HomeMy WebLinkAbout875851Member # I300953(Robyn Hyde & Jeff Kilroy) ~ ,- ..... ;'i*[!' WO# 14716 ~, ~, ~. ~ ~ r.~ Section 10, T34N, Rll9W ~ 7 ~ ~ ~ I ....... ' DISTRIBUTION ~)[ c?t:'~> ~I EASEMENT That ~, the undersigned, JOHN G. ~RoYf~nd LINDA C. K~ROY, husband & wife, ("~antor"), for a good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant, convey and warrant;~:,nto Lower ValleYEnergy, a Cooperative Corporation, of ~on and Jackson, Wyo~ng and to its s~:iccessors and assigns, ("Grantees"), a pe~emal easemem and of way for the construction and c:Ontinued maintenance, repair, 'alteration and replacement of the electric distribution circuits, lines and equipment of the Grantee to be constructed and maintained under, upon and across the premises of Grantor in L~COLN County, State of WYO~G ~ong a line described as follows, to wit: BErG a potion of Lot 9 of Soa~thbrook Ranches Subdivision in Section 10, T34N, Rl l0W, Lincoln CounW, Wyoming, more particularly described as follows: BEG~NING at a point being the NW corner of said Lot 9, 30 feet East of the centerline of Southbrook Drive. Thence S 26° 32.9' E, 163 feet to the true point of beginning. Thence N 87° E, 35 feet to a transformer location. EASEMENT to include 10 feet 0n each side of described line. Together with all necess~ and reasonable rights of ingress and egress and to excavate and refill ditches and trench for the location and repair of said hcilities and to cut, trim, or remove trees, shmbbe~, undergro~h or other °bstmctions interfering with the repair and maintenance of the facilities. The Grantor acknowledges that Electric and magnetic Fields (E~) ~e natur~ly o~cu~ng in the distribution of electricity, ar}d the Grantee has here notified Grantor that E~ testing and information is available upon request from the Grantee. The undersigned agrees that all wires and other hcilities, installed on the above described lands at the Grantee's expense shall remain the prope~y of the Grantee, removable at the option of the ~antee. We.hereby release and waive all rights under and by virtue of the ]:'lOmestead Exemption Laws of the said State. ~SS the hand of the ~antoi'; this 14th day of June 2001. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by John G. Kilro~d Linda C. Kilroy, husband & wife, y of G, ., 2oo . Witness my hand and official seal ~ ~p~. ~m~;~ (Nota, Public) My Commission Expires: q I e5