HomeMy WebLinkAbout914593 . ,',',....-...,;'.¡...:.--.-,.. ..,-.-...-...."'".,,,..,, 1501,S STATl:TORY ~I!ORT fORM rOIHR Of A'nORl'iH lit b¡nkhn St. ~~~f~()~k~.~~~.~~~~; ~~¿;'~:7G~~ DURABLE GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY · NEW YORK STATUTORY FORM .j '., THE POWERS YOU GRANT BELOW CONTINUE TO BE EFFECTIVE ¡. ~. SHOULD YOU BECOME DISABLED OR INCOMPETENT. 0.. CAUTION: This is an important document. It f{ives the pen¡on whom you designate (your "Agent") broad powen¡ to handle your property during your lifetime, which may include powers to mortgage, sell or dispose of any real or personal property without advance notice to you or approval by you. These powcrs will continue to exist after you become disabled or incompetent. These powers are explained more fully in New York General Obhgations Law, Article 5, Title 15, Sections 5-1502A through 5-1503. which expressly permits the use of any other or different form of power of attorney. This document does not authorize anyone to make medical or health care decisions. You may exccute a Health Carc Proxy to do this. If there is anything about this form you do not undersund ask a la wyer for an explanation. THIS is intelUled tµ constitute a DURABLE GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY pursuant (0 Article 5, Title 15, oCthe:'\lew York General Ollligations Law: KATliLEEN W. SCHMITT AKA KATHLEEN Eo WATERS - SCHMITT 330 Ea5t Rivet" Roap, G["and i~"i~hM':'T!W"'~~"') I, do herell}' appoint: DEAN M. DREW 159 Linwood Avenue Buffalo NY 14209 1:1 ClnuT' ßQnwI 41"14 øådrø,J'J alxn.'C QI penon. or þnJurn'lO'u tJ/J' KJi,.. 4J yO'Ur O&I"I\t, Dr Ø-&n1JJJ. my aÙomey(s)·in.fact TO ACf IN MY NAME PLACE AND STEAD in any w,ay ,which I myself could do, if I were þersonally present, with respect to the following matters a.s each of them tS defined in Title l!i of Article 5 of the ~ew York General Obligatlol15 Law to the extent that I am permitted lIy law to act thruugh an agent; [:. If more than one agent is designated, CHOOSE ONE uf the folluwing choices ¡'Pr putting your initials in ONE OF THE BLANK SPACES TO THE LEFT OF YOUR CHOICE. ( , ) Each Agent may SEPARA TEL Y act.' ' ( ) All Agent!; must act TOGETHER, !.I If neither blank space is initialed the Agents ~ill be required to act TOGETHER. DIR::ECTIONS: Initial in the blank space to the left of your choice anyone or more of the following lettered subdivisions as to which )'ou WANT to ~ve your agent authority. If the blank space to the left of a~y particular lett~red subdivuion is NOT initialed, NO AUTHORITY WILL BE GRANTED for matcers that are included in that subdivision. Alternatively, the letter corresponding to each power you wuh to ¡r-ant may be written or typed on the blank line in subdivùion "(Q)", and you may then put your i~~ù 10 the blank space to the left of subdivision "(Q)" in order to grant each of the powers so indicated. (~) (A) real estate tral15action; (~) (K) records, reports and statements; , (_) (B) chattel and goods tral15actiol15; (_) (L) retirement benefit transactÌol15; (_) (C) bond. share and coçnmodity tJ"ilI\Sacúons;(_) (M) making gifts to ;ny spouse. children and ( VJ'Q..) " more remOle descendants, and parents, not to exceed ~ (D) banklllg tral15actlons; in the aggn~gale $10,000 to each such persons in any year; (_) (E) business operating transactions; (_) (N) tax matters; (_) (F) insurance tral15actions; (_) (0) all other matrers; (_) (G) estate tral15actions; (_) (P) full and unqualified authority to my attomcy,s) (_) (H) claims and litigation; -III fact to delegate any or all of the foregoing powers to ) any person or persons whom my attorne-y(s).in-facl (_ _ (I) personal relatiol15hips and affairs; shall select; (__) U) benefits fiom milital>' service; (_) (Q) each of the above matters identified by the following letters; (Special provisio11J and limitations may be included in the Jtatutory short form durable þower of attorney only if they conform to the requirementJ of section 5·1503 of the New York General Obligatio11J Law). _ This durable Power of Attorney shall not be affected by my sub~equent di~ability or incompetence. If every Agent named above is unable or unwilling to serve, I appoint (Insert name{J) and addreJJ{eJ) of SUccesJorM) to be my Agent(s) fòr all purposes hereunder. Toinducc any third party to act hereunder, I hereuy agree that any third party receiving a duly exemtw copy or facsimile of this irtstrument may act hcreunder, and that revocation or tennination hereof shall be ineffective as to such third party unless actual notice ur knowled~e of such revocation or terminatiun shall have becn received by such third party, and 1 for myself and for my hem;, executolO, legal representatives and assigns, hcreby agTee to indemnifý and hold hannl,ess any such third party from and agail15t any and all claims that may arise agall1st such third party by reason of such third party having relied on the provisiol15 of this irtstrument. THIS DURABLE GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY MA Y BE REVOKED BY ME AT ANY TIME. In Witness Whereon have hereunto signed my name this ~day of ~ .;)()O 3 - /iÚý STATE OF NEW YORK ¡ u" . CO'n ~~U3~J¿; ERIE,Ucforcmc,theundcrn~.NotaryPuLIiCìnaJ1df[)lÙ'C 2~~ tu. &ÆnUli f "il~~ State of "'cw York. personally a¡;pcarcd, KATHLEEN W. SCHMI'I'I' . ¡!¡ ---nIJ _ -1 (Si,...,"" of lÆri ipal) { Y pcrson;JJr IUlov-n tJJ mr. or ~fQved III moon the b;¡"i.,of sailif;¡C¡l!TV cvidcncctJJ I., ù,c C'J ¡' I {~A.J1'yr /¥lA_ /rò t{; lI, uti,', '1(,.iu, aJ, "'",'hose nwnc.' L<~ subscribed 10 lhc wlLhin in...:Jrumcnt an<1 acknD,".,Ied¡;, "ed, lo" , 2: . ~ J __. J.,ÜJr¡ ^,~.c ~ ¡¡ ,...".., y....,,; lh--i..¡c100.:0U 'i-J, ./t...J. ¡- r:'< ;':"i,he eXL"Cut¡-d the.,un" iI,luslherc.a¡...ci'y, and ti1aJ by hwher ¡i;,;:;',::,":";::,, ¡;¡ I"Ill-clOJlI1ct- þ. St-ul4- \..i.ll~'.AL~i:~ ~~ '='!::~L{)f ùOC [""'On on whu,,, I.,hill ur "hid, Ù't(:¡:i:::;¡,t:;., ~ Ö¡ lid, A~ in &1 ¿ ~ty ':> '",,/,\ #.."--1 ~00\1\1'~S'k>t1 e.'Plre.5' /c~alDCë J I - ,'-' ì n r (\ 3', ) I.) UU ~ n::: w ~ n::: 11.. w to ~ v n::: ~ v ("') M W W m m wZ ~ Ii) L.[) ..q c.?c.? ~ 0 ~ «« n::: a m 0..5; w ~ W ....J 0 :ij: <J ~ Z N c.? Z >- Z « f- :> co W Z 0 0 J :J ill w ID 0 > <J :;¿ <J w 0 ill n::: Z () 0 ....J Q) 0 ill <J a::: Z ....J '.: [ '" ,~ ) ~, I:......,~ r,\__;') ·t. n" .1",'1 /' y ct.,,'" ~b v.:...J.'\,'·ttv::...... STATE OF NEW YORf<, COUNTY OF ERIE, !~: I, DAVID J. sw/\rnS, Clerk of 8;Jid County, and àlso Clerk of Supreme mid County Courts of said County, do hereby certify that I have corrrarDd 1.118 "niH~~tQ.9. (~()py with [he origk181 -.---.-..--...-------..,....,'--,.,..--...._...,J(OJýf~.R.~o.E.-AT.-'t01U>1EY ffíed in my ofnce {'Inei lint Ii \13 ,nine) is a COIIOCt. tf3nscripl there- from and or the vvholo of SJid cli¡;in;;:1. WITNESS my hand and S68i of said County and Courts on__~_ b~ oL.-.-D.[C~._lm}[Ic.._20~~---..- . , Isl ß~:¡¿ ß þ~;- COUHTYCU!HI< (" n (, ,,,,> {, 'i \.. U \.,' V V Ls. ,-',·-·...'.r.1.'.-,·..t.