HomeMy WebLinkAbout914212 KNOW ALL J\1EN BY THESE PHESENTS, Thul First National Bank - Kemmerer r ~.' t ".- 'n("'iÇ¡, .~) () , 0 v a cOTporutÎnn, of lilt:, Cuullty uf l'l'rtif) thai u cerluin 111oTtgoge, Leüriug Lincoln uule the 2'5 . ulldSlal('of ~nmi n£ _day of February , d,,('s herl'by A.D. 1)-9L. Illude and l'Xl'CIIII'U by Jason ~1. Schmid First National Bank-Ke~nerer H~ lIlorlgagoT_. to lh IIltl[tgagt'e. cunvt'yilJg ('t~rtuin Tcul estate therein naelltiont..d ü.'i st'l'urity for tht' llil) IlIenl uf :$ 01 J\lorlguge8, al pllge COllllty. Stall' (I{ \\' yomiog. on till' 223 $ 60 , 000 . Oü":- Lincoln I f February , lIY " . as tllt-'rt·ill ShllL'd. ,,'hid! IIIl)rlgüge WU8 recurùeù in the ollice of the COllnty Clerk ulld Ex-UIfiL'io Hl'gister oi IJcl'ds oi 27th ill JI"ok 394PR (Amendment Book 516PI<. page 777 ') ALL LANDS DESCRIBED IN ABOVE ,')3~ . alld ITlortgaging the folluwing dt'.:icrilJt'd n~ul I-':'\Iall' in ~aid CoulIly. !oø\\ii: SAID ¡V¡ORTGAGE G \/ A ) f- RECEIVED 12/6/2005 at 8:57 AM RECEIVlhlG # 914212 BOOK 606 PAGE: 785 JEANNE VVAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK. KEMMERER, VVY ~~ i,. "il ¡ II 1111[,' "'cllred thert'by. "lid the ülorernrlltiollt'd debl, lully paid. slili.,Ii,·d. II·I,'as,·d, aud dist'hllrg"d uud iu "lIlhid"ralillll 11"'11'''( II", said IlIo,lgag,'" dll ~:"\ ht'rld,) ft·h'ilM' ulld quitduilll unto the suid IUllrlgagor lhe I'rt'llli~('s tlll'rdJ)' l'UH\t')t'd ¡¡lid IIJorlgugt.tL First National Rank-Ke~nerer President IN \\ITNL~S WIIEHf;OF. the ¡IIS t:auSl·d t ¡,.~~ "~st..PL~\t.~;Ä-~glled by ils "lid 'h l'Ow.:,,,,9"I";,';: ..",:{¡¡<¡j~,\lhis 6th Sjgll~~"..~I, '('1i~l'jilr''it·,ì ill tlfl'r~8ence ul ¡ ~':-' 0 .J' L.I ¡: - : t- \¡ '., tfJ, '\ C:i"aJ : Ut'st ,")~: da~ of December , A. U.X¡}í 20()S -' I., ....... ..f B) y' '¡. '\ \. \ l\ ¡ \ , \¡," I II I I I "'. '.."¡ ,~ ': '" ..... . Loan Clerk Ih President XJGaitX~'{ Nok: 1/ it is nul desired to deserilw 1"lIds in 'puc,' tht'rd"r. i'h"'l Ih.. lollowing: "All luuds d...cril,,'d ill suid 11I"llgug..... '1/11: ~'ATL OF WYUJ\IING, Lincoln (III Ihis 6th } ss. dllY uf December Teresa Frommel , fuX2.005 IJt".(tlrt' nIP pt~r:;oIlîlll) ap J 'ufl'd (:Ollllly of III lilt' I'er~ilnull) knuwn, wllU. heing by Ole duly sworn, did I:HI)' thai he i~ Ihe First National Bank-Kemmerer President of 1,\ Jlutl""il) "I ils Jluurd "f lJireclur.llnU 811id w"kno\, Il'dgt'd ~üid in~lrulIH'n( lo Le lhe Iree oel Ulul ueed 01 ~Llid eurplIrHlioll. 6th III''! ,I'Jllll,,· s('JlI Jlllixed lo "lid ifl8trulllent is the curpoTBIt, .elll 01 said corl'uruli'"I. alld that said inslrument WlI.' ,ign,.d lIfIIl s"al,'d "" ¡wllllll of said I:llrl'0ralio/l Loan Clerk (; i\ ,'/I , /fpir::mE4.'~t.a::iu~~~,jp_ ':,,-:,; II ',~~flbi r M¡~."u..~.,_, ;~01k1('t' f-ÜÎ2iUZ: 11 --"--~.. \..000',11,¡ I \.,IJ· f'..·.,".· ¡,:........ ~1",lE 0": }l ¡; UW"I' ~;fjt;r .: . t )1 ~~~~~'.¡¡~~;~~;;'~~~,' '\ to ;w;;¡ f\ly CUJlI1111:-iSHII1 l'Xrílrt¡S"TJ~~:.9I1i.:-.:::.:-.:-"- day of February . A.D. w-20.Q5 lc. . ~ . ~" \ dJlY III November . A. IJ.X¡);¡ 2009 Nota~) J',,/,Ü,·. I 'I'll J: STATL OF \\' YUJ\II NG. } 's. CutlJJI)" of This in:ilrUlllcllt wu~ fileJ lur record ul o'clol'k_J\1.. "n IÌ,,' day uf A. I), 1'1_. "'Id dilly r"l'urded in lluuk on Pug-to (;011111) Cll'Ik all,! L,·( Hli,'i" lI..gisl..r of I )",.,Is III Nil. F"l:s, :¡; 1J"l'ul) I. :Ink ---