HomeMy WebLinkAbout914107 '-";¡:'<:-" . 015/1 (2005 12:55 p~ SIlver Star CommunIcatIons Enalneerln& 307 81D 6600 1/2 ~, ('. IÌ Ii 4 1 ') \.' ',J d '..... J GRANT OF EASEMENT Deon F. Heiner and Cheryl V. Heiner oflhe Deon F. Heiner and Cheryl V Hciner family Revocable Trust dated May 16, 1997, grantor of County of Lincoln, Slate of Wyoming, hereby acknowledge, CONVEY (S) AND W ARRANT(S) toSILYt:B:E(~R _~lLONE.cOMPANY, INC., granite ofFTt:t:uom, Wyoming, an easement for the'- benefit of the Grantee on the following described real estate situate in the COW1ty of Lincoln and State of Wyoming, for the following purposes and tinder the following conditions: 1. Purpose of Easement. This easement shalll>e for the purpose of Right- of- Way for telecommunications lines and conslruct, operate, repair, maintain, relocate and replace thereon underground telecommunication tàcilities. The grantt:e may trim or removt: trees or other objt:cts that pose a threat of damage to the utilities. 2. Description of Easement. The easement shall occupy the following described property: --; Being a portion of the SWI/4NEI/4, Section 8, T33N, Rll8W, 6th P'?vf., Lincoln COLlnty, Wyoming more particularly describeù as follows: A 10 fOOl wide easement on the following described centerline. Beginning at a point being the SW Comer of the SWI/4NEI/4 which is common wilh the CI/4 of ScclÍon 8. Thence S SoW, II feet, thence S 84"E, 305 feet; thence N 31°E, 47 feet; thence N 4° E, 225 feet to a junction peù location and true point of beginning. Running Ú¡ence N 83° E, 12 feet; thence S 2° E, 53 feet; thence S 75° E, 98 feet, thence S 54° E, 234 feet, thence S 79° E, 59 feet; thence N 55" E, 86 feet; tht:nce N 75° E, 33 feet; thence N 85" E, 50 feet; thence N 64" E, 76 feet; thence N 74° E, 41 feet; thence N 84" E 25 feet; thence S 86" E 168 feet; thence S 69" E, 29 feet; thence S 44" E, 56 feet; thence S 33" E, 68 feet; thence 24" E, 74 feel; thence S 28° E, 120 feet; thence S 25" E, 86 feet to a point known as Point "AU, Thence S 27" E, 69 feet; thence S 21" E, 212 feet; thence S 43° E, 26 feet; thence S 71" E, 29 feet; thence S 87" E, 39 feet; thence N 86" E, 50 feet; thence N 43° E, 91 feet; thence N 89° E, 46 feet to a point known as Point "B". Thence S 25° E, 14 feet to a junction ped 1ocalion. Thence N 85" E, 12 feet; thence S I" E, 37 feet; thence S 5" W, 94 feet; thence S 14° W, 42 feet; thence S 48" W, 18 feet to end point. See "Exh.ibit AU ../ -...) r ('t "l Binding Effect. llJC tcm1S and conditions of this easement shall be binding upon the inure to the benefit of the heirs, successors and assigns of Ihe parties named in this instrument/J 1 RECEIVED 12/1/2005 at 1209 PM Witness our hands this :-:0..(" day r \ RECEIVING # 914107 BOOK: 606 PAGE: 413 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Grantor(s) 3. IN THE STATE OF ) . L\~\\ tiì -, ,-"~ I\. Ü\.. ) ss. :J 'IT ) Lì~ \. ee, l \' \ COUNTY Of ~ ~\. \ 1~hc_ foregoing instr1l~en! wa.s \cknowJedg'id b,ef?re.me by Ì\C\' \ í":-:- UC, y \ ~J'¿ I (ih, (: I'Ll I fì l::\ "":XT'i\ ,this .-~(l{ \lay of "~A,i '-lL 200:) {,(é ~ 11 e i~~ /!(~(l~ O{p My Commission Expires I"~~~ii>·· tHANA fWD· N01i\fÜ' PUßUG C{~lJi1ty 01 r&i~ $tiitG öf Uncoln ~ Wy.omln{J . ' . My Cú,n",.I6"on Expi,.. ')I.c..) ,:1... ............_.......~>....~""-~~ CJ~;~, '5/2005 12:55 PM i ,. '..; /'J,';1 ,rj»~ \',; ~ril L:".lLt¡y ii, '>'-, <.~ ~ i : i 'n........! . ____.h..__.__...._... " 2' D '8 ~ SIII,II( S1..r . . ,~, : ':.; .: . Comrnun c., onl 3Q1 881 liliOO 2/2 Enjln...'¡na ff 4';/ I i I I .. :lJ I I I I /;;:--~~~ ~'F., ---...-._._-~ /,--- ~..../-....-- --------.-.-.---,-- ...- -----....',/ ( ~ t -I D T\ \J' 'I. ~. ( ~ ~ ... nnr.414