HomeMy WebLinkAbout914672 1-) n '.. (' 0 () ',I U...;O (.., ¡', I,,'· I ¡ IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRI~. IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF LINCOLN, STATE OF WYOMING \' \ ;(;:, '\\j ;.() ··)j·,~S;~~>\ "'-L">\ \~. I {)'. \.'; O~ ~""j '-1 J\) (U OF ORDER APPROVING FINAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTING AND DECREE OF DISTRIBUTION il) . i,:,) \::?,>, ,(;:§~/ ~- <~'__::.~~},.. t~ o:r.: \~.~:.-~>/ IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE WILLIAM C. DENTON aka William Clyde Denton, Probate No 4357 Deceased. l -~t. NOW on this ) J day of December, 2005, the above captioned matter comes on for hearing before the Court in its regular order, on the Final Report, Accounting and Petition for Distribution as presented to the Court at this time on behalf of the Personal Representative of the above captioned estate, and the Court, having examined said Final Report, Accounting and Petition for Distribution and having examined the Waiver of Notice of and Consent to Approval of Final Report executed by the only distributee of this estate, and finding that no objections to the Final Report, Accounting and Petition for Distribution have been filed, the Court finds that it has full and complete jurisdiction over the subject matter and all interested parties, and therefore this matter ought to proceed on to final hearing and determination on the merits. é- ) ) '1'~ /t'; This matter proceeding on to final hearing and determination, the Court specifically finds that each and all of the statements made in the said Final Report, Accounting and Petition for Distribution are true and correct, that the conduct of the Personal Representative in the administration of this estate as reflected in said Report is in accordance with law and the prior orders of this Court, that the administration of said estate is fully and finally concluded and that said estate is ready for distribution and that therefore order ought to be entered at this time fully and finally approving, ratifying and confirming the Final Report and Accounting and Petition for Distribution, and all doings of the Personal Representative in the premises, and decree ought to be entered providing for the full and final distribution of this estate, and the closing thereof. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the Final Report, Accounting and Petition for Distribution be, and the same hereby is, fully and finally ratified, confirmed and approved, and all of the doings of the Personal Representative in the premises be, and the same hereby are, fully and finally approved RECEIVED 12/22/2005 at 201 PM RECEIVING # 914672 BOOK 608 PAGE: 82 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KF/\/I/\t1¡::RER, WY ,. .... , !-~.r~ :-, ~ - '-J' . ',.... ' b, if" C·";';"' IT IS-;FUR~HER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that all assets of this estate now in hands of the Personal Representative be, and the same hereby are, distributed as follows: ASSETS AVAilABLE FOR DISTRIBUTION THE FOllOWING DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY Real property located at 675 Jefferson Street, in Afton, Lincoln County, Wyoming, more particularly described as follows: lot 7, Block 35 of the Glen Kennington Addition to the Town of Afton, Lincoln County, Wyoming, as described on the official plat thereof. AND, ALSO THE FOllOWING DESCRIBED PERSONAL PROPERTY 1. 2003 Subaru automobile VIN 4S3BH675037654787, Wyoming Title No. 12- 0221735. 2. 2002 Dodge pickup VIN 3B7KF26C82M282750, Wyoming Title No. 12- 0222854. 3. Series EE U.S. Savings Bond No. X5952512EE. 4. Series EE U.S. Savings Bond No, X5952513EE. 5. Series EE U.S Savings Bond No. X5952514EE 6. Series EE U.S. Savings Bond No. X5952515EE. 7. Series EE U.S. Savings Bond No, X5952516EE. 8. lower Valley Energy Patronage Capital Account No. 275119. 9. All other personal property listed on the attached schedule. IS HEREBY DISTRIBUTED TO William Carroll Denton In making such distributions, the Personal Representative shall execute and deliver such legal instruments as shall be necessary or appropriate to effectuate said distribution. 2 r\ () n. ,~~',:[) iÇ '. '. ; I, (J' " . \....- \. ·....,1 ...·1 "~''';; ""--'t'. 1/ ¡Í.J IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that when the Personal Representative has completed the distribution of all estate assets, as ordered herein, with all documentation necessary with respect thereto, the Personal Representative shall file with the Court his Petition for Discharge. DATED this J~ day of December, 2005. ¡.\ '<,\1,( í ''', . \ , !~\- '\''¡ ... -, .. .. . t ./ . .', ',',. ""oÌ- ~.., -...... ;,: . '4"... ,,' ,i ~. <'.·l~~;: .-':< :" STinE OF WYOMING 1'!l,j:¡f'~~~Stg COUNTY OF LINCOLN " '., ¡~~nt;!'{/.t1. . i, I, !(ennoth D. t(oberts ~le.~~9.9;T~I~ci /"f " "; JUdicia. I DiSÜ:ict,C(J.l:!,:V:~~I~(~...t~;r.~~~~. :..,.... ,'. J'('LHìtll and In lhZ\".'Hv o~:íri' ('.,,:. ".,'. ~~.~ :I;~.n:!....b: certify ¡2:'¡~~()~:.). í. ng to','" ···r.!.ÿ.f.' I~~.N ~)f\ \.' [(lIC". änd COiHiCk; v,'t ~ ~iV . SIl3(\JED _ .'..~_~~~!-_f ~" ~. i-.. I'-' Dennis L. Sanderson Judge of District Court 3 Estate of William C. Denton aka William Clyde Denton Value of Estate at Death 13 May 2005 :1 11 .~~ l) ~,~ ,) ~ .~ f l", ''\ .. ,-, [J J DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY VALUE Frontier Bank account U.S. Bank account 251,500 17,125 20,600 12,897 16,706 95,586 57,517 12,501 866 72,988 2,430 3,583 5,995 11 ,000 1 7,564 26,000 12,024 24,090 403 31,934 20,555 2,134 28,347 10,000 754,345 Residence 675 Jefferson, Afton, WY (see appraisal) 2003 Subaru Outback (see attached valuation, average of high and low book values) 2002 Dodge 2500 (see attached valuation, average of high and low book values) Wells Fargo Bank account Bank of Star Valley Bank account Washing Federal Savings account Jackson State Bank & Trust account Key Bank account First National Bank account Bank of America account Bank of Idaho account John Hancock life insurance policy proceeds Wells Fargo Bank CD 5 Series EE United States Patriot Bonds Wells Fargo Bank Clare N. Denton POD account Wells Fargo Bank IRA Lower Valley Energy patronage capital Dreyfus Worldwide Money Market Fund Jackson State Bank/Raymond James securities account AllianceBernstein International Value account Transamerica annuity Personal property Total