HomeMy WebLinkAbout914158 , t\.Î' "':\ 4. r):" .) ü', RELE,VŒ OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE (BY CORPORATION) Loan #49-W17668 KNOIV ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That First Bank (!/ Idaho, a cO/porotion, of the County c1' Blaine, and State (1' IdullO, does hereby certif)' that u certain //lortgage, hearing dated the it/¡ day of 111 lie, 2005 AD, mudI' and exewted MWW I,LC ,as /lWriguglir(s), tli First Bunk of Idaho, as mortgagee, cOlllieying certain real estate therein mentioned as security Ji!r the payment 0 f $45,000.00 as therein stated, which mortgage was recorded ill the ojjìce (d the COllnty Clerk and E>;-oJjìcio Register of Deeds ofLillcoln COli 11 ty, State of Wyoming, Oil the 21"/ day of lUlie, 2005, in BK588, Pg847, and lIIortgagillg the follOlvillg described real estate in said COllnty, to wit: ALL LANDS IN SAID IVIORTGAGE. 11 ) (7 ')..Ò( -rf\ RECEIVED 12/5/2005 at 11 :54 AM RECEIVING # 914158 BOOK: 606 PAGE: 645 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY s is,II'ith a note secured thereby, and the ajiJ}ementioned debt, fully paid, ,\'ati4ied, released and discharged and ill consideration thereof the said mortgagee does hereby release and quitclaim IInto the suid mortgagor the premises thereby com'eyed and lIJortgaged. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, First Balik of Idaho has caused these Prescnts to be signed by its Loan Operations Supen'isor and its cO/porate seal to be {{¡fixed, this ]rl' day of NOI'ember A.D. 2005. Sign~c/, j>';¡al~d;;(lJd De!JJprec~..inthe pl'esence of ".". /.. /1...;7\ .,,~~- ~ . .' ,¿<,,' ///./'/' ) ~z~ (jfÚ¡ () 1eratiol/S' SII Note/r¡ït is IlOt desired to escribe tUlldl' ill .\1'uce there);,,', i!/Serl thej(¡!llJ\villg: "A!I /(¡¡lill' "esaibe" ill s(lid lIIorfguge." ,....1···,"""1 ..." '.'" T I <i ill.;,. .. ' "..,.01,",; ...~ (' t--.,............¡¡ lY 4iI"", to ,v.... ..., ~ ..... ~. ..- I 1iÞt;.; "t .)' . . ~ \<. '\ ... THE STA TE OF iDAHO,) {.;;;:" 6\' J \ Count)' {!/Blaine )01.1. : ~ : <: "",. ,0: 9 On this .ul' day of NOl'eJl/be/~ 200S, Be.fÓre me personally appeared .Iellniler nyill,~foll\. \,\J~v.l;~ to me persollu/ly known, who, heing by lIle duly sworn, did say that she is the Lowl Openilihlls ~~.... ...."~....'? ..~.. Supen!isor ¡if First Bank of idaho and that the seal ajJixed t¿ said illstm/llent is the COtporo'Fé", 5'7~;~~ o~,.~".." seal of said corporation, and that said instrument Ivas signed and scaled 011 behalf (1' said IIII';/ ...~~I" cmporation by authority of its Board of Directors and said Chief Executive Officer acknowledges said instmll/ent to beji-ee act alld deed of said cotporation, /', Given under /IIY hand and notarial seal this ]rl' day of)VlJl'enher f)..I):i200S, (~~?ê;;).),~;;;kl.._. --- ;/ Notw)' Public My cOIII/}iÍssion expires on the 41" day of Febmary, A.D. 2010. 7HATSTATE OF WYOMiNG, County of ).1.1. This instmment was filed fin' record ut __o'clock _M., 011 the _day An. 20~ and duly recorded Ù; Book OJl Page of Coullty Clerk ulld E\-Ojjïcio Register off)eeds By Depllty Clerk No. Fees, $,