ST,.\TE OF 0\ëAY\ S5. ~ 0:: w ~ 0:: 0... W I'- co ~ 0 0 0:: ~ (', "Ì' '<t W W C WZ ~ Cõ ..... "'Í' (')(') Y- l[) ...- <t:<t: a::: 0 ()') 0...5 w 0 -' ~ =ti: W Ü -.- Z N \..9 Z >- Z <t: l- ll) W Z 0 > 0 -¡ :::> w w ll) 0 > 0 ~ Ü Ul 0 Z W 0:: 0 -' ü 0) 0 UJ 0 a: Z -' COUNT'" OF~:i\ y\- ~A..\lJ- The foregoing instTllment wa, acknowledged before t1"~ by ____ ~iG\Ì[\'Ic\ ('~[)d L W\().v:, A.) / / {hand a¡h officia '~eal./' . / jf /7 1~ If n ~{ t..//'W I -~_~_' L(L¡!}-l ',oj ,\RYI'LJBI.lC' /;1y C ml11J'~5ion E,.pire5 ~- ,.,._-,._~........_~-~.~_...._-----_._~~J ,¡¡:;".. WYrJ...H'i "Ui;lUG J;>:~:.~.>~~'<.. . ,IUD! A. CfiOOK j' tt(;¿},;if:¡ ~ 01.2£(,..1 11 '¡UOS~ulh - "~Ä""~' ,- Dlul-'ur, Ut 84020 (till. ~ t¡~iJ'~2i MI' C¡)IIi.illicc¡¡,n E¡;plriH ~~-(" 01/06/:1009 ~u.' ~YA',,!:! 01' 0"0..1f _.........4......._.:-..,~~M--.-....J.O-.I.....-'·..:........;.~~...,;.;.:.