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RECEIVED 12/5/2005 at 3:45 PM
RECEIVING # 914194
BOOK: 606 PAGE: 747
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Anadarko E&P Company LP, with a mailing addre~;s ofP_O. Box 1330, How:lull, Texas
77251-1330 ("AEP") and EOG Resources, Inc., ì\lith a mailing address of 600 Seventeenth
Street, Suite 11 OON, Denver, Colorado 80202 ("EOG") have entered into aWellbore Farmout
Contract, Uinta, Lincoln and S)Veetwater Counties, Wyoming, dated September 14, 2()()5, effective
.TanucŒY ] ,2005 (the "Farmout Contract").
The Wells subject to the Farmout Contract are described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto
and by this reference made a part hereof. Well Unit is the land included in the drilling and
production unit (established by the state or federal regulatory öuthority having jurisdiction) for
the Wells or attributed to the Wells proposed to be drilled.
Contract Depth is a minimum subsurface depth sufficient to test the formation(s)
indicated for such Vi ell on the attached Exhibit "A" or if the formation indicated for the Well on
Exhibit "A" is above the Dakota fOffi1ation then, at the option of EOG under the applicable joint
operating agreement, a minimum subsurface depth sufficient to test the Dakota formation.
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The Subject Interests are all of AEP's contractual rights under the applicahJe joint
operating agreement and any pooling, cornmunitization and unitization agreements, farmout
agreements, joint venture, participation, exploration and development agreements to participate
as a working interest owner in the drilling of each Well folJowing AEP's election to participate
therein, and working interests in any federal, state or private third-party (non-AEP) oil and gas
leases covering the WelJ Unit, limited to (a) depths from the surface to the lesser of (i) base of
the Dakote! fOffi1ation which is deemed to be 100 feet below the stratif:,'Taphic equivalent of
12,440 feet as identified in the Champlin 206 Amoco D-1 well located in the NE/41-TW/4 of
Section 1, T18N, Rl 12W, Sweetwater County, Wyoming, or (ii) total depth drilled in the Well,
(b) the use of the well bore of each Well without the right to sidetrack or deepen the'll ell, (c) all
oil and gas production from the well bore of each Well attributable to AEP's contractual rights
under the applicable joint operating agreement and any pooling, communitization and unitizatiun
agreements, fam10ut agreements, joint venture, participation, exploration and development
agreements to pmiicipate as a working interest OV'll1er in the drilling of such Well (md subject to
the ove1Tiding royalty interest reserved by AEP in the Farmont Contract, and (d) subject to
payment of damages, if any, reasonable use of the surÜice overlying any unJeased oil aud gas fee
interests committed by AEP to an applicable joint operating agreemenl and included ìNithin tbe
boundaries of a Wdl Unit for ingress aDCI egress, operations in the imrnediate vicinity of tbe
surface location of each Well, and neces::;ary tdephone, pipeJine and utility easernenls_
The Farmout Contract provides, among other things, that during the Earning Period AEP
win elect to participate in the drilling of each Well uncler the applicable joint operating
agreement. Thereafter, EOG has the exclusive right attributable to tbe Subject Interests to
comnlence, or cause to be C(Jrnmenced, the actual drilling of each \\1 ell at a kga] ]uc:ation
situated on the quarter-quarter sec6ol1 indicated for sucb we)] on Exhibit ".A."
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If EOG drills a Well to the Contract Depth and completes it as a producer in paying
quantities, in the manner and time provided in the Farmout Contract, and otherwise complies
with and performs aU other material tenll::, covenants, and conditions of the Farrnout Contract,
then EOG shall earn and be entitled to receive fÌ"om AEP, effective from the date total depth is
reached in the Well an assignment of one lmnclred percent (100.00(%) of the Subject Interests
with respect to the earning Well, reserving to AEP an overriding royalty interest as specifiu! in
the Farmout Contract.
IfEOG fails to dril1 any of the Wells to the Contract Depth during the Earning Period all
in the manner and time herein provided, then EOG shall be deemed to have fèm::ver relinquished
its right to acquire any of AEP' s interest in the Subjects Interests witb respect to such Well. If
EOG plugs and abandons a Well as a dry hole, then EOG shal1 be deemed to have forever
relinquished its right to acquire any of AEP's interest in the Subject InttJests in the '\Vell that was
plugged and abandoned.
The Earning Period under the Farmout Contract is one year commencing on the Effective
Date of the Farmout Contract and ending December 31, 2005, 12:00 Midnight, Mountain Time.
Each capitalized tern1 used herein and not otherwise defined has the meaning given to it
in the Farmout Contract.
Executed by AEP and EOG on the dates of each party's ackno\-vledgement of this
Memorandum of Agreement.
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...ame; JAMES-J.O'MAUÆ¥------
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Kurt D. Doerr .
Title: Aqent and Attorney in Fact
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The foregoing jn~ume~t was acknowledgeçl, hefore me this _L£_ day of '1! IJUV~
2005 by _J.J4VYJ P 5 -.J '. o.ry¡ cd I ¿~ . ' as LlffoVln -e.y-1Jr fil c.f for Anadarko E&P
Company LP, a Delaware hmlted partnel'hlp.
Witness my hand and official seal.
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My commission expires:
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2005 by L'I:!. V. L-l.>[;P.K.- , as It.ìLA) I L A I' Öþ ,,--,{'ll of EOG Resources, Inc., a
Delaware corporation.' j IJ-- ì-"¡ICr '
Witness my hand and official seal
My commission expires: (~ß/O<í
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Attached and made a part of that celiain Farmout, dated January 1, 2005, by and between
Anadarko E P Company LP and EOG Resources, Inc.
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- ---~-------,--. ..____._m_.-__ ._._..__ _.--.-" Location
API Number Well Name Operator 1/4 1/4 See Twp Ranc¡e
4904121297 BLACKS FORK 2-35 EOG SW I\)E 35 18t\) 113W
4902321932 BRUFF UNIT 539-16E EOG --
NE SW 16 19N 112W
4903726372 CHAMPLIN BORDER 35-05 EOG NE NW 35 19N 112W
490342652 '1 CHAMPLIN BORDER 35-06 EOG NW SW 35 19N 112W
4902321975 COW CREEf< 10-34E EOG --
SW I\JW 34 2m 112W
4902321750 COW CREEI< 8-26E EOG -.- ..--:...~-
NW I\JE 26 22t\J 112W
4903726063 DONLEY 26-10 EOG r ~W NE 26 19N 112W
4902321850 EMIGRANT HOLLOW 36-21 ED EOG NW SW 21 23N 112W
4902321974 EMIGRANT HOLLOW 37-23E EOG SW SW 23 231'¡ 112W
FABIAN DITCH 500-01E ---
4903726274 lOG I'>JE SE 1 101\) 112W
4903726663 FABIAN DITCH 502-01 E EOG --- ---
SE SW 1 19N 112W
4903726275 FABIAN DITCH 50803E EOG NE SW 3 191\ l~
4902321936 FABIAN DITCH 531-09E EOG NE SW 9 191\) 112W
4903726229 FABIAN DITCH 535-13E EOG ~----
NE SW 13 19N 112W
4903726229 FABIAN DITCH 536-13E EOG -- -- -
NE NW 13 19N 112W
4903726327 FABIAN DITCH 556-25E EOG SW l'lE 25 19N 112W
4902321934 FABIAN DITCH 561-33E EOG NE SW 33 19N 112\fIj
4903726689 FABIAN DITCH BORDER 501-01E EOG NE r\E 1 19N 112W
4903726685 FABIAN DITCH BORDER 523-07E EOG NW SW 7 19N 111W
4903726231 KOBUS 600-01 E EOG SW !\JW 1 18N 112W
4904121303 KOBUS 604-03E EOG NE SW 3 181\) 112W
4903726326 KOBUS 607-11E EOG NW SE 11 18N 112W
4904121302 KOBUS 618-09E EOG f\JE SE 9 18N '112W
4903726276 KOBUS 621-13E EOG NE SW 13 18N 112W
4903726651 KOBUS 622-13E EOG NE NW 13 18N 112w
4903726535 KOBUS 631-15E EOG NW I\JE 15 18N 112W
4903726280 KOBUS 633-23E EOG NE SW 23 18f\ 112W
4904121313 KOBUS 640-33E EOG NW NE 33 181'1 112W
4904121314 KOBUS 641-27E EOG NE NW 27 18N 112W
4904121315 KOBUS 642-33E EOG SE NE 33 18N 112W
4903726548 KOBUS 643-27E EOG SE NE 27 18N 112W
4903726065 McNAMARA, 34-6 EOG NW (\)E 34 191'1 112W
4902320357 McNAMARA 34-9 EOG SW NW 34 19N 112W
4903726273 SAGEBRUSH 433-35E EOG NE SW 35 20N 112W
4903726662 SAGEBRUSH 436-35E EOG NE SE 35 20N 112~
4903726687 SAGEBRUSH 440-35E EOG SW SE 35 20N '112W
4902321862 SHUTE COW 1-36E EOG SW SW 36 23N 112W
4903726038 ST OF WY 24-60 EOG SW NW 24 19N '112W
4903726039 ST OF WY 24-9 EOG SE SW 24 19N 112W
4903726043 ST OF WY 36-10 EOG NW SW 36 19N 112W
4903726040 ST OF WY 36-7 EOG NE I\)W 36 19N 1'12W
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4903726042 ST OF WY 3690 EOG SE SW 36 H)N 112W
4903726048 TRIPP 14-7 EOG SE !\JE 14 19N 112W
4902321888 WHISKEY BUTTES BORDER 227-03E EOG !\)E f\JI/V 3 21N 112W
4902318890 WHISKEY BUTTES BORDER 228-03E EOG I'>JW f\lW 3 21N 112W
4902321869 WHISKEY BUTTES UNIT 209-24E EOG SW SW 24 21N 112W
4902321781 WHISKEY BUTTES UNIT 210-09E EOG I'Æ NW 9 21N 112W
4902321802 WHISKEY BUTTES UNIT 211-23E EOG SW SI/V 23 2m 112W
4902321837 WHISKEY BUTTES UNIT 214-28E EOG I\)W f\JW 28 21 !\) 112W
4902321841 WHISKEY BUTTES UNIT 215-10E EOG SW SE 10 21 N 112W
4902321849 WHISKEY BUTTES UNIT 221-16E EOG SE NW 16 2H'J 112W
APC Initial\<sS'J~
EOG Initial
Revised 10/31/2005
, ".. ",í'\ ,~.~\ EXHIBIT "A"
'v I" """'J!'
-c.._,l..,<J'.. Attached and made a pal1 of that certain Farmout, dated January 1,2005, by and betwh::11
Anadarko E P Company LP and EOG Resources, Inc.
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-"-.-.-..----'.-- - Location
API Number Well Name Operator 1/4 1/4 See Twp Range
4902321860 WHISKEY BUTTES UNIT 222-24E EOG NW SW 24 2m 112W
4902321944 WHISKEY BUTTES UNIT 223-23E EOG NW SW 23 21N 112W
4902321905 WHISKEY BUTTES UNIT 226-02E EOG SE SW 2 21N 112W
4902321870 WHISKEY BUTTES UNIT 229-03E EOG SW NW 3 21N 112W
4902321895 WHISKEY BUTTES UNIT 233-03E EGG SW '-
NE 3 21 N 112W
4902321908 WHISKEY BUTTES UNIT 235-10E EOG NE SW 10 21 N 112W
4902321899 WHISKEY BUTTES UNIT 236-13E EOG NE SE 13 21N '112W
4902321871 WHISKEY BUTTES UNIT 237-13E EOG SE \W 13 21N 112W
1902321902 WHISKEY BUTTES UNIT 238-13E EOG SW NW 13 21N 112W
4902321883 WHISKEY BUTTES UNIT 239-13E EOG \E NW 13 21N 112W
4902321925 WHISKEY BUTTES Uf\jIT 240-20E EOG SE SW -
20 21N 112\^L
4902321882 WHISKEY BUTTES UNIT 241-21 E EOG SW SW 21 2m 112W
4902321911 WHISKEY BUTTES UNIT 242-21 E EOG S2 S2 21 21N 112W
4902321907 WHISKEY BUTTES UNIT 243-22E EOG .--
NE NW 22 21N 112_~
4902321881 WHISI<EY BUTTES Ur\IT 244-23E EOG SE NW 23 21N 112W
4902321893 EOG ¡\Iflj f\JW 23 2 if'~ '112W
4902321906 WHISKEY BUTTES UNIT 246-12E EOG SW SW 12 21 N 112W
4902321872 WHISKEY BUTTES UNIT 247-13E EOG SE SW 13 21N 112W
4902321904 WHISKEY BUTTES UNIT 248-14E EOG SE NW 14 21N 112W
4902321873 WHISKEY BUTTES UNIT 249-17E EOG SW SW 17 21N 112W
4902321896 WHISKEY BUTTES UNIT 251-17E EOG NE SW 17 21 f\J 112W
4902321977 WHISKEY BUTTES UNIT 253-28E EOG SE NW 28 21N 112W
4902321910 WHISKEY BUTTES UNIT 254-29E EOG NE NW 29 2m 1~~
4902321887 WHISKEY BUTTES UNIT 256-07E EOG NW '¡oW 7 2m 111W
4902321886 WHISKEY BUTTES UNIT 257-11E EOG NE SW 11 2m 112W
4902321909 WHISKEY BUTTES UNIT 258-12E EOG NW SE 12 21N 112W
4902321885 WHISKEY BUTTES UNIT 259-11 E EOG NE SE 11 21N 112W
4902321894 WHISKEY BUTTES UNIT 264-15E EOG NW SE 15 21N 112W
4902321915 WHISKEY BUTTES UNIT 265-29E EOG SE t-.JE 29 21N 112W
4902321903 WHISKEY BUTTES UNIT 266-33E EOG NW NW 33 21N 112W
WHISKEY BUTTES UNIT 285-19E EOG SE \E 19 21N 112\~
4902322014 WHISKEY BUTTES UNIT 291-32E EOG NE NE 32 21N 112\,fI/
17 2'IN 112\¡V
4902321995 WHISI<EY BUTTES UNIT 301-09E EOG SE SE 9 2m 112W
4902321996 WHISKEY BUTTES UNIT 308-33E EOG SE SW 33 21 t'J 112W
4902322013 WHISKEY HAILSTONE 295-08E EOG NE SE 8 21N 112W
4902321898 WHISKEY HOLLOW BORDER 1-35E EOG SE SW 35 22f'J Ip\N
~-'--. -.'--
4902321877 BRUFF 21-15 WESTPORT NE NW 15 19N 112W
. -
4902321824 BRUFF 4-29 WESTPORT SW NE 29 20N 112W
4902321828 BRUFF 5-29 WESTPORT f\W SE 29 20N -~~
4902321992 CHAMPLIN 12206-13 WESTPORT NE NW 13 19N 113W
4902322009 CHAMPLIN 243A #6-13 WESTPORT NW SW 31 21N '111W
4903725997 CHAMPLIN 206 F5 WESTPORT SE NW 31 19N '111W
4902321929 CHAMPLIN 288 C-6 WESTPORT SE SW 5 20f'~ 112W
4902321928 CHAMPLIN 288 E 5 WESTPORT NW SW 3 20N 112W
4904121305 CHAMPLIN 357 C 5-23 WESTPORT SW NE 23 18N 113W
4904121304 CHAMPLIN 358 BANNON 5 WESTPORT SE NE 25 18N 113W
4902321865 COW HOLLOW UNIT 216-23 WESTPORT NE SW 23 22N 112W
4902321844 COW HOLLOW UNIT 217-27 WEST PORT SW NE 27 22N ._1:~
4902321868 COW HOLLOW UNIT 218-15 WEST PORT SE NE 15 22N 112W
4902321933 COW HOLLOW UNIT 219-31 WEST PORT NW NW 31 22N 111W
4902321961 COW HOLLOW UNIT 220-35 WESTPORT SW NW 35 22f\J 112W
49(12,321950 COW HOLLOW UNIT 221-25 WESTPORT SW NE 25 22N 112W
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tial 2 Revised '10
APC Init
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, rol;~ ....:-1 :.(1t. ¡1~ï
Attached and made a part of that ce/1ain Farmout, dated January 1, 2005, by ane! between
Anadarko E P Company LP and EOG Resources, Inc.
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API Number Well Name Operator 1/4 1/4 See -~ ~?lIg_e...
4902321967 COW HOLLOW UNIT 223-10 WESTPORT NE r'~w 10 22N 112W
4902321976 COW HOLLOW UNIT 255-27 WESTPORT NW NE 27 22N 112W
4902321978 COW HOLLOW UNIT 256-27 WESTPORT NE SW 27 22f\1 112W
4902321980 COW HOLLOW UNIT 257-27 WESTPORT SW SE 27 22N 112W
4902321979 COW HOLLOW UNIT 268-35 WESTPORT SE NE 35 22N 112W
4902321991 COW HOLLOW UNIT 269-31 WESTPORT SW I\JW 31 --
22N l11W
4902321962 HELWIG FEDERAL 40-8 WESTPORT SW SW 8 20N 112W
4902321794 SEVEN MILE GULCH 28 WESTPORT f\JE NW 16 20N 112W
4902321866 SEVEN MILE GULCH 5-21 WESTPORT NW SW 21 20N 112W
4902321832 SEVEN MILE GULCH 5-22 WESTPORT NE SW 22 201'1 112W
4903725916 SEVEì'J MILE GULCH 6-22 WESTPORT NW SE 22 20!'>J '112W
4903726279 SEVEN MILE GULCH UNIT 6-23 WEST PORT NW I'JW 23 20N 112W
4902321833 WHISf<EY BUTTES UNIT 5-26 WESTPORT NW SW 26 21N 112W
4902321988 WILSON RANCH UNIT 5-01 WESTPORT SE SE 1 19N 113W
4902321930 WILSON RANCH UNIT 5-07 WEST PORT SE SE 7 19N 112W
4902321864 WILSON RANCH UNIT 5-19 WESTPORT SE SE '19 19N 112W
4903726041 ST OF WY 36-8 CT SE f\JE 36 19N 112W
4903726046 TRIPP 14-5 CT SW NE 14 19N 112W
4903726278 DONLEY 2-5 CT NE SW 2 18N 112W
APC Initiat'. }
EOG Initi~t
Revised! 0/31/2005