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' ; SER-04-01 TUE 09:36 AH R, E, OF":.STAR VALLEY FAX NO, 6547068 P, 02
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, ~at Davlfl R. ~p~rlo~k and Ma~la
A. 8purle=k, husband an~ wife, herein referred to as "mo~gago(', of 1145 Bluebird,
Munster, IN ~8321, to secure the payment of the principal sum of Six Hundred Fo~y-
~o Thousand and NotlQO Dollars ($842,000,00), wlffi interest as evidenoed by a
Promis~o~ Note dated of even date herewith to the.order of Centu~ Equ~ment
Company, Inc., a Utah co.ration, of 4~3 centu~ Drive, salt Lake CI~, UT 64123,
pHnoipal and interest to be~ayable as follows:
With In~St on the~unpaid principal ~alan~ from September 7, 2001,
Until paid, at the rat(~ of seven and one-half parent (7,5%) per annum.
Principal and a~rue~:i interest on the unpaid balance shall be payable to
Noteholder i~ instal~ments of prln=ipal and interest a=oording to the
following schedule:
Due Date of i_n_sta!lm~n. Et Amount of Installment
· December31, 2001" $ 100,000.00
· March7. 2002 25,000.00
· September 7, 2002 ' 2.5,000.00
. Maroh 7, 2003 Remaining Balance
The entire remaining balanoe in(;luding prinoipai and accrued,
unpaid interest is due and payable on March 7, 2003,
hereby mortgages to mc. rtgagee, the following desoribed real estate (=ometimes
referred to as "the prope~"), situated in the County of Lincoln, state of Wyoming:
That real property more particularly described on AEachment A Which Is
ine. orpotated herein, and made a part hereof by this reference.
together with heredltam~nts and appurtenances end all other rights thereunto
belonging, or in anywise nnw or hereafter appertaining, and the reversion and
reversions, remainder an¢ remainders, rents, issues, and prol'ltlt thereof.
' RU~-31-O1 FRI 11:13 PlI'I R. E, OF STPlR VRLLEY FR× NO, 8547088 P. OS/10
Moagagor hereby re~linquiahss and waives all rights under and by vlaue el the
homestead laws of the S~ile of Wyoming and covenants that he Is lazily aelsed of
th~ pmml~,~, that they ~re frae from all oncUmbranc~ and hereby covanan~ to
warrant an~ ~efen~ the lite of the premise~ against the la~ul claims of ali persons
And mo~gagor ~venante with mo~agee as follows:
1. In case of default in any .of the payments stipulated In th~ note,
mortgagor, aa further se=urlty for this mortgage and the note secured thereby, hereby
assigns, eats over, and cg~vey6 to mortgagee all rents, issues, and profits from the
2, To pay promptly, when due, the principal and interest and other sums of
money provided for in said Note and this Mortgage, or either; to pay all and singular the
taxes, assessments, levies'i,' liabilities, obligations, and encumbrances of every nature
on said property.
3, To perform, complY with, and abide by each end every the agreements,
stipulations, conditions, and covenants, set forth in said Note and this Mortgage' or
4. Failure by th~ mortgagee to exercise any of the rights or options herein
provided shall'not constitute a waiver of any rights or options under said Note or the
Mortgage accrued or thereafter accruing.
5, Nothing shall be done on or In connection with the property that may
impair mortgagee's secUrity hereunder,, mortgagor will commit, permit or suffer no
Waste, Impairment or deterioration of the property nor any pert thereof, and the property
.shall be continuously maintained In good and sightly order, repair, and rendition by
mortgagor at his expense..
6. in case mortgagor defaults in the payment of ground rents, if any, taxes,
asaeBaments, water, or ether governmental or munioipal charges, or other lawful
charge~ as herein provlcle¢::~ mortgagee may without notice or demarld pay the same at
the expense of mortgagor. Mortgagor shall repay such ~ums so paid and ell expense~
,' AU~-31-O1 FRI 11113 AN R, E, OF'STAR VALLEYFA× NO, 6547068 P, 05/10
087 858 5 7
8o incurred by mortgagee, ~lith interest thereon from the date of payment, at 7,5% per
annum,' and the same shall'be a lien on the promises and be ~ecured by the note and
by these presents; In defa~ilt of making such repayments the whole amount hereby
secured if not then due ~hall, if mortgagee so elects, become due and payable
forthwith, anything herein c~ntained to the contrary notwithstanding,
7. in the event the property Is sold under foreclosure and the proceeds am
insufficient to pay the tot~'~i indebtedness secured hereby, mortgagor binds .himself
personally to pay the unp~'id balance, and mortgagee will be entitled to a deficiency
a, In case defa~'it I~ made In the payment, when due, of the indebtedness
hereby secured, or of any ir:~atallment thereof or any paP. thereof, or In case of breach of
any covenant or agreement: heroin ~ontalned, upon 30-days' prior written notice as set
forth in the Note. the whets of the then indebtedness secured hereby, inclusive of
principal, interest~ arrearages, ground rents, if any, taxes, assessments, water charges,
expenditures for repair~ or maintenance, together with all other sums payable pupauent
to the provisions hereof, shall become Immediately due and payable, at the elation of
mortgage; any failure to exerdse such option shall not constitute a waiver of the right to
exercise the Same at any other time; and it shall be lawful for mortgagee to proceed to
enfome the provisions of this mortgage either by suit at law or In equity, as It may ele~,
or to foreclose this mortgage by advertisement and sale of the premises, at publt~
auction for cash, aocordini;i to Wyoming statutes governing mortgage fore¢l{3aures, and
cause to be executed and :delivered t~) the purchaser Or purchasers at any such sale e
gOOd and sufficient deed c.,r deeds of conveyance of the property so sold, and to apply
. the net proceeds arising fr:)m such sale first to the paYment of the costs end expenses
of such foreclosure and sale, Including a reasonable attorney fee, and In payment of all
money~ expended or edw)noed by mortgagee pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph
7 hereof, and then to the payment of the balance due on account af the' principal
Indebtedness secured he'eby, together with Interest thereon and the surplu~ if any,
'shall'be paid by mortgage.~ on demand to mortgagor, ]n ease mortgagee fells promptly
to foreclose on the happe;nlng of any default, it shall not thereby be prejudiced in its
right to.foreclosure at any lime thereafter during which such default continues, and shall
not be prejudiced in its for!~dosure rights in ~ase of further default.
~qU~--31-O1 FRI ;I1~14 ~qPl R, E, OF.'~3'i?~qR V,qLLEY F~q× NO, 6~470~8 P, 07/10
0875858 5
8. In case of any default whereby the right of foreclosure occum hereunder,
me~gagee ~hall, upon expiration of any ~ppllcabl~ ~tatuto~ mdemptlon period or
pos.easlon period, become entitled to exclusive possession, uae, and enjoyment of alt
~rope~, and to all rents, IssUeS, and profits thereof, from the a~cruing of such dght and
during the pendency of foreclosure proceedings, If applicable; and such
ren~, Issues, and pro~s sh~all be delivered to mo~gagee en ~queat, and on refusal,
the dellve~ of such possession, rent., I~.uee, and profits may be enfomed by
m~gag., by any appmpri~ate civil suit or pro~eding, including ~lon or a~lons In
eJe~men], ar forceable ent~, or unla~ul detainer and moffgag.e .hall ba ent~led to a
receiver for the prope~ an,~:al rents, ~sues, and pro~[s thereof, a~er any such default,
Including the time ~vered bY f~re~l~sum proceedings, and shall be entitl~
a maker of right without regard to the solvency or insolvency of mo~gagor or the then
own.r of th. prope~, and;,~¥1thou~ regard to the value of the prope~ or the sufficiency
thereof to discharge the mo~gage debt and lo.closure costs, fa. and expense.; and
.u~h m~iver may be appo~nt.d by any ~ou~ of ~ompetent jurisdiction, and .11 rents,
Issues, pmflb, Income, and revenue of the prope~ shall be applt~ by such m~er,
acco~lng to law and the ore'ers and dim~lons of the couP,
10, The ~venah'.~s heroin ~ntalned shall bind, and the benefits and
advan~ges shall Inure to~;~the mspe~lve helm, exeoutom, admlnlstmtom,
and aaalgns of the paRle~ hereto, Whenever used, the singular number shall Include
the plural, the plural the sihgular, and the use of any gender shall include all genders,
11, Whenever used herein, lhe terms "mo~gagof' and "mo~gagee" ln~ude all
the padlea to this instrument and the hairs, Jegal represen~tlves, and asalgne of
individuals, and the successom and esslgn= of co~eratlons; and the te~ "Note"
includes all the notes herelrt descrlbe~ If more than one,
12.~ Mo~agor an:~] mo~gagee undemtand and agree that modgagor intende to
aubdNide the prope~ and ~ell Io~ ana will need ps,iai re!eases from this mo~age for the
'l~s ~ld pdor ~ the mo~g=;ge being paid In full, Mo~gagee will grant au~h padial releases
on the terms and condlt!ens stated in this paragraph and cooperate with moggagor In
receiving Lincoln Coun~'s :~pproval of such subdivision'.. At their gption prior to payment af
the remaining balance In !:ull, mo~gagor may obtain the release' of any and all lots
from the prope~, To obtain the release of a lot, mo~gagor shall pay to mo~gagee that
amount which is equal t(~ 75% of the sales price of the lot, Modgagor wlll provide
' ~qUO-31-O1 FRI 11:14 ~qPl R, E, OF'STPlR V~qLLEY F~q× NO. 6647088 P. 08/10
mortgagee with a copy of th:?~ sales contract or other proof of the amount of the sales price
of any lot for which a par~lal.'mlease is desired, The amount paid for the partial release of a
lot will be applied to the pi~rchase price and shall be applied to the remaining principal
balanm only. Morlgagor wi~ll provide a sur~ey and legal das~fipUon of the subdivision and
the tots to be cold prepared by a ~urveyor duly ticensed In the State of Wyoming. If
mortgagor ele~ to exerol$~ their option to have any lots releaeed pflor to payment having
been made In full, they wilt be responsible for any and all expense~ for ~uch release,
InclUding without limitation,!'~Survey expense, title insuran~'e~ recording fees and.legal fee,
for preparation ef the neces~a~ documents.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, mortgagor has executed this Mortgage as of the 1st
day Of September, 2001,
.. David~. 8puflock
Marcia A. S~urlo~k
The foregoing Mortl~age wa~ acknowledged before me by David R. Spudook and
Marcia A, Spurtook,~husb,nd and ~fe, this 6TH day of SEPTEMBER
Witness my hand and official seal.
L~E CO RESIDEN~ /]~'"-.-"~ -
' ~1 ~J*, ~ .,i~/ My Commission Exp res
~.?~... ,~1~;...
i~ Exhibit "A"
PARCEL 4: Located in To~nshipi 36 North, Range 119 West, 6th P.M., Wyoming
That portion of the SW 1/4. of S ecfion 15, lying West of the Westerly
right-of-way boundary ofU. S. Highway 89 and EXCEPTING therefrom the following
described tract: '
Beginning at a'point which lies 730 feet, more or less, East of the SW comer
of said Section 15, (said point more specifically being located in the center
of a canal), and running Northeasi:e'rly along the centerline of said canal, 900
feet, more or less; thence easterly ?nd parallel to the South line of said
Section, 1000 feet, more or less, to the West right-of-way line of Highway 89;
thence Southerly along the West right-of-way of said highway to the South line
of said Section; thence Westerly along said South line, 1450 feet, more or
less, to the point of beginning. : ,
PARCEL 5: Located in Township 36 North, Range 119 West, 6th P.M., Wyoming.
Beginning at a point Which lies 730 feet, more or less, East of the SW comer
of said Section 15, (said point more'specifically being located in the center
of a canal), and running Northeasterly along the centerline of said' canal, 900
feet, more or less; thence Easterly a~d parallel to the South line of said
Section, 1000 feet, more or less, to the West right-of-way line of Highway 89;
thence Southerly along the West right-of-way of said highway to the South line
of said Section; thence Westerly along said South line, 1450 feet, more or
less, totthe point of beginning ~.