HomeMy WebLinkAbout914149 t: :: ;{,~ (ìD! ,j \. V ~_:-r u E:\O\\ .-\LL i\IEf\ lJ Y THESE PRESENTS, That FIRST l-':A1'lOXàL n~K - Ì'lEST a corpuration, of the County of T.inro- n . illld Stale of \~y oIllin g J1!NE hUSband & ~Ji..i£: . ÙUt'::. hereL,. cenif) that a cerUlln milde nnJ executed b) mortgage, bearing dnte dIe 20TH da) of DELL DUSHANE WILLIAMS ¿ DEBRA wlLLIMiS > ,-\ .li 1.0 '...;:.- ii5 llìorq!.iib\.Jf_. tu F-j Tst Na tj anal Bank-West '" mortgagee. conve\'ing certuin reul e5tate therein mentioned U5 oecurity fur the pa\'ment of $ therein 5tuted. ",¡Üch mortgage "'us recorded in the oHice of the County Clerk alid Ex-Oificio Hegis~er of Deed:; uf 30,000.00 . .:J~ in Duol: LINCOLN 589 of Yllortgage:;, nt page Cuunty, Stale of \\yurniug, on tht> 699 29TH da) of JUl'JE 1.0 05 . . and mortgaging the Iullu\\'ing de~eriLed rea! f:5b.ie :!J ~aid CiJunt\. tU-',yj¡ ALL l.ANDS DESCRIBED IN g,OVE SAID liOl~TGLCE. ') 1/ \,1í1 \) V CEIVED 12/2/2005 at 250 PM RE RECEIVI~JG;;' 914149 BOOK: 60¿ PAGE 608 JEAt.. r'-lE WAGI'JER COUI\lTY CLERK, KEMtvtERER, WY LI NCOLl'J i=. with u ¡jute 5ecured thereLy, änd die afureme11lioned debt, fully paid, 5atisfied. relea"ed. and diocJ¡urgtd and iu COl1i>ideratjol1 tbereof the ò~¡d fIlUfl~a~e' dUt::~ he~eby relca~e aud quitclainl llIHü the ~.äid nlurlgHgor dIe pren1ise::. dJereLy L:UIl\ eyc:d .aud nlongagt:::d. - " 11\ \í'1T:\E~S \1,'HEHEOF. the 17; rc:r }\I'd-; nTlrL'L-Jbnk=l-!PST ba5 cäU=ed tbe,e Prbent5 to be "igned Ly ib Branch Preside.nt and itó cùr~,orale oeal Ie: be affixed, thió :;i~ued. .3ealèd auJ De1i, ered in the presence of 25TH day of NOVEMBEJ< 20 OS ,_\ D. :First Ì>!at:Lon.al Ban.k-I'lest .A.lL6 I .3 ea I : I-h -T ! ( ! i :,-( ¡ (, ~i/ ,/f" I ,'" ". /. ( r CASHIER ~ 11= Branch President Note: If it is Hot deoired to describe lands in space thereior, inoer! the follolling: ":\11 land, deocriLeJ in said monga('e Un thi, 25TH Ron Thomas da)' of \ :;0 NOVEMBER ,20 O~ bdure IJ}" !¡¡~j~Ul1illl~ .:_q;µL:u¡-t.d THE ST_UE Of WYOl\llI\G, C)Unly c,f l.ine DIn l'j nit pefEouuily kno\\'u, ,\-ho, Lein~ by lIlt: duly sworn, did sa\' that be i~ '.Ilt_' :First Kation.al ~an.k-West Branch President ,f L,~ auLÌiOril) of il~ Bùard Gf Director;; and ~aid <.jd~'J';J~·.¡t:L.ìgeò :;aia InSlrUHlt.nl tv Le tLt 1;-t:'t' Q.ct Hnd detd of said curporaliull ond diD! ¡he ,eal nffixed {.. ,aid in'lruIIlent ¡, the CUJ'f'orale seal of said cCJrpuratioll. and d,~[ said instrument \Va= o'~ncd and =e¡dee! un LdläJf ui o~iu I,dl'U;-""l":; Cashier Gi,en uJld",...¡p} jl¡",r1...;;u.ill.1l.ill¡¡r.Íl¡j~j ¡hi, , 25TH {~~¡¡¿;Ti~-;~'~~.:~·_· .' ~:2, -[~c;' ,...¡.;:·{ ¡"JbUC~:: <; CÚU1Iì)' C' :'j:I~i;g ;~t) ~¡2It~ CIi ì ¡ I, , ' " '", ·"",.,t~, \'\ '''O'W __ )1 (:.' "I __~~' ,,'--,?rc~ Ii H._.... M\: ~~jTIllll..:...t..:m .t.:~:.!: .~;:. hUgL.ì..... I...., _uu7\ 1t\'\. 1\1) cornn1~i0f1~Ires··"tln'"'"'Mlt""""'· r day of Nü\lEi'1BEE \ liLlJ 05 '"ïLw,J' R' r-G¡Jf~_',J.d' do) of f\, ' '., ¡. --y'.j.....l..1 L\./'...¡.'\ j',utar) l'ULJil . A LJ, _1.0',,- / THE STATE OF \ì'ìül\lII\G. CUUnl\' of 5::, Thi, ¡iblrument "as Wed for record 01 c;dr,dc--,\! , Gn th" J~\ e,f ,-\ lJ _ j li_. and dul) recurded in Bouk un IJ¡¡,gl' CÜU1Jt~ Cler1.. auJ [).-Ufficiu Ht:gi::teI Llf L)l't:::d~ I' \1 :Ù" I I lJ) Fees, S, Ut'!JUl} (__krl: