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KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: ~;("o1,' ~ (~r~, ~ ~^,.,,. [, ~ [~
T~AT ~oh~ ~. ~lroy, Jr. and Li~da ~. ~lroy, husband and wit~ as tenants by the ~ntireti~s, of
Alpine, Wyoming ("~rantors"), for good and val~abl~ consideration, th~ receipt and sufficiency of which is
hereby acknowledged, convey and warrant to John G. Kilroy, ~r. or 'his su~es~ors i~ trust, Trustee of
John G. rilroy, Jr. R~vocable Trust 'under Agreement dated Septembe~~.001 ("Grantee"), the
following described real estate located m Lincoln Coun?, Wyoming, here~B~and waiving all rights
under and by vitae of the homest~ad exemption laws o~ the Stat~ of WyominB, to-wit:
Lot 2 of th~ ~ount'a~n Shadows Ranch Subdivision, Lincoln County,
Wyoming, accordinB:to the plat recorded in th~ Office of the Lincoln
County Clerk on May 12, 1~2 as Plat ~o. 342, Instrument No. 748117;
Star Valley Ranch Subdivision, Plat 5, Lots 100;
~ots 1, 2, 3, a~d 4,.(:~f the rilroy Addition to the Town o~ Mpine, as
described in the Fina~ ~lat of the rilroy Addition to the Town o~Alpine in
the ~/2SB/4 of Secfii:~n 29, T37~, R118W, Lincoln County, Wyoming
dated June t5, 1999; ~nd
~ot 132 of Nordic Ranches Division So. 9, Lincoln County, Wyoming,
according to the plat.filed October 4, 2000, Instrument ~o. 868754, Pla~t
No. 312B,
Together wit][:~ a~ access easement ~or ingress and egress
over the i ont thirty eet of all lots i~clud~d in all
streets in Nor : ic Ranches, Divisions and
~9 as show~ On th~ official plats thereof and all streets in
~ordic Ranc~'les, Bivision ~3 as shoWn on the official plat
thereof all recorded in th~ Lincoln County Recorders
Together with all buildings, improwments, ~xt~r~s situate on ali 0f t~e above-described lands, and all
easements and here~itam~nts thereunto appertaininB or in a~ywise belonging, BXCL~I~ BOWBVBR,
the building owned by rilroy & Co. ~. C., Inc. located on Lot 1, Gr~ys River Village .Second Addition to
the Town o~ ~lpin~, Plat 227-g, bt~ subject to all rights-of-~vay, easements, exceptions, r~servations,
conditions, covenants, oth~r r~stricti.~ns, zoning and building codes or ordinances, regulations, and all
instruments of record as of the date of this Wa~anty Beed, the provisions of which touch and concern, or
p~ain to, the r~al property conveYed.hereby.
I~ WITSES8 WHBEOF, Grantors ~xecute this inst~ment this }day of ~eptember, 2001.
The foregoing instrument wa,:; ac~owledged before me this '~ day of September, 2001, by John
G. Kilroy, Jr. and Linda C. Kilroy, h~sband and wife.
Witness my hand and._3i?d ;5 6r 34 bfi6__]
tmu~°~ ~ S~t~o~ ] Nota~ Public
My Commission Expires: ~ ~ ~ wvml~ ~
My ~mls~ton Expires Sepl~r ~ 2~3