HomeMy WebLinkAbout914688 I') (', ,,! I 1 9 'I) U 1. J RECEIVED 12/23/2005 at 10: 19 AM RECEIVING # 914688 BOOK: 608 PAGE 139 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY SATISFACTION OF MORTGAGE Loan # 65465-17-1-19259]998 Today's Dale: 12115/2005 (~, it) THIS CERT]FiES THAT a certain mortgage owned by the undersigned, an associatioi¡ under Ihe laws of the United States of America, dated -1-18-2003, executed by RALPH J IUJDER AND ALlCE RUDER AKA ALICE L RUDER, HUSBAND AND WIFE, AS TENANTS BY THE ENTIRETIES, as Mortgagor, to WELLS FARGO BANK N,A., as M011gagee, calling for $ 30,000,00, and filed for record on 5-1-1-2003, as Document No. 889931, Cert No. N/ A in Book 520 of Mortgages, Page 550, in the Onìce of the County Reco "(kr or the Regisler of Deeds of Lincoln County, Wyoming, is, with the indebtedness thereby secured, fully paid and satisned and the same is hereby releaseel, ]frequired, the legal description is as follows: LOT 212, LAKEV]EW ESTATES INCORPORATED, TRACT A, A SUBDIVISION OF TFIE SE 1/-1 SE 1/-1, SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 37 NORTH, RANGE 118 WEST, 6TH P.M., LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING, I /f") \\' ~II' f< <\ . ¡>:/ liN A f /1 e ~/aIJ.lgo ),11.1/,. .. .. ' Ä. <'i' ''--''.. " ~/ / ;: / /\ '1·)¡¡ /",~)... /(1 7 I) / By -.L----L~: ,:C.· ,-/ . _ / (/1:/ eliss11 A. Sl/ore, Collatenir Officer .. N/A by reas~l of name change, amendment of charIer and mergers. .. STATE OF MONTANA/COUNTY OF YELLOWSTONE } ss. The foregoing instrument was acknowJedgeel before me on [2/15/2005, by Melissa A. Shore, Collateral Officer of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., an association uneler Ihe laIVs of the United States of America, on behalfofthe association. Witness my hand and omcial seal. ~ .", / /'.~= ~/' /-'--7z-- /~ ' "'~ ~T.r:::J<·' -----!d{I--f/;t.o::0.~ i,;/¿~D '7___ '.~.:-\:O~....,. ,.1.(1. TeriOstermiller'" . :"t":." "'<,¡-.' Notary Public f~r the State of Montana f:!"~O·tAR1";¿"~ Resld1l1g at Bllllllgs, Montana :.. '. My Commission Expires 07110/2007 "': ............. . TI-flS INSTRUtv1ENT WAS DRAFTED BY Wells Fargu Bank, N.A. PO Box 31557, 2324 Overland Ave Billings, ¡vlT 59102 866-255-9102