HomeMy WebLinkAbout914155 RECEIVED 12/5/2005 at 11 :24 AM RECEIVING # 914155 BOOK: 606 PAGE: 636 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY r.. D t.' Û ~, \) [Space Above This Line For Recording Data] l\10RrrGAGE DEFJNJTJONS Words used inmullipk sections of lllis document are ddïned below and otller wurds are derined in Sections 3, II, 13, IS, ~() and 2J. Certain ruks regarding (Ill' usage uf words used in this document are also provided in Section 16. (A) "Security Illstnuueut" meallS this document, which is dated with all Riders 10 this document. (B) "Borrower" is B.Q~mT ,A" ÇoM ,ANp S,USA,N .ÇQRY,. ~USBAN~.AN.o .w.IF~, , , . ,1 qo)QP.5 , .. , tugL'lher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............................................. ................... ..................... Borrower is the mortgagor under this Security Jnstrument. (C) "Lender" is .I.~ELAN.Q .~AN.K, ............. .............,... . " . " . " " " . . . " . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .. . . . . .. " . .. . . Le nder is a .CQBP'oRA.~I.oN."". "".."......... ... organized and exisliug uwkr Ihe laws of !H~.$T A,TE .Qf .lPA~P , . . . . . , , . . . . . . I,ender's address is P 15, PU.LL~IN~ RO~O, ~p ~OX6Q3~" P.QÇATI;(.qJ, .Ip~np.5........."..."............... Lender is the JlIlHlgagee under lhis Security J nSI rume¡Jl, (D) "Note" means lhe promissory nOle signed by Burruwer and daled J1.·JO·20Q5, . The Note stales tllal Borruwer owes Lender I;I.GHTY .EIG.HT.T~PUSANlJAN.oNOJlO.o, """""""".."..... ."".... ." Dollars (LJ.s $ 88.W.Q·O,O. "..) plus interest. Burrower has promised to pay tllis debt in regular Periodic PaymL'nts and to pay the debt iu full IIOt later than P.1.'P.l:2.D21.. .......................................,.... 3~ (E) "Property" llJeaus the pruperlY thai is dt::scribed bt::luw ul1der [lIt:: headiug "'jrausJÙ uf I¿ighls ill ¡he l'nJperty." (F) "Loan" lllêans tile debt êvidel1ced by lht:: NOll', plus iult::rt::sl, ,lilY prepaYllJeJll dlargl's and lale charges dUl' lJuder the NOll', and all sums due under Ibis Security Inslrulllt::J1(, plus iuteresl. (G) "Riders" meaus all Riders to this Security Jnstrumem lhal are executed by Borrower. 'flIe following nillers all' tu be exeL:uted by Borrower [check box as applicable]: o Alljustable J¿ale Rider 0 CoudominiuHl RilleI' o Balloon ¡¿ider 0 Plauned U uit Dcvelopment Rider o 1-4 hundy Rider 0 Biweekly l'ayulL'iJt Rider (II) "Applicable Law" meal1s all cOlllrolliw.' applicable fc:deral, slate 'Iud IlIcal stalutcs, regulatiolh, llrdiiJauccs a ill! administrative rules aud orders (tbat have tht:: eJ1'eL'l 'If law) as \I'dl as all applicable: fiual, 1I')iJ-appealable jUdicial upiiJiuus (I) "Community Association Dues, Fccs, and Assessmenls" mea liS all dues, kes, assessmeUls alld lHllL'r clIarges that are lmpused on Borrower or the Property by a ClHldomillium assuciation, homt::uwlIers assuciatiuu or similar org;wilaliull. (.1) "Electronic Funùs Transfer" llleans any trallskr of fUllds, oIlIer than a transauion origillated hy chtÜ:, draft, or similar paper inS(rUmeiH, which is init~all'd tllloug!1 an ekurunic lenll1nai, leleplwuic ilL'itrullleu,t, computer, or magl1eliL lape ~o !'Is 10 order,.lllst~uct, or aut~onze a JlllanClal IllS[IIUllUU to dt::bn ur ~redll an aLL:OUnL. ,Such lenn llH.:ludes, hUI.IS not lnulled La, POInt-oJ-sale lransfers, automalCd tdler lIIacluuc IrallsacllOus, trallsJers l1Jlllated hy lelephuue, WII\: Iramfers, and automaled clearin1.'house transfers. (K) "Escrow Hems" means tboše itenls Illat are described ill St::uion 3. (L) "l\1iscellaneous l>roceeds" means any compellSation, selllt:l1lenl, award or damages, ur proceeds paid hy ,HI", lllird party (otber Ihau insurance proceeds paid under the L:overages descriht::d in Seuion 5) fur: (i) d;ul1agL' tu, ur deslluctìllll uf, the Prop~ny; (ii) cuudL'mna~ion or other taking of allur any pan ortbe I'JUpeny; (iii) conveyance in lit::u uf L:ulldemIJatiun; or (IV) ll11SrepreseIllatlOns ul, or 01l11SS10US as to, tile value aud/ur cuudllj()n ur tlIe I'ruperty. (lVl) "Mortg~ge Insurance" means insurance pru(ectiu¥ Lender against l.lle u~npaYJUe1Jl or. 01: default on, tlie Luau. (N) "Penoì11c Payment" lUeans Ibe regularly scbeduled al1lUUIII due fur (I) pnuC!pal and I Lllt::rest ulJdn ¡he Nute, plus (ii) auy amounts under Section 3 of this Security Jnstrul1IeUl, (0) "RESP A" means Ihe Real Estate Settlement Procedures Ac! (12 U.s c. *~60J et seq.) 'Iud ils implenlenl in~ regulaLÌon, Regulation X (24 CF.R. Pan 35U(J), as lliey might be amendt::d from time to time, In auy aclditiuual (Jr successor legislaLÌon or regulaLÌoIl that governs (be same subject J1lattel. . :\s used iu Ihis SCLurity I Uslrull1elll , "!U:S¡'!\" refers 10 all requiremeu(s and reslrictions ¡hat are ill1post::d iu re~ard lo a "federally related Illortgage loau" eVe'11 if 1I1l' Luau does nO! qualify as a "federally relaled mortgage luan' under RESI'A. (P) "Successor in Interest of Borrower" Illeans auy pany [hat has taken tilk 10 the Prupeny, whelllL'I ur IHII tl1al p,lny ha, assumed Borrower's obligaLÌons under the Nute and/or this Security Jllstrumelll. o Secuud IllHlle Rider [J O¡hn(s) Ispecify] TRANSFEl< OF RIGHTS IN TIlE Pl<OPERTY This Security Inslrument secnres LO Lender: (i) the repaymelll of the Loau, 'Iud all rc:newals, extensiol!S and IlHidilïcatiuns of (lie NOLl'; anll (ij) tile perfonllallce of Borrower's covellallls aud agleemeUls under lIÜs Security JnstruJlleul and the Notc. For this purpose, Borrower dol'S hereby JUortgage, gra1Jl and cuuvey 10 Lender auù Lender's succt::ssors and assigus, wilh power of sale, the following describt::d propeny lucaled in the ÇqUNTY. ul ¡Type of H~cordilìg JUJI::;¡Jictionl PN Ç()LN. . . . . . . . . ..........'.............,....,.,......, (Name of Recording JUflsdictlún LOT 10 OF BLOCK 1 OF THE SToNER·KINNEY FIRST ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF CoKEVILLE, LINCOLN COUNTY. WYOMING AS oESCRIBEO mJ THE OFFICIAL PLA T THEREOF KNOWN AS: 600 EAST MAIN STREET COKE VILLE, WY 83114 Form 3051 1/01 rtlf'. 1:2001 (p(j~e J (~r 7 J)¡4~e,\) f:?¡:¡ (i ~" .' \.,.,. >' 11111111111111111111111111111111111 CB4AO WYOMING - Single Family - Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Bank,:HS SYShHDS, Inc , 51. Cloud, MN Form MO·1,WY 8.'21,'2000 ~-~- ~i.j ":"':./ \, .~~_ ~ ~ !OO, l-,\ ,,, ~:\ !. \ t,,'1 . ',)!.,' Ü ~\ .' which currenrly has the address of .qQP.¡;,t\~.1.fy1A.IN ~T~~ç:r.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ ¡S"ee'l . ÇQ~¡; YIUI;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ICity) Wyoming. ?;J114,,,,,.,,,,.,,,,. IZip Co del ("Propeny l\dLln:ss"): TOGETHER WITH all tbe improvements now or l1ereaner erected Iln the properly. aJld :dl easemelHs, appurtenances, and fixtures now or hereaner a part of (he property i\1l replacements anLl additions shall aiSl) be covereLl by Ihis Security [nstrumenl. All of lhe foregoing is rekrreLl to ¡nlhis SecurilY InstfUlnenl as ¡he "ProperlY." nORROW ER COVENANTS ¡hat Borrower is lawfully seiseLl of Ihe estate hereby cnnveyeLl a ill! has Iht: righl 10 mortgage, grant and convey the Property ami that lhe Properly is unencumbereLl, excepl 1'01' encumbrances of n:corLl. Borrower warrants and will defenLl generally the tirle to rlle ProperlY againsl all claims and demaIJds, subjecI 10 any encumbrances of record. TillS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covenants for nalional use and non·unifol11l cnvenanls wilh limited varialions by jurisdiction 10 constitute a uniform security inslfUmenl covering real properly. UNlrORf'vl COVENANTS. Borrower and LenLler cnvenanl anLl agree as follows: 1. Payment of Principal, Interest, Escrow Itelns, Prepayment Charges, and Late Charges. Borrower shall pay when due Ihe prineipal of, and interesl on, Ihe debl evidenn:d hy the Note anLl any prepayment charges and late cll;Hges due under the NOle. Borrower shall also pay funds for Escrow IlemS pursualll 10 Seclion 3. Paymeuts due under the Note and this Securily Instrument shall be made in U.S. curn;ncy. J[owever, il' any check or olher inslrumeIll received by Lender as payment under the Note or this Security Instrument is relUrned to Lender unpaid, Lender may require Ihat any or alt subsequent payments due under the Note and this Security Inslrumem he made ill one or more of the following fnnns, as select eLl by Lender: (a) cash; (b) money order; (c) cl,tldied check, bank check, treasurer's check nr cashier's check, proviLled any such check is drawn upon an instilutinll whose deposils are insured by a federal agency, instrumeUlalilY, or entity; or (d) Flectronic Funds Transfer. Payments are deemed received by Lender when received at the local inn designated in Ihe Nule or at such nthcr locarion as may be desigllated by Lender in accordance with the nntice provisions in Seclillll IS. Lender may rei urn allY payment or partial payment if lhe paymellt nr partial payments are insulTicÎellt to bring [he Loan curn:1I1. Lender may accept any payment or partial paymelll insuHicient tn bring (he Loan current, withoul waiver nf any rigllls hereunder or prejudice to its righls to refuse such payment or partial payments in the future, bUI Lender is not obligated tn apply such paymenls at the time such payments are accepted. If each Perindic Payment is applied as of ils scheLluled due dale, then Lemler need not pay interest on unapplied funds. Lender may hold such unapplied funds until Borrower Illakt:s payment to bring the Loan current. jf Borrower does no! do so within a rcas,)nahle period of time, Ll'nder shall eilher apply such funds or refum them to Borrower. If lIot applied earlier, such funds will be applied to Ihe uutslanLlillg principal b:tlallcc under (he No(e illuuediarely prior 10 foreclosure. No o[Tse[ or claim which Borrower might have now or ill Illl; fUlure against Lender shall relieve Borrower from making payments due under the Nole and this SecurilY Instrulllent or performing the covenanls and agn;emen(s secured by this Security Instrument. 2. Application of Payments or ]'roceeds. Except as otherwise described in this Section 2, all paymenls accepted and applied by Lender shall be applied in Ihe following order of pri(lrity: (a) interest due under Ihl: NOle; (b) principal due under the Note; (c) amounts due un LIeI' Section 3. Such paymellts shall be applied {(I cach Periudil Paymem in the order in which it became due. Any remaining amounts shall be applied IÏrsl to late charges, second to any olllt:r arnounls due unLler lhis Security Instrument, and tllen to reduce the principal h:daneL' of Ihe NOle. If Leuder receives a payment frulll Bnrrower 1'01 a delim!uen{ l'eriodic Payment which includes ,I sufficient amount to pay auy late charge due, Ihe payment may be applieLl In the deJimluenl paymenl and lhe lale charge. Jf mure Ihau line Periodic Paymeul is outstanding, Lender may apply any paymel1l received from Borrower In Ihe repaymenl of Ihl' I'niodic Payments if, and 10 Ihe extent that, each payment can be paid in full. To the ex lent that any excess exislS after Ihe paYlllcnl is applied to the full payment of one ur more Periodic Payments, such excess IlIay be applied to any lale charges due. Voluntary prepayments shall be applied firsl to any prepayment charges and Ihen as dcscribed in Ihe NOle. Any application of payments, insurance proceeds, or rvfiscellaneous Proceeds (0 principal due under lhe Nule shall not extend or postpone the due date, or change the amount, of Ihe Periodic Paymcnts. 3. FlIwls for Escrow Items. Borrower shall pay to Lender on lhe day I'eriodic Payments are due uuder Ihe Note, until Ihe NOle is paid in full, a sum (I he "Funds") to provide for payment of amounts due fur: (a) ¡,I xes and assessments and other items which can alia in priority over this Security Imtrumenl as a lien or encumhrallcc Iln Ihe J'rupeny; (h) leasehold payments or ground renls on the Properly, if auy; (c) premiums for any and all insurance required by Lender under Section 5; and (d) Mortgage Insurance premiums, if any, or allY sums payahlc by Borrower to LL'nder in lit·u ,d' the payment of MOrlgage Insurance premiums in accordance Wilh Ihe provisions of Section 10. These ill'JIIS ,In: call cd "Escrow Items." At original ion or at any lime during the lerm of the Loan, Lender may require Ihat CUlllllluniLV Association Dues, Fees, and Assessments, if any, he escrowed hy Borrower, and such dues, fees and aSsessml'nlS shall I;e an Escrow Ilem. Borrower shall promptly furnish to I.ender all notices of amoullIs to be paid limier lhis Sl:clion B'lrrower shall pay Lemler the Funds for Escrow Items unless Lemler waives Borrower's obligation to pay the Funds fur any or all Escrow Items. Lender may waive Borrower's ohligalion 10 pay [0 Lender Funds for any or :ill Escrow llellls :It any time. Any SUcll waiver may only be in writing. ]n (he event of such waiver, Borrower shall pay direClly, when :tild where payable, the amounts due for any Escrow Items for which payment of Funds has been waived by Lender and, if Lemler requires, shall furuish (() Lender receipts evidencing such payment within such lime period as Lender may require. Borrowcr's obligation to make such payments and to provide n:ceipls shall for all purposes he deemed to be a covenanl and agreement contained in Ihis Security Instrument, as the phrase "covenant and agreemem" is useLl in Seclion 9. If Borro\ver is ubligated to pay Escrow Items direclly, pursuant to a waiver, and Burrowt:r fails tn pay Ihe amnunl Llue for an hcrow Item, Lender may exercise its riglJls under Seclion 9 and pay SUCII amount and Borrowt:r shall Ihell ht: obligaleLl umler Section L) to repay to Lender any such amounl. LenLler llIay revoke tile waiver as 10 any or all Escrow llems al any lime by a nOlice given in accordance with Section 15 and, upon such revocation, BurmwL'r shall pay 10 Lender all Funds, ,tlld in such amounls, that are then required under this Section 3. Lender may, at any time, collect aud hold Funds in an amount (a) suITicient (() pen nil Lcmler lu <¡pply Ihe Funds at the time specified under RESPA, and (b) not to exceed the maximulll amount a lender can require under RESPA. Lender shalt estimate Ihe amount of Funds due on the basis lIf current data and reasonahle eslimales of expemJilures of future Escrow Hcms or otherwise in accorLlance wilh Applicahle Law. The Funds shalt be held in au institution whose deposils are insnred by a federal agency, instrulllenlalily, or entity (including Lender, if Lender is an inslituliou whose deposits are so insured) or in any Federal j lome Loan Bank. Lemler shall apply the Funds to pay the Escrow Items IHI later than [he I ime specified under Ii. ESPA. Lender shall not CI1<1I1--,e Borrowt:r for holding and applying tile Funds, annually analyzing tbe escrow account, or verifying Ihe Escrow IlL'II;S, unless Lendt:r pays Borrower inleresl on the Funds and Applicahle I.aw permits Lender Ií, IlIake such a charge. lJ nless an agreemenl is made in writing or Applicable Law rt:quires interest III he paiLl on the Funds, Lender shall nlll he required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on tile Funds. Borrower anLl Lt:ntler can agree ill writing, hllwever, that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender shall give to Borrower, witbout charge, an anlJual accounting of the Funds as requireLl by RESPA. If [here is a surplus of Funds held in escrow, as tlefined under RESPA, LenLler shalt accouill to ßorrllwer for the excess funds in accorLlance willl RESPA. If there is a shortage of FunLls held in escrllW, as delïuetl untler In:SJ'A, Lemler WYOMING· Single Family· Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Form 3051 1/01 (Ihl!:!: 2 O(7I)(II:eJJKA (/~ ~~/7<'_ ß;¡nkers Systems. Inc., St. Cloud, MN Form rAD-l-WY 8/21/2000 ¿j.~-j shall ¡¡¡Itify Borrower as requín~d by I~ESPA, and Borrower shall pay to Lender the amlJunl necess,iry !n IIlake up Ihe shurtage in accordancc wilh RE5PA, but in uo more thau I:? mon(/Jly payments. If there is a ddic:iency ur Funds held ill esl'!UW, as lIdïnell under RESPA, Lender sllall notify Borrm"er as required by 1<l:5J'¡\, and Huru)wL:r shall pay (0 Lemlêr the amnnut uecessary tn make up the deficiency iu acnmJanœ wilh 1([:SPA, but in WI JJlure than I:? lJlu!ll!ily IMynwnts. Upou paymenr in lull nr all sums secured by Ihis Security Instrumen[, Lender sh;111 prumprly refund tll !Jurruwer any Funds helJ by I -tuder. 4. Charges; Liens. BlHTower shall pay all taxes, asseSSmeJlls, charges, rines, and impclsilions allribu(;iI¡1e to (hL' Property which can attaiu priority over [his Security Instrument, leasehold paYIJl,;nts or ground renls on [he l'r(lperlY, ir any, and ConJJIJUnÏly Associaliou Dues, Fees, and Assessments, i/ any. To the exlenl Ihat the.,e i¡ems arc hcruw IluIlS, Borrower shall pay (hem in rhe manner provided in Seclilln 3. Borrower shall prull1plly discharge any lieu which has priurity OVer this SecnrilY InSlnJmelJl unless UorrU\\'L:r: (a) agrees in writing to [he payment of the obligation sL:eured by tll<~ lien in a manner acceptable tn Lender, but only su long as Borrower is performing such agreement; (b) contesrs the lien in gooll faith by, or defends against e!1fnrCl;melll lIf (he lien in, legal proceedings which in Lender's opinion nperale tu IHevell1 tIle L;nforcemenr of the lien while [hlJse proceedings are pemJing, bllt only uUlil such proceedings arc concluded; Ilr (c) secures frol1l Ihe holder of Iht· ¡iell an a¡,:rn'I1\L'1I1 satisfacl\HY 10 Lemler suhnrdinaling the lien (0 Ihis Security Ins(rul1\enl. If L.ender ddel1JJines I!¡:t( any pan of (ht: J'r"I'c'ny is ,uhjL'C1 [0 a lien which can atlaill priority over Ihis Security Instrument, Leuder may give UnITI)Wer a notice idultifying Iheli¡:IÌ. Within 10 days of the lIale on which Ihat llulice is given, Borrower shall satisfy Ihe lien or take one or l1\ore of Ille :Icrions set forth above in this Seelion 4. Lender may require Borrower to pay a one-lime chargt: fur a real eSlale tax verification anll/or reponing service used by Lender in connection wilh ¡his Loan. 5. Property Insnrance. Borrower shall keep the impmvclllenls now eXlstlllg or I¡ereaner erected on the Properly insured againsl loss hy fire, Ilalards included within the IeI'm "exlendell coverage," and any other ha/;¡nls including, hut nol lirniled Il), earlhyuakes and floods, for which Lenller requires ilburance. This insurance shall be 1lJ~linlaill,~d ill rhc amoun[s (including deductible levcls) alld for Ihe perjolls III~II Lender n:ljuires. Whal l.L'nder requires pursuant tn Ihe preccding SelltetlCes call change during the term of Ihe Luau Tlte insurance carrier pru\'iding ¡he insurance sll:ill he chmcn by Borrower suhjecl to Lender's righ[ [() disapprove Borruwer's cl¡"ice, which right sllall 111)1 he eXl'rcised ullrcasuuahly, Lender lllay require Borrower 10 pay, in couuecli'H\ wilh Ihis Loan, cilher: (a) a unL'(i1l1e charge fill !lood /One determination, cL:rti1Ïcation and tracking services; or (b) a oue-time charge for flood /,Ulle dclermination and cenilïcllil)n services aud subsequent charges each lime remappings or similar changes occur wl¡ich reasonahly might a/lecl such determinalion or ceni/ïcation. Borrower shall also be responsihle for [he paymen[ of any fees impllscd by the I :ukral Emergency Ivlanagement Agency in conneclj¡¡lI wilh the review of any l10nd zone delermination resulling f (lm au ohjeelion by Burrower. If Borrower fails to maintain any of (he cover:¡gn lkscrihed above, LCl1ller may oblain insurance co\'cr:lge, at Lender's option and Borruwer's expense. Lender is under ilO obligalion to purchase allY parlicular type or amuullt 01 coverage. Therefore, such coverage shall cover Lender, but ]Jight or IIlighl nUl protect fhlrrower, Bllrrowcr's L'lJUiIY inthe Property, or the contents of the Properly, against ~¡ny risk, hazard or liabililY anll might prov ide greatcr or IcsSLT covcra'ge than was previously in effect. Borrower acknowledges thai Ihe cust of thc insurancc cuveragc su oblained might significantly exceed the cost uf insurance thai Borrower could have obtainell. Any amOUJ1(S dishulsed by Lcnder under this Section 5 shall become addiliunal debt of Borrower securell by this Security lIlS(rUllleur. These alllOU1Hs shall hear interesl al Ihe Note rale from (he dale of dishursement anll shall be payable, wilh such intercsl, upun lIutice hOIll 1"llder 10 Borrower reques[ing payment. All insurance policies required by Lender and renewals of such policies shall be subject 1(1 Lel1llcr's righ¡ 10 disapprove such pulicies, shall include a standarll mOrlgage clause, anll shall name Lcnder as Jllurrgagce and/ol as an additiunal loss payee. Lender shall have Ihe right 10 hold [he policies and renewal cerrificates. If /."ndcr lel/uires, lJorrower shall promplly give to Lender all receipts of paid premiuJlls and renewal notices. If Borrower uhlains any form of insurance coverage, lIol otherwise required by lxuder, for damage 10, or destruclion of, thc Properly, sucl! policy shall include a standard l1lorlgage clause anll shalluame Lender as mortgagee and/or as an allditilJnal loss payee. In the event of loss, Borrower shall give prompl notice (0 the insurance carrier and l.ender. I.enller llJay lIl~iI:e proof of loss if not made promplly by Borrower. I nics, Lenller and Borrower olherwise agree in writing, any insurance proceeds, wllelher ur nul the underlying insuram'l: was relJuired by !.l.·nder, shall be appliell to restoration or repair of (he Property, if the restoration or repair is economically feasiblc and Lender's secllrily is nol Icssened. ] Juring such rcpair alld restoration period, Lender shall have Ihe right lu ¡wid such insurance proceeds until Lender has had an 0ppUI1Unily lO inspect such Property to ensure the work has been compleled 10 Lcnder's satisfaction, provided ¡hal such inspection shall be underlaken promplly. Lender may disburse proceeds for Ihe repairs and fLsluralion in a single payment or in a series of progress payments as the work is complCled. Unless an agreement is made in wriling or Applicable Law 1ùluires interes[ to be paid on such insurance proceeds, Lenllcr shall uot be requirell 10 pay Borrower any inlerest or earnings on such proceeds. Fees fur public adjusters, or other third parties, retained by Borrower sh,ill {wi he paid UUI uf the insurance proceeds and shall be [he sole ohligalion of Borrower. If the rcsturariou or repair is nUl ecunlllllically kasihle llr l.endà'~ securilY would be lessened, the insurancc proceeds shall be applied ¡o the sums securL'd by this Securily InslrunÙ:I1t,' wherher or nOI rhen due, with Ihe excess, if any, paid [0 Borrower. Such insurance proceeds shall he ~Ipplied in tbe I)nl~i' provided for in Seclion 2. If Borrower abandons the Pruperty, Lenller ]Jay file, nego¡iate and Sdtle any available insurance claim and rclatell matlcrs. If Borrower does not respond within 30 days 10 a notice from Lender Ihal Ihe insurance carrier has ollered to sellle a claim, ¡hen Lender lIlay nego[iate anll sellle lhe claim. The 30-day period will begiu when the nnt ice is given. lu either event, or if Lendcr acquires the Property under SeClion n or olherwise, Borrower hereby assigns to Lender (a) Borrower's rights to any insurance pmceeds in an amount nnt In exceed the amounts unpaid under the ~~'¡(e or this SL'curÎlY Instrument, and (h) any other of Borrower's rights (mllL;r Ihan the right to any rdund of unearned prell1iUll1S pilid hy Borrower) under all insurance policies ClIvering Ihe PnlpL'Jty, insofar as such rights are ~Ipplicable to (he euverage nf the Prnpeny, Lender may use Ihe iusurance proceeds eilher to rcpair (I[ restore tllC Pmperty or to pay all1LtLJIIIs unpaid under (he Note or this Security Ins[rUmenl, whether or nOl then dUe. 6. Occupancy. Borrower shall occupy, establish, amI use the Propeny as Borrower's principal rcsidence wilhin of) days aner the eXl'culiou ur Ihis SecurilY Instrument anll shall continue to occupy Ihe I'ropeny as Borrower's princip:d residence for al least one year aner the dale of occnpancy, unless Lender olherwise agrees in writing, wl¡ich cons,;nl,I¡:iI! not be unreasonably wilhhelll, or unless extenua[ing circums[anccs exist which are b"j'lIud !or¡uwer's coni wI. 7. Presel"Vation, l\1aintenance allll Protection of the Property; Inspections. ßI) n)Wer shall Ill)! dL'slmy, d:lIlI:lge or impair lhe Pwpeny, allow the ProlJl"rty 10 deteriorate or LOJJl11lit waste on the Property Whether nr nnl ßorruw,'¡ is residing in the Property, Borruwer shall maiutain the Property in order 10 (nevent I!lL~ Pwperly from deleriorating or decreasing jn value due to i[s condition. Unless il is determined plJ¡:'LJallt (lI Section 5 t!lal repair nr reslmalinn is nol economically feasible, Borrower shall promptly repair the l'nlperly if damagell to avuid JÜrtllcr delerioratioJl or d:llu;lgc. Jr insurance or condemnation proceeds are paid in connectioll with damage to, or the laking of, [hc Propcny, Hnrrnwcr shall be responsible for repairing or n;storing the Property only if Lender has released proceeds for such purposes. Lender may disburse proceeds for the repairs and ITslOralÍon in a single payment or in a series of progress paYJllents as the work is completed. If [he insurance or cOIJdenllla[ion proceeds arc Jlot sullicienl to repair nr reslllre [he Property, HOrW\\'I;¡ is nut relieved of Borrower's obligation for the cOlllPlction u sllclr repilir or restoration. , "".' ... f' () '.) t, Ü) b WYOMING· Single Family - Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFOHM INSTHUIV1ENT Bankers Systarns,lnc., St. Cloud, t.-lN Form MD-1WY 8/21/2C00 í/J¡J~:t' .-; (~( ? IhJgeJ') FOil ) 3051 1/91 / II L ¿./ -~--- --- 1<,· [:~. <Ji""d. . .' ,..... -~ , I~. Î'",' ,-, n '. ',j U Új J Lender or ils agem may make reasonahle enrries upon and inspecl il)ns of the PmperlY. H il has rl'asonahlè cause, Lender may inspect the interior of [he improvements on Ihe ProperlY. Lender shall give BOllower nolice al the lime of or prior to sucll an interior inspection specifying such reasonable cause. 8. Borrower's Loan Application. Borrower shall be in defaull if. during the LO:III application process, Borrower or any persons or entilies acting at the direction of Borrower or wilh Borrower's knowledge or c¡lnSenl gave marerially false, miskading, lH' inaccurate information or statements to Lender (or failed 10 provide Lender wiill malerial iuformalÍun) in c01lLH:ction wi!h tile Loan. Malnial representalious include, bUI are not limiled to, n:pIL'sentations concerning Borrower's uccupancy of !he Pruperty as Burrower's principal residence. 9. Protection of Lender's Interest in the Property and Rights lJnder this Security Instrument. If (a) Burrower fails to perform the covenants and agreements cOlllained in this Se:curity Instrumem, (h) Ihere is :1 lègal proceeding that lIlight signiJïcalllly affect Lender's interest in Ihe ProperlY and/or rights under this Securil y j nsl rUI!lL'nl (sul:11 as ß prucel'lling in bankruptcy, probate, for cond<::llllla!ion ur furkilUre, for enforcement of a li<::n which llIay attain priurily over Ihis Security Instrument or (0 enforce laws or regulaliuns), ur (c) Borrower has abalJlJunuJ Ihe I lrope:rlY , Ih<::n Lemler may dl) and pay for whatever is reasonahle or appropriate to protecl Lender's inlelest in Ille Propelty and lights under Ihis Security InslruJllent, including prolecling and/or assessing the value of the /'roperly, and securillg alJll/llr repairing Ihe Properly. Lender's acti"IIS can include, hUI are nol limilClI to: (a) paying any SUIIIS sccured by a lien whil:!1 kls priorilY over Ihis Security Inslrumenl; (b) appearing in courl; allLI (c) paying reasonable auorneys' kl'S to prolecl ils inlerest in Ihe Property and/or rights under this Security Ins[rumenl, including i[s secured posirion in a bankruplcy proceeding. Securing the Properly includes, but is no[ limiled to, entering Ihe Propeny [0 make repairs, change locks, replace or board up dc)()¡'s and windows, drain water from pipes, eliminate building ur other code violalinns or d:lIlgeruus cDIJdilions, and have utilities turned on or (Iff. Although Lender may take actinn under Ihis Seclion 0, Lender dlles litH have 10 do sn and is IJut under any duty or obligation to do so. 1l is agreed Ihal Leuder incurs no liability for not laking any or all aClions authorized under this Section 9. Any amounts disbursed hy Lender under Ihis Sl:crion 9 shall wclune additional deh[ of Borrower Sl'cllred by Ihis Securily Inslrument. These amounls shall hear inlerest at IlIe Nnle raIl' from Ihe dale of dishurselllnll and shall be payable, with such interest, upon notice from Lender 10 Burrower reljuesting payment. If this Security Instrument is on a leasehold, Borrower shall comply witl1 all [he pruvisions uf the lease. If Borrower aClluires fee title to the Property, [he leasellUld and the fee lille shall nOl J1Ie:rge unless Lemler agrees 10 [he merger in wri[ing, 10. IVlortgage Insurancc. If Lender required !\forlgage Insurance as a cnndilion nf making rhe Loan, Borrower shall pay the premiullls required to mainlain the Murtgage Insurance in et'fect. If, fnr any reason, Ihe I'vIorlgage Insurance coverage reLluired by Lender ceases to be availahle frolll Ihe mongage insurl~r 111al previously provided such insurauce find Borrower was required to make separalely designaled payments luward the premiums fllr Mortgage Insurance, BOrIuv¡'er shall pay [he premiums required to obtain coverage substanlially. equivalenl III the Mortgage Insurance previuusly in erfest, al a cost subslantially equivalent to the cost to Borrower of Ihe Mnrtgage Insurance previuusly in effecr, frolll an alterm~!e morlgage insurer selected by Lender. If suhstantially equivalent !vlorlgage Insurance coverage is nOI availahle, Borrower shall continue to pay to Lender Ihe arnuunt of thc separalely designalcd payments thaI were due \¡¡hen {he insurance coverage ceased to be in effect. Lender will accept, use and retain rhese paymenls as a (wnnrefundahle loss reserve in lieu of Mortgage Insurance. Such loss reserve shall be non-refundable, notwithslanding the fael thai lite I ¡Ian is uliimalely paid in full, and Lender shall not be required 10 pay Borrower any interest or earnings on SUCII loss reserve. ICllder can no longer require loss reserve paymen[s if Mortgage Insurance coverage (in lbe amounl and for IIJe period Ih,i[ Lender requires) provided by an iusurer selecled hy Lender agaill becomes available, is obtained, and Lender requires separalely designated paymenls IowaI'd the premiullls for tdmlgage Insurance. If Lender required tvrorlgage Insurance as a COJllJilion of making the Loan and Borrower was required 10 make separarely designaled paymenls IowaI'd Ihe premiums f¡lr Mortgage Insurance, Borrower shall pay tbe premiuills re:quired [0 mainlain MOl1gage Insurance in effeer, or to provide a IllJll-ret'undable loss reserve, unlit Lender's requiremelll fl)(' tvlorrgage Insurance ends in accordance Willi any wrilten agreemenl between Borrower and Lender providing for SUCII tenniualÎon or unlil lermination is require:d by Applic,¡ble Law. Nothing in this Seclion JO affeelS Borrower's ohligation tu pay interesl al (he rale provilkd in lite NOle. Mortgage Insurancc réÎmburses Lender (or any entity thai purchases [he Note) for cerlain losses il may incur it Borrower does not repay the Loan as agreed. Borruwer is nol a party 10 the Mortgage Insurance. Mortgage insurers evaluatc [heir total risk on all such insurance in force fnHlI lime 10 lime, and IlIay enler inlo agreements with olher parties (hal share or modify their risk, or reduce losses. These agreemenls are on ICflns and conditions Ihat are satisfactory 10 the mortgage: insurer and the other party (or parlies) 10 these agreements These agreements may require the mortgage insurer to make payments using any source of funds rhat the mortgage insurer I1lay have available (which may include funds oblaincd fwm Morlgage Insurance premiullls). As a result of Ihese agreements, Lender, any purchaser of the Note, anolher insurer, any reinsurer, any o{lter enlilY, or any affiliaœ of any of Ihe foregoing, may receive (direclly or indirecrly) anlllunls Iltat derive from (or miglllþe characterized as) a portion of Borrower's paymenls for fI'lortgage Insurance, in e:xchange for sharing or lJIodifying thL! mongage insurer's risk, or reducing losses. If such agreemenr provides (lta[ an affiliale lJf l.emler lakes a sltare oj insurer's risk in exchange for a share of the premiums paid to Ihe insurer, Ibe arrangemenl is often termed "caplive reinsurance." Further: (a) Any such agreements will not affed the amounts that Borrower has agreed to pay for Mortgage Insurance, or any other tenus of the Loan. Such ag¡'eements will not increase t he amount Borrower will owe for Mortgage Insurance, and they will not entitle Borrower to any refund. (b) Any such agreements will not affect the rights Borrower has--if any--with respec! to th(~ Mortgage Insurance under the Homeowners Protection Act of 1998 or any other Jaw. These rights may ineIudL' t he right to receive certain disclosures, to request and ohtain cancellation of the J\1ortgagc Insurance, to have the Modgage Insm'ance terminated automatically, and/or to receive a refuud of an)' 1\ 1 urtgage J nsurance premiuUls that were unearned at the time of such cancellation or termination. 11. Assignment of J\Hscellaneolls Proceeds; Forl'eil lire. All !vi iscellalleous Proceeds are Ilereby assigned [0 ami shall be paid to Lender. If tile Property is damaged, such Mi~ccllaneous Pruceeds shall be applied tn resforatioll or repair of {l¡l~ Properly, it' Ihe restoralion or repair is economically feasible and Lender's security is IIOt kssened. During such repair and rL'slurat ion period, Lender shall have Ille right to huld such Miscellaneous Proceeds umil Lcnder has had an oppur¡UnilY to inspecr such Property to ensure till' work has been compleled to Lender's salisfaction, provided Ihal sucll illspecrion shall be underlaken promplly. Lender may pay fnr the repairs and resloration in a single disbursemem or ill a series nf progress paymellls a~ the work is compleled, lIlIiess an agreement is made in wriling or Applicable I,aw requires ilHcre~1 10 be paid Oil such M iscell,uleous Proceeds, Lender shall nor be required to pay Borrower any illlnest or earnings on such Miscellalleous Proceeds. If Ihe restoration or repair is ¡HIl ecollomieally feasible nr Lender's security would be lessenql, the Mi~cellaneous Proceeds shall he applied 10 Ihe sums secured by Ihis Security IlIstrumenl, wherher or IHlt Ihell due:, wipi the excess, if allY, paid to Borrower. Sucll Miscellaneous Pruceeds shall be applied ill the order prol'idl'd for ill Seclion 2. III rhe event of a total takillg, destruction, or loss in value 01' Ihe Pruperty, the Ivliscellaneous Proceeds shall be :¡pplied 10 the SUIIIS secured by this Securily IlIslrument, whether or not then due, with the exces~, if allY, paid [0 Borrower. In Ihe event of a parlial taking, deslruction, or loss in value of Ihe Property in which the fair market value of Ihe Properly immediately before the partial laking, destruction, or lo~s in value is equal to or grea{er {hall ¡he a1lJ¡)Ullt of Ihe sums secured by this Security Inslrument imJllcdiately before the partial lakillg, destructioll, or loss in value, Ullless Borrower and Lender olherwise agree in writillg, the sums sccured by this Security Inslrumelll shall be reduced by Ihe WYOMING, Single Family - Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Form 3051 1/p1 /p¡J (.'.., if' (11<1£<' -J of 7 1'(J£ô) _.Ij,_.~ _._.__.__._ Bankers Syst&/HS, IIiC, St. Cloud, MI· Form MD·'·WY 8/21/2000 c ". .,J"_.~I~ ;, r. -, '!U" ..i 1,,; U <í amount of [he Miscdl;uleous Procel:US l1lulliplil:u by Ihl: ¡Ùllowing fraCiion: (<I) tl11: lotal ;lInOUJlI of ¡he SUJllS sl:curl'll inllneuiatcly bdoœ the partial laking, ul:Slrucliou, ()! luss in value uiviul:u by (b) lhe fair nlarket valul: uf Illl' I'wpe:rty illlllleuialdy bdore Ihe par¡ial taking, ueslrucrilHI, or loss iu value. Auy balance shall be paid 10 Burrower. lu the event of a partial lakiug, deslruclioll, or !nss ill value of lhe: j'ruperty in which Ihe fair Inarkl:t valul: oflhe ProperlY immediately bcfnn: the partial taking, ueslrucliuu, nr loss in value is less lhan Ihe: amount of Ihl: SlJlIIS sl:euITll inlll1l:diatdy before Ihe parlial takiug, ueslruelion, or Inss iu valuc, uuless 131)rrown and Lemkr "tlll:rwise agree ill writing, thc Miscellaneous I'roceeus shall be applied 10 rhe: sums se:eureu by rhis Secmily II1,'ilrUlllelll whL[her nr I1nl the: sums are then due. If [hI: Properly is abanunUI:U by Borrnwe:r, or if, ana nOlice by I.ende:r 10 norrower Ihal rhe Oppnsing Pany (as defined in Ihe next scnteuce) offers 10 make an award 10 sellle a claim f(JI' damagcs, Horrnwcr fails (0 respuud In Lender within 30 days after the dale lhe nolice is given, L.l:nuer is authorizeu rn Cl)llccl anu apply the I'vlisce:llancol!s l'roceeus eilher tn restoration IH repair of ¡hc Property or to thc sums sccured by rhis Security fnslrument, whdher or nol Ihcn due. "Opposing Party" means the third par!y Ihat owes Borrowcr I'.,Iiscellaneous I'ruceeds or Ihe party against whom Borrower has a right of action in regard (0 Miscellancous Proceeus. Borrowcr shall bc in ucfauh if any aCiion or proceeding, whelher civil or criminal, is begun tllat, in Lender's judgmenl, could result in forfeiture ur (he ProperlY or ulher mall:rialimpairmentofLender.sillll.ll:.;t ill the: Property ur rights under this Securily ]nstrumeuL Borrower can cure such a default aJld, ifacceleraliun has ucclIlrl.·d, reinstate as providcd in Sect iun [l), hy causing the action nr proceeding In hc uismissed with a ruling lli;tl, in Lcwkr's judgll1e:lll, precludes rorfeiture ur tile Property or ulher Jllate:rial impainnellt of Lende:r's interesl in Ihe f'ruperly or rigllls undcr this Securily InstrumenL The proceeds of auy awaru or claim 1'01' damages thaI are allributablt: to the impairmelJl or Lende:r's inICrest in the Properly are herehy assigned and shall be paid In I.cnucr. All Miscellaneous Proceeds (hat arc not applied tn resloralion m repair of lit<: I)ruperty sllall he applicd in thc order provided ror in SeCiion 2. 12. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a \Vaivl'r. ¡':xlellsion of tlie lime I'm payment Ör modification of amorti¿alion of [he sums sl:cured by this Sccurity JnslruJllenl grallteu by Lemkr to Buntl\wr many Successor in ]nleresl of Borrower shall not lIpcrale 10 rcleasc the: liahility of Borrower or any Successors in Inll:res[of Borruwer. Lender shall not hc required to conlJl1euCC' proceedillgs agaillsl any Successor ill ]nleresl of Borrower 01-,1\) refuse to extend timc for payment or othcrwise modify anll>r!izalion nf [hc sums sccllred by Ihis Sccurity Instrument by reasun of any demanu waue by (he original Burrower or any Successors in Interesl of Borrower. Any forbearancc by Lender in excrcising any right or remcdy including, wilhout limilatÎon, Lcnuer's accepUmCC' of payments frum Ibird persolls, entities or Successors in Interest of Borrower or in amounts less Ihan Ibc amount Ihen uue, shall nol bc a waivcr of or prL~clude (be exercise of any right or rcmcuy. 13. Joint and Several Liability; Co-signers; Successors and Assigns Bound. Borrower covenanls and agrees ¡liat ßorrowl'r's obligations and liabililY shall he joinl alld sevcraL Ifll\\'cver, any ßnrruwer who co-signs this SecurilY IIISlruml:JlI bUI uoes nut execule the No(e (a "co-signer"): (a) is cusigning lhis Security InSlrui1Ie:111 only III Illorlga~'c, granl and convey Ihc co-signer's intcrcst in Ihe Pruperty unuer Ihe terms of lhis Sccurity InslrumcJ1l; (b) is ntl! [Jl'rsonally obligated to pay Ihe sums secured by (his SecurÏly Jnstrument; and (c) agrees thaI Lender and any otllcr Borrower can agree 10 extend, modify, forbear or make any accommodations wilh rl:garu to thc terms of Ihis Security Inslrumenl or the Nole wÏlhout Ihc co-signcr's consent. SubjeCl 10 (he pruvisions of SeClion 18, any Successor in Inlercst of Borrower who assumes ntlrrowcr's obligations under lhis SecurÏly InslrUl1lellt in writing, and is appruvnl by Lender, sllall obtain all of n'JlTO\\'Cr's rights and bencJïls under this Securily InSlrumenL ßorrower shall not be releaseu fmlll Burrower's uhlig;ltÎons allU liabilily ullder Illis Securily fnslrumcnt unless Lender agrees to such release in writing. The cuvenants a ill! agreellJents of tllis Se:curity Instrunwnl shall biOI! (excep( as pfllvidl:d in Seclion 20) and benefil Ihe successors and assigns of Lender. 14. Loan Charges. Lender may charge Borrower fees for services performed in conncct ion Wilh Borfllwer's defaull, for thc purpose of protecting Lender's inlerest in Ihe Property and righls under this Security Instrument, including, but no( limiled to, a[(orneys' fees, propêrty inspeclitln and valuatioJl fees. In regard 10 aJlY tither fees, Ihc ahscnce of express aUlhority in this Securily Inslrument 10 charge a specific fee 10 Horn lweI' shall nor he consrrued as a pn¡J]ibition. Ón (he charging of such fee. Lender may not charge fees thai arc expressly prohibited by Ihis SL'curity ]nstrul1Jenl or by Applicable Law. If the Loan is subjeCl to a law wllich SelS maximum loan ch:lrges, anu ¡hat !;IW is rinally intnprClctl SlJ thai the inlerest or other loan charges collecled ()] (0 he colleCled in conneClion wilh the ¡llan I:xceed Ihe pClllli[(ed ¡imils, thcn: (a) any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amtlunl necessary 10 reduce Ihe charge 10 (he permi[(ed limit; and (h) any sums already collecteu from Borrower which exceeded pcrmi[(ed limils will bc rdunded to norrower. Lt:nder m;¡y cllllilse to make this refund by reuucing Ihe principal owcd under rhe Note or by making a direct p;lymenl to Born)\,\:cr If a relund reduces principal, tlie reduCiion will be Ireateu as a parlial prepaymenl witlloul any prepaymenl charge (WlldIll.:r or not a prepayment charge is provided for under Ihc Note). BOJ'Jul'iI'r', :llTcptanCI: of an~ ~,uch reluw! made hy dirl'Cl payment 10 ]3orruwer will cons(itute a waiver of any right of aClitllll3orrowcr migllll]ave arising out (If such uverchargc. 15. Notices. All nOlices givcn by Borrower or Lemler in conneclion with tllis Sccuriry Instrument musI he In writing. Any uolicê 10 Borrower in conneCliun wilh (his SecurilY Instrument shall be del~lIled (Ii have Iwen given ((I Burrower when mailed by first class mail or when actually dclivereu 10 Borrower's notice address if senl hy tither llIeans. Notice to anyone: Borrower shall constitule nu!ice to ,tll Burruwers unless Applicable Law cxpressly requires ulitc:rwisc. Tile notice addrcss sball be the Property Address unless B'II']'owl:r has designateu a subslitule IHJlice auurcss by nul ice to Lender. Borrower shall promptly nOlify Lender nf Borrower's change or ;ldLlress. Jf Lcnder specifics a procedure for reporting Borrower's change of audrcss, Ihen Bormwc:r shall nnly repnrt a changc uf auuress IIHOUgh lIt;11 specifieu proceuure. There Illay be only one: dcsignaled notice audress under this Sl:curity lnslrumenl 'II anyone timc. Any uulice (u Lender shall be givl:Ll by udivering il or by mailing it by firsl eLlss mail 10 [.emler's aduress slaled herein unless Lender has designateu another address by nUlice [0 Borrower. Any 11lHice ill cllunl:Clioll with Ihis Security lnstrumenl sh;tll uot bç deellll.:d [0 have becLl given 10 Ll:nder unlil actually receiveu by Lt:llucr. I I' any nut ice rcquired by tllis SeL:urity ] nstrumeqt is also requireu under Applicable Law, Ihe Applicable Law l'Cljuirement will salisfy the corresponuing rl'ljlliremcJJt lIndq¡: [his SecurilY Instrument. . 16. Governing Law; Severability; RlIll's of Construction. 'This Securily lnslrument shall he governed by federal law aud lhe law of ¡he jurisdiction iu which lite: Prnpeny is locared. All rights anu obligalio!lS contained ill Ihis Security Instrumeut are subjl:ct 10 any rcquircllll:uls anu limiUtli'lIls of Applicable Law. Applicable Law might explicitly or implicitly allow [he: p;lItics to agree by contraCf or ir lIIiglll be silenl, but such silence shall 11111 be consllut'd as a prohibitiou against agreement by conlracl. In litl: evenl thai any provisi(1I1 or clause of Ihis Sccurity Instrument or lbe Nole cullflic(s wilh Applicable Law, suell cunllict shall nOI affect other provisions uf Ihis Sl:curity luslrunlent or II]e NUIL~ which can be givcn effeCf without the: conllicting provisioLl. . As used in this Security Instrument: (a) worus of Ihc masculine gender shall mean aud include curreslH,nding nculcÌ' words or words of (he feminine gender; (h) words in the singular shall mean 'Iud include Ihc plural and vice vcrsa; and (c) the word "may" givcs sole discrelion wilhoUI any lll.:i~a!ion to ta1\c any aClinlL 17. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be giveu one cupy uf Ihc NOlc awl of Ihis Security InstlJJlnenl. 18. Transfer of the Property or a Beneticial Iutl'rest in Borrower. ¡\s uSl.:d in litis SeCfion I g, "fnlerest in Ihc Property" mcans any legal or beneficial inlcresl in Ihe f'mpeny, including, but nol limitcu 1o, Ihose bl'ndicial inlc:re:sls WYOMING - Single Family - Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Bankers Systems, IIlG,. S1. Cloud, MN Form MD·l-WY 8/21/2000 '. Form 3051 1/91 (¡lIlg" .5 0/7 pa!:<,s) j: /l{~. /~/ / £.""C· ,,--)h~~ /"', I....... Î', ,,",\ /~ .~ ..: \.. Û~j J.. lramferred in a bond for deed, cOlllract for deed, installmeUl sales contracl or escrow agn:emenl, ¡he inlenl of wllieh is Ihc lransfer of lille by Borrower at a fulure dale to a purchaser. If all or any par! of (he Pruperry or any Inten:sl in lhe Properly is sold or Iransferred (or if BO/îIIWl'r is nol a natural person and a beneficial inlerest ill Borrower is suld or Iransfe/îùl) wilhout I.L~nder's prior wri([en cometH, 1.ender may rUluire inUllediate paymenl in full of all sums secured by Ihis SecurilY I nslrull1ent , [owever, Ihis option shaH nOI he exercised by Lender if such exercise is prohillilL'l1 by Applicable Law. If Lender exercises this option, Lenckr shaH give Borrower notice of accderatilll!. The nOlice shall providL~ d pêriod of not less than 30 days from lhe datl' the nl)lice is given in accordance Willi Section IS withia which Borrower II1USL PdY all sums secured by this Security Instrumenl. If Borrowt.:r fails to pay these sums prjl)¡ (II ¡fIe expiralioa of Ihis period, Leader may invoke any remedies penniued by this Securily Instrument Wilhoul further nOliet.: IIf Ikll1and on ]30/îU\l't.:r. 1'). Borrower's Right to Reinstate After Acceleration. if l30rruwer Illeds certain conditions, Borrowt.:r shdll have the right to have enforcement of this Security Instrument disconlinued al any time priur tu Ihe earliest n1": (a) livL: days before sale of the Property pursuanl 10 any power of sale colll:lint.:d in tbis St.:curily Instrument; (b) such otht.:r peri(ld as Applicable Law might specify for the lerminaliou of Borruwer's right [II rt.:inslate; or (c) .entry 01':\ judgmelli enforcing this Security Inslrumenl. Those conditions are thaI Borrower: (a) pays Lcuder all sums wlllch then would be due under tIllS Security Jnslrumenl and the Note as if no acceIL-ratiun had occurred; (b) eures any ddaull IIf any other Cu"enanls or agreements; (c) pays all expenses ineurred in t.:nforcing this Security IuslrUlllL'l1l, ineludillg, but not lillJÌled 10, reasollable attorlleys' fees, property inspeclion and val ualiun fel"S, and uther rees incurred for Ihe purpose or protectillg Lemler's inlerest in the Property aud rights uuder this Security [uslrumt.:lIi; aud (d) lakes suell acliun as LemIL-r Illay reasonably require to assure Ihal Lender's inlerest iuthe IJrnpeny and rigllls uuder this Security Justrument, and Burruwer's obligation 10 pay Ihe sums secured by this Security ]nstrumelli, sl¡:dl ulnlinue unchanged. Lendt.:r may require LhaL l3orrl1\wr pay sueh reinstatement sums and expenses in oue or mort.: Ii! the i"llIowiug forms, as selecred by I.euder: (a) cash; (b) lIHlney IIrder; (c) certified check, bank check, Ireasurer's check (II' cashin's check, provided any SUell chu:k is drawn upun an inslitution whose deposits arc illSured hy a federal agency, instrumentality or eutilY; lIr (d) Electronic Funds Transfer. Upon reinslatelllent by Borruwer, this Securily Inslrumelli and obligations secured hereby shall remain fully errecrive as ii' no acceleratiunl1ad occurred, However, this rig hI 10 reinstate shall not apply inllle case or accelerationuuder Sl'clillll 18. 20. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Sl'nicer; Notice of nrievance. The Note or a pani:d intCle'sl in the NOle (together with (his Security Instrumenl) can be sold oue or mllrt.: times without prior notice to !3orro\l'er. ¡\ sale might result in a change in the entity (known as the "Loan Servicer") Ihal collects Periodic l'aywents due under the Note ami this Security In.'>trumelll and performs olher mortgage luan servicing obligatiuns uuder the Note, Ihis Security InstruIllcnt, aud Applicable Law, There also might be oUe or more changes of the Loan ServiceI' unrelaled to a sale of the Note. 11' there is:a change of Ihe Loan Servicer, Borrower will be given written uOlice of the change which will slate the name ;\IlL! address or the uewLoan ServiceI', the address to which paymenls should be made and any other illrllrIu,¡{ioll IŒSPA requires ill cOllut.:ctiou wilh a nolice of trausrer of servicing. ]f Ihe Note is sold and thereafter 1IIe Loan is serviced by a Lllau ServiceI' olher than Ihe purchaser of ¡he Nule, the mortgage loan servicing obligations 10 Bornllwr will reI1laill will) the Luan ServiceI' or be transferred 10 a successor Loan ServiceI' and are nu{ assumed by tht.: Note purchaser unless otherwise pruvided by lhe NUle purchaser. Neither Borrower nor Lender may commence, join, or be joined II) any judicial al'lion (as eithC/ ;In individual litiganl or the member of a class) Ihat arises frum the other parry's actiuns pursuant to this Security InS{IlJJnt.:nl or that alleges that [he (Hher parry has breached any provisioll lif, or allY dULY owed by reaSOn or, this Security IlIslrumenl, ulHil such Borrower or Lender has nOlified the other party (with such nOlice given in compliallce wilh the requirements or SL'clion 15) or such alleged breach and afforded the otht.:r parly herelo a reasonable period aner the giving of such notice 10 lake corrective actiou. If Applicable Law provides a time period whicll mus! dapse berore certain action can be taken, thai time period will be deemed 10 be reasonable for purposes of Ihis paragraph. The nUt ice of acceleraliun amI (lppUrlUnily to cure given to Borrower pursuam 10 Seclion 22 and the notice or aCl:eleraliun given tu Borruwer pursuan! to SeUi1Hl'18 shall be deemed to satisfy the notice aud opportunity tu take corrective action provisions of this Section 20. 21. Hazardous Substances. As used in this Seclion 21: (a) "llalardous Substances" arL: those subslances derined as toxic or hazardous substances, pollutanls, or wastes by EnvinHllllt.:ntal Law and tIle following substances: gasolint.:, kerosene, other nammable or loxic petroleum products, toxic pesticides and herbicides, volatile solvents, malerials containing asbestos or furmaldehyde, and radioactive materials; (b) "Environmelllal Law" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdictioll where tlte Property is located that rdate ru health, safety or envirolllnelltal protection; (c) "1;llvirolll1lelllal Cleanup" includes allY response al'lion, remedial action, or removal action, as delïued in Ellvironmelltal Law; and (d) :In "EnvirolUneutal Condition" means a condition [hat can cause, contribute 10, or olherwise trigger an EnviltJlullL'ntal Cleanup. Burrower shall not cause or pennil the presence, use, disposal, storage, or release of all)' lalardous Substances, or threaten to I'd ease any Hazardous Suhslances, on or in lhe ProperlY, Borrower shall not do, nur allow anyone dse 10 do, anything aftÙling the Property (a) thaL is in viulation of any Environmental Law, (b) wllich creales an EnvironmC!lIal Condilion, or (c) which, due to lhe presence, use, or rdease of a Hazardous Substance, creales a condition [hal adversdy affects the value of (he ProperlY. The preceding two seLHences shall UOI apply tu the presence, use, or slorage 1111 ¡he Property of small quaftlities ur Hazardous Substances Ihat are generally recognized 10 be appropriate to normal resident ial uses amI 10 nwintenance of Ihe Property (including, but nl)t limited to, Ilalanlous substances in C(msumer pmducts). Borro\\'L'!' shall promptly give Lender wrinen notice of (a) any illvestigation, claim, demand, lawsuil Ill' uther aclion by any governmental or regulatory agency or private party involving Ihe l'mperty and any Ilazardous Substance or Environmental Law of which Borrower has aClual knowledge, (b) any Environmental Condilion, including hut nu! limited 10, any spilling, leaking, discharge, release or threat of release of any Hazardous Suhst:lnce, and (c) any condition caused by Ihe presenee, use or release of a Hazardous Substance which adversely afrects tile v;due of the Properly. II Borrowèr' learns, or is notified by any governmental or regulatory authorily, or any private party, tllal an)' rt.:llIllval or Illher remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting tile ProperlY is neeessary, Borrower shall prulIlpll)' take all necessary remedial actions in accordance wilh Environmental Law. NUll1ing herein shall create any obligalilln on Lel1lkr ror an Environmental Cleanup, NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further Covenant and agree as rollows: 22. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender shall give notiee to Borrower prior to acceleration following Borrower's breach of any covenant or agreement in this Security Instrument (but not prior to acceleration IInder St~ction 18 unless Applicable Law provides otherwise). The notice shall specify: (a) the default; (h) the action rectuired to cllre the default; (c) a date, not less than 30 days from the date the notice is giw'll La Borrower, by which Lhe default lJIust be cured; and (d) that failllre to cure the defalllt on or before the date specified in the notice may ["('sllll in acceleration of the silins secllred by this Secllrity Instrument and sale of the Property. The norice shall flirt her inform Borrower of the right to reinstate after acceleration aud the right to bring a ('Our! acrion ! 0 assert Lhe non-existence of a defalllt or any other defense of Borrower to an'deration and sale. If the defalllt is not CIIl"l'd on or before the daLe specified in the norice, Lender at its option may require immediate payrnent ill filII of all sums secnred by this Security Instrllment without further demand and may invoke the power of sale and auy other remedies permitted by Applicable Law. Lender shall he entitled to collecL all expenses iUC'IIlTl'd ill purslìing the remedies provided in this Section 22, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees and costs of Wle evidence. If Lcnder invokes the power of sale, Lender shall give notice of intent to foreclose Lo Borrower and Lo lhe person in possession of the Propel·ty, if different, in accordance with Applicable Law. Lender shall give uotice of the WYOMING· Single f¡. nilv - Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Form 3051 1/01 í"'J,) /} /{ul.' Bankars Systems, Inc., St, Cloud, MN Form MD·l WY 8/21/2000 (J)¡Jge (j ol7 ¡J,¡gl's) .iì r~ _____._:.__~ ~ '. (i" II f) .) 't~ ü lj ;".,J sale to Bo....owe.. in the manne.. p..ovided in Section IS. I.ender shall publish the notice of sale, and the Property shall he sold in the manne.. prescribed by Applicable Law. Lende.. or its designee may purchase the P..ope..ty at any sale. The p..oceeds of the sale shall be applied in the following orde..: (a) to all expenses of the sale, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees; (h) to all sums secu..ed by this Security Instrument; and (c) any excess to the pe..son or persons legally entitled to it. 23. Release. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Security TnSlrUml:nt, l.l:nder shall lL'!t:;lSl; this Security Instnnnent. Borrower shall pay any recordation costs. LendL'l may charge Borrower a fee for re!t:asil1g ¡his Security Instrument, but only if the fee is paid to a third pany for services renden::d and tile charging of [he {L'l; is perllljuL'd under Applicable Law. 24. 'V:úvers. Borrower releases and waives all rights under and by vinul: of the homestead exemption laws of Wyoming. BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms and CO\'ellan[s contained in this Sl'curity Instrument and in any Rider executed by Borrower and rL'corded with it. /f?d¿,J.â,..(!Æ('f.... ROBERT A. CORY 0 (.~:~:~;L~.'??~__:~\-ò;ç~~.<~C"~~...... . SUSAN CORY /."-", C. ~j , , " (Seal) norrower .........., (Seal) . Uorru\\'er [Space Below This Line For Acknowledgment] STATE OF WYOMING, .....' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L i --':'CrN.I-~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . County ss: The foregoing instrumellt was acknowledged before me this. .1.l:JQ'2.Q05..... ......,... ........... ........." ( date) by MßJRT.!\: .GQ~X;.~~SA~ ÇPM, M,V~ßA~P AND. WifE.....,.. ........... ............................................. (persoJl acknl1wledging) My commission expires: <[tlfC:-eL7'L lfl ::'Y''C't::J ç<~:. [", '.. < ( Ii' ..H , 1;/~/ // /;1 'I') .'J ,,-' .,r, /'¡ d .,¿- . / ¿, ,. , i...... '- . .. ~..r. ( ..c,. . .. ,. __ _ ..,.." "... ~. .~."' ,j.~. 'N:);;1'0;'i;~I~i;~""'" '"'., ....,........... \\\\\ \\ III III! I1111 ..\'\ .....("INb Ilh ,~' ,,(;-,'\ G h "',z ~~' "" ". ........."".... I 0 ~.. ~. '1(' .." , .~,., O' 'l :?' ~'f'. \;..0.( "', ll;. . 'ÿ' . ~ ~ . Uj - ê ü-mJIVi)"lJ¡ji">òm § - ..... ~ - ......... .. . --- -:;:: (j) '::: -'.À ):J c!y - ~ il "co U a L\ Ú ,j ~'- ::: 'l)...... .""".:;::; ~, .. ,f:.. ~.",",........'¡. '_~'\~<'" ~ /~ Op \iT'{O ~" '/11 w v \\\'ì. ï/j/¡/ 11/1111 \ \ \ \\ WYOMING· Single Family - Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Banksrs Systlilnls. Inc., St. Clouu, fv1l'J Form MD-l-WY 8/21/2000 Forlll 3051 1/01 I}III,I;'" 7 of 7 }HJ.'}i'J)