HomeMy WebLinkAbout914660 RëLU\SE OF HEAL ESTATE MORTGAGE (By Corporation) -.-- -- --~-_.~~-.-----------_..- _._._-_._.._----~--"-_._---,- ----------------- --- I<NOW'\LL t\1EN O'¡' THESE PHESENTS, That -- .-------.----- - -----------.-- Fir:.st-Nationa1 Bank Hest T, i neDIn , and State of ì-JyomLng doe~ hereby , A. D. _2001. Reinhart " lUrpUrèJllÙIl, I]f II,,, Cuunty of U,í li I)' t hii L Ci u,rcain mortgage, bearing de Le the ? 3 __ day of~arc h rnud~ èJnd execut"d by---.Gß.ne 11 e B..._EdHards. Clarence~{einhart, and Dorothy I. ciS 11I()rtgagDr~. tlJ~ Fi rc:t NRti.o.nal._.Bank \-Jest as lJ]nrtgagee, conveying certain real estaLe therein mentioned as security for Lhe payrnent of $-Íill....O] 1. 19 therein ~tf\ted, whIch murtgage was recorded in the office of the County Clerk èJnd Ex·Officio negi~ter of Deeds of -----------Lin.cQ~_ County, Stute of Wyoming, on the~~_day of April 2Q~, Ifì HuoL_ktDL___of ["[ortgages, at page I 'j] , and mortgaging the fullowing described real estate in said County, to.wit: , as All Lands Described in Said Mortgage. ~. \\{'\ ~\\ RECEIVED 12/22/2005 at 10:53 AM RECEIVING # 914660 BOOK: 608 PAGE: 62 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ,?-Û is, wd.h ti nute ~",;ur",d therc:by, dnu tt.e atorernenr.íonell debr., fully puid, satisfied, releasi.!d, and di~charged and in cunsideration then·o\ the sflid mortgilgee does hereby ¡etease and quitclairn unto tbe said mortgagor the premises thereby convl'yed and rnurt- g:dgF:d tr'! W nNESS WHEHEOF, tbe___îirs..t. Nation..?l Bank Eest it"", l::JLJsed these Pres('nts to be signed by its~_kanclt President ------- -.- I I I i I I dlld ¡lS cu.!~p(jr¡ tt: seal to be affixed, this__ ï] ~"_'\ ¡, .! I i I .j .. . ::'Ignt'd ~ioaled!ìnd fJe]Jvered m the presence of '. '0, 'OJ, -c:".c--~'{i~~:,-~·___~__~~_~ -,; ;\UesC'Sêal;;J ,__.n)) .... "Ý'¿&/:!¡}y¡J( cJ';~ -'l/ ./ =~~~;~~Ji:C~\'~~i__~_'~- /L- - L = ~~ day of December A. D. 2005 2:~J',)a.t.i.O-flaLBar¡1~L______ ~:'(~r"~"æ~u~" ~'-'---- 2t1K¡}f~u¡:~·x cashier N Ci [e U' '¡10i1ot"desired tu describe lands io space therefor, irlserc the following: U All lands described in said mortgage." --- ~--- ----- ---- THE STATE or WYOMING, - l ss. CULJf1 t y uf___ Ljf1:.c;:~I7---åT-- _1\_ J /) On tf1lS__ (-Jd. '-.2..' ¡Jay of //(')U?f:'Jnì í,[e'U Penny Jon5.'-ª--_ ,J-YJ/}'J,;; before me personally appeared ~--"_.~-_._--~-~ tu lilt' p,,¡'sorwliy ¡wuwn, who, being by me dltly sworn, did say that he is the--.l3ranch Presi dent - ------------~--~ FiIst National ]~H1k Hest [111l! thuc the seûl¡JitixecJ to said instrument is the corporate seal uf said corporation, and that said instrument was signed and ce{Œ_J.UL-l1clW-Lll.l.':iJ;i.td,¡'J!(PO¡-LIllCJ[) by iJulhonty of Its Buard of DiledofS and s~id_-C.a.~ c"_ [~~GJt),~h~!;t~'[¡;~I'ßr;t'1 cO!þe U,e [I ee <let unci deed oi S"Ull cÚì'fJUratlOn.t> /) ClfL~hC~lrftJef~w~~ns(:!¡'~hr'¡f10f,:~[lal seal this 21 dCiY:/, .;>ð.è',c}¿'tn ¡f.:¿y,. A D .¿¡¿Q.,..f5 I ';-,!?F";J/J') ¿ (':!¿-C~y:.-/ My Comrnl"slon ExplrcS Uc: JilL' ~L ,) _ " ) '--~'--',-,------".-", , , .\ ,< Nottlr)' Public. --~~;'-l~'II;-r;:I~"~;(:'rt -~xp~r"s 0;. the_ ,;{ g _dtly uf /~ £:t¡(!A~{/ A. D.2()(Jçr; of _..---------.._-_..._-~-_._,,----~ --_._-~~- ----------_._--._..._--~~_._._---------~~- T1!ECìTXl'E CJ[' WYCJtvllNC, ~---~ _ } 8S. Cuunly oL__.__ TllLi llistrurnent was filed for record at _ü'clock___tvl., un the___day of A [I I ~I_____, dnd duly recorded in 800k__.___ on Page__.____n_____. -~---. I -~----------------~~- County Clerk ul,d £xCJffìciurZ~¡;isl~~fD~lG- I I ¡>it) Fees, :¡;_~.____~~_ B y -----.-------- Depuly Clerk ------------..-