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I, RAMONA VANCE, being of kgal age and first duly sworn, deposes and says as fo]]ows:
1. That WiJliam Legarra, the decedent mentioned in the attached certified copy of the certificate of
death, is the same person as WilJiam Legan"a named as one of the parties in that certain \Varranty
Deed dated July 24,1963 executed by the Trustees of Church Property of the Protestant Episcopal
Church in Wyoming to Wi]]iam Legana and Bertha A. Legan'a, husband and wife recorded as
Instrument Number 377363, on August 8, 1963,111 B()ok (¡2PI~ at Page 134 of the OmciaJ Records
of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, which concems real property situated in the County of
Lincoln, State of Wyoming and described as folJows:
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The easterly fitly-four feet of Lots 1 and 2, Block 5 of the Original Townsite of the
Town of Kemmerer, \Vyoming, more particularly described as follows, to-wit:
Beginning at the southeasterly corner of said Lot 1, at the intersec(jon of the
westerly side of the alley of Block 1 and the northerly side of Pearl St., thence S.
63"26' W., 54.00 feet; thence N 26"34' W., 100.00 feet; thence N, 63"26' E., 54.00
feet; thence S, 26"34' E., 100.00 feet to the point of beginning; containing 5400
square feet.
Subject to a]] existing easements, reservation, and right-or-ways now of records in
the Office of the County Clerk of Lincoln County. Excepting and reserving unto
Grantor, herein, an easement and right-of-way over, upon and across the
northeasterly portion of the said Lot 2 of said Block 5, and more particularly being
described as follows, to-wit: Commencing at the northeasterly corner of said Lot 2,
thence westerly along the said northerly boundary line of said Lot a dlstance of 54',
thence southwesterly a distance of 12' to a point, thence easterly at right angles a
distance of 54' to the easterly boundary line of said Lot 2, thence northerly along
said bounchuy line of said Lot 2 a distance of 12' to the point of beginning; said
easement and right-of-way sha]] be for the purpose of pem1iiting the Grantor herein
to make coal deJiveries to the property of Grantor which is located on said Lots 1
and 2 of said Block 5. Said easement and right-of-way shall remain in full force and
effect for so long as Grantor requires the same for such coal deliveries.
That the certitÌed copy of the certificate of death which was recorded in the public record at the
Oftìce of the Lincoln County CJerk on October 22, 1987 as Instrument Number 679881 in Book
256PR at Page 196 indicates that William Legarra died on July 27, 1982 in the City of CoalvilJe,
County of Summit, State of Utah.
3. That I am a person interested in the effective property or the ti tJe thereto and pursuant to § 34-11-101
W,S, (2001) hereby make the death a matter of record and certify that upon the cleath of William
Legan-a, his previous estate in the property was terminated.
Dated this.,..) (> day of C¡C;¡'U_/::'L¿Ü--'-/'
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Subscribed and sworn to before me by Ramona Vance, this ¿. () day of / /; j) /!¿,¡!. l¿'/ ,
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My Commission Expires: /-7-ö 7