HomeMy WebLinkAbout914106 09/19/2005 0.:01 PN SJI....r Stat Communications E(I&I/Hiéllnc JO) 883 !iliOO 1/2 $ð3-tt tú r74X < (:~¿-~I --- ....-/ "- ......- .i' /ì (], 4 1·· 1 '.' U .ì " .1. \\ GRANT OF EASEMENT L eÓl <4/ ç'l 8" t'. ê Ch ,; , (: grantor(s) of COUIlty of 1- /J'¡{ 0/11 State of hereby acknowledge, CONVEY (8) AND W AlUUNT (8) to SILVER ST TELEPHONE COMPANY, INC.. grantee of Freedom, Wyoming, an casement for the benefit of the Grantee on the following described real estate situate in the COWlty of Lincoln and Staw of Wyoming, for the following purposes and UIlder the following conditions: I. Purpose of Easement. This easement shaH be for the purpose of Right- of- Way for utilities and construct, operate, repair, maintain, relocate and replace thereon undergroUIld utilities. Including above groUIld pedestals and/or hand holes the grantee may trim or remove trees or other objects that pose a threat of damage 10 the utilities. Grantor reserves the right to lIse the property subject to the east:ment for allY purpose whatsoever which does not interfere with the: operation and maintenance of the undergrOtUld telecommunication lines and conduit. A~ a condition of this easement Grantee shall be required to and shall repair or replace items, specifically including survey monuments, fencing. ditches and lliitural areas which it shall remove, damage or destroy upon the pcoperty subject to the easement within thirty days of the completion of construction. '. Description of Easement: Slarting at the Soulh East corner of the North East I~ oflhe South East Y.ofSaid Section 3 Township 35 J\orth Range 119 West and running, N 7d3'18" W 491.16 feet; to true point of beginning lhence, N 61d48'7" W 10.36 feet; thence, N 0d37'48't E 330.80 feet; thence, N 53d25'30" W J 79,07 feet to end point. See attached "Exhibit An, <::' "-"~ 2. Bindin~ Effect. The terms and conditions of this easement shall be binding upon the inure to th<:: btmetit of the heirs, successors and assigns of the parties named in this instrument i .-,' "~~ -.../ Witness our hands this~¿()_day of St.-I,.J "!\~'~~"9~Q ~~~ #"·ù;~o,:;.'Jl¿ ,:~;:~~;? C7 ~<2>L.-~ '.. 00,' 10 ". '(þ " '\.;:0 . ,0 ,,'10 II þ' ,\ .~ 'i~ ~ ~ ... .....' . ' ........'"'1'\ . .. ...,;. .... \ "T A ". -<:, '.;L' , \ " ~.~..:.,: '~~ <,rN' TH'E §i-"SE Of VJ A :: ~: u 'It .þ ~ ft .'" ",.;: ,~;, ; (/)' Þ'L.LlI \ G ...... , .-J¡"" ,,éwNTY.Qf<....SpOK.4A" . Y'" . v 0('" "', ':.. ',< ··.,~,o...,...·,.(,· :.-, /'. Q.~ \:~~·\~~f~regOing instrument was acknowledged before me by jli IJI'\ dAD s~~£[, ¡¿5x.A ,this C»03_dayof$W~ð}k200:)" 20afs ) ) ) ss, 8-1'1,- 0"- My Commission Expires RECEIVED 12/1/2005 at 12:08 PM RECEIVING # 914106 BOOK: 606 PAGE: 411 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERf<, KEMMERER, WY 09/1~/2005 04:01 p~ $110.'.( Sta, Con¡nluolca\Jons En¡in..rln¡ 307 ä ¡3. öJOO 2/2 :~:):)L/1106 ::~I .. .. ¡¡ ~ "¡ , #¡ I J I. ~ J.:.:.u,.--,- , ~ ~\f\~ ~ ¥ "b ~ ~ ~~; ~ ~ ~ ~ 'i Q ~ ~~ 0 ~ 1\ ~ HI-JfJ.. i~-=-- ~ '- --- -- -. -- ~-- ,r-' n. r. 4 -< ";:) '., ,) tJ .. 1. h.. tr 'Y. J (j ) I-