HomeMy WebLinkAbout914216 ~¡¡ ,",,',' '''" d c.} .,',J, .",'I'.~. ,'" '{J". ,':';'~~Äf ';r"1¡,:¡:$k'+'~f'¡':1! "'g;W¡~ii7, :it'fJ'<t~·¡¡~f1~~$~f r" n q !-"8 r. .,.... ',,) tJ 1/ (j II_~¡I 1~lmL1III1f_IlliU~HIII\IIIíIIIIIIII.IIIIIII. .1III1!~llru_.lnlil¡ 'iltT_.IiI'I··--·~"lnifJ1l_ ~,',j,:"..' "'''/ . "',, ""t.i!rl' "',f.- "'" "tg·<,< .; .'r£1- $ ~,tt~~1f\~'rtO'';l;;'~ lltr1~' ~fð~~~::f*'~ry!~;1\ii~~~;~¡.'t~j¥~' UCC FINANCING STATEMENT FOLLOW INSH,UCTIONS Tront and back CAFŒFULL Y A, NAklE & PHONE OF CONTACT AT FILER [optional] __ UC~£ii~2~ºesl:.~J?_Q.~L~43-1823.._. B, SEND ACKNOWLEDGMENT TO: (~Jame and Address) ~S CORPORATE SERVICES/CSC PO Box 65607 St. Paul, MN 55165 I RECEIVED 12/6/2005 at 10:21 AM RECEIVING # 914216 BOOK: 606 PAGE: 788 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, f<EMMERER, WY L IlL-in t..{ b!Cp'd~ .J THE ABOVE SPACE IS FOR FILING OFFICE USE ONLY DEBTOR'S EXACT FULL LEGAL r'-·JArl,.'1E ~ insert only one debtor name (1a or 1lJì· uo nut <1ubrevir,18 (JI' combine fI<:III1US r- ORGANIZA TIŒJ'S NAI;1E' ORClf:~;L'SLASTNAME-' ---- -]-~~~~1IE~-~~---~ -~----l-~~(ij~f¡~t'IE ,c-H¡¡¡lliIG,\DDRESS--- -------- -~-- '-Ii', - ------------~---~-- sTATE ['OS{Ã[ CODE ___~C?~~~_ __m_.____ C~~EVIL~~______ _____~ ~_WY~ ~~~_~~__ ___ ¡1e TYPE OF ORG/..NIZÁTION 11 JUf<I'-,f) C11()rH JF (¡DG;!l.rJIZAl ¡Oi~ 19 URGC\t JZATI0r-Jt...L ID # If any .--- SUFFIX COUmRY ~-~- 2. ADDITION!,I DEBTOR'S EXACT FULL LEGAL ~,JAr"i1E - insu! only Qlle. debtor rWnlE." (¿éJ or 2b) ~ du not é'lblJíBVi,:llt: (:UflILirw. néH1l8$ :r~::::::'~~:: ::,::" =- ..._~----- - - . _- -IF(~IRr_Y'~ '"'" _ >-- -~1'S:T~~r"~~r'·o~Es· ~T--A-L- -CO-DE- ~ ]c'oJFuFNIXl RY·· - -- 2.:. IM,IUNG ADDfŒSS "C j . 2d. TAX 10ft.: SSN OR"EÙ7 - 2f jîIRISD fTIOtJ(JF-ORGÃ~J!Zll,TIr)Tj-- -¡20 --;'-)RC"'I7~Nlzþ.Ttor ALïO[lfany~- I( NONE NONE 3. SE~URED £ARTY·~!!~~,,'1E (or N,.\t·,Œ of TOTAL ~SI(;~,jEE ~_~__~SStGNOR SiP) ill:~~ly !.J~!_~~~~~.'_~ pal~_f':'~J_\.:.'::. (:~~_(2~~~____ ~~~_.__ I" CI,,;AIIIZATICJ^I S NAME O"t,~=~~,;,~;,~:,LEA~GSERVICES ~ORPOR~:'g~ u. . _uu -¡"OOCC",,"-.- 3c f·.1.lI,IUNG AODr-{E~;S CITY SUFFIX 5500 WAYZATA BLVD. MINNEAPOLIS ~~~[ r~~:\ ~ODE------ COUNTRY 4. This FUJ/d JCING STA TEf.IENT CDV8rs the following collateral; (1 )ONE 2005 LINDSAY CENTER PIVOT WITH ALL RELATED EQUIPMENT AND ACCESSORIES S/N:L89425 The above described personal property is leased pursuant to the terms of that certain Lease Agreement dated 11/17/2005 between Lessor and Lessee. This financing statement is filed for precautionary purposes only. Lessor and Lessee regard this agreement to be a true lease and not a lease intended as security. Debtor 2 FILING OFFICE COpy -- NA TIOI'jAL UCC FINI\NCING STATEMENT (FOW.I UCC 1) (REV, 07/29/9H) 1,)11 Ü~j 11 :~--~~ ~,c.",· UCC FINANCING STATEMENT ADDENDUM FOl.lOW INS rRUCTIONS front and back CAREFUL l Y 9 NAME ~)F FIRST DEBTOR (1_a or 1b) ON RElATE~.r:.lrW~I_N(;~TATEM~~!!_~_____ 90. ORGANIZATION'S NAME OR IÌ (' !""8 9 '.) ~J l . NATE DENNIS -_._.~--- --._-----._.._~ FIRST NAME ¡,1IDDLE ~IN' E,SUFFIX 9b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME 10. MISCEll.ANEOUS; 0, 11. ADDITIONAL DEBTOR'S EXACT FULL LEGAL NA~J1E - in~er1 only Q[le name (11a or 11b) - do not abbreviate or combine names 11a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME THE ABOVE SPACE IS FOR FILING OFFICE USE ONLY OR 11 b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME 11c. M¡\llING ADDRESS 12. 11d. TAX 10 #: SS!-I OR EIN 111e. TYPE OF OFiGANIZA nON FIRST NAME CITY MIDDLE !-lAME SUFFIX STATE F'OST AL CODE COUNTRY 111 JIJRISDICTIO!-l OF ORGA¡"ZA TION NONE 11 g. ORGANIZATIONAL ID #, if any ASSIGNOR SIP'S t-JAr\'~_~_- ~'~:;~~Iy 9!ill nilme (12~~2.~L_ OR 12b. II'JDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME .__._-~- 12c. MAILING ADDRESS 13. Tllis FINANCING STATEMENT covers collateral, or is filed as a 1m fixture filing 14. Description of real estate: SEE EXHIBIT B. 15. Name and address of a RECORD OWNER of above-described real eslate (it Dl2htor does not have a record interest): FIRSfÑAME -~~-~-_._- Mlí.ml.E ~IAME CITY as-extracted 16. hdrlilional collateral cJescriplion SUFFIX --- STi;~rSTAl. CODE COUNTRY~ Debtor is ~ 17. Cllr:ck illJJy if еplíc~llJle and cheà Ç !ll~ crw box. Decedent's Estate Trustee ,ictirl!j I"..ilh lespect to pmµelly held in trust or 18. Check Qœ if ê'lpplic8ble and check 9!J1Y. one hox o Deblor is a TRANSMITTING UTiLiTY o Filed in connection with a Mëlnuf¡-lCllJh~d-H(JnJe TraliSf1ction Š effective 30 year~ Filt<d in connedion with a Puhlic-Fir¡ç;nce T,;:RISéH.:lion S effective 30 years FILING OFFICE COPY Š NATIONAL LlCC FINANCING STATEMENT ADDEr-mUM (FOI-Uv1IJCC lAd) (I\EV. 07/29/98) ,,,,:'1 ~;"_" .Ji,t}, NOV-30-2005 WED 08:22 AM FARM CREDIT LEASING R\RfvlCREDÍT l.£ÄSING 1 ---' FAX NO, 7637973581 P. 02 (" ',n 1'\ .-~ 0 " ',) ~J l ~ Severance Agreement Contmct Number Application Number Lease Agreement Date 001.0001691-000 1202 Nov<::rnLer 17, 2005 WHBREAS. the undaoiCllcù huld ecrt.in inlensts il1thç bo1DW rkocribeo Teffl prop~f1)' ("Property") and tbe Le.see lIas ent~rod illto that c<rID;n Leu,e A~reL':mcl1t &lç<l uo 6puciflc4 ~bove ("Lr.¡¡sr") lI'ith Le,su ' Ufo ljoscribcd herdn ("Lc"sor") for thu lc~sc of cen.in stTllçtU[C, ulid/ur cquiplnent locuted olllhe Property (\c$cribccj helow or in the upproptiuk Exhibit A C'E'l0ipmem"), [( copý ofwhiçh IS ~rt:\chcd. NOW TI-lliIŒrORE, ill çonsicjcrot;on orth,. mutuel benefit, to hc d<nvcd by the p"rties herct<, frolTllhc TOi:\I\Înt. of :ouch L~us:t:.. dlc tlnd!:r.:;iBr1~d particf\ ("Panics") hereby IIgr~~ To tl¡u tC"1l11R' contolned below ..mJ on the rCVcr¡¡C- ~idc. J1urthermnre, Lt'"ee r"p(C~Cllts Dnd wurr~nts 10 the Le.sor lhal' rhe infu/"rrlotíClIl contained herein i¡ Irue "nd completc. und excepl,,, dt,críbocJ horci", nD Dther pe,"on or clltity hu, "ny il\r~rc,t in the klo" de.-ribed P,ùptrty. l~ç~~oc underslondo ""d "grees the 1-e5&Or i~ [cl)'jn~ on the ;nfunn,niol\ C01\U\incd hm:in ill providing Ie"," [¡nancing to the Lessee, L,cRseo .nllll inùemnify "nd Il\lld Le~,l1f hnrmbs from ,,11 losses. li,bilitío" dnmu~e", co,lo flllil expensos, inçludin¡; attDrneys' feco. inc""UJ'l'çd by LC;'Ror arising oul of the brellch of the replt,"c!]t"tioll' and w"lTllnlte> cúnlail1cc! here¡" Lessor: Furm Credit LtHIsirtg Services Corporntiun tiy: Si):/IIlmr.: Lessee(s): NATE, DENNIS 0 [ly, ())~~~ O-()·~· J,'f,qIllJflWt' --.Ð~~"",,;IS 0 }J~e Nw,,~ Owmr urRca! Est¡¡te: DENNIS 0 ~ATE By. (D,~ oj).>iL. '-/ ;;a'lgllu,w'~ îJ... IUrvn () lU...lt NIl'"!'! Secnnll Owner of Real Estate: TERRY NATE '~ . S'RII~'II~ '1é-r rt¡ Sevoral1cc .....!Cemenl - In (Ü4'O 1120(5) AlII-ie NC1I1I~ '[¡rJr" D31< (u¡Ø/h -=--- Tille: ÌJ-o-v- l7 -0 f;,--- , D¡ /~ ~ --r-------- Tllk JJtr&- n~Oç Dmc ¿¡V~ 77~/ 7.. éJ-P¿J S" TlfJt' D(ltr pugt J of3 11/30/05 WED 08:25 [TX/RX NO 89:lü] -.; NOV-30-2005 WED 08:22 AM FARM CREDIT LEASING Lcgnl Descriptiun: ., I SI£EXHlfJIT 13. E . .\ '-"'lL<' b·~ \ '. ~..I }__; ·:~·.~~'-l' "w -. , , FAX NO, 7637873581 p, 03 "(ì.{ì¡')í) 1 '.' '.J U t J.l. Qu ( nlitylY énrlM a n u r.durcrl.\lodcilDcscrîp tlllll/Sorla 1 # AddrD" (Nu P.O.ßo,jICllyISI41cIZip Cade/.Cuunty 1/20U51 UNDSA YI CENHR PIVOTI CENTERI'\VOTI LSQ425 BOX 1·1·1 COIŒVJLLB WYOMING 8~ 114 UNCOLN A..,·t Rcfll NewlUsed !202.-AS<1 NDw Additinnul Terms: I, The Equipment sh~lI remnin 6evçr~d f(om the Property; 2, EveTl ifal1¡¡ched to the Propeny, the Equipment sh~1I retllin it~ p~r~onal charßcter. shall be removubk from thePI'0pDrty, s!wll be tTtElted ß~ person¡¡1 pro!,,,,rly 'Villi respect to d,e rights of the parties, and shall nol beCllmt a fixture. or a part of thç Prö .1erty; J. Tille [u,d ownership of the: Equipment shan remain wilh the Le~~or; 4. The Equipment shall nol. be subjçct to the lien of any securDd lrilmllcti~ln of illstllunel1! heretofore or herel¡n",r arising against the PropelT)' ur ¡¡~y other ~h"uc\ure un which the Equipment iH placed; 5. L""sor, its agents ~nd assi¡,;m, ¡;hull have full access upon the Prop~rty to inspect, repair, robuild. disllH3emblc, or remove tbe Equjpmcnt wilhout furlhtr notice to, or further permi~síun of, charge for, or obHgation to. nlÇ T'ilrties, anclln tbe event of dâuult by L(;~~ee in the payment or perfurmance of W1Y of Le~~(;~'s obligations and liabilities to the Lessor., L,~ssDr may remQve tht Equipment or any part thereof from tho Pwperty without objection, dday, hiTlclrance fJr interference by the Po.rties, and in such case, Inç p¡¡rlit~ ,viII make no clnim Q[ demund who.h;oever againsr the Equipmtnt. Ir¡ the event of any ,ueh del';¡u1r by Lessee. utl.t~~or's option, the Equipmçnl muy rer'¡'lQin lJþonthe :Property fTeç Mre1'ltor any charge for use ~nd oc(;UpalJc-y for a period nO! e~eeedilJg three (3) month~ ufler the receipt by the Lc~sor of written notice from the Pl1rtit:~ directing remova1. Lessor sh~lJ Icpair damage to the Properly "lI«~ed by Lessor's remoyul of the Equipment; 6. The EquipIncnl Infl)' ",m"in 011 the Property without cnOlrg¢ for the duration oflhe Lc~~t: Hnu fOT iI reQ¡;onable time thereafter, in order tlwt Lesser may remove the Equipment; lint! 7 Lessor and Lessee may ab'l¢e, without affecting tho v~lidity of lhis Agr~tlTIent, to extcnd, amend or in any way modify tlle tem1S of [Jayment or performance of any or thc Lc,,~et'o obligations ;1I1d liabilities to T"e~nor, .,.,ithout the consent and without giving notice thereof to the Parties. All of Ule forties ~grcc !hlllthe Lessor may sell, transfer, convey, or u9~i6'T1 its interest in the Lease to any olhor r"rho~s or entities and tl¡;;! tho ICl1l1ij of !hiB Severance Agrcemen\ will rcmllin fùl1y valid and ill effect find binding upon the Parties for the b"nclitlJr such IIbove-rderenced pørsons or ontílie~. This $~verance Agreement bind~ lIll of the PlIrties, their (its) heirs. persoIlu] reprtsentatives, successors and 35sil,.'11ij and ~h~1I inure [0 the bencfit of Lessor, it:; !;ucee'isurs and assigns. Sc.vemncc A~r"c,nont - RT (0.¡101110U5) '.<.'_'...C.-,"'· PDg< 20f 3 11/30/05 WED 08:25 [TX/H ':\tj J