HomeMy WebLinkAbout914154 )1..--\ \ lli~:1 ! ¡ ..~---. rile No.: 5l.259 (04) WHEN RECOROErJ RElt.iR.;"\¡ TO: ¡ \1 ! Ii ~ ¡ ôl \ ~ I II I' i I I I ~: Name: Address: /uih\lr R. Dueck 4670 Dry Crce!: Road I'aso Rohlcö, CA 93446 --' -....- RECEIVED 12/5/2005 at 11 :21 AM RECEIVING # 9'14154 BOOK: 606 PAGE: 635 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, f<EMMERER, WY ----~,.... ---------""~- 'VARRANTY DEED (]¡¡dividuaJ Form) JO:itpb I'v1. Jones wd Vil:kí J Jones, husb,w.1 and wife, GR<\J.'HOR(S¡ of ~f~lE____- County, State of A.rizona, CONVEY(S) Al"1D W ARRA...NT(S) to Anhur R. DClec.k I.'.nd Kare" L. DU~i:k, h'.lsb:.md and '.J,~fe, 3, ten¡¡niS by tht enriretks. GRANT£E(S), whose address jg 4~70 Dc)' Creek Road, 1'''-50 gables, CA 93446 for û¡\'; Sw.\ <;o('Ten DC':JMS ;1,'10 other gODd ¡,nJ valuable considera,tlon, th~ ful1owif\g described rea! I;stat:o, ~¡tua',è in Ljn'~oin CO.1nty, Stiitt aî Wyoming, h(:reby rtleilsln!l. au'] waiving all r:ghts under and by '{('T\.Je of'tnç ¡'k'rn~m~d E/,rnption L¡¡W5 of thç State, to-wit: Lot 4 ofStmwbelT/ HiB. E>t:lte5, Unrúl.n County, Wyom;ng, ~Gcordi!1g to th~t pl~¡ fil"d Dccè!t'.b",r '1, 10()1) in the OffiÇè ùfthe CowJty CI~rk as Plat No. 26~-C Subject fa re5~rvations and rèstriçtìDns contained ill n,t: Urited StHèS P rtènt ~od to ea~F:ITICf1ts ,¡¡¡d nghn--oi'.way ofrecòíd DI in uge., I ~ Ii I ~ j il \ " i To¢~ther \',;th ¡d'¡ ¡mprnveme:-!ts an(\. iippurjr¡nanc.c:. t\1¡,r<:;t;>n, /} C -II¡ WTTNf.SS, [h~ hand of ~1id gf"m')ï(s) ¡his c;;-( J _, d¡y clf Nûvember,2nOS U ----- V )hL c)O('L~ J() [.ë: ph . )one. Vicki 1. Jüucs / f . STAn: OF A1liZONA COlTN'f\' OF' '77hp ì CV PCL<-- , The foregoing iI\smunem was ad:;lO.>J!t>~gëd rdort: me thi~ ,:;( ctjf¡ ~1.:· of:·JQvernber, :':C-05, by Jos~pJ¡ M JCDtiSJnd Vicki J. Joncö th¢ signcr~ "¡'the within inwtullem, \ÒO dcily ac!.:nûì\kdgcå tú 01(' tInt th(~y executed th~ Silme.. ýVn::,¡ESS ~1Y H.ð,1'J'TJ AND OFP1C1AL ~iE.Aù." i \ ~ I ii Q~'.r\-,'-'Z~ ;;2h cd- _..__ Notarv Public: . í1 . c) .' .. . ~ -:::. ::2 00 Mj ~orrJlUö;;)OI1 t!;o,'-p,r~. ~.- ,;02)__ - C' " \ 'I I· ii 'I ¡ ~ I! ¡ ~ \ \ FLk :\UJr.tlcc )12~'i t....IlJ Tn~,: C.;,¡rnp'n~' 1J./~:T"..;,~;II)~fci.. dul1¡vld~!) I .,fl ¡;"¡ d U!-.l 9819-E~HOE O¡:ACI¡\L ~)tAL ~HiÜ~I'JE IIUTI'I ì~l)~JY ì'uUi:; - ~~LÜ" 01 P.I ilO,\.:i UL,'¡-¡¡¡:Of"i¡ C!JUt, I Y ¡'I!l\,' CJij!I{{J. I}~';:¡~. :{¡-uO, Ü,dWQ:¡ ÍJ II .J. iJuel-~1(i~: r', I-I n ..''"\ "~I t·:- \. ',) L' OJ V \ !i Ii ¡. II :¡ I ~ ~ i H ~ ~ 'I I j 1 1\ I ; l : ~O-b"?,""/\ON