HomeMy WebLinkAbout914163 ,-.. -.. ,"'\ ?...." ,~ : ~ { : t(~ ~ J ': '..J "-' RECEIVED 12/5/2005 at 1213 PM RECEIVIì'JG # 914163 BOOK: 606 PAGE: 653 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERf(, KEMMERER, WY yVARRANTY DEED JOE L. MOORE grantor of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, for consideration of Ten and 00/100's ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand, receipt whereof is hereby acknO\vkdged CONY EY AND WARRANT TO JESS ¡HEEKER AND ¡"'!ELISSA MEEKER Husband and Wife as Tenants by the Entireties, grantees, whose address is P.O. BOX 353, LABARGE, Wi 83123 the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the state to wit: That part of Section 7, T26N R 112W of the 6th P. Ivf., Lincoln County, Wyoming described on Exhibit A prepared by Marlowe A. Scherbe] labeled "Description for Joe L. Moore and James W. Moore" dated 3 November 2005. 1. (J SUBJECT, however, to all reservations, restriccions, protective covenants, exceptions, easements and rights-of-way of record. in sighr, or in use. -, i ! 'L l WITNESS our hands this :'.;r-h~\ day of 1\\) [\'~e,\'\ Lé'iL ,2005. Counry of \-\<.>...:,J~ ~. ¿.~ c // ) Ij )ss. ) 'i, ¡7/?/)r;t£//? i State of \'J\ì ':)'.::,c'<...u- '\ Joe L Moore ERIC J. GIBSON J Notary Public.. Notary Seal STATE OF ,'v1lSS0URI Howell County - Comm/105706736 I\-ly Commission E.'Rires 1v1ay 4, 2QQ9 . v' f¡jre-rtre'i:ry"fm:t:--.-M-oO-ri-ttTl --=::.1~ day of The foregoing instrument was acknowledged :"'~\)~e i''f\ I'-,'r 1\- , 2005. Witness my hand and official seaL ('I ~\ C4\· ~ /l ' , 'LJ ¡' .~ I ,.,/~/ ~\, ~ r-, My Commission Expires: 5\ ~ \ ac~__ Notary Public ?"-h~~1U1 LA"'~ 3ur.<'¡)Q(1 F'a\ t(,>':~Ib611 W'/Q, ~";fÌ~ltl~\.¡'~l Nr¡, ''::'01. U\lIh lì if!Ii!(¡¡POO tJ~, 'd70 jJ.o1J1Q M';:)iU;¡I1.JO ~ "', Jo;~l t;..~-.:.1. P.~'J&:.tr.LG" flO, t:,~~ ~'1"^. $.;fI<I(t.tll (¡'tn, ;¡"'JIMuv.nlirl .JðiIg 1,1tIfl~~)..::I'.tlicnr"lt]..'tf.':O IJbl'l¡:bQ~I'f .;¡/1 IlQ,:'12l1l ~}.,í\I..O·'jE. 4.. $CH~MEL '''';''Q, P,.íI'llIoI~.)nN<J. ~a ~N.túf :kn~PTI, LTC ':'~)1, '..··lomin' a',j ?1",,'f, ~"'''''Vlf1i11\1 ,)¡o.;r:oõIn, 'N.;;rr¡inQ LlJVd 11(:1. .s(j 'n~¡, 1~t1c ,,{';;.l1I;;~~(, k~"'o ~. ~'~:,~ :t:;, ~.j EXHIBIT A DESCRIrTlON _FOR JOE L. MOORE AND JAMES W. MOORE TO-\V1t:-- -Oìat part of the NEli4NWl/4 of Section 7, T261\J, R11:2W, v,ithin the incorporated limits of the Town of LaBarge, Lincoln County, Wyomlng be-ing part of Lot 4 of the vacated Marx Addition to sa.id Town of LaBarge of record in the Office of the Ckrk of Lincoln COWlty as Pbt No. 201 :lnd pan of that tract of record in said Off¡cc; in Book 331 of Photostatic Records on page 350, described as follows: COl\ll\.ŒNCING at the northwest corner of said Nt 1 :,rNWl/4 [OlUld as described in the Corner Record filed in said Office; thence SOoo-04'W, 260.8 feet to a bathey; thence S05 ° -OTW, the base bearing for this survey, 91 A feet to the north west corner of that tract of record in said Office in Book 411 of Photostatic Reèorc!s on page 925 I))~l[ked by a bathey; thence N86"-55.5 'E, 477.'23 f(;tt along the north ¡ine of said tract to its northeast corm:r; thence S23°-56'E, 177.00 feet along the ec..st line of said tract to the POINT OF BEGIJ'''"NING; thence N6óo-ü7 'E, 117.10 feet to a point; Ùlcnce S23 °-51' f, 100 feet to a point on the north line of Tulsa A venue, S69°-09'W, 5.00 feet from the southwest corner of Lot 1 of Block 2 of the Amended Plat of Red Bll¡ff Addition Phase 1 to the TO\ql of LaBarge of record in said Ofrìce as Plat No_ 32! B~ thence 566°-09'W, [20_00 feet along said north line to a surv-kap at a corner of Tuba Avenue; thence N21 0_ 2' W, 64.55 feet to the southeast comer of said tract of record in Book 41 J; thence N23°-56'W, 35.45 feet along the cast line of said tract to the POINT OF BEGINNING; ENCOì\1PASSING aI1 area of 0.27 acre, more or less; each surv-kap marked witb a 5/8x24 ins. steel reinforcing roc! \,iù¡ an aJuminum cap appropriately inscribed; each point marked by a 5/8x24 ins. ske[ rt:inforcing rod \\'1th aI1 alW11irlWTI cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD B1G PINEY WY PLS 164 2005 BIG PI!'.iEY WY" and appropriate deta.ils; each bathe)' marked by a steel T-shaped stake 24 ins long \'1th metal cap inscribed, "SURVEY POINT DO NOT DISTURB RlS 164"; all in accorda.nce IYlth ÙJe plat prepared to be [tIed in said Office titled, "JOE L. MOORE AND JAMES \Y. MOORE PLAT OF LOT 4 MAJt'{ ADDITION W"-CA TED) TO TIlE TOW}! Of LABARGE IN SECTION 7 T26N R112\V Sdo\V¡J\fG TRA.C'rS AND ADDITIONS LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING" dated 3 November 2005. File: T of La8arge¡]vloore dtl. "Modification in allY way of Ihe foro<]üinc¡ d8$Crip¡i()n terminates liatlllily [of ':è: surJeyor" !...; I-~ ',' 0\0-,. ,. '\'¡"~ .:...1 ,~¡ I. .. V '\.J t