HomeMy WebLinkAbout914689 RECEIVED 12/23/2005 at 10:22 AM RECEIVING # 914689 BOOK: 608 PAGE: 140 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY :-iAfISFACTION OF MORTGAGE SI' WIlEN RECORDED MAIL TO: EHROL J 8: PAZ LAAltNII'. PETItE 2910 HITOHNG I'os'r DIUVE: GREEN RIVER, WY 829.15 nt;)' ·1 0 './ I,} .1. ij . Account #: 826-000.16 KNOW ALL l'vlEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That BANK OF THE \VES'I' of the County of LINCOLN ,and State of Wyo~1i~~~ ,does hereby certify th~lt a certainl11ortgage, bearing date the .1IST day of DECEi\~~ 2004 made and executed by ~UWL J_~'_]']_'IŒ 8: I'AZ I' PITRE, HlISBAND AND Wlrr~ .._______~_~__ as mortgagor, to BAN~( OF THE \\~~!~_______ as mortgagee, conveying certain real estate therein men(¡onecl as securily for the payment of $ 14,473.00 as therein stated, which mortgage was recorded in the office of the C:ounty Clerk and Ex- Officio Register of Deeds of LINCOLN County, Slate of Wyoming, on 7'" day of the ~,._"- JANUARY 2005 _ ' in Book 576 of Mortgages, at page --.?~_. Instrument number 905754 andl'v[ortgaging The folJowl11g described real estate in said Connty, to-wit: -~_.._- LOT 14 OF EUBAiNK FOOTHILL ESTATES SUBDIVISION, Ll:-..'COLN COUNTY, WYOi\IING AS DFSC!tIBED ON TilE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF is, with a note secured thereby, and the aforementioned debt, fully paid, satisfied, re]eased, and discharged and in consideration thereof the said morlgagee does hereby release and quitclaim unto the said mortgagor the premises thereby conveyed and mortgaged. IN TESTIMONY WI-IEREOf", the llANK OF TilE WEST __~._____~__u__._ C SANDERS has caused these Presents to be sIgned by its ------_..-------------_...- this I"'I.I-/"'---'day of .2 ¿) DS;-- /) C" r I " JZiJJ ¿;;7:;-=::-_-~ ~______...c.....--.,.-----.,. ,"", .', .__.{.--:--"--______--------::--...':'.__~_____~_.__~.___ C. SANDERS, OJ'S i\IAI"iACER No C:0llJ(Jrate Se,l! OJ'S, MANA.GElt /7') C .. .', . 1- .v/ LLr:-, .-.12.. c¿.c_ STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of CONTRA COSTA m,c 1 Ll Z0051. - . - J Un ~. . bçfore Ille, ~_~, c:~<'--- () rs~_/ J. </,,/'0.. Personally appeared L. _<:: C,ry-JCI-s' personally knolVn to me (~'JJroved to me on (he b~lsls ofs~~_~sJ:':I.ct0.!:L_ .e~cncc) toJ¡e the persol1£»"whose nan\c(sJ istare-subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged (0 me that .--he/she/they-executed the same in.b-is/her/the-irmíthorized eapacity(iç¡;)·:ãÙd that by.hislher/thgjnrgnalure(s)"ðn the instrument the person(.s),or the entity upon behalf of which the persojl(s),ceted, executed the Instrument. WITNESS my hand and oftìciaI seal.. ./ é~'\ I ". .;i £:I¿~ (...-/.. ,''''/ /.. ,-" / ~--t."'-~""-~--- _/ '--,<:"-.0'...........<....--..- , /' .... 1........ c~~"'~~___· .~./ .. ··-~~/~:1· '7.. (- ). ¿/~·L-;-;m__. C--r(:-;;- L-~' ____) / ¿__ cY\} ./ ~7 ...--"""'/ '- - "' Counly ot' This Instrulllcnt was rLied for record at ,AD 20 ) )ss ) T!lE SL\TF OF WYOMING o'clock , and duly recorded In Book M., on the day of Oil Page ~--'- County Ckrk alld Ex·Oftïciu Register of Deeds 13y ----~--- No Fees, $ ~---_._---~-- -------~ ""-_..;~~ '¡ . ..",'.. SUSÞ,N O'SULLIVAN Conlrl¡lsòlon ¡i,I 1435031 hloior¡l Public - Co!iromlo Con1ra Cask! Counl\1 !V!y COfflrn. FX¡.:~j;t!5l-\uü ] 5¡'