HomeMy WebLinkAbout914638 ()ct 12 05 08: 50a v Llo~dB 883-4194 p. 1 (\ State of Idaho County of Franklin AFFIDAVIT CERTIFICATE OF OWNERS ) ) SS.., RECEIVED! 2/21 /2005 at 1143 AM RECEIVING # 914638 BOOK 608 PAGE 41 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY In accordance with Statues W.S. 31-12-102 and W.S. 34-12- 103, I the undersigned, James Ivan Ridge, whose address is 1382 Crow Creek Road, Afton. Wyoming 83110. being duly sworn on oath according to law do hereby make the following statement of facts and affirm: That I am the Trustee for the owner and proprietor of real property shown hereon as referred to in the Deed recorded in Book 443PR, on Page 129, with the office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming, within the SW1/4SW1/4 of Section 23, T31N, R119W. of the 6~h. P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming. That the Subdivision from this property is with our free consent and desires. I That the name of the subdivision shall be Gem View Estates Phase I, the metes and bounds being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the Paul N. Scherbel RLS 164, 1980 locacion for the Northwest Corner of the NWl/4 of Sect~on 26. of said T31N, R119W¡ thence Nûo04'19"E, along the East line of the NE1/4 of the Section 27 of said T31N, Rl19W, and the East line of the SE1/4 of Section 22, of said T31N, Rl19W, 526,17 feet to a Point in the South Line of The Big Ridge Road tract of land, as referred to in the Deed recorded in Book 572PR, on Page 772, with said Office; thence Northeasterly, along said South Line, the following: N63D06'26"E 113.08 feet. N67D53'E 375.01 teet to the beginning of a 506.05 feet Radius Curve to the Left, Northeasterly, along said Curve to the Left, through a Central Angle of 30°35'38", an arc length of 270.21 feet, and a chord of N52°34'13"E 267.01 feet, N37°1B'04"E 243.32 feet to the beginning of a 406.54 feet Radius Curve to the Right, and Northeasterly, along said Curve to the Right, through a Central Angle of 18°04'03". an arc length of 128.20 feet, and a chord of N46°18'18"E 127.67 feet; thence SOOE 1,158.12 feet to a Point in the North line of sa i d N\.Jl /4 ; thence S89°43'08"V] 900.73 feet, to the Point of Beginning, containing 15.91± Acres of land. Oct 12 05 08:50a Llo~dB 883-4194 p.2 .i~1 ('; i Ii ;') 'J )'... r"t f.,¡ TOGETHER WITH: The 60 feet wide Perpetual Right of Ingress, Egress and Utilities, across the entire Big Ridge Road tract, as referred to in the Deed recorded in Book 572PR, on Page 772, with said Office. TOGETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO: All Easements, Exceptions, Reservations, Restrictions, Rights-of-Way and Improvements of sight and or record. That Big Ridge Road and the non-exclusive utilities Right- of-Way Easements, as shown hereon, is and shall be granted to the owners, successors and assigns of each lot created. That all rights under and by virtue of the Homestead Exemption Laws of the State of Wyoming are hereby released. JURAT The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by James Ivan Ridge, Trustee this l::2....¡~~ day of l~«<.J,¿~ 2005. Wi!~essed my ha~d and , ")\ {J' ',' ~~ '\ 'I ) \ (I.' ..-t;'-lí,_ ~; '-..,/" ~, , --c r /\,/J"I ( ¡i(,d,¿,'-., Notary Public My commission expires: official seal. ¡,,~"'..v4¡.}"·, /""-,~..,-,,:,,..,,;!< ;>:.:,,;-.;...,,~ 1 ;.i..........';.,~~..,u!·,.',;··':, l;()rló"Ílw A, F)AII\JlER ' iJ01AIW PU[')LlC; 1( ~ State or (' Wyoming ,; " \ Counly at Lincoln 2007 ~, Con ¡r(¡¡':~,:)0:'