HomeMy WebLinkAbout914663 nn" 70 \) ,~... v ~ ~ ~c ~-JI~ ~.- 4i ~ ' '" " "" < -. ~ -a', ' ~ Q ~,~'I ~ i ", ~I 81>~Jl , . The l~'.irst National Bank of ~),int:dale (the "Bank") hen:,by ra~ifïes and, confirms the ~ I~~\~ ~~~;_.:_._.':j~10]]OWll1g actlOns taken by V/~~1_011 1. Delgado ("ìvIr. Delgado ') on Its behal1: --, . '-J ~I I .; l"i '" i" 1. The execution by Mr. Delgado on September 27, 2005, on behalf of the " 11 ~4 ~ Bank and in his capacity orChairman of the Board, the following instruments: I;~ g ., J'A ~. ~ ~ a. Release and Termination Statement recorded in the rea] property records of the Sweetwater County, Wyoming, Clerk and Recorder on September 28, 2005, as Reception no. 1453721, in Book 1039, at Page 904; ~ 0::: :; W ( 0::: W t :?: ') M~O::: :?: w w U w"z ~ wwc.9 -, "'-tc.9« ~ ;) T""«s 0::: :;¡ 0')Cl. W \I -1 ;¡ =It W U \I Z ;¡ c.9 z >- - z co« f- Z » oW ~ UW (þJ 0 > U ~ U - w 0 z U 0::: 0 -1 ..) ()) 0 u u ~ Z -1 RATIFICATION OF RELEASES AND TERMINATION STATEIvlENTS b. Release and Termination Statcrnent recorded in the real property records office of the Sweet\vater County, \Vyoming, Clerk and Recorder on September 28,2005, as Reception no. 1453722, in Book 1039, at Page 905; c. Release and Termination Statement recorded in the real property records office of the Lincoln County, Wyoi1lÎng, Clerk and Recorder on September 29, 2005, as Reception no. 912303, in Book 5()9, at Page 445; d. Release and Termination Statement recorded in the real property records office of the Lincoln County, Wyoming, Clerk and R.econler on September 29, 2005, as Reception no. 912304, in Book 5()9, at Page 446; e. Release and Termination Statement recorded in the real property records office of the Lincoln Connty, Wyoming, Clerk and Recorder on September 29, 2005, as Reception no. 912305, in Book 599, at Page 447; f. Release and Termination Statement filed with the office of the Lincoln County, Wyoming, Clerk and T<.ecorder on September 29,2005, as Reception no. 136607; g. Release and Termination Statement filed \vith the office of the Sublette County, 'Wyoming, CLerk anctRecorctcr on September 29, 20U.5, as Reception no. 314210; and h. Release and Termination Statement recorded in the real property records of the oftìce of the Sublette County, Wyoming, Clerk and Recorder on September 29, 2005, as Reception no. 314212, in Book 130 O&G at Page 711; and 2. The execution by Mr. Delgado on October 28, 2005, on behalf of the Bank and in his capacity of Chairman of the Board, a ConfIrmatory Release and Termination Statement, with respect to the Release and Termination Statement described in Paragraph 3a above, which ConfIrmatory Release and Termination Statement was recorded in the real property records of Sweetwater County, Wyoming, Clerk and Recorder. The 111111\ 11\11\1111\11\11\1111111\1\111111\11111\ 1111\ \1\11\1\\\ 111\1\11\\ 111111111111\ RECORDED 11/21/2005 AT 09: 00 AM REC# 1458093 BK# 1044 PG# 0515 LORETTA BAILIFF, CLERK of SWEETWATER COUNTY, WY Pag. 1 of 2 ! ' "' :tJI\';...J (" !Î r. .,' t'J i ',) t-, 1,_ , ..L Confirmatory Release and Termination Statement incorrectly describedMr. Delgado as President of the Bank. The Bank confirms that Mr. Delgado was duly authorized by the governing documents of the Bank and appropriate Board of Director Resolutions to execute and del i ver the foregoing instruments ( collec lively, the "Releases") on behalf of the Bank. This Ratification is executed for the purposes of establishing Mr. Delgado's authority to execute the Releases on behalf of the Bank and to assure that the underlying mortgages and financing statements that the Releases were intended to release and terminate are effectively released and terminated. Executed this ~[ day of November, 2005. FIRST l'JATION AL BANK OF PINEDALE ~/.-w A-~~-~ By: - ~_ 21}1ylt-t\~L--, )Ltlll/~{A¿¿/!~LL_ Ke meth Transtrun , Vice-President STATE OF WYOMING ) ) ss COUNTY OF SUBLETTE ) , \, /7 I Before me, the undersigned authority, on this / '/_ clay of )/(.t/" '/~I/!~'e' i/ , 2005, personally appeared Kenneth TranstrLlm, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, ancl acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, in the capacity therein stated, on behalf of the First National Bank of Pine cia Ie. Give under my hand and seal of office as of the clay and year above written. My Commission Expires March 2, 2006 .-' J, " \/ «\ /f/, 'X/; / / ,. ". .¡>/Iti1"\ v'Î 'm~otar);<ØÚl.~lic /, / 1/ // ,/' /.,;; ,j,/ _ /' (/¿f'"i( My commission expires: ---~.._~~---_. /1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111l1li111111111111111111111/11111111111/ RECORDED 11/21/213135 AT 139: 1313 AM REC* 14~8Ø93 BK* 11344 PG* ø~ 16 LORETTA BAILIFF, CLERK of SWEETWATER COUNTY, WY PQg. 2 of 2