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Words used in multiple sections of this docllll1ent are defined below and oÙler words are defined in Sections 3, 1 L
13, 18,20 and 21. Certain rules regarding Ù1e usage of\\Ords used in Ùus docllll1ent are also proÙded in Section 16,
(A) "Security Instrument" means this dOCUlllent, which is dated NO\1Ð1BEH 22, 2 (J 0 5 ,together
with all Riders to Ùus docllll1enl.
y (B) "Borrower" is JENlTIFER J HÞ.RlvJ.Ol'-T ~8'1 UNliJÞREIED vJGJf-U,j
Borrower is the mortgagor under this Security InstrUlllenl.
(C) "MERS" is Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, mc. !vIERS is a separate corporation that 1S acting
solely as a nominee for Lender and Lender's successors and assigns. ,MERS is the lllol1gagee wider this Security
Instrument. MERS is organized and existing under Ù1e laws of Delaware, and has an address aud telephone nlllllber
of P. O. Box. 2026, Flint, Ml 48501-2026, tel (888) 679-MERS.
(D) "Lender" is FIRST NATIONA-L BP.:NK - W"EST
and existing under Ù1e laws of vifYG1ING
Lender's address is P.O. BOX 3110, Þ.LPINE, vNOVlING 83128
(E) "Note" means the promissory note signed by Borrower and dated NOVEJ:1BEE 22 I 20 [) 5
The Note states that Borrower owes Lt;)nder NHÆTY - SIX THOUS}\lID .A1ID 0 (; / 10 iJ
Dollars (US S 96, 000.00 ) plus interest.
Borrower has promised to pay this debt in regular Periodic Payments and 10 pay tile debt in full not later than
DECElvffiER 1, 203 U
(F) ''Property'' means Ù1e property Ù1at is described below under the heading "Transfer of Rights in Ùle Propeny "
(G) "Loan" means tile debt eÜdenced by tile Note, plus interest, any prepayment charges and late charges due under
Ùle Note, and all SUlllS due under this Security Instrument, plus il1lerest.
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WYO'v1ING-Single ramily-Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac Uf\jIFCRM INSTRUMENT - MffiS
Form 3051 1/01 Page 1 of 13
DoclViágic e.":c.c~c,-<, 800-649-1362
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(H) ''Riders'' means all Riders to this Secmity Instmmentthat are executed by BorrO\\'er. The follO\\illg Riders are
to be executed by Borrower [check box as applicable)
0 Adjustable Rille Rider 0 Condominium Rider 0 Second Home Rider
0 Balloon Rider 0 Planned Unit Development Rider 0 Other(s) [specii\J
0 1-4 Family Rider 0 Biweekly Payment Rider
(1) "ApplicalJleLaw" means all controlling applicable federal, state and local statutes, regulations. ordinances and
administrative rules and orders (that have the effect of 13\\) as \\ell as all applicable final, non-appealable judicial
(J) "Community Associaûon Dues, Fees, llild Assessments" means all dues, fees, assessments and other charges
that are imposed on Borrower or the Property by a condoll.llnium association, homeowuers association or similar
(K) "Electronic Funds Trllilsfer" means any transfer offuuds, oÙler than a transaction originated by::hecL draft
or similar paper insinunent, which is initiated through an electTOnic terminal, telephonic illstrwnen1 computer, or
magnetic tape so as to order, mstruct, or auùlOrize a financial institution to debit or credit an accowlt. Such term
includes, but is not limited to, point-of-sale transfers, automated teller macllÌne transactions, transfers initialed b~
telephone, wire transfers, and autOl11ated clearinghouse transfers.
(L) "Escrow Items" means those items that are described in Section 3
(M) "Miscellaneous Proceeds" means any compensation, settlement, award of damages, or proceeds patd b.' at1.'
third party (other than insurance proceeds paid under the coverages described in Section 5) for (i) damage to, or
destruction of, the Property; (ii) condemnation or oÙler taking of all or any part of the Property: (iii) comeyanct in
lieu of condell1l1ation; or (iv) misrepresentations of, or omissions as to, the value and/or condition of Ù1e PropeJ1y
(N) "Mortgage Insurance" means insurance protecting Lender against Ùle nonpaymem of, or default on, the Loan.
(0) "Peáodic Payment" means Ùle regularly scheduled amoWlt due for (i) principal ,md interest under Ùle NOle,
plus (ii) any amowlts willer Section 3 of this Security InslTWnenl.
(P) ''RESPA'' meal15 ù1e Real Estate Settlement Procedwes Act (12 US C. §26LJl et seq.) and its implementing
regulation, Regulat.ion X (24 C.F.R. Part 35(0), as they might be amended from time to time, or any additional or
successor legislation or regulation that govems the same subject matter. As used in ùlÌs Secunty lnslfWllenL
"RESP A" refers to all requirements and restrictions that are imposed in regard to a "fed¡;rally related mortgage loan"
even if the Loan does not qua1if)' as a "federally related mortgage loan" Wlder RESPA.
(Q) "Successor in Interest of Borrower" means any party Ùlat has taken tiùe to the Property, \\heÙler or not tha1
party has asswned Borrower's obligations under ùle Note and/or this Security Insirwnent.
This Security Instrument secures to Lender: (i) rile repayment of Ùle lmm, and all reuel\als, extensions and
modifícations of the Note; and (ii) Ùle perfoflllat1ce of Borrower' s covenants and agrœments wlder ùlÌs Securit\
InslTwnent and the Note. For ùlÌs purpose, Borrower does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to 1v1f.RS (sold.' cb
nominee for lender and Lender's successors and assigns) and to the successors and assigns of IvŒRS, \\11h pOller or
sale, rile following described property located in Ùle
rr~ ofRecordiru!. Jurisdiclion] )NanJ.: ofI<a:ordiJl.Q JWDdictiün]
OF LOT 4 }~lID RON1UNG THENCE vilEST 83 1/2 FEET; T1-IENCE lJORTH 96 l / ~
A.P.l\!. #: 123218312030200
llirrower lnitials: _-,,"\_\
WYQ\I1ING-Single Fämily-Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac UNíFCRM íNSTRUMB\T - MERS
Form 3051 1/0í Page 2 of 13
DoclVlagic e"-x:ccco 800-649--1362
II y3051.IJJml2.1a11
\\hich currently has tile address of
195 E 6TH 'L'.G
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("Property }illdress")
TOGETHER WITH all tile improvements nO\1 or hereafter erecœd all tile propen." and aI] easements,
appunenances. and fixtures no\\ or hereafter a part of dle propert: All replacemems and addillulls shall also be
cOlered by this Security Instrument. AJI of the foregoing is referred to in dllS Seew-ity l1lStrWllelll as the "Property"
Borrower wlderstands and agrees tilat !viERS holds only legal title to dle interesLs granted by Borro\ler in tlus Securit:
Instrument but if necessary to comply \Ùùllm\ or custom, l\.iERS (as nominee for Lender and Lender' 5 successors
and assigns) has the right: to exercise any or all ofthose interests, including, bUlnotlimited to, tile right LO ii.m:cluse
and sell dle Property: and to take any action required of Lender including, but not limited LO, releasing and canceling
this Security Instrwnent.
BORROWER COVENANTS tiwt Borrower 15 Im\1'ully seIsed of the estate hereby coll\eyed and has the nghL
to mortgage, !,'Tant illld convey the Property illld that die Property IS unencwllbered. except for encwllbrillL¡;es of
record. Borrower warrants and will defend generall: dle title to tile Property agalllSt all claims and dèmilllds, subject
to any encwnbrances of record,
TillS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines wuform cmenantsfornillional use illldnon-unifoilli co I enants l,lLh
limited variations by jurisdiction 10 constitUle a uniièm11 security instrument cmerlltg real properLy,
UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borro\\er and Lender C0\enant and agree as foHo\\s
1. Paymwt ofPrinciµaJ, Interest, Escrow Items, Prepayment Charges, and Late Charges. BorrO\ler shall
pay \vhen due dIe prlllcipal of and interest O1L the debt eYidenced by die Note illld illlY prepayment charges aud late
charges due under the Note, Borrower shall also pay fwds for Escro\\ Items pmSUillll to S",CtiOlJ 3. Pa.'l1lems due
under the Note and dus Security l1lStrWllent shall be made III US currenc:. HOI\e\er. if illlY checL or other
ulStrument received by Lender as paymelll Wlder tile Note or dtis Secw-ity l1istrWllent is reLw1led 10 L",nder wlpaid,
Lender ma: require Ùiat any or all subsequenl paymt:llls dut: wIder ùie NOle and this Secwlty IllStrWlient bt: made 1lì
one or more of thefOllO\\lllg fonns, as selected by Lender (a) cash: (b) money order: (C) certified check. [¡illlL checL
treasurer's check or cashier's check. proÙded any such check is dra\\Il upon allmstituLÌon \\hose deposits are u15w·ed
b:' a federal agency, instrUDlentality, or entity: or (d) Electronic FWlds Transfer.
Payments are deemed received by Lender when received at dle location designated III tilt Note or at such OÙlcr
location as may be designated by Lender in accordance \\'ith tile notice provisions m Section 15 Lender may reLw·n
any payment or partial pa:ment if the pa,\ ment or panial payments are insuffíÒenr to brlllg the Loan current. Lender
may accept any pa:melll or partial pa:1llem lllsufficientto bring the LOilli current. \\'ithoul \Iailer of illlY rights
hereunder or prejudice to its rights to refuse such payment or pill1ial payments ill dIe futw-e, but Lender is not
obligated to apply such payments at the time such payméll1s are accepted 11' each Periodic Payment IS applJed as of
its scheduled due date, then Lender need not pay interest on unapplied funds. Lender may hold such wlapplled fWlds
unril Borrower .IJ.1akes payment to brlllg the LOilll curren! .If Bono\\er does not do so \Iithin a reasonable penod of
time, Lender shall eidler apply such funds or return them 10 BorrO\\er. lf not applied ear]¡er, such fWlds \\ill be
applied to the outstanding prulcipal balance wIder tile Note immediately pnor 10 foreclosure. No offset or claim
\dtich Bonower Jllight hale 110W or III the future against Lender shall reliele Borrower n-om mal,mg pa,\ mellls due
under the Note and tius Security InstrWllent or performing tiie cO\'enants and agret:ments secmed b: this Securit.,
1. Ápµlicatioll of Payments or Proœeds. Except as oÙienl1se described III 11m Secl10n 2, all paymellls
accepted and applied by Lender shall be applied III 111e following order of pnority: (a) llltereSl due willer the Note:
(b) principal due under dIe Note: (c) amowlts due Wlder Section 3. Such pa:mellls shall be applied to each Periodic
Pa: ment in the order III which it became due. Any remaining amoWlts shall be applied fírstto late charges. second
to atlY odler amoWlts due under 11tis Security InstrwnenL and dlen to reduce the prlllcipal balilllce of 111e Note,
If Lender receiles a pa:melll hom BorrO\\Cf for a delinquent Periodic Payment \\hich lllcludes a sufficient
amount to pay atlY late charge due, dle payment may be applied 10 DIe dellliquent pi1\ment and the late charge 11'
llirrO\\er Imtiab ~......- \-\
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WYOV1ING-Slngle~âmily-Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFŒIV1INSTRUMENT - MffiS
Form 3051 1/01 Page 3 of 13
DocMagice..~;;,C'::,cc 800-6-19-1362
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more than one Periodic Payment is outstandi.ng, Lender m3: apply ,U1: pa:ment recei\C;d u-om BunuI\cr to t1.e
repayment of Ùle Periodic Payments if and to Ùle e:\.lent t11a1. each payment can be paid in fulL To the e:dellt that
any e:\.Cess ö:ists aiìer the pa:ment is applied to Ùle full pa: ment of Oile or more Periodic Päymems, such ex,cess mal
be applied to any late charges due, Voluntary prep a: 11lents shall be applied first to any prepayment charges and Ùlen
as described in the 1\ote,
_Any application of payments, insw'wlce proceeds, or l'viiscell¡meous Proceeds to principal due LUHler Ùle Notè
shall not e\.1end or postpone the due date, or change the llillOWI1. of Ùle Periodic Payments
3. .Funds for ESI.:I'O\ì Itcms. BorrO\\er shall päy 10 Lender on the day l-'eriodic Payments are dUè wIder the
Note, wllil Ùle Note is paid in full, a SWlI (the "fwHls") to provide for payment of anlowlls due for: (a) ta.\.es wid
assessments and oÙler items \\lnch can attwn priority over this Security lnSlTWUelll as a lien or encwubrance on the
Property: (b) leasehold payments or growld rents on Ùle Property, if any: (c) premiwus [or any and all UISlU'W1Cè
required by Lender under Section 5: and (d) lvlortgage lr15urWlce premiUlllS, if any, or WlY swus payable by Barro\ IeI'
to Lender inlleu of the pay ment of Mortgage lnsurance premlWUS in acCordWlce \\ith the proÙsions of Section I U
These items are called "Escro\v ltems," At origination or at any time dW'ing the teilll o[the Loan, Lender may reljulre
Ùlat COll1lllWllty _Association Dues, fees, and ¡'\ssessments, if any, be escro\\ed by furroweI'. and such dùes. Ú:es and
assessments shall be an Escrow hem. Borrower shall promptly funllsh to Lender all llOtices of illllÙLmts 10 be paid
mlder ÙllS Section, Borrower shall pa:- Lender Ùle f wllls for Escrm\ items unle5s Lender \lai\é5 Borro\ler's
obligatiolllO pa: Ùle funds for any or all Escro\\ hems Lender may \\ai\é Boffower' S obligatiollto pay to Lender
Funds for any or all Escro\v hems at any time. .Any such \\ai\er may on]y be in \\Titing. In Ùle e\elll of such \\W IeI'.
Borrower shall pay directly, \\hen wId \\hère payable. Ùle illllOwllS due for any Escro\\ hems for \\hid! paymenl of
f wills has been wai\'ed by Lender and, if Lender requirés, shall furnish to Lender receipls e\idencing such paymel1l
\\iÙlln such time period as Lender may require. BorrO\\er' s obligation to make such p¡¡ymelllS wld to pro \ ide recelpls
shall for all purposes be deemed to be a cO\enWll and agreement contained UI this Secw-j¡: lrlslrwuellL as the phrase
"covenant and agreement" is used in Section 0, If BorrO\\èr is obligated to pay Escro\\ ltems direcLly, pursuant to
a wai\'eI'. and Borrower fails to pay ùle illllowlt due for an Escrow hem, Lender may e_\.ercise its rights wIder Section
o and pay such amoUllt and Borrower shall then be obligated under Section 'J to repay to Lender cllY such illllOWll.
Lender may revoke Ùle \\aiver as to any or all Escro\\ hems at any time by anOlice givenuI accordwlCe \\iÙl Section
15 and, upon such revocation, furrO\\er shall P¡¡y to Lender all fWlds, wid in such illllOWlls. that are then rcyuired
Ullder ÙllS Section 3.
Lender may, at any time, collect and hold f wlds III WI anlOwlI (a) sufiícient to permit Lender 10 apply the F Wlds
at Ùle lime specified WIder RESPA and lb) not to e:\.ceed the ma:Œmilll amowlt a lender can reqwre wIder RESPA
Lender shall estimate the amowlt of f Ullds due on the basis of CWTent data and reasonable estimales of e:\.pendilmes
of futme Escro\\ Items or oÙlemlse in accordance \\Ìth ApplIcable Lm\
The fUllds shall be held in an institution \\hose deposits are insured by a federal agency, inslTwllelllality. or
entity (including Lender, if Lender is an institution \\hose deposits are so lllsured) or in any federal HOllle Low!
Bank. Lender shall apply Ùle fWlds to pay Ùle Escro\\ helllS no later thWl ùle tillle speciJíed wIder RESPA. Lender
shallllot charge Borro\\er for holding and applying Ùle funds, illlllUally analyzing Ùle escro\\ acCDWI1. or \erif~mg
ùle Escro\\ lte1llS, unless Lender pays Borro\\er interest on the fWlds and Applicable Lm\ permits Lender 10 make
such a charge Unless an agreement IS made in \\Tiling or Applicable La\\ requires mterest to be paid on LlH~ f wlds,
Lender shall not be required to pay Borro\ver any imerest or earnings on the fWlds, BorrO\\er wId Lender CWI agree
in \\Titing, hO\\e\'e1', Ùlat imerest shall be paid on the F wlds, Lender shall g1\e to BorrO\\èI'. \\ithout charge, Wl
amlUal accoUllting of the Funds as required by RESP A
If ùlere is a surplus of fWlds held in escro\v, as defined wIder RESP A Lender shall accOWll to Borro\\er for
the excess fWlds in accordance ,ÙÙl RESP A If Ùlere is a shortage of f wlds held in escro\\, as deiÍned wIder RES? A
Lender shall notify Borrower as reqUlred by RESP A and BonO\\er shall püy to Lender the anlOWllneœsséJr\ to mal..:e
up the shortage in accordance \ÙÙl RESP A but iuno more ùum 12 month]y payments. If there IS a deiíciency or
Funds held m escro\\, as defined wIder RESP A Lender shall notify Borrower as reqUlred by RESPA. and BomJII er
shall pay to Lender Ùle amowlt necessary to make up the deficiency in accordance \\-irh RESP A but in no lllore UIWl
12 monÙùy pa:ments.
Upon payment in full of all SWill secured by this Security IllStTUlllent. Lender shall promptly refwld 10 BorrO\\er
am f wlds held by Lender.
furroIVer lmuals:-~,,\':..-
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WYa.t1ING-Single Family-Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFCRIvl INSTRUM8\IT - MffiS
Form 3051 1/01 PagE: 4 of 13
ÚD.::/viagic e¿~C~êLL: 800-649-1362
\ \ \,305Llll¿r1l4.JaI1
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-I. Charges; Liens. Borrower shall pay allta.\:.es, assesSlllelllS, charges, fines, and impositions arnibutilble to
Ùle Properry \\luch can attain prIority o\er tlus Security InstrwnenL leasehold paYlllems or ground rems on Ùlt
Property, if any, and COilllllwlÌty Association Dues, Fees, and AssesSlllents, if any. To the eX1ent 1hat these items
are Escro\\- ltelliS, Borrower shall pay them in Ùle manner provided m Section 3
BorrO\\er shall prompily discharge any lien \\hich has prionty over Ùus Security Insrrwnent wiless Borro\\ er
(a) agrees in \\Tiling 10 ùle payment of ùle obligation secured by ùle lien 111 ¡¡ millll1er acceptable to lender, but onl.,
so long as Borro\ver is performing such agreement: (b) contes1S Ùle lien in good failh b.\, or defel1ds against
enforcement of the lien in, legal proceedings \\hich in Lellder' s opillion operate 10 prevent Ùle enforcement of the lien
\\lllle ùlOse proceedings are pending, but only wl1il SUdl proceedings are concluded: or (C) secures frolllthe 1101der
of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subûrdinating ùle hell to ùÙs Security InsITwne11l 11' Lender
determines that any part of the Property is subject 10 a lien \\hich can attain pnorit~ Oìer tlus Securit~ .L.lS1rwnenL
Lender may give BorrO\ver a notice identii~ing ùle lien, \ViÙWl 10 days of the date on \duch that notice:: IS gi\en,
Borro\\er shall satisfy ùle lien or take Oile or more of Ùle actions set forÙl abO\e in Ùus Section -+
Lender may require Borrower to pay a one-tinle charge for a real estate la_\: \enficalion and/or reporting sernce
used by Lender in comlection WiÙl this Loan.
5. Propeny msurance. Borro\\er shall keep the inlprovements no\\ existing or hereaÜer erec1ed on the
Property imured against loss by fire, hazards included \\ithin Ùle term" extended cO\erage," and any other hazards
including, but not limited to, earÙlquakes and floods, for \\hich Lender requires insurance Tlus nlSwill1ce shall be
mailllained in ù1e amowlts (including deductible levels) and for Ùle periods Ùlat Lender requires \Vhat Lender
requires pursuant to the preceding selllences can dlilllge durmg the leDn of Ùle loan. The insurilllce canier prmidillg
Ùle lllSurance shall be chosen by Borrower subject to Lender' s righlto disapprove BorrO\\er' s chOlce, duell nglll shall
not be exercised wrreasonably. Lender may require Borro\\er to pay, in cOllilection \ÙÙl Ùùs LOilll. either: (a) a oue-
time charge for Hood LOne detennination, certification and rracking senice.s: or (b) a one-tune charge for Hood LOlle
determination and certification senices and subsequent charges each time femappings or similar ellilllges occur \dueL
reasonably might affect such detennination or certificaJion Borrower shall also be responsible for Ùle payment of
any fees imposed by Ùle Federal Emergency Management l'>gency 111 connection \lith the re\ie\\ of illlY ilood LOne
detennination resulting from an objection by BorrO\\er.
If Borrower fails to maintain illlY of ùle cO\erages described abo\e, Lender ma~ obtain insurance cm erage. at
Lender's option and Borrower's expense. Lender is wlder no obligation to purchase any particular type or amount
of coverage. Therefore, such co\erage shall cmer Lender, but might or lllight not protect Borrower, Borro\\er's
equity in ÙIe Property, or Ùle coments of the Property, agamst any risk, hazard or liability and might proYide greater
or lesser coverage Ùlal1 was pre\iously in effect. Borrower acknowledges Ùlät the COSl of Ùle lllSuranCt coverage so
obtained might sig¡ùficantly exceed the cost of msurance Ùlat BorrO\\er could hme obtained, AllY illllOWllS disbursed
by Lender wlder this Section 5 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by ùÙs Security .L.lsu'wnent. These
amounts shall bear interest at the Note rate from the date of disbursemelll and shall be payable, ,Ù1h such interest.
upon notice from Lender to Borro\\er requesting payment.
All insurance policies required by Lender and renewals of such policies shall be subject to LElldd s nght 1lJ
disapproI'e such policies, shall include a standard mortgage clause, and shall name Lender as lliortgagee and! or as an
additional loss payee. Lender shall have Ùle right to hold ùle policies ill1d rene\\aI certificates, If Lender requires,
Borrower shall promptly give to Lender all recelpts of paid premiwns illld rene\\alnOlices. If Borro\\er obtains am
fOflll of ll1Surilllce co\erage, not otherwise required by Lender, for damage 10, or destruction o( the Property, such
pohey shall include a standard mortgage clause lUld shall name Lender as mortgagee and/or as illl addllionalloss
.L.l the e\em of loss, BorrO\\er shall gi \e prompt nOlice to Ùle lllSwance carrier illld Lender. Lender lllay illal~e
proof of loss if notlliade promptly by Borrower. Unless Lender and Borro\\er othen\ise agree in \\Tiling. illl)
insurance proceeds, \\'heÙ1er or not Ùle wlderlying lllSurilllce \\'as reqwred by Lender, shall be applied 10 restorauon
or repair of the Property, if Ùle restoration or repair is economically feaslble and Lender's security is nOllessened
During such repair and restoration period, Lender shall hme the right to hold such lllSW'illlct proceeds wltil Lender
has had an opportmùty to inspect such Property to ensure the \\'Ork has beeu completed to Lender's satisfacllOJL
proÙded that such lllspection shall be undertaken promptly. Lender may disburse proceeds for Ùle repairs and
restoration in a slllg1e payment or in a series of progress paymems as Ùle \\OTk IS completed Unless illl agreemelll
B.mower ImlJ.a1s '~ '~'
_....-'7 .i"
WYC\VIIN~jngla Family-Fannia MaalFreddie Mac UNIFŒM INSTRUMBJr - MffiS
Form 3051 1/01 Paga 5 of 13
DocNlcigìc é," X::_'CcC IiOO-649·13å2
:,'..~ (j G ~j u
is made III \\Titlllg or Applicable Law requires interesl 10 be paid on such lllSurallCC proceeds, Lemler shall n01 be
required to pay Borro\ler any interesl or eal-mngs on such proceeds Fees for public ;.¡(ljUSlerS, or other Uurd p:lrues.
relamed by BorrO\\er shall not be paid out of Ihe illsurallCe proceeds and shall be the sole obligation of &n01\ èr
If the reslOration or repair is not economically feasible or Lender' 5 securny \\üuld be lessened. the insurance proceeds
shall be appl1ed ro the swns secured by this Security InslrwnenL \\hether or nOllhen due, \ÙÙ¡ the e:\.Ctss. if any, paid
to Borrower Such insurallCe proceeds shall be applied in the order pro\ided for in Section 2.
If Borrower abandons the Propert~, Lender may lìJe_ negotiate and seule any å\ ailabk insurance Clailll alld
related matlers. If Borro\\er does not respond \\iÙun 3u da.1 s LO a notice from Lender lhatthe msural1ce carrier h;¡s
offered to settle a claim, then Lender may negotiate alld sellle tile claim The 3U-da: period \\ill [;e:gm \\hen the
nOlice is gi\en ill either e\enL or if Lender acqUlTes Ùle Propert.\ wlder Semon 12 or othenlise, Bor1'O\\ tT hereb\
assigns to Lender (a) Borro\\er' s rights to allY lllSurallce proœeds in all amoUllt nOl 10 e:\.cëCd the amoUllls Ullpaid
wlder the Note or this Security InstrwnenL and (b) any olher of Borro, \\(,;r s nghts (Olher Ùranthe righl LO any refwld
of uneamed premiwns paid by BorrO\\er) wlder all ll15urallce policies co\ering lhe Propert~, ll150far as such nghls
are applicable to the co\erage ofÙle Property. Lender may use the lllSW'allct proceeds eitlrer to repair or res LOre Ùle
Property or to pay anroWlts wlpaid Wlder the Note or this Security Insrrwnen1. \\heÙler or not Ùlen due,
6. Occupancy. Borrower shall occupy, establish, and use Ùle Property as Borrower's prlllcipal residence
\Ùthin 60 days after Ùle execution of this SecUTity lnstrwneni alld shall continue to occupy Ùle Properly as Borro\\er' s
principal residence for at least one ~ ear after Ùle daie of occupancy, wuess Lender oùîemise agrees III \\Titing, \\hich
consent shall not be wlIeasonably withheld. or wuess e:\.lenuatlllg ClICUlllSlallceS exist which are be.\ond Borro\\er' 5
7. Pn.:scnation, Maintenance and Protection of the Propcl1y; losptctiolls. BoITü\\tr shall nui desl1O\.
damage or impair the Property, allO\\ the Properly to deteriorate or collllllit \\aste on the Properly. \\lîelher or not
Borrower is residing III the Property, BorrO\\tr shall mallllllill the Propeny in order to pre\ent Ule Properly Üom
deteriorating or decreasing in \alue due to its condition. Unless it is deienllincd pW·SUllilt lo Section 5 lhai repllir or
restoration is not economically feasible, Borrower shall promptl: repair the Properly if damaged 10 aloid funher
deterioration or damage. If U15urallct or condemnation proceeds are paid Ul connection \\ith daJllage 10. or llie takUlg
of, Ùle Properly, Borrower shall be respOl15ible for repairlllg or restoring the Properly only if lender has rekased
proceeds [or such purposes. Lender may disburse proceeds for Ule repairs alld reslUration III a single payment or III
a series of progTess pa~ ments as Ùle work is compleled, If ÙH;; ll15urallct or condemnalion proceeds are nOl sufiícielll
to repair or restore Ùle Property, Borrower is not rel1eúxl of Borrower's obligatlOn for the compleuon of such repair
or restoration
Lender or its agent may mal.:e reasonable enrries uponalld inspections of the Propeny. If it has reasonable cause,
Lender may ll15pect the imerior of Ule imprO\emenls on the Properly Lender shall gi \e BorrOlI er noilce althe time
of or prior to such all interior ulspection specil\lllg such reasonable cause
8. Borrower's Loan Application. Borrower shall b:: in default if during lhe LOllil application proœss.
Borrower or allY persons or entities acting at Ùle diTection of BorrO\\ er or \l1th Borro\\ er' s knO\l!edge or COllsem ga Ie
materially false, misleading, or inaccurate information or Slalements to Lender (or failed 10 prondc Lender \l1lh
material information) m comlection \yith the Loan Material representations lllc!ud¡;·. but are nOl limited 10.
represell1ations concennng Borro\\er' s OCCUPallCY of tIle Propeny as Borrower's prillcipal residence,
9. Protection of Lender's Interest in the Propeny and RigbtsUnder tbis SCl:UI'Üy I1Jstrumem. if (a)
Borrower fails to perform Ùle co\enal11s alld agreemems comained in this Security 11Sl1'UlllcnL (b) lhere is a legal
proceeding that might slgn:iíìcantly afiect lender's llnereslmthe Propeny alld¡ orriglus under ù1Ìs Secwny 11Slflll11ent
(such as a proceeding ill bankmptcy, probare, for condelmlation or forfeit UTe, for enforcemenl of a lien \duch illiJ\
at1ain pnoriry oyer l11Ìs Security lnslrumem or to elúorce Im\s or regulations), or (C) Borrower has aballdoned the
Properly, Ùlen Lender may do and pay for \\hate\er is reasonable or appropriate 10 protect LCllder's llllcresl III the
Properly and Tights wlder ÙllS SecUTity lnslrwnenL includillg protèCtlllg alld/or i1Ssesslllg the \alue of tIle hopen_"
and securlllg alld/or repairlllg the Property Lender's ili.:tions Call lllclude. but are nOl lÌlllited to: (a) P;'¡Ylllg allY SWllS
secured by a lien \Üùch has priority oyer ùris Securit~ ltlstnWlen!: (b) appearlllg 111 court: aud (C) piJYlllg rei1Sonable
al1omeys' fees to protect its lllterest in Ùle Property alld/or rights wIder tlus Security IllSlTwnenL mcllldillg its secured
positionlll a bankruptcy proceeding. Securmg Ùle Properl~ ulcJudes, bullS not liml1ed LO, enterlllg the hopem lo
make repairs, Challge locks. replace or bOill'd up doors alld \\1lldo\\s, dralll \\ater from pipes. eliminate building or
Borro\\èr Iniua1s: --:__-\..\
WYCXv1If\IG-Single Famly-Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFCRiVlINSTRUMB'JT - MERS
Form 3051 1/01 P'age 6 oí 1 3
D=flllagjclf:{£~cLcC 800-649-1362
\\ )'3051.1DllIl 6. ,,"11
~ -~ C:.
f-' :.-.~. (ì (".." ":
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other code Yiolations or dangerous conditions, and have utilllles turned on or off Although Lemler may lake action
wlder this Section 9, Lender does not hme to do so and 15 not willer any duty or obligutioll to do so. It JS agreed that
Lender incurs no liability for not taking any or all actions authoriZ:;{] Wlder this Section 9
Any amowl1s disbursed by Lender Wlder this Section 9 shall become additional debt Ofß:.J1TO\\er secured by this
Security lllSlTwnent. These amowl1s shall bear interest at Ùle Note rate from the date of disbursement aud shall be
payable, with such interest, upon notice from Lender to borrower requesting payment.
If this Security lnstrwnent is on a leasehold, Borrower shall comply with all the proYisions of ùle lease. 11'
Borrower acquires fee title to ùle Property, the leasehold and the fee title shall not merge Wlless Lender agrees to Ùle
merger in \ \Tiling.
10. l\'lortgagelnsurance. If Lender required Ivlortgage IllSurance åS a condition ofmaling the Loan, Borrower
shall pay the prem1wns required to maintain the lVlortgage Insurance in elIect. If, for any redSon, the lvlortgage
hlsurance coverage required by Lender ceases to be available from the mortgage insurer that preuously pro\ ided sllch
insurance and Borrower was required to make separately desJgnated payments to\\ard the pæll1lums lor lVlortgage
hlSurance, Borrower shall pay the prem1wns reqwred to obtain coverage substantially equi\alentto the Mortgiige
lnsurance previously in effect, at a cost substantially equ.Îvalentto Ùie COSt to Borrower of tile IVlortgage .ulSW'llilce
previously in effect, from an alternate mortgage insurer selected by Lender. If substantially eqLlivaleilt Mortgage
lnsurllilce coverage is not available, Borrower shall continue 10 pay to Lender the amowJt of the separatd, dèsJgnated
payments ùlat were due when the insurance cO\erage ceased to be ll1 eílect. Lender will accept, use and reralJ1 these::
payments as a non-refWldable loss reserve in lieu of Mortgage hlSurance, Such loss reserve shall be nOli-refundable,
not\vithstan£Ìmg the fact that the LOatl is ultimately paid m full, and Lender shall not be required to PU\ Borro\\èr ¡¡¡l~
interest or earnings on such loss resene. Lender Catl no longer require loss resene p¡¡~ rueHts if .tvlongage lllSuranœ
coverage (in the amoWlt and for ùle period that Lender reqwres) provided by an illSW'er selected by Lender again
becomes available, is obtained, ¡¡¡ld Lender requires separately designated payments toward the preJllJums for
Mortgage hlSur¡¡¡lce. If Lender required Mortgage lnsurllilCe as a condition of making Ùle Loan and Borrower v\as
required to llliIke separately designated payments toward Ùle prem1wns for Ivlortgage lllSW'anœ, furro\\er shall pa:,
the premiums required to maintain Mortgage lllSW'llilct III cHecl, or to provide a non-refwldable loss resene, rmril
Lender's requirement for Mortgage lnsW'atlce ends in accordlliJC¡;; \ÙÙl atlY \\Tltten agreement between Borrower llild
Lender prmjding for such termination or wuilterlllination is required by Applicable Lm Noùuug in this Section
10 affects Borrower's obligation to pay llllerest at the rate pro\ided III Ùle Note.
Mortgage lnsW'llilce reimbW'ses Lender (or any entity that pW'chases Ùle Note) for cenain losses it ma) incur
if Borrower does not repay the LOllil as agreed. Borrower is not a parr) to Ùle Mortgage Insuratlce,
Mongage insurers evaluate their total risk on all such lllsurance III force from time to time, atld may enter llHO
agTeements with oÙler parties that share or illodií)' their risk, or reduce losses These agreements are on terms and
COnditiOllS that are satisfactory to tlle mongage insW'er ¡¡¡ld the oÙler party (or pill1ies) to these agreemenls, These
agreements may require Ùle mortgage insurer to make pa) mems USlllg ,my soW'ce of fWlds that ù¡e mortgage insurer
may have available (which may include fWlds obtained from Mortgage lnsuratlce prem1ums)
As a result of these agreements, Lender, any purchaser of Ùle Note, ¡¡¡lother insurer, llilY relllSW'er, any olller
entity, or any affiliate of any of the foregolllg, may recei\e (directly or indirectly) amowHs ùwt derive from (or JllJghl
be characteriLed as) a portion of Borrower' s pa~ ments for Mortgage lnsW'illlce, III ex.change for shill'lilg or modiJ)ing
the mortgage illSurer' s risk, or reducing losses. If such agreeillent provides that atl affiliate of Lender tal~es a shat'e
of tlle insW'er' s risk III ex.change for a share of the prem1WllS paid to the lllsurer, the arratlgement is often termed
"captive reillSurance," Further:
(a) Any such agreemcuts will not affel1 the amounts that Borrower has agrccd to pay for Mortgage
lu.surance, or any other terms of the Loan. Such agrccmcuts will not incn:ase the amount liorro\\erl,\jJj 0\\ t:
for Mortgage Insurance, and they will not entitle Borrower to ill1} refund.
(b) Any such agreements wiU not affect the rights Borrower has - if an} - with respect to the 1Vlongage
Insurance under the Homeowners Protedion Act of 1998 or any other law. The-se rigLts may include the rigLI
to receive ceJ1aÍn disdosure-s, to reque-st and obtain cancellation of the Mortgage msurauce, to Ìlan: 1he
Mortgagelnsurance1erminated automatically, and/or to receive a refund of any l\1m1gagelnsura.oce premiums
that were unearned at the time of such cancellation or u:nnlnation.
lni',,¡ _-',.J;---"
furrower 111t'.s.:: ;,;..--"'; ,
VvYav1ING-SingleFamíly-Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFœv1INSTRUMHIT - MERS
Form 3051 1/0"- Page 7 of 13
DocMågjcé~.c.:..c"': 800-ó~9-1362
I,'. -.,j,j5Ll.llaÜ 7,L;.ïU
.,-, (--; C: G ~ ;
] 1. Assignmwl of lVlisœllaneous Procœds; Fu IieÍlu re. AJI ivliscellaneous Proceeds are here b., asslgncd 10
and shall be paid to Lender
If Ùle Property is dllill¡¡ged, such Î\Ìlscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied Lo restorallon or n;p;:ur uhlie hopen>
if the restoration or repair is economically feasible and Lender's security is not lessened Durlllg such repair and
resLoration penod, Lender shall hme the nght to hold such Ivliscdlaneolls Proceeds until L::llder lias h[¡(j Wl
OPPOrtlUuty to inspect such Property Lo ensure the \\ork háS beën completed [Q Lender's sallsfactioll, proÙded Ûíi1l
such inspection shall be undertaken promptly Lender llla~ pa> for the repairs and resLorauonlll a smgle disburscmealt
or in a series of progress pa>1llents as the \\ork is completed Unless an agreement IS made in \\Titing or Applicable
La\\ requires interest 10 be paid on such ivliscellaneous Proceeds, Lender shall not be required to pa> Borro\\er illl\
imerest or earnings on such IvliscelJaneous Proceeds. If Ùle restoration or repair 1S nol economicalh Jeasible or
Lender's secill'ity \muld be lessened, Ùle lvliscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied to Ùle SWllS secured by tws Securit>
lnstrWllenL \\l1eilier or not Ùlen due, wiùl the excess, if any, paid to Bono\\er. Such Misctllillj¡';ous Proceeds shaJ]
be applied in Ùle order proYided for in Section 2.
In Ùle event of a total taking, destruction. or loss in value of Ùle Property, the l\1isceJ]aneous hocéèds shall ue
applied 10 Ùle SWllS secured by this Security InstrWllenL \\heÙler or not then due, \'.lth the e.\_cess, if an>, paid [Q
In Ùle event of a partialtal6ng, destruction, or loss 1n \alue of the Property III \\hich the fair marL';l \alue of
ilie Property immediately before Ùle partial taking, destrucLion, or loss in value 1S equal to or greater Ùlilll thc llillOWll
of Ùle SWllS secured by this Security Instrument immediately before ¡he partial taking. destruction, or loss m \ alue,
wùess Borrower and Lender oilier\\Íse agree m \uiting, ¡he swns secured by tlllS 2,¡;CWïty ltlslrWllèHl shall bc reduœd
by Ùle amount of ùle Miscellaneous Proceeds multiplied by Ùle following fraction. (a) Ùle totalllillOUlll of the SWllS
secured immediately before Ùle partial taking, destruuioll. or loss m value diÜded by (bj the fwr market \alue of lhe
Property immediately before ilie partialtakillg. desLJUi.:LJU1L or loss in value. i~llY balance shall be paid to Bono\ver.
In the event of a partial taking, destruction, or loss in value of Ùle Propert\ III \\hich the fair marLel \allle of
the Property immediately before Ùle partial talilllg, destruction, or loss in value 15 less than 111e llillOUlll of tlle SWll5
secured immediatd.' before the partial taking, destruction, or loss in value, Ullless BorrO\\er and Lenuêr oÛlemise
agree in \\Titing, the Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied to tlle SWllS secured by tIllS Security ltlSlrument \\1!eÙler
or not the SWllS are then due.
If tlle Property is abandoned b> BorrO\ver, or if after notice by Lender to Born,\\cr that Ùle Oppusmg Part., (as
defined in the next sêULence) offers to mal,e an a\vard 10 senle a clillm for damages. Borrú\\cr fails LO respoud 10
Lender \Ùthin 3U days after Ùle dall'; Ùle notice IS gne1L Lender is aUùlOrued to collect illld apply the ,MiscellilllCOlb
Proceeds eiilier to restoration or repalr of ùle Property or to the SWllS secmed by Ùus Securlty ltlStrullJ¡:nL \\hether
or not then due "Opposing Party" meallS the tlurd part> that o\\es BorrO\\er MisceJlat1eous Proceeds or the pill'i>
against whom Borrower has a right of action in regard to l\ltscellaneous Proceeds
Borrower shall be in default if atlY action or proceeding, \\!reùler cilil or crÍl1l111aL is begUll thaI. in lender's
judgment, could result in forfeiture of Ùle Properly or oÙler lllalerialllllpairment of Lender's interest III the Prop tn.,
or rights lUlder this Security ltlStrWllenl. Borrower can cure such a default and, if acceleration has occwTed, relllstate
as pro\'ided in Section 19, by Cau5ll1g Ùll'; action or procœding 10 be dismissed \\ill! a ruling that. in Lender's
judgmenL precludes forfeiture of ilie Properly or other malerial impaument of Lender's mterest in the Propen.. or
rights lUlder this Security lnstrWllenl. The proceeds of any m\ard or claim for damages that are allnblltable 10 the
impairment of Lender's lll1erestlll ilie Property are hereby assigned and shall be paid to Lender
All ivliscellaneous Proceeds that are not applied to restoratIOn or repair of the Property shall ue applied in tlle
order provided for in Section 2
12. Borrower Not Ikkased; Forbearance By Lender Not a Wai\er. E.\.tell5ion of ¡he lllne for paym:.:l1l or
modification of amortization of the SWllS secured by this Security 11l5trWllent granted by Lender to Borrower or an>
Successor III ltlterest of Bon-o\\er shall not operate 10 release the liability of Borro\\er or illlY Successors in Imerest
of Borrower Lender shall not be required to COlllluence proceedings againsl any Successor in 11lerest of Borrower
or to refU5e to extend time for pa>1llent or otllerwise modií\ llillortization of ùle SWllS secured b> this Securit>
lnstrWllent by reason of any demand made by Ùle origll1al Borrower or any Successors ill ltllerest of Bo1'lO\\er. .-'\,ny
forbearance by Lender in exerc1sing any right or remedy including, \\ithont limi wlÍ on. Lender' ~ acceptance of
, 'ill \ \
furrower lmll' ~. '--:-~_ ,\
.J '
WYav1ING-Single Family-Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac Ut..jIFæM Ir..jSTRUMB\IT - MffiS
Form 3051 1/01 Page 8 oí 13
DoeJVJdgi", é."c' :,:": 800·ó49· j 3ó2
\\ }'3u51.I..UaU ö.lan
-:._- -~ '--
(, (~ r~ G ;'> 3
payments rrom ùllrd persons, entities or Successors in llltèrest of oorro\\'er or in illllOWllS less than the illllOWlt ù¡en
due, shall not be a \\aiver of or preclude ùle exercise of illl\ right or remedy.
13. JoÍllt and Sevcral LialÜiity; Co-signers; Successors and Assigns Bound, oorrower cO\enams and agæes
Ùlat oorrower' s obligations and liability shall be J omt and several HO\ \-e\er, any BorrO\ \ er \\110 co-signs this Securit:
lnstrUIllent but does not execute the Note (a "co-signer" j: (a) is co-signing ùus Security Illstrw11ent only 10 mortgage,
gnult and com ey ûie co-signer's interest in the Property wldc:r Ùlt terms of this Security IllSlrumelll: (b) is nol
personally obligated to pay the SUIllS secured by this Securiry lllstfUmenL and (C) agrees ùlat lender ¡md ..tiJ: other
Borrower can agree to extend, modií~, forbear or make any accollllllodations mth regard to Ùle terms of this Securny
Instrument or Ùle Note \riÙlOut Ùle co-slgner's cOllSen1.
Subject to Ùle pro\'Ìsions of Section H" any Successor in 1l1lerest of Borro\\er \\ho USSLlllh::S Born)\\ d s
obligations willer this Security 1l1.';trUIlleIll in \\Tiling, illld is apprO\ed by lender. shall obtain all of Bonom:r' s nglns
IDld benefits willer Ùus Security lllslTUIllen1. Borro\\er shall not be released from Borro\\er' S obligations und liuLilll.\
under ùlls Security lnslTUIlleIlt w11ess Lender agrees to such release in \\riting. The cOlenants and agreC:lllems of this
Security lllStrUIllent shall bind (except as proYided in Section 2U j ¿md benefit ùle successors and asSlgllS of Lenuer.
1-1. Loan Charges. Lender may charge Borrower fees for ser\lces performed 11] COlllleCl10n \\ilL Bono\ler' s
default for ùle purpose of protecting lender's interest in Ùle Propèrty and rights wlde:r Ùus SeCW'llY 111strWllcllL
including, but not limited 10, at1omeys' fees, property illSpection illld valuation fees. In regard to uny oÙler fees, the
absence of express authorit~ in Ùus Security lllStrument to charge a speciiic i'o=e to BurrO\\èr shall not be: construed
as a prohibition on Ùle charging of such fee Lender may not charge fees Ùlal art expressly prohibiled b: this Secwit:
InslTUIllent or by Applicable La\l.
If Ùle loan is subject to a Imv \vhich sets ma.\..ÌmWllloan charges. and Ùiutlm\ lS iinall., illterprêted so lhat the
interest or other lOill] charges collected or to be collected 111 counection \\ith the loan excetd the permitted l.ulllts_
then: (a) any such loan charge shall be reduced by the arnowlt necesSaf\ to reduce Ùle charge to tlie: permil1ed liulll:
aud (b) any SUIllS already collected rrom Borrower \\'luch exceeded permitted limits \\ill be refwided to Bonol\er
LeIlder iliay choose to make this refund by reducing ùle prmcipal owed wIder 111e Note or by making a direcl pa.'menl
to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal, Ùle reduction \Ùll be treated as a partial prepa:lllent \\i11lüut an:
prepa)ment charge (\\hether or not a prepa:TIlent charge is pro\ided for Wlder Ùle NOle) BolTo\ver's acceptilllce of
ill]Y such refwld made by direct pa: ment to BoITOI\ er \\ill constitute a \1 ill \er of illlY right of union Bono I'.er lllight
have arising out of such overcharge
15. Notices. All notices gi\ell by Borrower or Lender in connection with ùtis Securll,\ lnstrWllenlllluSl be in
\\riting. Any notice to Borrower in counection \ÙÙl Ùlls Security InstrWllem shall be deemed to hme been gi \",n 10
BolTower \\-heIl mailed by first class mail or \\l1en actually delivered to Borroller's notice address if sent by other
means. Notice to anyone oorrower shall constitute notice to all Borrowers wlless Applicable Lm\ express]: requirc.-;
othef\Hse. The notice address shall be Ùle Propeny Address unless Borrower has designaœd a substitute notice
address by notice to lender. Borrower shall promplly notify Lender of BorrO\\er' s cllillige of address 11' Lender
specifies a procedure for reporting BorrO\\er' s change of address, Ùlen BorrO\\er shall only repon u cllill]ge of address
through Ùlat specified procedure, There iliay be O111y one designated notice address wlder this Sècurity InstrWllel1l
at IDlY one time. Any notice to leliller shall be given by deli\ering it or by mailing it by firSl class maillü Lenuer' s
address stated l1erein wlless LeIlder has designated another address by notice to oorrO\\er. :\ny notice III COllllecllon
WiÙl this Security JllStrument shall not be deemed to hme been given to Lender WltiJ actuall: received by Lender.
If any notice required by Ùlls Security lnstrUIllent is also reqwred wlder Applicable 1;1\\, Ùu:: Applicable La"
requirement will satisfy the corresponding requirement wlder this Security IllSlrUlllen1.
16. Governing Law; Severability; Rules of Construction. This Security 1.lstrUIllent shall be gO\erutd by
federal Im\ and the 13\\ of ùle jurisdiction in \\hich the Propeny is located. lù] rights and obligations contained in
this Security Instrument are subject to any requirements and linutations of Applicable Lm\. Applicable Lm mlgh1
explicitly or implicitly allow ùle parties to agree by contract or il might be silenL but such silence shaH not be
COllStrUed as a prohibition against agreement by contract: 1.1 Ùle event ÙJat any proYision or clause of this Securll\
InstrUIllent or Ùle Note conflicts \Ùth Applicable La\\, such coilllict shall not alIect other proYisions of ù1Ìs Secmll:
lnstTUIllent or ûle Note which can be gnen effect \\'ÌÙlOut Ùle conilicting prolisiol1
iliUO\\èr lni¡jal:L-...,~,-
./" "
WYO\I1ING-Slngle'-Fainily-Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFCRM If\jSTRUMB-IT - MffiS
Form 3051 1/0 í Page 9 of 1 3
Docilliágicéc~ê~"Cc: 800.£49-'1362
!,"~i C~' G ~.~~ ~i
_-'\5 used in ll1Ìs Security Instrw:uent: (a) \\Ords of llle lllilSculine gender shall m¡;all and mclude correspollwn!:;
neuter words or words of the felllinine gender: (b) \\ords in 111e singuÜu- shall mean and include: the plwal and \ice
versa: and (c) llle \\ord "may" gives sole discreiÌon 1\-iÙlOui any obligaiÌon 10 lal,e illl\ aciÌOll,
17. llorroner's Copy. Borrower shall be gi\en one copy of ll1e Note illld of tlus SecurilY LlSlfllliie:lJL
18. Transfer of the Property or a Beneficiallûlcrest in Hurru\\cr. _-'\5 used lllthis Section 1<>, "Interesllll
the Property" means any legal or benefiClalmterest in ùle }Jropeny. includlllg, bUl not limitd to. ÙlOse bcondí..:ial
interests transferred in a bond for deed, contract for dœd. installment sales contracl or escro\\ agreement. the i11lcm
of which is 111e transfer of title by Borrower at a future date 10 a purchaser.
If all or any part of the PropeI1y or any Interest in 11le Proµerty is sold or lrlli151erred (or if Borro\lcr is nOl a
natural person and a beneficial interest in Borrol\er is sold or trdIlsferred) \\'ithoul Lender' s prior \\Tlllen cOllsenT.
Lender may require immediate paYlllent in full of all swns secured by 11us Security L1Slrwllenl HO\\'eleL this option
shall not be exercised by Lender if such exercise is prolubiLed b) Applicable LaI\,
If Lender exercises 11us option, Lender shall gi\'e Borrm\er notice of accekration The notice shall prO\idc a
period of not less than 30 days iÌOlll 11le date ùle notice is gl\en in accordilllct with SeciÌon 15 \ÙÙun \duch Borrol\ e:r
musl pay all swns secured by this Security LIstrwnenl. If Borrower fails to pay these swns pnor to the e:",:pITillioll of
this period, Lender lllay imoke any rellledies penniued by ÙllS Security Llstrwuem \\iLhoLll further notice or delllllild
on Borrower.
19. Borrower's Right 10 Reinstate After Accelenllioll. IfBorrm\er meets certain condiuons. Borro\\er slwll
have Ù1e right to hme enforce1llent of this Security Instrwnent discontinued at llilY linle prior to lhe: eJIlieSl or (a)
five days before sale of Ù1e Propeny pursuanl to any pm\'er of sale cOJJlalned in this Security 111SlrulllcnL (b) such
oÙler period as Applicable LLI\\ might specii~ for ùle terl11Ìllation of Borro\\er' s right to reinstale: or (c) contI') of J
judgment enforcing ùlÌs Security InstrwuenL Those conditions are tllm Borro\\er: (a) pays Lender all SWl1S \\hich
ùlen \\Quld be due under ùus Securit) InstTwnem and Ùle NOle as ii' no acceleration had occurred: (b) CLŒes illl) defaul!
of any oùler co\'enants or agreements: (C) pays all ex.penses JUcurred Jll enforcing this Security 1ll5trwllenl. mcJ uding,
but nor lirmted to, reasoillible at1omeys' fees, properly inspection and valuation fees, lli1d other fees incurred for UIe:
purpose of protecting Lender's interest in Ùle t'roperty and rights under tlus Security Ll5lrwnent: llild (d) lal,es such
action as Lender lllay reasonably reqlllie to assure ù¡at Lender's interest in tlle Propeny and rights wlder Ùus Secw-it)
L15trwnent. and Borro\\er' s obligatiollto pa) ùle SWlIS scocured by 11us SecuriL) LIstrwnenL shall continue wlchanged,
Lender may require ù1at Borrower pay such reinstate1llelll swns atld ex.penses in one or lllore of Ùle follomng forJlls_
as selected by Lender: (a) cash; (b)llloney order: (c) certiiíed checL bank checL treasurer's check or casIner' s checL
proYided any such check is dra\\11 upon an institution \\llOse deposits are insured by a federal agency, Ì115[rWllCntality
or entity: or (d) Electronic F Wlds T rllilsfer. Upon reÌ1151atelllent by BurrO\\eL 11us Security DISlrWJlenlillld obl1gations
secured hereby shall remain fully efJective as if no acceleration had occurred. HO\\e\ eL this right [0 remstate shall
nOl apply in the case of acceleration wIder Section 1 g
20. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Senjcer; Notice of Grie\ance. The l\Ole or a j}aniaJ intuesl Jl1the NOTe
(together \ÙÙ1 this Security lustrw:uenl) can be sold one or lllore times \\-i11lout prior notice to Bon-o\\er. A sale .w.igIli
result m a change in Ù1e entity (krlO\\11 as Ùle "Loan SerYicer") that coUects Penodic Pa~lllents due wIder the NOle
and this Security LlStrwnent and periorllls allIer mortgage 10llil servicing obligalions W1d¡;r 111e Note, tllJS SccurÌl\
L15trwnenl, and Applicable La\\. There also might be Olle or Jllore chllilges of Ùle Loan Senicer unrelated to J s;¡jc
of11le Note, If there is a change of ùle Loan SeniceL BoHmH:r \\ill be giìen \\Tinen llOLÌce of the chilllge \\hich \\ilj
state 111e name and addi'ess of Ùle new LOlli1 SenlceL the address to \\luc¡ pa~-lllents should be made llild allY olher
inforlllatIOn RESP A requires in comlectioll \\i1h a notice of lrill15fer of ser\Jcillg, If the Note is sold illId therc:lliìer
Ùle Loau is seniced by a Loan Ser\'icer oÙ1er than the purchaser of the Note, tl1e mortgage 10illl SenlCJllg obligalJoJls
to Borrower \\-ill re1llain \Ùth the Loan SerYÌcer or be trallSlerred 10 a successor LOilll Senicer and lli'e HOl assllliied
by the Nore purchaser unless olllef\\'ise prO\ided by the NOle purchaser.
Neill1er Borrower nor Lender may COlllll1ence, join, or k Jomed to any judicial action (as either llil mdiÙdual
1.itigaI1l or Ù1e member of a class) that arises from the oÙ1er parry I s actions pursuill1t to this Security LISlrwJlent or that
alleges that ùle olller party has breached any prO\ision of. or llilY dUlY o\ved by reason of ùus Security itlslrWllenl.
Wltil such Borrower or Lender has notified ùle olller pany (\\Jth such notice gi len in cornpliat1ce \\'irh the reqwremenr5
of Section 15) of such alleged breach and afforded 11le other party hereto a reasonable period after Ùle gi\lllg of such
notice to take corrective action If Applicable Lmì pro \ides a time period \\hic¡ lllust elapse before certain action
furrower lmuab, . \\
WYO'V1INCrSingle "Family-Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac Uf-JIFCRM INSTRUM&JT - MffiS
Form30511/01 Page 10 of 13
DocJiliafJjce<,.~~_c'. ó'()Q-ó-J9-/36:!
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can be taken, ùwt time period \\ill be deemed to be reasonable for purposes of this paragraph The notice of
acceleration and opportunity to cure gi\en to BorrO\\er pursuam (0 Section 22 and Ù1e notice of acceleration gl\en
to Borrower pursuant to Seclion I g shall be deemed to satisfy ù1e notice and opportUl1Ìry to tate correc1i\e action
provisions of this Section 20.
21. lfuL.ardous Substanœs. As used inilus SectlOn 21. (a) "Hazardous Substances" are those subs lances
defmed as toxic or hazardous substances, pollUlallls, or \Iasles by Emironmental LaI\ and Ùle follo\\1ng substances:
gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxic pelroleum products, toxic pesticides and herbicides. \olatile sol\ents_
materials containing asbesLOs or fOffilaldehyde, and radioactive materials: (b) "EmlHJnmental Lml" means f¡;deral
Im\s and lalls of ù1e jurisdiction where the Properly is located that relate to health, safety or emirolllllelllal proleCllon:
(c) "Environmental Cleanup" includes any response action, remedial action, or remo\al action, as defined in
Environmental LaII': and (d) an "Environmental Condition" means a condition that can cause. cOlllribute (0, or
otherwise trigger an EIlvironmelllal Cleanup
BorrO\\ er shalln01 cause or permit Ùle presence, use, dIsposal. storage. or release of any Hazardous SubstillKt:s,
or threaten to release any Hazardous Substances. on or in the Properiy. BorrO\\er shall not do, nor allO\I anyone eh:
to do, illl)1hing affecting the Property (a) that IS in violation of any Environlllental La\I, (b) \\hich creates an
Environmental Condition, or (c) \ÜÜch, due to il1e presence, use, or release of a HazardOlIS SubSlill1ce. creales it
condition Ùlat ad\ersely aHects the \alue of Ùle Prop en) . Tbe preceding l\\O selllenCêS shall nOl apply to the
presence, use, or storage on the Properly of small quantities of Hazardous Substances Ihat are generally recoglUL.èd
to be appropriate to normal residential uses and lO mauueliilllce of the Property (including. bm nOl limned lù,
hazardous subStilllCêS 111 COU5Wller products)
Borro\ler shall promptly give Lender \\Titten nOlice of (a) illlY il1\esLigation, clamL dell1illld. ]¡l\\SUll or olher
action by any govemmental or regulatory agency or pri\ate pany il1\ 01\ ing the Property and ill1~ HaLafdous Substance
or EIl\'ironmental Law of which Borrower has actual kr10\lledge, (b) any En lironmental Condition, ll1cluding butnol
limited to, any spilling, leaking, discharge, release or threat of release of any Hazardous Substance, and (c) am
condition caused by Ù1e presence, use or release of a Hanu-dous SubStillICè \ÜÜch adversely affects Ùle \alue of the
Properly. If Borrower leams, or is notified by illlY gOlerlllliel1tal or regulatory authority. or any pn \ ate pany. that
any remolal or other remediation of illlY Hazardous SUbSlill1Cê affecting the Propen.' is lle¡;c.ssar.,, Bonoller shall
promptly take all nèCeSSaf) remedial actions in ac¡;ordance \Iith Emirolliliental La\I, NoLhillg herem shaD cr¡;,:aLe an.'
obligation on Lender for an EIl\'ironmental CleilllUp
NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borro\\er and Lender furlher cOlenam and agree as foHmls
22. Accdcration; Remedies. Lender shaH give ilOrice to Borrower prior .to accderaLioH jol1o\\iug
Borrower's breach of any co\'ewmt or agrccment in this Securiry lllstrumtlll (bUlllú[ páor to acccleration UUUèï
Section 18 unkss Applicable Law pro\'ides othemise). The nolÍce sbaH ~JJecif.': (a) the ddauh; (II) Uie aü¡oü
required to cure the default; (C) a date, not ltss than 30 days from the date the norieë is gi \en l(J bOHO\\Cr, i)~
which rue default must De cured; and (d) that failure to cure the default on or before the date specified in the
notiœ IIlliY result in accderation ofrhe sums secured hy this Security lnstrumellt and sale of the Projjert). The
notÍœ shall funher inform Borrower of the right to ránstate after acccleratioJJ ami 111e right to Lring a cuun
action to assen the llon-ex.Îstenœ of a default or any other defense of Borrower to acceleration and sale. 1f ibe
default is not cured on or before rue date specified in tLe notiœ, Lenùer at its OpÜÚil may n:yuire immediate
payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Inslrumen1 "ÜllOut Ïunher demand Jil1d may im¡,JèL the
power of sale aIld any other remedies permitted by ApplicaDk La\i. Lwder suaH Le entitled tu ClJllect all
expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies prO\ided in this SecLÎon 22, ine/uwng, /Jut not 1imlled to, reasona!¡h:
attorneys' fees and costs of title e\jdence.
]f Lender imokes the power of sale, Lender shall give notice of intent to foreclose to BOlTon er a.ud 10 tile
person in possession of the PropeJ1y, if different, in accúrdanœ with Applicable Lan. Lwder shall gi Ie notice
of the sale to Borrower in the manner prO\ided in Section 15. Lender shall publish the notice of sale, and rhe
Property shall be sold in the manlier prescrihed by Applicable La". Lenúer or llS ùöiglicc may pun:hase ILl'
Property ar JillY sale. The proceeds of the sale shaH be applied in tLe foHm\Íng orùer: (a¡ to alJ eXj)d.ises of lill':
sale., including, out not limited to, ft::àSonable attorneys' fccs; (1)) to all sums secured hy tl'¡s Security
Instrument; aIld (c) any exœss to the person or persons legally entitled to it.
fuuO\\I;:r lnitiah
, \
- . .,;....
WYO\i1ING-Single Family-Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFŒM IbJSTRUMENT - MffiS
Form 3051 1/01 Page 11 of 13
Di.x;Magic e<C~é~: 8úi),649-1362
www.cb:.;rl¡aye.;. [;C{n
(. ~) C G '-, G
13. Relem;e. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Security InstrUlllenL Lender shall ælease this Securiiy
InsITUlllent. Borrower shall pay any recordation costs, Lender may charge BorrO\ler J fee for releasing Ùlls Securit~
hlStTUlllenL but only if Ùle fee is paid to a ùlird party for seniœs rendered and Ùle charging of the fee is pennilled
under Applicable La\\
lot Waivers. Borrower releases and \laJ\es all rights Wlder and by Ùnue of the homesl.::ad e,\.êmptionlaws
of Wyoming
BY 51 GNIN G BELOW, BorrO\\er a:.:cepts and at,'Tees to Ùle terms and cO\emmts cOlltam.::d in tlus S';CW-Jl y
lnslrulllent and m any Rider executed by Borrower and recorded \\'iÙl it
·~:TIijI~:..-:~ìA (\ \,\\(=-.:.~\ (Seal)
J ifA:Ri10N ' -Borrower
(Seal )
(Seal )
(Seill )
(Seal )
(Seal )
WYO'v1ING-Single Family-Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac Uf~IFCRM INSTRUMB\fT - MffiS
Form 3051 1/01 Page 12 of 13
DoC¡Jljagjce-~,- 60Q-6-+&-'I362
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State of WyoJJJ..ing
) S5,
The foregoing insrrumenl was acktlO\\ledged before me byJElJIUFEE J H:J::.FH01:
tlU5 22ND
day of
Witness my hand and official seal.
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NOlan PuL,]ic
County of t.~fJ;~~ ~iata .of
Lincoln ~:¡¡}) WyoITung
~ My Commission Expires Sept. 15, 2007 ~
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WYO\/1ING-Single Family-Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFŒI'v1 INSTRUMB\!T - MffiS
Form 3051 1/01 Page 13 of 13
£x:;cNiagic e~~c::jc;, 800-6-19-1362
h'ww<cbcmaçjc. eúrll
\\)'3051.=n 13.1a11