HomeMy WebLinkAbout914180 '., ',) U i <" 1. fvIEMBFR #884309 WORK ORDER # 62000 & 62001 8EC'.26, T32N, R 119W DISTRIBUTION l~ASEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT: TL:tt thê undersigned, PAUL M. STOCK AND NEDRA J. STOCK, OR THEIR SlJCCFSSOn.8, AS TRUSTEES OF THE PAUL IVI. STOCK REVOCABLE TRUST DATED THE 9TH DA \. OF i\L\ Y, 1995 AS AMENDED, an undivided (me-half intel'est, and unto NEDH.A J. STOCK .-\1\'D PAUL M. STOCK, OR THEIR SUCCESSORS, AS TRUSTEES OF TIlE NEDRA .T. STOCK n.EVOCABUI: TRUST DATED THE 9TIJ OF 1\lAY, 1995 AS AMENDED, an ulldivided one-half interest, as TENANTS IN COM1\ION, the Grantees, ("Grantor") for a good and valuable considêration, thê rêcelpt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby g,w1t, convey and warrant unto Lower Valley Energy, a Cooperative Corporation, of Afton and Jackson, Wyoming and to its successors and assigns, ("Grantees"), ;1 perpetua1 easement and right of way for the construction and continued maintenance, repair, alkration and rep1aCè1llent of the e1ectric distribution circuits, lines and equipment of the Granite to be constructed and maintained linder, upon and across the premises of Grantor in Lincoln Coullty, State of \Vyoming, a]ong a 1ine described as folJows, to wit: BEING a part of The Sto¡;k HOllse Tract located in Section 26, T32N, R 119W Linc01n COllnty, Wyoming, being part of Tract of Record in the office of the Clerk of Lincoln COllnty Book 545 PR on page 549 & 371 PR & page 93 described as fo]]ows: BEGINNING at the Northwest corner of said Tract being Known as Point "A". Thence S 01015 '24"E, 316 feet to a point. Thence Fast I 0 feet to a point. Thence SO I Ü 15 '24"E, ] 09 feet to a point. Thence S 63°E, ISf¡ feet to a point. Thencl' S 31 üE, 92 feet to an existing power pole. '['hence from point "A" NO 1 ° 15 '24"E, 265 feet to a point. Thence N 81 oW, 84 feet 10 a transformer locatiolì. EASEl\IENT to include 10 feet on each side of described line, together with a]] necessary and reasonable rights of ingress and egress and to excavate and retìl1 ditches and trenches for the location and repair of said hlcilities and to cut, trim, spray herbicides, or removt trtes, shrubbery, undergrowth or otll(T obstlllctions interfering with the repair and maintenance of the facilities, 1 ~7 J'-" Iq to The Grantor acknO\vledges that Electric and Magnetic Fields (EfvfF) are naturally occurring in the transmission or distribution of electricity, and that the Grantee has here notitied Grantor that EtvlF testing and intormation is available upon request from the Grantee. This Easement by Grantor is intended to include so much space as is necessary or appropriate to the presence of EfvlF and reasonable operation of the Grantee's distribution lines. Grantor agrees that a11 po1es, wires and other j~¡cilities, illsta]]ed on or under the described 1ancls shall remain the property of the Grantee removab1e in the sole discretion of the c;rantee at the Grantee's expense. The rights, conditions and provisions of this easement sha11 inure to the beneJit of and be binclllJg upon the parties, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. Grantor sha1l compensate Granke jÙr any damages to Grantee's facilities caused by Grantor, including payment of Grantee's attorney fees If action is undertaken by Grantee to cnfuree the commitments describl,tJ in this l~;ìSCn1('nt. Grantor reserves the right to improve, occupy and use this casement for all purposes nut incunsistent with the easement grant. Each party sha]] have the remedy of specifi¡; performance regarding this easement.T'he rights and obligations described in this easement shaJ] run ,vith the land. This easement is not exelusm:, and Grantor retains a]] rights not speci1ìca]]y granted by this easement. This is the entire agreement of the parties regarding this easement, except as may be set forth in writing after the date of this casement and signed by the parties. Grantor hereby releases and waives aII rights by virtue of the Homestead Exemption Laws of Wyoming. . (' WITNESS the Hand of the Grantor, this ~ day of /V..:'.('_ . ,2005. PAUL l\'I. STOCK AND NEl-\RA.J. STOCK REVOCABLE TRUST J//, /\ ...... ilL ¡/ Nl~~íl{{r¿~;I~~C1l ~fR:Jsc:;';¡; ë ) '¿ /. { STATE OF L .yß¡Jl¡/J~1 y .J '..J COUNTY OF f/¡Jf{-Y /7 } L-,'/? /, }-' < ,-l/>. j/ ":""/ ,'c/", .7 ,/ ,,~, ,.-. //7/ ,. '"__) 1/7/1 .r __) /j (.('~:\Tr"(J .. / " L- L . ~---'----¡r,ç-~"-''----I--'-----.' n '- ... _LL·, t The forç:go.i.ng instrurnent wa. acknowledged before me by If' . t: 'k.~ this /.~.,~\__. clay of ,.,) ;717 il!¡L,.20 £L,) (Seal) (>'.,_:;inty 01 tintAAn State.: of WyOlning " ¥ Witness my hand and ofíìcial seal. / :'~/"',~'~',">"-"-';¡-(/ 0.:.... ,>' ¡,......",..., .-// I 1 .-c.;/ /) , /') / ,>'7/(/ \.../;>( /)1 é / ((cAïcL!::.~!j'LI=:-/FL Notary Public I RECEIVED 12/5/2005 at 2:46 PM RECEIVING # 914180 BOOK: 606 PAGE: 72'1 ,JEl)\"J~' E WAGr,(I=R llt' COlJ,J COUtHY CLEF,. :,',,-jNlERER, \NY ?OO~:: I My corn1l1issiol1 expires: / -). I}:::' ./j¡::::: ..:::>' (0 L ,,)